INS Vikramaditya (Adm Gorshkov) aircraft carrier


New Member
Dec 24, 2011

The starboard strip beside the island is really not big enough to accommodate fighters. There seems to be some permanent structures (orange circles) and the loading cranes (red circles).

For it to accommodate fighters, the deck would have to be extended further (black lines) and the loading cranes relocated more outboard.

@Decklander any idea what those covered structures are (orange circles)?
They are the davits/cranes for lifting up stores or other stuff. The covered equipment cud be chaff launchers or someother equipment. I am not aware of what they are.
Could they be life rafts? or drum reels.

Basing on their location it would be something that would either need the davits to be used along with it.
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Mar 28, 2013
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Aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya inducted into Indian Navy
Severodvinsk (Russia): The long-delayed and much-awaited USD 2.3 billion aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya was on Saturday inducted into the Indian Navy in a strategic boost to India's maritime warfare capabilities.
The mammoth 44,500-tonne warship was commissioned into the Indian Navy at the Sevmash Shipyard in this northern Arctic port at a handing over ceremony attended by Defence Minister AK Antony and Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin and senior government and naval officials of the two countries.
The Russian flag on the vessel was lowered and the flag of the Indian Navy was raised in its place. In a traditional Indian ritual, a coconut was broken against the ship's side.

Aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya inducted into Indian Navy
The warship with a length of 284 metres will have MiG-29K naval combat aircraft along with Kamov 31 and Kamov 28.

The commissioning papers were signed by deputy director of Russia's arms exporter Rosoboronexport, Igor Sevastyanov and the ship's captain Suraj Berry, Russia's RIA Novosti news agency reported.
The warship was first scheduled to be delivered in 2008, but the deadline was repeatedly postponed over the period.
The carrier will be escorted to India on a near two-month voyage by a group of warships to secure a safe sail to its base at Karwar on the Arabian Sea coast.
INS Vikramaditya is a Kiev class aircraft carrier which was commissioned by Russian Navy in 1987 under the name Baku. It was later renamed as Admiral Gorshkov and last sailed in 1995 in Russia, before being offered to India.
The warship with a length of 284 metres will have MiG-29K naval combat aircraft along with Kamov 31 and Kamov 28 anti-submarine warfare and maritime surveillance helicopters.
The MiG 29-Ks would provide a significant boost to Indian Navy with their range of over 700 nautical miles, extendable to over 1,900 nautical miles with mid-air refuelling, and an array of weapons like anti-ship missiles, beyond visual range air-to-air missiles and guided bombs and rockets.
After almost nine years of negotiations the initial USD 1.5 billion contract for retrofitting the carrier and buying 16 MiG-29K, K/UB deck-based fighters was signed in 2004.
The aircraft carrier deal had become a major irritant in bilateral relations between India and Russia.
By the end of 2007, when it became clear that Russia will not deliver the radically redesigned vessel by the 2008 deadline, ties dipped to an all-time low.
However, the two countries inked an additional agreement under which India agreed to pay a higher price for its refit.
Aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya inducted into Indian Navy


New Member
May 25, 2009
With surface escorts, I don't think the IN has much to worry about vs air-attack (at least not much more than a US battlegroup). I'd be more concerned with submarine threats as India comes up a bit short in the SSN department. Only nuclear-powered attack boats can effectively escort a ship like Vikramaditya; SSKs simply don't have the speed/endurance to keep up.
1 or 2 Russian SSNs will provide escort apart from IN's surface ships.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
1. There are some, But mostly top notch new European Anti-Ship system ..

2. Vicky radars can see 1000kms at sea, Until barak arrives and kashtan fitted Vicky has no real defense against Anti-ship Missiles at close ranges ...

1) is there really any aerial threat which can go through all the layers of vicky's radar surveillance undetected?

2)At standoff distances of greater than 250kms, can any fighter plane launch attacks that can beat vicky's defences and make a hit?

If the answer is no for the above questions, in what scenario will barack 2 be invaluable to vicky?
@Decklander, @pmaitra, @Kunal Biswas, @sayareakd
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Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
New Member
Apr 28, 2012

using the framework of doctrinal roles. It appears that despite changing technol
ogy there will be a continuing need for the ship type, although the obsolescence
of some doctrinal roles and the anticipated constriction of its use as an airfield at
sea may limit the numbers that are justified. New doctrinal roles may emerge,
depending on the flexibility of mind shown by the naval aviation community.
However, even if these new roles do pan out, they may not justify significantly
greater numbers of ships. Moreover, the carrier's day as the supreme arbiter of
naval power and the determinant of fleet architecture may be coming to a close.


New Member
Oct 24, 2013
@Kunal Biswas I am sorry for asking this again but can you please tell me how to post pictures in DFI? I tried Imageshack but I'm unable to register successfully. I am able to upload images on but only able to post them as links. :sad: :help:
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