India's Navy Wants 200 Warships


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Apr 13, 2013
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Watch Out, China: India's Navy Wants 200 Warships

India aspires to have a 200-ship navy by 2027, a senior naval official revealed this week.

According to India’s Economic Times, Admiral P. Murugesan, the vice chief of India’s naval staff, said that the navy is seeking to have 200 warships operational by 2027, up from just 137 at present.

“The senior officer shared that the aspiration of the Navy—which currently has 48 ships under construction on various shipyards across the nation—is to become a 200 ship navy by 2027. At present, the Navy operates 137 combatants with new ships being added at a rate of 4-5 a year,” the Economic Times report said.

This means that India’s shipyards will have to ramp up production in the coming years, especially when factoring in that some of India’s current warships will have to be retired by 2027. A more likely scenario is that India will purchase more foreign ships in the years ahead in order to reach its target of 200 ships.

Already, India is one of the largest purchasers of foreign arms. In fact, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, a Swedish think tank, India was the largest arms importer for the years 2010-2014. During that time, India was the recipient of 15 percent of all international arms transfers, up from just 9 percent in the five years prior. India’s arms purchases increased 140 percent during this period.

By contrast, India’s domestic arms industry continues to suffer from severe delays in rolling out new systems, due partly to the excessive red tape involved in India’s bureaucracy. Thus, it is safe to assume that if India’s Navy boasts 200 warships by 2027, a large part of its fleet will have been purchased from abroad. Russia has traditionally been India’s top arms supplier, although the United States has been challenging Moscow for this title in recent years.

India’s desire to have 200 warships by 2027 is indicative of its growing concern over China’s rising military might. As The National Interest has previously noted, in recent months Delhi has been particularly concerned about Chinese submarines patrolling the Indian Ocean, where India seeks to be the dominant power. One recent report in India’s media noted that “the deployment of the relatively advanced Shang Class nuclear fast attack boat, [is] a significant cause of concern at [India’s] Naval Headquarters.”

And for good reason: some in Chinese defense circles have boasted that Beijing could blockade most of India’s important ports using just six nuclear attack submarines.

Back in May of this year, a Chinese nuclear submarine docked in Pakistan for the first time ever. This followed Chinese submarines docking at Sri Lanka, another neighbor of India, on a number of occasions last year.

One way that India is seeking to combat this threat is by building up a more potent undersea fleet of its own. In that regard, during his interview with the Economic Times this week, Admiral P. Murugesan revealed that Delhi has begun work on building six indigenous nuclear attack submarines.

"The government has given approvals for six new SSNs (nuclear attack submarines) earlier this year. We have started work but still are at the pen to paper stage," Murugesan said.

He added that India was hoping to complete the project within the next 15 years.

"These things take time but we will be able to improve on the timelines that the pioneers (nations) have set which typically took over 15 years for such a project," Murugesan was quoted as saying.

India is also currently in negotiations with Russia over leasing another Russian-built nuclear attack submarine.

Zachary Keck is managing editor of The National Interest. You can find him on Twitter: @Zachary Keck.


New Member
Jan 17, 2010
Bravado India!

Most of the 200 something is to be purchased from broad. Then why not build them at home so that your indigenous manufacturing expertise and capability may have a boom? Your private sectors will be thrilled at a slice of market share and millions of jobs to be created.

Induction of key tech or parts may still be necessary. But what abt hulls... and low-end assembling ? Forget not China Korea and Japan comprise the triad that dominate the world's shipbuiding, with big names like Hyundai and Mitsui. When India comes any closer to CJK's ranking that will be the alarming moment indeed [emoji1]

And do u know many military suppliers r x-baggers that perform extraordinarily well in the Chinese stock exchanges lately? Chinese r exporting frigates and submarines to Bangladesh and Myanmar and Algeria and Nigeria making big $$ !

~Tapa talks: Orange is the new black.~


New Member
Jan 5, 2015
Bravado India!

Most of the 200 something is to be purchased from broad. Then why not build them at home so that your indigenous manufacturing expertise and capability may have a boom? Your private sectors will be thrilled at a slice of market share and millions of jobs to be created.

Induction of key tech or parts may still be necessary. But what abt hulls... and low-end assembling ? Forget not China Korea and Japan comprise the triad that dominate the world's shipbuiding, with big names like Hyundai and Mitsui. When India comes any closer to CJK's ranking that will be the alarming moment indeed [emoji1]

And do u know many military suppliers r x-baggers that perform extraordinarily well in the Chinese stock exchanges lately? Chinese r exporting frigates and submarines to Bangladesh and Myanmar and Algeria and Nigeria making big $$ !

~Tapa talks: Orange is the new black.~
india dont do cheap manufacturing, :laugh:
thats why it takes 6 - 7 years for a ship to built,
and from now on there are no imports,from now on only built in india.


New Member
Jan 9, 2012
So for 200 ships how many tenders and how many cancel tender will be involved [emoji4][emoji4][emoji4][emoji4]


New Member
Jan 28, 2011
LOL at the CJK fetishes. :drool:

ON topic: Foreign warships will be made in India or atleast that was the plan anyway. Be it LPDs, support ships and warships. So I think author is confusing foreign designed with foreign built.


New Member
Jan 17, 2010
india dont do cheap manufacturing, :laugh:
thats why it takes 6 - 7 years for a ship to built,
and from now on there are no imports,from now on only built in india.
CHEAP manufacturing? haha did expect such rhetorics from an Indian beforehand. Okay, tell me what 6 million Indians are doing in the Gulf? high end plum jobs? :biggrin2:

It'd be incompetent of GoI if it fails to lay down a groundwork favourable for domestic businesses and workforce to compete and thrive. Above 70% of Indian populace is engaged in farming reportedly. With the advent of urbanization more and more are shifting to the secondary and tertiary industries as industrialized societies have experienced. How would India accomodate the massive shift? Laissez faire?

Chinese rural population ratio trend

LOL at the CJK fetishes. :drool:

ON topic: Foreign warships will be made in India or atleast that was the plan anyway. Be it LPDs, support ships and warships. So I think author is confusing foreign designed with foreign built.
CJK fetish fyi

Rest of the world at the bottom :devil:

Best of luck for Make in India.
Last edited:


Satyameva Jayate "Truth Alone Triumphs"
New Member
Apr 17, 2014
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So for 200 ships how many tenders and how many cancel tender will be involved [emoji4][emoji4][emoji4][emoji4]
I believe there will be few extended orders(order size can be increased) which will help in fast tracking the induction.
Yes there will be tenders and we cannot predict how many will be cancelled but with 47 in production and few extended orders we will be able to reach 170-175 with out even floating any new tender(different class or type).


New Member
Jan 5, 2015
CHEAP manufacturing? haha did expect such rhetorics from an Indian beforehand. Okay, tell me what 6 million Indians are doing in the Gulf? high end plum jobs? :biggrin2:
not just cheap manufacturing but cheap copies too,:laugh:

not every indian can be aeronautical engineer,
indian working in gulf is better than chinese workers rotting as a salve of chinese communist party in china and abroad doing forced labor for party, :laugh:

Is Your Smartphone Created By Slave Labor?

Santa's Workshop - Inside China's Slave Labour Toy Factories



New Member
Jan 28, 2011
@amoy , You are showing the shipbuilding industry of the three different nations but your CJK fetish is not that is it? Your fetish is that the three very different nations who hate each other to the core will somehow become an economic or military block with coherent goals.

Funnily enough, the only two people who each other more than China and Japan are probably Israel and Palestine. Not even Indo-Pak hate is as fervent as yours and Pakis threaten to nuke us once a week.:grin:

But still here you are day dreaming of a CJK block with China as the dominant partner among the three.


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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@amoy , You are showing the shipbuilding industry of the three different nations but your CJK fetish is not that is it? Your fetish is that the three very different nations who hate each other to the core will somehow become an economic or military block with coherent goals.

Funnily enough, the only two people who each other more than China and Japan are probably Israel and Palestine. Not even Indo-Pak hate is as fervent as yours and Pakis threaten to nuke us once a week.:grin:

But still here you are day dreaming of a CJK block with China as the dominant partner among the three.
Chinese posters will skew anything and form alliances dynamically to counter threat perceptions.
such dance confirms their insecurity and fear.

"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Suffering leads t CJK Fetish for Chinese Posters"


New Member
Jan 17, 2010
Pragmatism shall overcome @blueblood

It's not sheer talk, but actions ongoing for more economic integration (forget military - S.Korea and Japan virtually under American custody with its military bases). China-S.Korea FTA has been signed, while Japan pending.

Trade among the three economies totalled US$690 billion in 2011.

In what way does CJK match Israel-Palestine, or India-Pakistan duels?? Who's daydreaming?


New Member
Jan 28, 2011
Again you very stupidly or coyly have omitted out the Island disputes and sabre rattling despite all the money trading hands.

Just one-in-twenty Japanese have a favorable attitude toward China, according to a survey by the Pew Research Center conducted in spring. A decade ago, in 2002, more than half (55%) of Japanese felt positively disposed toward the People’s Republic. And as recently as 2011 roughly a third (34%) still had a favorable view.

I love your (or your Commissar's:laugh: ) world view that every thing is alright as long as each party is getting rich.

On 18 September, people in over 180 cities of China attend protests on the 81st anniversary of the Mukden Incident..

Honda temporarily closed down all of its five major assembly plants in China. Toyota left temporary closure decisions to subsidiaries to decide on their own based on local conditions. Nissan temporarily closed two of its three factories in the country. Mazda decided to suspend production at its Nanjing plant for four days. Sony decided to suspend two of its seven factories in China for a short time. Two Panasonic factories in China, located in Qingdao and Suzhou, were damaged by attacks. Canon temporarily closed down three of its factories in China. Kobe Steel suspended operations at four factories by September 19, 2012. Fast Retailing suspended operations at 19 of its outlets in China.

If you want to sell your snake oil do it somewhere else.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Result of China Pak FTA, as if FTA makes all the difference in geopolitical stratagem!

Does Pak-China trade reflect mutual benefit?
One gets the Alice in Wonderland feeling on entering Gul Plaza, one of the most popular markets in Karachi for foreign (read: smuggled) goods. From innovative toys to replicas of African art, everything is available. Ask any shopkeeper the products are from and they will promptly reply: “Sab China (everything is from China)!”

Pakistan and China signed a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in November 2006, after which Chinese products flooded the local markets. While Pakistan imports about 1,000 items from its neighbour to the north, exports to the country stand at a dismal below-50 figure. Furthermore, between December 2006 and August 2010, we imported around $11.1 billion worth of goods from China. The value of our exports to China over the same period was only $0.25 billion.
A self reflection from @amoy saying "Chinese poster is half full of piss and half gas"


Respected Member
New Member
May 20, 2009
1. what is meaning of "200 warships"?
200 gunboats are quite different from 200 agis DDG has little impact on CHina to raise the No_Of IN warships to 200 in more than one decades...even if "200 warships" does not include gunboats.
case is very simple, because China nowday can finish building 200 warships(exclude gunboats)in 3-4 years.
in 2017, CHina navy might have built 1000 warships.
China simpely has a much larger military ship-building industry and much larger economy.


New Member
Aug 22, 2012
LoL the chinese navy is a joke. China has numbers with near zero quality. I wouldn't be surprisedif even pakis are afraid of ordering more ships after experiencing the F-22p's.


Co ja kurwa czytam!
New Member
Sep 6, 2014
1. what is meaning of "200 warships"?
200 gunboats are quite different from 200 agis DDG has little impact on CHina to raise the No_Of IN warships to 200 in more than one decades...even if "200 warships" does not include gunboats.
case is very simple, because China nowday can finish building 200 warships(exclude gunboats)in 3-4 years.
in 2017, CHina navy might have built 1000 warships.
China simpely has a much larger military ship-building industry and much larger economy.
Well Indian's have a slow and steady approach.... but our shipyards are full and over loaded.... when we make ships , we prefer to pay extra to get the best tech from Israel/EU/Russia ... mix and match to get the best bang for the buck.


Satyameva Jayate "Truth Alone Triumphs"
New Member
Apr 17, 2014
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1. what is meaning of "200 warships"?
200 gunboats are quite different from 200 agis DDG has little impact on CHina to raise the No_Of IN warships to 200 in more than one decades...even if "200 warships" does not include gunboats.
case is very simple, because China nowday can finish building 200 warships(exclude gunboats)in 3-4 years.
in 2017, CHina navy might have built 1000 warships.
China simpely has a much larger military ship-building industry and much larger economy.
200 warships means mix of all including subs.
Indian approach towards shipbuilding is different .
We will form a defensive navy with a little offense.
Chinese can build fast but thats there need/ requirement.
We want to secure all our trade route for that we need 200 ships atleast.

Offense will be in form of three Air craft carriers mainly along with the subs.
We are building 47 ships currently which is a pretty good number based on our requirements.
China has its own requirements.

IF IF we have counter we will have Chinese and Paki navy but IF IF China has to counter then i need not tell how many navies will be there.
Thats the difference .

Chinese ship building is good but ours is all what we need.


New Member
Jan 5, 2015
1,094 has little impact on CHina to raise the No_Of IN warships to 200 in more than one decades...even if "200 warships" does not include gunboats.
case is very simple, because China nowday can finish building 200 warships(exclude gunboats)in 3-4 years.
in 2017, CHina navy might have built 1000 warships.
China simpely has a much larger military ship-building industry and much larger economy.
200 ships in 3 - 4 years ???
how can you make 200 navy ships in such small time ???
is your navy gonna built them like tractors ???

what kind of warships should be built for navy with what systems or weapons is kind of tactical decision,

is it just gonna be like your navy gonna say "okay,just built 5 dozens of these,5 dozens of that,and 4 dozens copies of others new ships." :laugh:

then you shouldn't wonder why its called cheap chinese quality.

