India's Moon Exploration Program


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2016
Hope ISRO ropes in NASA LRO's capabilities as well into getting better Vikram images instead of jeopardizing our orbiter itself.

"The space agency is wondering if it should use resources from other space agencies for better data on ‘Vikram’. For instance, NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) is closer to the Moon than Chandrayaan-2, and the LRO's data was also partly used by ISRO earlier to zero in on its landing spots."
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Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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Chandrayaan 3 may be fastracked to 2021-22 to verify soft landing technology.

Failure in soft landing of Vikram on the Moon might have close connection with the Gaganyaan mission, which cannot afford to have any margin for error. It is an ambitious project expected to be launched in December 2021.
There have been suggestions about advancing the schedule of Chandrayaan-3, slated for 2024, and launch the mission before Gaganyaan.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Chandrayaan 3 may be fastracked to 2021-22 to verify soft landing technology.
While I agree with fast tracking chandryaan3. I don't think GAGAN YAN has any connection to it.

Soft landing on moon is very difficult with vaccum , wobbly gravity and lack of proper visual , understanding of topography.

While recovering crew in a splash in bay of Bengal is rather easy because gravity is known as fixed on earth , winds slow down the craft. And it splashes in water.

We only failed in vertical soft landing at precise location . If we used previous methods of bounced landing like USA did many time we'd be successful just the location won't be precise because the Lander will bounce multiple times.


Regular Member
May 12, 2018
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Sorry for being late on this but I am very busy these days.

7th Sep was a dark day in Indian space program's history. Many dreams were crushed, many eyebrows where raised. It wasn't a simple failure but a humiliating event that will permanently change Indian space program forever.

This news came as a major let down in international media. Pakistanis are jumping in joy. Big three space powers are smiling. Even Israel and France didn't show much solidarity this time.

Historically elite space club was reserved for big 2 (USA & USSR) but China broke this duopoly. They became part of this club by sending successful missions after missions. We however only did lip service but nothing was done on the ground. We have seen only delays and failures. We may want big three space club to expand and become big 4 but this won't happen at our current speed.

After being a major national disaster in first 100 days of Modi. He must be furious at ISRO. In public he may be all relaxed but knowing Modi's true nature he must be fuming at this national embarrassment. This means a big NO for any ambitious space mission as long as modi is incharge. Modi can even cancel upcoming Gaganyaan mission due to failure of Chandrayan-2 mission.

All in all expect major budget cuts for ISRO in 2020 budget. Many people will get changed (fired) in ISRO. Speeding of new space law creation. This will open doors to private space players.

Coming to Chandrayaan mission.

How ISRO shot themselves in foot?!?!

1) Location of landing.

They chose the most difficult location that is full of creators and adverse environment for their first attempt. This was a suicide mission from beginning. If any sane voices existed in ISRO they would recommend a mush safer place like near equator.

2) delays after delays

They over complicated the mission. Added too many payload on first attempt. It was more then they can chew so delays.

3) too much hype.

Bringing Net Geo in and inviting PM may look good on paper but when you have a complicated, untested mess of a mission you better keep silent.

All in all dark days ahead for ISRO. They couldn't have more pro space gov in centre yet they managed to screw this. Now BJP will approach anything space related with extreme caution just like INC.

Thanks for you divine knowledge to share the shortfalls of ISRO....
As per the inputs from ISRO 95% of the mission objects are achieved and 5% failed as we not able to soft land the lander in first go and lost contact before 2.5KM from surface of the Moon.

Now we identified where lander has landed and trying to establish the communication if that happen... the last 5% of mission will be achieved.

So we need your in depth analyses which will help ISRO to perform there job with out a break :)

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