India's Moon Exploration Program


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May 18, 2009
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Its difficult to understand if its still intact then how its not coming to life and communicating. Why a bit of tilt should be a problem when its automatic and such a possiblity must have already been considered while its production.

Window is closing fast guess, and with each passing day hope is dying.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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ISRO should announce a “challenge” for school kids, to design landers using a ripe tomato.

Tomato instead of egg, to avoid useless controversy..

Make it a social media campaign..

Something like this..
If DFIians agree with this, make sure ISRO knows about it..



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Jun 21, 2014
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is it possible to know the angle and position of antenna of lander by thermal image or optical ???
If so, why not change the orbit of the Orbiter to that direction.


New Member
Sep 23, 2016
Sorry for being late on this but I am very busy these days.

7th Sep was a dark day in Indian space program's history. Many dreams were crushed, many eyebrows where raised. It wasn't a simple failure but a humiliating event that will permanently change Indian space program forever.

This news came as a major let down in international media. Pakistanis are jumping in joy. Big three space powers are smiling. Even Israel and France didn't show much solidarity this time.

Historically elite space club was reserved for big 2 (USA & USSR) but China broke this duopoly. They became part of this club by sending successful missions after missions. We however only did lip service but nothing was done on the ground. We have seen only delays and failures. We may want big three space club to expand and become big 4 but this won't happen at our current speed.

After being a major national disaster in first 100 days of Modi. He must be furious at ISRO. In public he may be all relaxed but knowing Modi's true nature he must be fuming at this national embarrassment. This means a big NO for any ambitious space mission as long as modi is incharge. Modi can even cancel upcoming Gaganyaan mission due to failure of Chandrayan-2 mission.

All in all expect major budget cuts for ISRO in 2020 budget. Many people will get changed (fired) in ISRO. Speeding of new space law creation. This will open doors to private space players.

Coming to Chandrayaan mission.

How ISRO shot themselves in foot?!?!

1) Location of landing.

They chose the most difficult location that is full of creators and adverse environment for their first attempt. This was a suicide mission from beginning. If any sane voices existed in ISRO they would recommend a mush safer place like near equator.

2) delays after delays

They over complicated the mission. Added too many payload on first attempt. It was more then they can chew so delays.

3) too much hype.

Bringing Net Geo in and inviting PM may look good on paper but when you have a complicated, untested mess of a mission you better keep silent.

All in all dark days ahead for ISRO. They couldn't have more pro space gov in centre yet they managed to screw this. Now BJP will approach anything space related with extreme caution just like INC.
All i can ask - HOWZ YOUR HOSH.


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
ISRO should announce a “challenge” for school kids, to design landers using a ripe tomato.

Tomato instead of egg, to avoid useless controversy..

Make it a social media campaign..

Something like this..
If DFIians agree with this, make sure ISRO knows about it..

It should be done by schools. Science and math should be taught as fun and with a lot of activities.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Antenna orientation does matter, the antenna has to point towards the orbiter or towards earth station or else we cannot communicate.
I suppose the orbiter could be tasked..but that could actually be detrimental to the objectives the Orbiter has to perform on its own.

With more than enough fuel and life for Orbiter there is a possibility; I suppose something will come out and Pragyan could walk the MOON!!!!
ISRO would have definitely worked all these vectors for sure and would have found a solution already...and its ISRO..who works silently and diligently.
praying..praying praying


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Feb 19, 2019
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1.25 seconds is what US deep space stations receive.
Effective delay is more than 3 seconds. The bottle neck is in processing the signal. How long it will take to fall after 2.1 km with thrusters assisting the fall as deviation is more than 500 meters?
"If the last signal was received with parameters "altitude = 1 km, speed =200kmph, breaking thrusters=ON", and the link cut immediately after that, it would mean that was the time and location when the comm failed. Should not matter if the lag is 1 second or 100 years."

That low data rate signal would not take 2seconds for processing.

All this is assuming of course that the signal is being transmitted continuously. If the signal is transmitted like once every 10 seconds or whatever then, yes, a failed antenna due to drop might be a reason for cut off comms. But nothing here is due to a signal delay.
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Nicky G

Tihar Jail
Nov 24, 2014
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Sure...Congress was at fault......:frusty: you do realise the condition of the country for the first 30 years , right..?
Refer China. They were just as bad off as us in the 50s. How come they developed and we were left behind? The government and it's self-serving policies.

Most of the all the moron Nehru whose decisions we are still paying for.

Nicky G

Tihar Jail
Nov 24, 2014
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It is not an apple to apple comparison when we say we did much better on our 1st attempt compared to US/USSR who had multiple failures for their first few attempts. Remember they were pioneers. We learnt a lot from their first failures and have avoided repeating the same during our first attempt.
So lets give credit where it is due and say Kudos to US/USSR who set the platform for the rest of mankind to follow in their giant footsteps.
No question of not giving due credit. The point was simply to put things in perspective. A lot of us have the habit of blowing things up, particularly negative news.

Some 20-25 years behind. Not even 10 years if we start crazy funding like USA did in Cold War.
I meant chronological time, not in terms of tech.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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Sorry for being late on this but I am very busy these days.
Why did you come back? Nobody missed you.
7th Sep was a dark day in Indian space program's history. Many dreams were crushed, many eyebrows where raised. It wasn't a simple failure but a humiliating event that will permanently change Indian space program forever.
Indeed, Indian government brought funding to zero and closed Indian Space program. India won't ever do any spacefaring now.

Seriously, it was a damned robot.
This news came as a major let down in international media.
This was being covered even before landing.
Pakistanis are jumping in joy.
They cry when India succeeds, they dance when India fails. This nation doesn't have any aspiration or existence of its own.

What they say, doesn't make any difference. They are getting irrelevant and mired with more & more inferiority complex every year on. They make us smile.
Big three space powers are smiling.
In what away? They themselves have hit the moon in their attempts.
Even Israel and France didn't show much solidarity this time.
What kind of solidarity? Is India under a disaster like tsunami or mega cyclone?
Historically elite space club was reserved for big 2 (USA & USSR) but China broke this duopoly. They became part of this club by sending successful missions after missions.
No, they only added lunar missions and human spaceflight. Not anywhere near in interplanetary research.
We however only did lip service but nothing was done on the ground.
From ASATs to ICBM interceptors, development of HGV interceptors, to directly transfering payloads to EPOs and so on.
Even this moon landing was a feather in cap that didn't go as per plan in last moment.
We have seen only delays and failures.
No, we have a very long list of successes. So habitual of it that we don't even care after succeeding. If Vikram landing was successful, everyone would have forgot about it in 3 days.
We may want big three space club to expand and become big 4 but this won't happen at our current speed.
We are already too fast for it. We will have that status in 10 years while doing our worst. In subconscious narratives, people from lot of countries already equate India with big 3.
After being a major national disaster in first 100 days of Modi.
It's just a small robot lost contact, not an irreparable disaster. If anyone believes so, he's stupid.
He must be furious at ISRO.
And should remove all scientists & hand over to you run it alone. Seriously, those scientists carry out experiments. They do what's first for nation. Not on a mission of serving some street fanboy with IQ below freezing point of water like you.
In public he may be all relaxed but knowing Modi's true nature he must be fuming at this national embarrassment.
No, only you are such a big @$$hole in our country, you were evolved in reverse.
This means a big NO for any ambitious space mission as long as modi is incharge. Modi can even cancel upcoming Gaganyaan mission due to failure of Chandrayan-2 mission.
Technologies in both aren't even remotely related. And actually BJP has sped that up.

Most future interplanetary missions will be temporarily held for IHSP.
All in all expect major budget cuts for ISRO in 2020 budget. Many people will get changed (fired) in ISRO.
How many times we are supposed to whip your @$$ if it doesn't happen.
Speeding of new space law creation. This will open doors to private space players.
That bill is has been under consideration for more than 2 years. ISRO has subcontracted lot of its work to private vendors years ago and NSIL was created to support them technologically at first place.

Lot of private space launch companies have emerged after 2015 and lot of them will have own SLVs between 2022-30.
Coming to Chandrayaan mission.

How ISRO shot themselves in foot?!?!
In no way, your entire garbage would be useless in case communication wasn't broken.
1) Location of landing.

They chose the most difficult location that is full of creators and adverse environment for their first attempt. This was a suicide mission from beginning. If any sane voices existed in ISRO they would recommend a mush safer place like near equator.
Why? India has been increasingly becoming like P5 taking difficult challenges in first attempt (and many times completing them).
2) delays after delays

They over complicated the mission. Added too many payload on first attempt. It was more then they can chew so delays.
All of them were reasonable.
Russian failure to provide lander to go ahead alone and them arrival of GSLV Mk3 gave room for bigger & bettet design.

Why not complicate? India wasn't landing for the sake of landing but for research.

The one who believes that ISRO does any damn thing for public attraction is an idiot of top order.
3) too much hype.

Bringing Net Geo in and inviting PM may look good on paper but when you have a complicated, untested mess of a mission you better keep silent.
That's coverage that may happen in any major mission.
Again, the failure which occurred was totally unexpected one.
All in all dark days ahead for ISRO. They couldn't have more pro space gov in centre yet they managed to screw this. Now BJP will approach anything space related with extreme caution just like INC.
Next few years will let us know that. Meanwhile you'll just randomly log here in, fart & then leave.

Again, what you wrote isn't even remotely related.


New Member
Apr 28, 2019
Country flag
Why did you come back? Nobody missed you.

Indeed, Indian government brought funding to zero and closed Indian Space program. India won't ever do any spacefaring now.

Seriously, it was a damned robot.

This was being covered even before landing.

They cry when India succeeds, they dance when India fails. This nation doesn't have any aspiration or existence of its own.

What they say, doesn't make any difference. They are getting irrelevant and mired with more & more inferiority complex every year on. They make us smile.

In what away? They themselves have hit the moon in their attempts.

What kind of solidarity? Is India under a disaster like tsunami or mega cyclone?

No, they only added lunar missions and human spaceflight. Not anywhere near in interplanetary research.

From ASATs to ICBM interceptors, development of HGV interceptors, to directly transfering payloads to EPOs and so on.
Even this moon landing was a feather in cap that didn't go as per plan in last moment.

No, we have a very long list of successes. So habitual of it that we don't even care after succeeding. If Vikram landing was successful, everyone would have forgot about it in 3 days.

We are already too fast for it. We will have that status in 10 years while doing our worst. In subconscious narratives, people from lot of countries already equate India with big 3.

It's just a small robot lost contact, not an irreparable disaster. If anyone believes so, he's stupid.

And should remove all scientists & hand over to you run it alone. Seriously, those scientists carry out experiments. They do what's first for nation. Not on a mission of serving some street fanboy with IQ below freezing point of water like you.

No, only you are such a big @$$hole in our country, you were evolved in reverse.

Technologies in both aren't even remotely related. And actually BJP has sped that up.

Most future interplanetary missions will be temporarily held for IHSP.

How many times we are supposed to whip your @$$ if it doesn't happen.

That bill is has been under consideration for more than 2 years. ISRO has subcontracted lot of its work to private vendors years ago and NSIL was created to support them technologically at first place.

Lot of private space launch companies have emerged after 2015 and lot of them will have own SLVs between 2022-30.

In no way, your entire garbage would be useless in case communication wasn't broken.

Why? India has been increasingly becoming like P5 taking difficult challenges in first attempt (and many times completing them).

All of them were reasonable.
Russian failure to provide lander to go ahead alone and them arrival of GSLV Mk3 gave room for bigger & bettet design.

Why not complicate? India wasn't landing for the sake of landing but for research.

The one who believes that ISRO does any damn thing for public attraction is an idiot of top order.

That's coverage that may happen in any major mission.
Again, the failure which occurred was totally unexpected one.

Next few years will let us know that. Meanwhile you'll just randomly log here in, fart & then leave.

Again, what you wrote isn't even remotely related.
Sir you are giving too much importance to cry babay , a whiner , a loser , an extreme pessimist
This same poster was crying when ISRO postponed the launch ,why did he go to watch it if he feels ISRO is incompetent.


New Member
Feb 19, 2019
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People were tagging or giving reference of Wire article in their tweets.
Fucking Wire. Might have guessed it was them. Hope they took it down.

Edit: Looked it up. It seems to be based on another published article that they have linked. It talks about removal of performance based incentives. I could not find any government response to this. Someone please link it if available.
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New Member
Jun 21, 2018
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Absolutely and this buffoons are afraid of Pakistanis laughing , what a joke. Typical Indian trait of looking at foreigners for approval. It was heartbreaking but certainly not a humiliation.
Even the chinis lost their mars probe so should the stop.
Columbia disaster was one of the worst space accidents , did NASA shutdown?? We have such a fragile attitude
Seems to be a Congressi Betichod who is trying to spread gloom here. These fuckers are trying incursions since 2017/18 into this forum.

If USSR (now Russia), China and USA gave up after a few attempts then we would have no GPS, no microbiology, no ISS, no laser guidance technology and would still be in a WW2 dieselpunk era.

