India's Moon Exploration Program


New Member
Apr 4, 2019
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Mate issue is not with PM, but the way PM's video was overlaid and focussed on. PM being present IS GOOD. Remember ISRO chairman first informed PM and then only PM gave a short speech which was relvant to the forum where he was speaking. That was amazing advertisement of Indian Space capabilities at forum where world focus was. You should appreciate he took time out of tense BRICS negotiation (you know XI chickened out at last moment from addressing). How tough were negotiations and parleys can be made from th efact when SA president congratulated him on landing south pole of moon, Modi acknowledged he landed in SOuth china:)D now china must be concerned that India is taking keen interest in south china at highest level too :D)
I don't have an issue with PM being present during landing. Like you said, it was good! My issue is with concentrating on his face during landing, the length of his speech and this roadshow nonsense now.

Also the chandamama stuff. That was a bit silly😅


New Member
Sep 25, 2015
Even if we support Modi, it was a bit irritating to see his image in the last few seconds of the landing because DD decided that was more important than showing the details of the landing itself. Following it was an unnecessarily long speech (for the occasion) instead of being brief and congratulatory. Maybe it plays well with a lot of people, I wasn't one of them
While I agree with you, it is what it is.

In Indian context, the politicians have to milk everything to get votes.
In some areas, it is pretty much accepted norm to hand wash bums of other's kids for votes.


New Member
Mar 11, 2016
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I think most people here belong to pvt industry and don't know how sarkari functions work. I have been in sarkari institute since childhood as my father was a central govt employee and where even on children's day the director of the institute used to give a half hour long speech before drawing/paiting competition of kids!

In this case Modi was much better i'd say and considering he is the leader of the country and also holds space portfolio it should have been him first.. In US is it not the president who comes and speaks first about any such feat of power projection is achieved?

