India's Moon Exploration Program


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Dec 17, 2022
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I don't know what to tell you. Does he deserve appreciation for those? Yes. He will get it.

But right now, it is the hour of the scientists. Let them bask in the glory. Modi is no small man, he is much more known than the scientists, than anyone else in India. Giving up immediate credit and limelight to scientists will not harm him as a leader at all, instead show him in a favorable light.
I was honestly ok with the speech until it became long. Should've been a short congratulatory speech. He could've cashed in after his return.


New Member
Sep 23, 2016
Even if we support Modi, it was a bit irritating to see his image in the last few seconds of the landing because DD decided that was more important than showing the details of the landing itself. Following it was an unnecessarily long speech (for the occasion) instead of being brief and congratulatory. Maybe it plays well with a lot of people, I wasn't one of them
Agreed. Camera should have been on the giant screen till landing was confirmed and then panned to mission control folks celebrating. But DD being DD decided to focus on the Boss-Man at the all-crucial seconds spoiling the thriller effect. And that speech was a dreary long winded affair.


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Feb 27, 2018
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How ?

Nehru died in 1964. And ISRO was founded in 1969.

It's true INCOSPAR was founded in 1962, but what significant difference Nehu made in last 2 years of his life.

SUPERCO was also founded in 1961 we know where they are technically right now.
From 1950 onward, space research was funded through the Department Of Atomic Energy even if a separate organisation was, as you pointed out, set up in 1962.


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Jan 10, 2013
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I don't know what to tell you. Does he deserve appreciation for those? Yes. He will get it.

But right now, it is the hour of the scientists. Let them bask in the glory. Modi is no small man, he is much more known than the scientists, than anyone else in India. Giving up immediate credit and limelight to scientists will not harm him as a leader at all, instead show him in a favorable light.
Mate issue is not with PM, but the way PM's video was overlaid and focussed on. PM being present IS GOOD. Remember ISRO chairman first informed PM and then only PM gave a short speech which was relvant to the forum where he was speaking. That was amazing advertisement of Indian Space capabilities at forum where world focus was. You should appreciate he took time out of tense BRICS negotiation (you know XI chickened out at last moment from addressing). How tough were negotiations and parleys can be made from th efact when SA president congratulated him on landing south pole of moon, Modi acknowledged he landed in SOuth china:)D now china must be concerned that India is taking keen interest in south china at highest level too :D)


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Aug 3, 2023
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From 1950 onward, space research was funded through the Department Of Atomic Energy even if a separate organisation was, as you pointed out, set up in 1962.
Nehru had his eye opener situation when Pakistan formed SUPARCO with the help of US.

Formation of INCOSPAR was more of a reaction to the Pakistani action than an independent idea of Nehru.

We cannot achieve anything in Space sector without proper funding. And proper funding for Space sector came much later on.

Stop giving every credit of India's success to Nehru. Seen this for the last 20 years It's so cringe.


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Jun 27, 2020
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Nehru had his eye opener situation when Pakistan formed SUPARCO with the help of US.

Formation of INCOSPAR was more of a reaction to the Pakistani action than an independent idea of Nehru.

We cannot achieve anything in Space sector without proper funding. And proper funding for Space sector came much later on.

Stop giving every credit of India's success to Nehru. Seen this for the last 20 years It's so cringe.
Indira Gandhi is the one who approved both ISRO & Op Smiling Buddha .....nehru didn't want nukes


New Member
Feb 27, 2018
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Nehru had his eye opener situation when Pakistan formed SUPARCO with the help of US.

Formation of INCOSPAR was more of a reaction to the Pakistani action than an independent idea of Nehru.

We cannot achieve anything in Space sector without proper funding. And proper funding for Space sector came much later on.

Stop giving every credit of India's success to Nehru. Seen this for the last 20 years It's so cringe.
I don't. I made my point clearly. You are entitled to your opinion. Including on my opinion.:) (btw, discussion about "proper" funding in a time when we were reliant on food aid to feed our people needs context)
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New Member
Aug 16, 2014
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Nehru had his eye opener situation when Pakistan formed SUPARCO with the help of US.

Formation of INCOSPAR was more of a reaction to the Pakistani action than an independent idea of Nehru.

We cannot achieve anything in Space sector without proper funding. And proper funding for Space sector came much later on.

Stop giving every credit of India's success to Nehru. Seen this for the last 20 years It's so cringe.
Scientist community was approaching Lehru ji for over a decade to open many new institutions.
But he would shrug them off saying India needs Industries to feed the population.

Most of the initial institutes who's credit is given to Lehruji were being funded by the private groups and businessmen of the time.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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I don't know what to tell you. Does he deserve appreciation for those? Yes. He will get it.

But right now, it is the hour of the scientists. Let them bask in the glory. Modi is no small man, he is much more known than the scientists, than anyone else in India. Giving up immediate credit and limelight to scientists will not harm him as a leader at all, instead show him in a favorable light.
it wouldn't have mattered who PM of the day is. Prasar Bharti would have placed PM of the day on the screen in the same spot if the same scenario presents itself again later, unless there are express instructions before hand not to do it. that's how govt departments function.

commentary would have been the same, amplification of pro/against commentary would depend on party in power.

what matters is history has been written, and a great feat has been achieved by Indian scientists and technicians.

rest is for spin doctors to spin it however they choose to as per their inclinations.


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Aug 3, 2023
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I don't. I made my point clearly. You are entitled to your opinion. Including on my opinion.:) (btw, discussion about "proper" funding in a time where we were reliant on food aid to feed our people needs context)
Nehru didn't found ISRO. Nor did he fund INCOSPAR. He just created all the problems we are dealing with even to this date. 🤷‍♂️

Now you know why Nehru isn't given credit for anything.

