Indian Special Forces


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Sep 15, 2014
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This is exactly what I'm deathly afraid of.
Will it require an incident like the '93 Battle of Mogadishu; the loss and the humiliation before we change our ways and get with the times.

We have already suffered plenty of loss and humiliation - hell Sri Lanka was a great potential learning field for us. Kargil - another one.


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Sep 15, 2014
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Kargil was humiliation?
Said Loss and Humiliation - Have you read the AAR of Kargil? Leave aside the Intel failure for now. The Initial build up and mobvilization was a ShitShow. Re-orieting troops from COIN to conventional combat was a nightmare. There was ZERO plan for logistics etc incase of something like this. We lost men needlessly including SOPs and ROEs that were running behind actual Combat Conditions and intel. (Not talking about Political Compulsions). The IRONY is that just a few months before Kargil a young Indian Officer predicted exactly that in a StratEx and he was given 'Demerits' in the Ex for Cheating (i.e the Paks cannot be so dumb to launch an incursion in the winter).

The Post Kargil Committe recommendations have been Ignored COMPLETELY ignored SPECIALLY when it comes to Special Operations.

PS We re mobilized again after the Parliament Attacks we lost men and material in the MOBILIZATION!

My point was not about Kargil per se. But that we dont Learn Lessons at all.


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
Said Loss and Humiliation - Have you read the AAR of Kargil? Leave aside the Intel failure for now. The Initial build up and mobvilization was a ShitShow. Re-orieting troops from COIN to conventional combat was a nightmare. There was ZERO plan for logistics etc incase of something like this. We lost men needlessly including SOPs and ROEs that were running behind actual Combat Conditions and intel. (Not talking about Political Compulsions). The IRONY is that just a few months before Kargil a young Indian Officer predicted exactly that in a StratEx and he was given 'Demerits' in the Ex for Cheating (i.e the Paks cannot be so dumb to launch an incursion in the winter).

The Post Kargil Committe recommendations have been Ignored COMPLETELY ignored SPECIALLY when it comes to Special Operations.

PS We re mobilized again after the Parliament Attacks we lost men and material in the MOBILIZATION!

My point was not about Kargil per se. But that we dont Learn Lessons at all.
Agreed about the lessons. Although I’d argue that 2001-2002 illustrates your point better because in Kargil, India achieved all of its objectives, and Pakistan is yet to reconcile with it. In Kargil, I’d say that the coordination between artillery and infantry was spot on. In 2001-2002, asides from capture of 1 or 2 points, shole country was brutally humiliated

Corvus Splendens

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Dec 8, 2021
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Ok then pls tell how is it constituted🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I mean whether few units from para sf, marcos, garuds are part of afsod
Or entire 3 sof is combined to form afsod like ussocom
Initial mandate was approx. 3000 operators from all three units. There is another 4th unit to be attached for transport and logistics. Plans were to operate just like SOCOM, but current plans won't include the entirety of SF.


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Dec 10, 2016
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We have already suffered plenty of loss and humiliation - hell Sri Lanka was a great potential learning field for us. Kargil - another one.
I am not worried about this part as loss and humiliation is part of the game.

What makes me sad is we didnt evolve any weapon or tactics even after having faced so much low and high intensity warfare.

We copy western style of tactics and call it our own..we inducted a simple thing as a ballistic shield after 3 decades..we have no sniping capability..etc etc

What has Israel faced extra that they are good in everything and better after every conflict.


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Jan 13, 2021
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Ok then pls tell how is it constituted🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I mean whether few units from para sf, marcos, garuds are part of afsod
Or entire 3 sof is combined to form afsod like ussocom
*based on what i've heard (ground reality could be much much different)*
Speaking in Indian army terms
There's a sanctioned amount of Nafri from Army, Airforce and Navy SF units.
Earlier there was some sort of rivalry b/w regular and SF btns of para regt so as to which bns will send its troops to fulfill their(army SF's) sanctioned strength. Maybe it acted a catalyst for the myopic decision of converting regular para to SF btns. Even the current GOC-in-C is a regular para offcr Maj Gen JS Nanda.
One more fact, Regular paras had changed their mandate to something that mimicd ranger regt somewhere in the last decade. Considering the fact that these guys have a lot of backing within the army circles (gen katoch and many others have mentioned this fact a lot) hence it was extremely easy to bring upon such changes rapidly while SF was totally neglected and heavily understaffed till date.
These regular para offcrs even made the sfts to run adventure programs for civilians lmao. Thank god this isn't the case anymore.
The same guys who totally dismantled Army's SOF capability trying to do the same with the other services... only to satisfy their egos is just -


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Sep 15, 2014
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Agreed about the lessons. Although I’d argue that 2001-2002 illustrates your point better because in Kargil, India achieved all of its objectives, and Pakistan is yet to reconcile with it. In Kargil, I’d say that the coordination between artillery and infantry was spot on. In 2001-2002, asides from capture of 1 or 2 points, shole country was brutally humiliated
I am not worried about this part as loss and humiliation is part of the game.

What makes me sad is we didnt evolve any weapon or tactics even after having faced so much low and high intensity warfare.

We copy western style of tactics and call it our own..we inducted a simple thing as a ballistic shield after 3 decades..we have no sniping capability..etc etc

What has Israel faced extra that they are good in everything and better after every conflict.
As coldhearted said. My point was not about the 'Humiliation'. More that we dont seem to want to learn any lessons. Jernals continue to earn medals and promotions via COIN and they happy doing that.

Only When China stomped on our border do we wake up to the fact that our BMPs have Zero night fighting capability.


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Sep 15, 2014
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Told all of you that AFSOD is happening 😤no one believed me for those who will ask for source
Okay so what is AFSOD? Does AFSOD even know what it is?

a command? a Unit? Has no selection? Has no infra but borrwed assets? has a 800Cr budget?


New Member
Dec 10, 2016
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Okay so what is AFSOD? Does AFSOD even know what it is?

a command? a Unit? Has no selection? Has no infra but borrwed assets? has a 800Cr budget?
To be honest i would even doubt their motivation because units are motivated on faith or we have a cocktail of macho men and each thinking they are the best.


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Sep 13, 2010
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Told all of you that AFSOD is happening 😤no one believed me for those who will ask for sourceView attachment 189356
Not really. These OSINT Twitter handles/YT defence channels are so annoying. They’ll take one piece of information (like a NOTAM, RFI, press report) and spin into pure fantasy speculation which they’ll report as fact.

all that is known is there is a NOTAM for A parachute exercise in Sikkim, AFSOD is just his spin


New Member
Sep 13, 2010
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I am not worried about this part as loss and humiliation is part of the game.

What makes me sad is we didnt evolve any weapon or tactics even after having faced so much low and high intensity warfare.

We copy western style of tactics and call it our own..we inducted a simple thing as a ballistic shield after 3 decades..we have no sniping capability..etc etc

What has Israel faced extra that they are good in everything and better after every conflict.
Yup. This is the issue. Never be afraid of failure but the only real failures are when you don’t learn from mistakes.

IDF’s entire culture changes after each major incident, they design everything- from boots to heavy MBT based on protection and lessons learned whilst the Indian mindset seems to be to operate however the manual was written 20/40/80 years ago.Insisting on bayonet fixtures for PDW in 2020s? Peak Indian military

how many soldiers/CAPF died by their convoys being attacked during movement in and out of station? I remember before Pulwama this happening regularly, if lessons had been learned maybe pulwama wouldn’t have occurred

Freaking Chalta hai attitude

