Indian Special Forces (archived)

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Feb 26, 2010
I can only imagine that when the Pakis get around to fully acknowledging the surgical thappad (in a decade or two from now), how many will they own up to?


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Dec 10, 2016
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this is the screenshot of the relevant portion, in the earlier text he was cursing and telling me about the presstitutes who always post rubbish about these ops cause they don't know a shit about them, gave a little reference about current surgical strikes. basically the Nadala incident was something different but this op was specially undertaken to take down the person(major) who was involved in the brutal torture of captain kalia,
that asshole ****** was given the exact same treatment they gave to captain kalia, 22 bodies were left in the bunker with messages written on walls with blood(those pics are attached with my earlier answers on this thread). basically this was a revenge op taken by 8 sf operatives(5 from 1st para sf & 3 from 10 para sf) in early 2000. he belonged to 10 para sf.
What about the incident in 2012 or 2013 where kumaon troop was beheaded and our SF got 3 Pak Army soldiers head back?


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Dec 10, 2016
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I can only imagine that when the Pakis get around to fully acknowledging the surgical thappad (in a decade or two from now), how many will they own up to?
Hahaha..just wait a few years until a General will go on the national tv and confess.

Their entire army is a joke.

Theres a saying in Pakistan..If you want to become anything(President to Real estate builder) join the Army.


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Dec 10, 2016
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Garuds can use bikes to patrol base but not as QRF.In case of an attack, terrorist will be hiding and would try to ambush you .So, bike is not suitable for QRF. Instead they should have light armored vehicle like these:

Equipped with remote control machine guns and thermal imagery camera.These type of vehicles will help in detecting and eliminating threat in fast pace,while protecting the QRF from a possible ambush.It can act as fire support for QRF.

In Pathankot ,the terrorist were located and engaged in a open area(with bushes) during early hours by the Garuds but terrorist brought down heavy firepower over them and were able to move to other part of the base,leaving behind Garuds, either injured or killed.If Garuds were having such vehicles at that time ,then the story would have been different and terrorist eliminated then and there.
Well you are right but Cobra Commandos do use it for QRF too.


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Sep 13, 2010
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Alas, that's also a reason for SF raking up such high body counts doing mundane non strategic reactionary tasks.
Don't really understand why many do not understand the fact that this is typical of EVERY military employed in a prolonged CT/COIN campaign. The "tip of the spear" is just that and thus always on the receiving end of disproportionate risk/casualties.

Besides, what kind of sense would it be to leave the very best trained/equipped soldiers India posses in the barracks whilst their "regular" brothers are in contact?


New Member
Jul 1, 2016
What about the incident in 2012 or 2013 where kumaon troop was beheaded and our SF got 3 Pak Army soldiers head back?
that guy is a busy man, if i text him the morning his reply usually arrives back late at night, not possible to contact him so frequently, we all know all those things happened 2012-2013 and he won't give out exact details but what specifically you want me to ask him?
@raheel besharam he didn't discuss much about the current surgical strike but mocked the way it was presented in public, and he is definitely not a fan of the old man sitting on the top.


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Sep 13, 2010
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Garuds can use bikes to patrol base but not as QRF.In case of an attack, terrorist will be hiding and would try to ambush you .So, bike is not suitable for QRF. Instead they should have light armored vehicle like these:

Equipped with remote control machine guns and thermal imagery camera.These type of vehicles will help in detecting and eliminating threat in fast pace,while protecting the QRF from a possible ambush.It can act as fire support for QRF.

In Pathankot ,the terrorist were located and engaged in a open area(with bushes) during early hours by the Garuds but terrorist brought down heavy firepower over them and were able to move to other part of the base,leaving behind Garuds, either injured or killed.If Garuds were having such vehicles at that time ,then the story would have been different and terrorist eliminated then and there.
What's wrong with the TATA LAMV for this role? Would be the best solution IMHO.


New Member
Dec 10, 2016
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that guy is a busy man, if i text him the morning his reply usually arrives back late at night, not possible to contact him so frequently, we all know all those things happened 2012-2013 and he won't give out exact details but what specifically you want me to ask him?
@raheel besharam he didn't discuss much about the current surgical strike but mocked the way it was presented in public, and he is definitely not a fan of the old man sitting on the top.
I thought he must have shared something with you about that incident too.


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Sep 13, 2010
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Any Idea If NSG has got Ballistic Shields ? Special Forces all over world uses it But Never Saw A Pic Of Nsg Commando Holding BP Shields
They do have them but rarely use them, their strategies are about speed and responsiveness (as many other CT units like GSG-9 FBI HRT, Delta, SAS etc practice also). It is more of a European CT/US police tactic for their operators to be mobile "tanks" and armoured to the hilt which is mostly based on their experiences with barricaded criminals and long stand offs. In this day and age the modern CT units need to be agile and quick to respond, they can't be bulky and methodical as the Europeans are orientented.


New Member
Dec 16, 2013
What's wrong with the TATA LAMV for this role? Would be the best solution IMHO.
Bro,just examples not specific.Regarding shields, they have their use in certain situations:

When the commandos pushed through the unlocked, wooden door, one of the terrorists immediately opened fire. More than 25 bullets from his AK-47 struck the shield, and one round injured a BRI commando, striking his hand and causing him to fall down.

"We cannot take care of him, we still go," Jeremy said of the difficult choice to push forward without helping the wounded commando. The unit had agreed before going in not to stop if anyone was injured.

"We can't afford pause," he explained. There were hostages.

Despite the barrage of bullets, the BRI did not fire because they saw around 20 hostages between them and the shooter, Jeremy explained.

"It was too risky... for the hostages but we keep going," he added. They pushed on with the shield — and unsure footing.


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Sep 13, 2010
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Bro,just examples not specific.Regarding shields, they have their use in certain situations:

When the commandos pushed through the unlocked, wooden door, one of the terrorists immediately opened fire. More than 25 bullets from his AK-47 struck the shield, and one round injured a BRI commando, striking his hand and causing him to fall down.

"We cannot take care of him, we still go," Jeremy said of the difficult choice to push forward without helping the wounded commando. The unit had agreed before going in not to stop if anyone was injured.

"We can't afford pause," he explained. There were hostages.

Despite the barrage of bullets, the BRI did not fire because they saw around 20 hostages between them and the shooter, Jeremy explained.

"It was too risky... for the hostages but we keep going," he added. They pushed on with the shield — and unsure footing.
Which is why the NSG does have sheilds in their arsenal but on the whole their SOPs/tactics are designed not to require the use of such equipment. On the whole they will try to gain the element of surprise, flush out the "x-rays" and force them into a "kill zone". They will rarely seek to push into a fight head on (this is when a ballistic sheild would be required).

If you will remember, during 26/11 the NSG employed a "top down" approach of sweeping.

As I have said, the NSG's approach is best used in these kind of terror attacks where the intention of the enemy is to inflict as much damage as possible on structures and innocents. The European CT/police units have mostly cut their teeth, and thus their SOPs are designed around, with barricaded suspects and conducting raids on criminals- not terror attacks per se.

The NSG is 100% orientented to CT/HR.

Look at other dedicated CT units (Delta, Seal Team 6, FBI HRT, SAS etc) and show me them using ballistic sheilds in ops or as heavily protected as a European CT/police unit:

^ these guys (Belgian DSU) are meant to be "one man tanks" going head first into the enemy whilst the dedicated CT units I have mentioned and including the NSG are less protected so able to move more swiftly and be more agile in their employment.

Project Dharma

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Oct 4, 2016
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22 bodies were left in the bunker with messages written on walls with blood(those pics are attached with my earlier answers on this thread).
Couldn't find these pics. Any chance that you missed posting them? Would love to see.


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Jul 4, 2016
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Indian Special Forces gear up, Army to move a proposal seeking better weapons

In this direction, the Army is moving a classified proposal worth around Rs300 crore to buy new assault rifles, sniper rifles, general pupose machine guns and light weight rocket launchers and night vision devices at a key Defence Ministry meeting planned next week, senior Army sources told Mail Today here.
As part of the effort to equip and arm the nine Para (Special Forces) battalions, the government is also likely to adopt the Foreign Military Sales route to import more M4A1 automatic rifles from the US.
“The old units like the 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10 and 21 Para (SF) have adequate rifles and equipment for performing their tasks but the new raisings such as the 11 and 12 Para (SF) are facing shortages of assault rifles and other equipment. The older units had to dig deep into their reserve equipment to help the new ones,” the sources informed.
As per the sources, the Army has plans of buying around 10,000 free-fall parachutes, 1100 personal automatic rifles, 30-each sniper rifles, and automatic General Purpose Machine Guns, 24 lightweight rocketlaunchers, 20 shotguns and 500 pistols.
“The GPMGs are a must and its requirement was deeply felt in both the surgical strikes in Myanmar and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir for effect. Special Forces are using the Russian Pika Machine Guns which have mostly been captured from terrorists who got them from Afghanistan as the leftovers of the Russian forces there in the 1980s,” the sources informed.
@abingdonboy probably your old days wish of accessories are going through.


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Jan 9, 2011
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Just wanted to ask if anyone found the photograph of the NSG with the 7.62mm Minimi TR? Thanks!


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Dec 10, 2016
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New Member
Sep 13, 2010
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Indian Special Forces gear up, Army to move a proposal seeking better weapons

@abingdonboy probably your old days wish of accessories are going through.
We'll see bro, most of the stuff listed here (small arms) was going to be ordered ANYWAY and most is actually already in service. All that is really being done is bringing up the newly converted SF btns to the same standards as "legacy" SF btns which shoud have happened years ago.

From what it being mentioned and the figures involved, this isn't a head to toe re-arming and modernisation plan that the SFs deserve and desperatly need. One would think this GoI would be giving the SFs more given how freely they have been using them (publically) since their term commenced.

The single greatest step they could do to truly boost the SF's capabilities would be to FINALLY greenlight the tri-service SOCOM. As I've said before, this step would ensure all Indian SF units are on NATO/Western levels of equipment within 4-5 years.

And still we wait for these a-holes to move a file and get these things off the ground, I guess we have to wait for another 26/11 or Kargil before they make it happen.....
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