Indian Special Forces (archived)

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Nov 29, 2011
MP-7 With suppressor ..
I think is it Brügger & Thomet MP9 with a suppressor.

As far as i know none of the paramilitary units have MP7 mainly because of the ammo (HK 4.6×30mm) it uses which is relatively expensive and secondly H&K refused to sell weapons to some of the state police unites apparently due to human rights abuses perpetrated by them (I read this in an article in outlook magazine a few years back and i am not sure if the situation has changed since then) . Except for SPG all the paramilitary unites use smgs chambered for 9x19 cal.
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Jan 20, 2013
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But i don't understand why there is not much of a standardization in Indian armed/special/state forces.

Such varied weapons and ammo will cause logistic nightmare as well as cost, we cannot manufacture them, so cost one issue. we don't manufacture such varied ammo, neither is financially liable to manufacture or have multiple production lines for such different ammo type?
Chose 1 type of main assualt rifle as use it in all armed or paramilitary and state police, same case of smg and hand guns (secondary weapon).
BSF ordered different type of guns/smg, marcos different, CRPF different from BSF, punjab SWAT or orissa SWAT different etc, so much difference and after few years we will hear from top brass, ammo shortage...

Hope new government can formalize and correct current defense acquisition policies.


New Member
Nov 29, 2011
But i don't understand why there is not much of a standardization in Indian armed/special/state forces.

Such varied weapons and ammo will cause logistic nightmare as well as cost, we cannot manufacture them, so cost one issue. we don't manufacture such varied ammo, neither is financially liable to manufacture or have multiple production lines for such different ammo type?
Chose 1 type of main assualt rifle as use it in all armed or paramilitary and state police, same case of smg and hand guns (secondary weapon).
BSF ordered different type of guns/smg, marcos different, CRPF different from BSF, punjab SWAT or orissa SWAT different etc, so much difference and after few years we will hear from top brass, ammo shortage...

Hope new government can formalize and correct current defense acquisition policies.
They all have standard ammo for hand guns and smg, they all use 9x19 cal weapons (except for SPG that uses FN five seven for side arm and FN PS 90 for smg both in 5.7×28mm). for rifles they use 303, 5.56 and 7.62. Mumbai police SWAT team has a couple of Barrett 50 cal sniper rifles.

What the government needs to do is to end IOF's monopoly in small arms and ammo production and let private players enter the market and let the state police and paramilitary units buy weapons ammo directly from them according to their needs.


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Jan 20, 2013
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They all have standard ammo for hand guns and smg, they all use 9x19 cal weapons (except for SPG that uses FN five seven for side arm and FN PS 90 for smg both in 5.7×28mm). for rifles they use 303, 5.56 and 7.62. Mumbai police SWAT team has a couple of Barrett 50 cal sniper rifles.

What the government needs to do is to end IOF's monopoly in small arms and ammo production and let private players enter the market and let the state police and paramilitary units buy weapons ammo directly from them according to their needs.
Well sir u forgot nato standard and russian rounds for 7.62/5.56/5.45 mm, please try and understand the reason why am writing this.
we have even different types of AK's in our arsenal. remember we did had our insas in army and even in paramilitary once, i understand need for a 5.56 and 7.62 mm barrel guns depending on type of situation like counter insurgency etc, but take an example that same type of smg being used in all polices force swat teams/ paramilitary like CRPF/BSF/CISF and even main armed forces will greatly reduce cost and logistic problem.
training will be eased and production in indian can be carried out with ease.

No way orissa swat uses a different smg and punjab or bsf uses a different smg.
many a times police forces in indian states faces ammo shortage, lack of practice, old vintage guns, lower standard or rules/ or procedures following or carelessness withing police brass etc.
every city team police should have a swat team but with standards and weapons common across india, it will help in long run.
else it will cause issues in long run..
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Sep 15, 2009
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cobra commando

Tharki regiment
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Oct 3, 2009
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Gujarat May Become Fifth Hub for NSG Commandos

NEW DELHI: Gujarat may emerge as the fifth hub for stationing the elite counter-terror commandos of the National Security Guard (NSG) in the country. If given final approval, the commando base would cover the entire western part of the country along with Mumbai in case of a terrorist attack, hostage crisis or hijack attempt for which special commandos have been trained. The central government has accorded an in-principle approval to this proposal which was initially mooted by the state government. "Our team is travelling to the state for an on-site assessment and once they prepare a report we will decide on the future course of action," NSG chief J N Choudhury told PTI. The NSG hubs were set up after the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks with the first four stations in Kolkata, Hyderabad, Chennai and Mumbai. Locating NSG in all the four corners of the country is aimed at rushing in the commandos for any counter-terror and counter-hijack operation in quick time. The response time taken by the 'black cat' commandos force for countering the Mumbai terror attacks in 2008 had come under criticism and therefore the government had decided to station the commandos at various locations so that crucial time was not lost in transit. Officials said the Gujarat government has offered NSG two locations in the vicinity of Ahmedabad which can be easily by the elite force. NSG was raised in 1984 as a federal contingency force to counter terrorist- sponsored activities.
Gujarat May Become Fifth Hub for NSG Commandos - The New Indian Express
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