Indian response to a Pakistani nuclear strike

Dark Sorrow

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Mar 24, 2009
Will Bakis fire a nuke on its own soil?
One school of thought is they might use nuke on their own land in desperation to stop advancing Indian division/corps/ The popular version of theory is that they might use nuke on division/corps HQ and support installation in India.


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May 18, 2015
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I suppose nuking any place in this region would affect china as well. this should be factored in as well in the scope of effect and thereafter.


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Sep 12, 2016
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The whole Paki menace would've ended quite a while back if our governments would've stopped their nuclear programs from moving forward. We would've crushed them by now.


New Member
Sep 12, 2016
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I suppose nuking any place in this region would affect china as well. this should be factored in as well in the scope of effect and thereafter.
How will it affect China ? The 8000 meter high mountain ranges isolates the subcontinent from the rest of northern parts of Asia so much so that, the north pole winds bounce back the range and keeps the weather in the sub continent warm and flourishing. Due to this fact, I think nuclear fallout would never reach Mainland China if anything happens in Pakistan, the worry should be the economic and strategic losses that might happen to China. The climatic degradation and radiation would effect Middle east and India Western India more.

Dark Sorrow

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New Member
Mar 24, 2009
Its one thing to put it in the paper another to apply it.

The Paki doctring designed by General Kidwai talks of use of tactical nukes if India captures huge swathes of Paki land in Paki Punjab.Will Pakis use a nuke on IA when it is close to Lahore or Sialkot?
Define Close. Lahore is just 21.3 km from Indian boarder while Sialkot is about 19 km from Indian boarder.
Pakistan won't use nuke in Pakistani Punjab as the land is very fertile and their kitchen.
They might use in Indian Punjab.


New Member
May 18, 2015
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How will it affect China ? The 8000 meter high mountain ranges isolates the subcontinent from the rest of northern parts of Asia so much so that, the north pole winds bounce back the range and keeps the weather in the sub continent warm and flourishing. Due to this fact, I think nuclear fallout would never reach Mainland China if anything happens in Pakistan, the worry should be the economic and strategic losses that might happen to China. The climatic degradation and radiation would effect Middle east and India Western India more.
the effects would not be necessarily limited to the radioactive one, although cant negate it...but even that can spread globally. check these:


New Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Define Close. Lahore is just 21.3 km from Indian boarder while Sialkot is about 19 km from Indian boarder.
Pakistan won't use nuke in Pakistani Punjab as the land is very fertile and their kitchen.
They might use in Indian Punjab.
Tactical nukes on Indian Punjab?Well the Paki Doctrine says tactical nukes will be used on Indian positions if Indian troops capture huge tracts of Paki Punjab.


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Sep 12, 2016
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Tactical nukes on Indian Punjab?Well the Paki Doctrine says tactical nukes will be used on Indian positions if Indian troops capture huge tracts of Paki Punjab.
Doesn't matter, tactical nukes would trigger indian full scale strategic nuke response on Paki important cities and Nuclear Installations which would render Pakistan incapable of a second strike.

Dark Sorrow

Respected Member
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Mar 24, 2009
Tactical nukes on Indian Punjab?Well the Paki Doctrine says tactical nukes will be used on Indian positions if Indian troops capture huge tracts of Paki Punjab.
Pakistan don't posses capability to track and accurately strike a moving division/corps let alone one that has been spread over a large geographical area.
Their best bet is to strike important static structures like command and control centers or support infrastructure, etc. which will be located primarily in Indian territory.
Doctrine may say anything but you must be capable to execute such complex operation which Pakistan is not.
Their best bet is to strike Indian forces that will be bottle necked while crossing BRB canal.

no smoking

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Aug 14, 2009
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Doesn't matter, tactical nukes would trigger indian full scale strategic nuke response on Paki important cities and Nuclear Installations which would render Pakistan incapable of a second strike.
Currently, there are only 2 countries possessing the power to do that job, they are US and Russia. Even they can't guarantee 100% killing rate.
In the case of Indo-Pakistan, neither side has the surveilling system good enough find the nuclear targets. Neither side's lack the necessary training to accomplish this kind of mission.


New Member
Oct 7, 2016
Currently, there are only 2 countries possessing the power to do that job, they are US and Russia. Even they can't guarantee 100% killing rate.
In the case of Indo-Pakistan, neither side has the surveilling system good enough find the nuclear targets. Neither side's lack the necessary training to accomplish this kind of mission.
tech to tracking Nuke tragets ?

i was in the impression that targets can only be determined after triggering the missile


New Member
Dec 25, 2015
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Currently, there are only 2 countries possessing the power to do that job, they are US and Russia. Even they can't guarantee 100% killing rate.
In the case of Indo-Pakistan, neither side has the surveilling system good enough find the nuclear targets. Neither side's lack the necessary training to accomplish this kind of mission.
you Are underestimating RAW ................from decades we are preparing for this ................we know about nuclear targets inside pak .

we will not attack without Solid preparation .


New Member
Sep 12, 2016
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Currently, there are only 2 countries possessing the power to do that job, they are US and Russia. Even they can't guarantee 100% killing rate.
In the case of Indo-Pakistan, neither side has the surveilling system good enough find the nuclear targets. Neither side's lack the necessary training to accomplish this kind of mission.
Bro WTH wrong with you ? We have RAW and Pakistan lacks the strategic depth inside the country. Hence it won't require much "technology" to track and destroy Paki nuclear installations.


New Member
Sep 12, 2016
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Currently, there are only 2 countries possessing the power to do that job, they are US and Russia. Even they can't guarantee 100% killing rate.
In the case of Indo-Pakistan, neither side has the surveilling system good enough find the nuclear targets. Neither side's lack the necessary training to accomplish this kind of mission.
Where are u from originally ??????????????


New Member
Feb 15, 2016
Why Pakistan wouldn't dare to drop nuclear bomb on India
Play out any scenario you like, the results will be disastrous for India but absolutely catastrophic for Pakistan.
| 6-minute read | 22-09-2016

Sunil Rajguru

From time to time, some Pakistani official or the other keeps threatening India with its nuclear arsenal. India is told that Pakistan is a nuclear power and that they won’t hesitate to drop one on their arch enemy.

Pakistan is somehow under the delusion that India will keep quiet after taking a hit due to world opinion and global pressure. That, and we are actually a very peaceful and cowardly country.

Where they have got this delusion from nobody really knows. We have thrashed them already in enough wars. But then they are also delusional over Kashmir and have been trying to capture it for close to 70 years with disastrous consequences.

They lost East Pakistan in the past and have totally destabilised their own country in the present with their foolhardiness.

First, the short answer to what will happen if Pakistan drops a nuke on India. India will retaliate with at least 5-10 nukes dropped at strategic nuclear and military sites in Pakistan to neutralise it. India will then declare an all-out war with Pakistan.

The largest free standing army in the world, one of the most powerful air forces, a navy that annihilated the Pakistani Navy in 1971, the entire nuclear arsenal and missiles... they will all be activated. You can be very sure of that!

India is currently a very angry nation and has been taking Pakistani wars, conflicts and terror attacks for decades. We are a cornered tiger and we are going to pounce sooner or later.

We are a strong believer of the Mahabharata philosophy as espoused by Krishna: Explore each and every single avenue of peace - but when it all fails, go for all-out war.

Play out any scenario you like, the results will be disastrous for India but absolutely catastrophic for Pakistan.

Of course we know it is not as simple as that. There is no nuclear button sitting on the table of the Pakistan government, pressing which will lead to nuking New Delhi in half-an-hour. If Pakistan wants to conduct a nuclear strike, it will have to make a comprehensive real-time nuclear strategy.

It knows one nuke will not be enough; it may have to arm 20-30. It will have to decide whether to attack by missiles, fighter planes or via the navy and how many by each. It will have to spread out its nukes all across the country at strategic places and put all its forces on alert.

Can Pakistan really do that in secret? The whole world will know months in advance and India would do the same. We would move at lightning speed and deploy all our nukes and put all our forces on high alert. That would lead to either a stalemate or a MAD (mutually assured destruction) scenario.

Again, Pakistan would either be unable to fire first or be destroyed at the end of a nuclear war if it did.

India is currently a very angry nation and has been taking Pakistani wars, conflicts and terror attacks for decades. (Photo credit: PTI)
Then what of Big Brother America which is stationed in Pakistan? They say that the three As control Pakistan (Allah and Army being the other). But currently, the superpower A has turned Pakistan into a puppet state.

After 9/11, America has been calling the shots and Pakistan can only watch powerlessly, like the way Osama bin Laden was snatched from right under the headquarters of the Pakistani Army.

Pakistan is swarming with CIA agents and Special Forces’ operatives. That is because America is paranoid that if Pakistani nukes go rogue, one of them may invariably land on American soil. America wants Pak nukes to stay under lock and key not because they want to protect India, but because they want to protect themselves.

There are about 10,000 American troops stationed in Afghanistan along with 13,000 more under the leadership of NATO. Then there are the American drones which can come in and out of Pakistan and attack what they want at will.

Can Pakistan really launch nukes under the nose of the US? America is the most selfish country in the world and will go out of its way to ensure it doesn’t face a nuclear threat, no matter how remote.

Then what of the world community? This is not like World War-II where the world was desperate to end the threat of Adolf Hitler and his allies, and that’s why it looked the other way when Hiroshima and Nagasaki happened and in fact even cheered it.

If there’s an all-out war and Pakistan and North India get nuked, then southern China will face the threat of nuclear radiation. No matter how much China hates India, it too like America wants Pakistan’s nukes to stay under lock and key because of that.

Right now the world’s biggest threat is terrorism. That’s especially if terrorists get hold of a nuke. That may happen in a nuclear war because Pakistan won’t deploy one nuke, but dozens. What if one of them falls into the hands of a terrorist group? It’s not as far-fetched as it sounds.

In fact, when the world is at threat, don’t be surprised if America and China get together to de-nuke Pakistan. Our enemy’s nuclear dream will backfire and turn into a nuclear nightmare.

Pakistan is ravaged by terrorists. In the War of North Waziristan, 30,000 terrorists have already died along with 7,000 Pakistani soldiers and it rages on. Elsewhere in Pakistan, 50-60,000 civilians have died in terror attacks. There are independence movements in Balochistan, Gilgit-Baltistan and Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir.

In such a scenario, taking out 20-30 nukes has a high probability of one of them going rogue. The Israelis have the best intelligence in the world and if they even suspected Pakistan planning a nuclear attack, they would immediately inform India and America.

In fact, the Pakistani nuclear bluff has already been called. The country became an official nuclear power in 1998 and its worst days began after that. It was humiliated in the Kargil War in 1999 and turned into a puppet state after 9/11.

And today it is totally destabilised and faces break-up. All that after it became a nuclear power!

The highly destructive and virulently anti-Indian Prime Minister Zulfikar Bhutto once famously declared that Pakistan would eat grass but build the bomb.

Well how’s that for a prophecy. With the way their economy is going, they will be forced to hug all their nukes and eat nothing but grass!

Dear Pakistan,

Drop a nuke on India.

We will definitely suffer, but you will cease to exist!

Source Link:
Feb 9, 2013
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Why Pakistan wouldn't dare to drop nuclear bomb on India
Play out any scenario you like, the results will be disastrous for India but absolutely catastrophic for Pakistan.
| 6-minute read | 22-09-2016

Sunil Rajguru


From time to time, some Pakistani official or the other keeps threatening India with its nuclear arsenal. India is told that Pakistan is a nuclear power and that they won’t hesitate to drop one on their arch enemy.

Pakistan is somehow under the delusion that India will keep quiet after taking a hit due to world opinion and global pressure. That, and we are actually a very peaceful and cowardly country.

Where they have got this delusion from nobody really knows. We have thrashed them already in enough wars. But then they are also delusional over Kashmir and have been trying to capture it for close to 70 years with disastrous consequences.

They lost East Pakistan in the past and have totally destabilised their own country in the present with their foolhardiness.

First, the short answer to what will happen if Pakistan drops a nuke on India. India will retaliate with at least 5-10 nukes dropped at strategic nuclear and military sites in Pakistan to neutralise it. India will then declare an all-out war with Pakistan.

The largest free standing army in the world, one of the most powerful air forces, a navy that annihilated the Pakistani Navy in 1971, the entire nuclear arsenal and missiles... they will all be activated. You can be very sure of that!

India is currently a very angry nation and has been taking Pakistani wars, conflicts and terror attacks for decades. We are a cornered tiger and we are going to pounce sooner or later.

We are a strong believer of the Mahabharata philosophy as espoused by Krishna: Explore each and every single avenue of peace - but when it all fails, go for all-out war.

Play out any scenario you like, the results will be disastrous for India but absolutely catastrophic for Pakistan.

Of course we know it is not as simple as that. There is no nuclear button sitting on the table of the Pakistan government, pressing which will lead to nuking New Delhi in half-an-hour. If Pakistan wants to conduct a nuclear strike, it will have to make a comprehensive real-time nuclear strategy.

It knows one nuke will not be enough; it may have to arm 20-30. It will have to decide whether to attack by missiles, fighter planes or via the navy and how many by each. It will have to spread out its nukes all across the country at strategic places and put all its forces on alert.

Can Pakistan really do that in secret? The whole world will know months in advance and India would do the same. We would move at lightning speed and deploy all our nukes and put all our forces on high alert. That would lead to either a stalemate or a MAD (mutually assured destruction) scenario.

Again, Pakistan would either be unable to fire first or be destroyed at the end of a nuclear war if it did.

India is currently a very angry nation and has been taking Pakistani wars, conflicts and terror attacks for decades. (Photo credit: PTI)
Then what of Big Brother America which is stationed in Pakistan? They say that the three As control Pakistan (Allah and Army being the other). But currently, the superpower A has turned Pakistan into a puppet state.

After 9/11, America has been calling the shots and Pakistan can only watch powerlessly, like the way Osama bin Laden was snatched from right under the headquarters of the Pakistani Army.

Pakistan is swarming with CIA agents and Special Forces’ operatives. That is because America is paranoid that if Pakistani nukes go rogue, one of them may invariably land on American soil. America wants Pak nukes to stay under lock and key not because they want to protect India, but because they want to protect themselves.

There are about 10,000 American troops stationed in Afghanistan along with 13,000 more under the leadership of NATO. Then there are the American drones which can come in and out of Pakistan and attack what they want at will.

Can Pakistan really launch nukes under the nose of the US? America is the most selfish country in the world and will go out of its way to ensure it doesn’t face a nuclear threat, no matter how remote.

Then what of the world community? This is not like World War-II where the world was desperate to end the threat of Adolf Hitler and his allies, and that’s why it looked the other way when Hiroshima and Nagasaki happened and in fact even cheered it.

If there’s an all-out war and Pakistan and North India get nuked, then southern China will face the threat of nuclear radiation. No matter how much China hates India, it too like America wants Pakistan’s nukes to stay under lock and key because of that.

Right now the world’s biggest threat is terrorism. That’s especially if terrorists get hold of a nuke. That may happen in a nuclear war because Pakistan won’t deploy one nuke, but dozens. What if one of them falls into the hands of a terrorist group? It’s not as far-fetched as it sounds.

In fact, when the world is at threat, don’t be surprised if America and China get together to de-nuke Pakistan. Our enemy’s nuclear dream will backfire and turn into a nuclear nightmare.

Pakistan is ravaged by terrorists. In the War of North Waziristan, 30,000 terrorists have already died along with 7,000 Pakistani soldiers and it rages on. Elsewhere in Pakistan, 50-60,000 civilians have died in terror attacks. There are independence movements in Balochistan, Gilgit-Baltistan and Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir.

In such a scenario, taking out 20-30 nukes has a high probability of one of them going rogue. The Israelis have the best intelligence in the world and if they even suspected Pakistan planning a nuclear attack, they would immediately inform India and America.

In fact, the Pakistani nuclear bluff has already been called. The country became an official nuclear power in 1998 and its worst days began after that. It was humiliated in the Kargil War in 1999 and turned into a puppet state after 9/11.

And today it is totally destabilised and faces break-up. All that after it became a nuclear power!

The highly destructive and virulently anti-Indian Prime Minister Zulfikar Bhutto once famously declared that Pakistan would eat grass but build the bomb.

Well how’s that for a prophecy. With the way their economy is going, they will be forced to hug all their nukes and eat nothing but grass!

Dear Pakistan,

Drop a nuke on India.

We will definitely suffer, but you will cease to exist!

Source Link:
This should be translated and published in major regional language newspapers.

