Indian president flies Sukhoi 30 MKI


Sanathan Pepe
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Sep 18, 2009
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I would love to see her (the ever saree-clad) in a g-suit.

Quickgun Murugan

New Member
Oct 1, 2009
hmmm.. why repeat an already accomplished feat?

She would be perceived more brave, if she flies is in Mig-21 cockpit! If not, atleast pressurize the govt to start MMRCA acquisition asap so that these flying coffins can be grounded soon.

I do not understand the point of this Su-30 flight at all, apart from wasting Air force's time and resources.


On Vacation!
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Apr 5, 2009
It's a symbolic gesture, don't read too much into this. These things happen all over the world.


Phat Cat
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Feb 23, 2009
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Good for highlighting the Pres's role as the Commander of the Armed Forces.
Hoping her weak heart, personality, brain, body, intelligence and physical strength survives.


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Jun 29, 2009
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Air force looks for G-suits as Prez gets ready to fly Su-30 -

New Delhi: She isn't fit enough to be a fighter pilot, nor is she at an age to think of becoming one. Besides, the air force doesn't even have a G-suit that fits her. But president Pratibha Patel has made up her mind. She would fly in a Sukhoi-30 MKI -- the Indian Air Force's most potent fighter.

In military style, detailing planning is underway in Pune and Delhi to ensure that the first woman president of the country has a smooth ride, like her predecessor APJ Abdul Kalam. Air force sources said the president would be flying for almost 30 minutes over Pune later this month. The probable date is November 25.

The president would sit in the rear seat, as the commanding officer of the Number 20 'Lightning' Squadron based at Lohegaon, Pune, would take the SU-30 to the sky. An air force officer said the president would be given a "slow and steady" ride, but "it won't be boring". She would be exposed to basic manoeuvres that would give her a good idea of the capabilities of the Russian-made fighter. The fighter, however, would not be pushed to the limits.

"It won't be like the ride that Dr Kalam had. He was looking at the performance of the machine, since he was familiar with it. So it was slightly tougher than the ride president Patil would have," a senior officer said.

As the air force prepares for the president's flight, they are faced with some unique challenges. The force does not have a G-suit, flying suit and boots of her size. The air force does not have women fighter pilots, so the single-piece G-suits and flying suits are made to the size of men, who are much taller. The G-suit, specifically the Anti-G-suit, helps pilots in a fighter plane to withstand high acceleration, or g-force.

The G-suit is made of special garment and has inflatable bladders. It is a tight-fighting trouser worn over or under the flying suit. The bladders press tight on the abdomen and stomach, preventing blood from flowing away from the brain, which, otherwise, would result in a blackout


Founding Member
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Feb 17, 2009
So, Prez's request to have a joyride on MKI proves that popularity of such jet in higher political echolen. I would pray rather pray to god and wish Prez should get impressed with such a fighting machine that she will rather allow purchase of atleast 200 more such birds. More importantly, this joyride will atleast going to infuse more information and popularity among Indian masses who are still highly ignorant about IAF's possession of such a super fighter jet to which nobody can match in the world.


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Jun 29, 2009
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The Hindu : News / National : President to fly fighter jet only if fit: IAF chief

President Pratibha Patil is “medically fit” to fly in a frontline Sukhoi fighter aircraft, but would undertake the sortie only if found fit on the day of the flight, IAF chief P V Naik said here on Friday.

“We have completely evaluated her health. She has been preparing for this for the last two months and she is medically fit,” Air Chief Marshal Naik told reporters here.

“Even on the day she goes on the sortie, she will be tested, just before she gets into the aircraft. Only if the President is medically fit on that particular day, she will take the flight,” he said, when queried on the fitness of the 74-year-old President.

Ms. Patil is scheduled to fly the air superiority aircraft from Lohegaon airbase near Pune on November 25 and will be doing so in her capacity as the Supreme Commander of the armed forces.

“Being the Supreme Commander of the armed forces, it is a matter of pride for the IAF that she will be flying one of our aircraft,” Mr. Naik said.

Asked if her flight would pave the way for IAF women officers to become fighter pilots, the air chief said, “Women can fly fighter aircraft and there are several civilian women, who have done so in the past“.

He said Ms. Patil has been briefed and given a video-audio presentation on flying in a fighter jet plane by Air Force officers recently. “She will again be briefed on the day she will fly in the SU-30MKI,” he added.


Sanathan Pepe
New Member
Sep 18, 2009
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I would pray rather pray to god and wish Prez should get impressed with such a fighting machine that she will rather allow purchase of atleast 200 more such birds.
I don't think it's her job to allow purchases. MoD does that. Maybe at some stage she rubber-stamps it, being an executive head.


New Member
Mar 21, 2009
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hi we dont have any Women Fighter jet pilots yet,
even in Pak Airforce has a women in F-16 Squadron as a fighter pilot????????


Respected Member
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Apr 20, 2009
It's ok people. Such big-shots ( only then you see Airforce in media) flying such beasts gives Air-Force a much needed publicity, attracting talented youth towards services.


New Member
Feb 23, 2009
Well, there goes another one. :sporty85:

In the words of the everliving Freddy Mercury, Another one bites the dust :coffee_spray:


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Jun 29, 2009
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Air Force declares Indian President medically fit to fly fighter jet _English_Xinhua

NEW DELHI, Nov. 13 (Xinhua) -- Indian Air Force Friday declared President Pratibha Patil "medically fit" as the 74-year-old Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces is set to become the first Indian woman to fly a Sukhoi fighter aircraft later this month.

"We have completely evaluated her health. She has been preparing for this for the last two months and she is medically fit. Even on the day she goes on the sortie, she will be tested just before the flight. We will see if she is fit even on the day of the flight. She will again be briefed on the day she would fly in the SU-30MKI," Head of Air Force Air Chief Marshal PV Naik told the media in national capital.

Patil will fly in a Sukhoi fighter jet from Lohegaon airbase near Pune on Nov. 25.

"Being the Supreme Commander of the armed forces, it is a matter of pride for the IAF that she will be flying one of our aircraft," Ai


New Member
Jul 21, 2009
hi we dont have any Women Fighter jet pilots yet,
even in Pak Airforce has a women in F-16 Squadron as a fighter pilot????????
I don't think they r flying F-16 solo. As far as i have seen in GEO TV and ARY TV, they r flying trainers and MIG 21(chinese versian). It may be possible they r showing for purpose of news. As u know Pakistani media hyp these things to show good image of pak.


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Jun 29, 2009
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Patil to be airborne in Sukhoi for 30 mins


New Delhi, Nov 17 (PTI) During her maiden flight in a fighter aircraft, President Pratibha Patil would be airborne for 30 minutes in a Su-30MKI, flying at sub-sonic speeds and at an altitude from where she would be able to see the earth.

"The President will be flown in a Su-30MKI of the Pune-based 30 Squadron flown by its Commanding officer Wing Commander S Sajan at a height from where she would be able to see the earth," IAF Vice Chief P K Barbora said briefing the media on the President's scheduled flight on November 25.

"The aircraft will be flying at speed of around less than super-sonic speed of .9 Mach (less than 1,000 Km per hour) for around 30 minutes," he added.


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Jun 29, 2009
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Prez ok, not women fighter pilots

President Pratibha Patil, 74, may be all set to boom through the skies in a Sukhoi-30 on November 25, but women aspiring to be fighter pilots will have to wait.

The Indian Air Force said on Tuesday while it was proud to be flying India’s first woman Supreme Commander, putting women behind the controls in a fighter plane wasn’t a viable option for the time being.

“I do not think it will be prudent at this moment,” said IAF’s Vice Chief Air Marshal P.K. Barbora. He was echoing the views of the COSC (Chiefs of Staff Committee) — a panel comprising the three service chiefs — which has advised the government against inducting women in close combat roles in March 2007.

Close combat implies flying fighter jets, sailing on warships or serving in the infantry or the armoured corps.

Barbora, however, said women might be inducted as fighter pilots at a later stage provided they could strike a work-life balance.

“In a few years, we might see women coming in as fighter pilots with certain preconditions. Till a certain age, we request you (women) to be happy, be married, but no offsprings,” said Barbora.

The air force spends more than Rs 10 crore on training a fighter pilot. It wants that investment to be optimally utilised. Pregnancy can keep women pilots away from work for 10-12 months.

“I have full respect for women. But if we train them and cannot exploit their full potential, then both sides are losers. Investments made on fighter pilots are recovered only after 13-14 years of service,” Barbora said.

The air force imposes restrictions on male pilots as well. If they quit before 14 years, they have to reimburse training costs to the government.


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Jun 29, 2009
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President Patil creates history, flies a Sukhoi

Pune: President Pratibha Patil, 74, created history on Wednesday as she became the first woman to undertake a sortie on the Sukhoi-30 MKI from the Lohegaon air base. Dressed in the anti-gravity suit, the President waved to the media as her aircraft took off. Wing Commander S Sajan piloted the Su-30.

The Sukhoi-30MKI belongs to the Rhino squadron of the IAF. Her pilot Wing Commander S Sajan heads this top notch squadron. He has over 3,200 hours of flying experience, out of which more than 1,500 hours are on Sukhoi variants. He has been commended in the past by both Chief of Air Staff and Air officer Commanding in Chief, said a defence spokesperson in a press release.

The IAF has chalked out a special rectangular pattern of navigation route for Patil’s maiden sortie that will last 30 minutes.

The aircraft will touch a maximum speed of 0.9 Mach (700 to 900 kmph) and would be flying in formation with another two Su-30 MKIs on either side of the main aircraft. The president will be exposed to gravitational force up to level 2G.

“President Patil will be the first woman President anywhere in the world to fly the Su-30 MKI. It will be a basic flight, not the kind of combat manoeuvres that fighters generally do. It will more or less be similar to President Kalam’s flight in 2006 — except it will not be going supersonic,” said IAF spokesperson T K Singha earlier.

Before Kalam, then defence minister George Fernandes had undertaken had flown the Sukhoi in May 2004, clocking 1.15 Mach (about 1,500 kmph).

As per the IAF, all preparations have been made for the historic flight by the President.

Her flight became a reality after she was declared fit to fly. However, she will be subjected to few basic tests today also, just before the flight.

President Patil has been briefed and given a video-audio presentation on flying in a fighter jet plane by Air Force officers recently and will be again briefed today.

"We have completely evaluated her health. She has been preparing for this for the last two months and she is medically fit," Air Chief Marshal Naik had said earlier.

"Even on the day she goes on the sortie, she will be tested, just before she gets into the aircraft. Only if the President is medically fit on that particular day, she will take the flight," he said, when queried on the fitness of the 74-year-old President.

Being the Supreme Commander of the armed forces, it is a matter of pride for the IAF that she will be flying one of our aircraft," Naik said.


Member of The Month OCTOBER 2009
New Member
Jul 23, 2009
This is just for publicity. If our President is concerned and want to show solidarity with our armed forces, she must ask GOI to speed up the modernization of our Armed forces. By flying in a SU-30MKI she will just add her name to the record books.


Sanathan Pepe
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Sep 18, 2009
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Of course it's for publicity, and nothing else. Making her fly a Su-30MKI is no way to make her persuade GOI to speed up modernization, it's only to make her more complacent. They should have put her in a MiG-25. That would have been fun.