Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

Corvus Splendens

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Dec 8, 2021
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The Royal Navy and JMSDF are some forces! Damn... Imagine being a tiny island with a falling economy and yet maintaining such firepower in the seas. I understand they were good at the seas before but if they are so good today, we have a lot to catch up in terms of tonnage.
The Royal Navy that can't even leave port with force because they don't have enough sailors to man even half their fleet ? Same Royal Navy with two giant white elephants with no birds, taking loans from Air Force and US Navy ? The Navy that doesn't even have the authority to drive their own SSBNs without Uncle Sam's guiding rod ?
The Royal Navy is a joke. A catering service to USN.


Sikkimese Saber
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Aug 20, 2010
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Some of their destroyers are frigates.
The point is that they have the tonnage and the right weapons on them. Japan's toys are mostly going to be used under American leadership. In any battle scenario, JMSDF will never go at it alone without the presence of USN warships and commanders directing them. Their Navy is excellent in disaster management and air defence due to the Aegis fleet they have.

But we don't have that backup. Ideally, our Navy needs to double its current tonnage if we have to shoulder the responsibilities that we are carrying right now in the region. Deviating a little here, but if the Iranians don't relent and the Houthi attacks continue, you will see how getting involved in combat near the Red Sea. That is going to stretch our operational capabilities in the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean.

And we cannot afford to be weak in the Bay of Bengal.

Call me paranoid (hey, my home is just under 200 km from the PLA), but I get the feeling that the PLAN might get feisty near Andaman and Nicobar if we get involved in serious combat near Yemen.


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
The point is that they have the tonnage and the right weapons on them. Japan's toys are mostly going to be used under American leadership. In any battle scenario, JMSDF will never go at it alone without the presence of USN warships and commanders directing them. Their Navy is excellent in disaster management and air defence due to the Aegis fleet they have.

But we don't have that backup. Ideally, our Navy needs to double its current tonnage if we have to shoulder the responsibilities that we are carrying right now in the region. Deviating a little here, but if the Iranians don't relent and the Houthi attacks continue, you will see how getting involved in combat near the Red Sea. That is going to stretch our operational capabilities in the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean.

And we cannot afford to be weak in the Bay of Bengal.

Call me paranoid (hey, my home is just under 200 km from the PLA), but I get the feeling that the PLAN might get feisty near Andaman and Nicobar if we get involved in serious combat near Yemen.
You have no argument from me. The only way to get there is if we develop our own naval grade steel (which we have), engines (which we have not), radar (which we have), missiles (which we have), and electronic gear (up to a point- we don’t manufacture our own electronic sub components).


New Member
Nov 11, 2023
You have no argument from me. The only way to get there is if we develop our own naval grade steel (which we have), engines (which we have not), radar (which we have), missiles (which we have), and electronic gear (up to a point- we don’t manufacture our own electronic sub components).
didn't Navy set a goal that by 2047 we will have truly atmanirbhar navy. They indigenized 1. Steel-Yes 2. Composites-Yes 3. Radars-on verge of 4. Missiles-Barak 8 is still expensive and semi-indigenous along with Brahmos, we need alternatives or completely indigenize them 5. Electronic gear- I mean we produce our own chips for isro in SCL,Mohali. do these ships require latest processors, if then we can't be 100% free from imports. 6. Marine engines-Navy&drdo says they are working on it 7. Gas Turbines-same with kaveri gas turbine at 12MW(~16MW).


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Sep 24, 2016
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The Royal Navy and JMSDF are some forces! Damn... Imagine being a tiny island with a falling economy and yet maintaining such firepower in the seas. I understand they were good at the seas before but if they are so good today, we have a lot to catch up in terms of tonnage.
Royal Navy is ahead of us in mostly auxiliary ships tonnege.

We are adding 5 *40000 == 2lakh tons of fleet support ships.
So we shall match them in this decade.

Capabilities wise they have 6 SSN and 4 heavy SSBN. We are already building our own nuke subs.

Elizabeth class with f35 will be very capable once they get jets in numbers.
In everything else we are ahead of them and building much faster.


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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The point is that they have the tonnage and the right weapons on them. Japan's toys are mostly going to be used under American leadership. In any battle scenario, JMSDF will never go at it alone without the presence of USN warships and commanders directing them. Their Navy is excellent in disaster management and air defence due to the Aegis fleet they have.

But we don't have that backup. Ideally, our Navy needs to double its current tonnage if we have to shoulder the responsibilities that we are carrying right now in the region. Deviating a little here, but if the Iranians don't relent and the Houthi attacks continue, you will see how getting involved in combat near the Red Sea. That is going to stretch our operational capabilities in the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean.

And we cannot afford to be weak in the Bay of Bengal.

Call me paranoid (hey, my home is just under 200 km from the PLA), but I get the feeling that the PLAN might get feisty near Andaman and Nicobar if we get involved in serious combat near Yemen.
We are going for massive naval buildup. Naval capital budget has doubled in just 4 yrs and growing faster than ever.

Tonnege wise we are adding
3 SSBN 15K tonn each = 45k tons
5 fleet support 40k tonn each == 200k ton.
Next vikrant class 50k

So almost 3 lakh tonnes within 10-15 years atleast. Probably 1.5 lakh tonnes more will be build in form of NextGen destroyers frigates and Corvets and even lpd/ lhds .


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Jul 4, 2013
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And we cannot afford to be weak in the Bay of Bengal.

Call me paranoid (hey, my home is just under 200 km from the PLA), but I get the feeling that the PLAN might get feisty near Andaman and Nicobar if we get involved in serious combat near Yemen.
Not unless GoI and IN are completely worthless.
CN does not have the supply chains needed to mount any credible threat there.
IMHO, we are more capable of doing some drama in south china sea than them here.


New Member
Nov 11, 2023
What happens to Navy when oil runs out or when it becomes too expensive like say in 20-30 years in future. Should they invest in a hydrozen based Gas Turbine like the General Electric GT.


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Mar 22, 2022
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Good chances as a LIFT for carrier ops.
Kind of like the T-45 but better? I imagine they could be used in actual exercises/operations too if need be, but I'm guessing they have short legs compared to MiG-29s

Rassil Krishnan

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Apr 16, 2019
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Isse yaad aaya, and this probably has been answered before, but why does our navy build like just 3-4 ships of a class and then make a new class of ships?
Like these RN walas have 6x type 45 destroyers and 8x frigates of the same class?
Chinkies and USN also do this, but in larger numbers like 10x ships of one class

Is it a case of ships being built too slowly, so by the time the final class of one ship is out it is outdated so they build/design a new ship class?
Expect the royal navy to shrink further in the future,even in the medium term. The navy is now going to mirror the capacity of the UK to splurge-which is very low (historically compared) and they will have many problems that would require money elsewhere, the recession like economy is not helping either. Their social and demographic problems also will make this worse. Many of the ships there are about to be retired and many are ineffective, so the Royal navy does not deserve that place.


New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Expect the royal navy to shrink further in the future,even in the medium term. The navy is now going to mirror the capacity of the UK to splurge-which is very low (historically compared) and they will have many problems that would require money elsewhere, the recession like economy is not helping either. Their social and demographic problems also will make this worse. Many of the ships there are about to be retired and many are ineffective, so the Royal navy does not deserve that place.
lol their problem is not the ships but getting the guys to man the ships.
For the shit pay they offer nobody will enlist, and with patriotism being meaningless in (((UK))), no whitey will bother at all.


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Aug 11, 2021
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Logic Says India Buy Admiral Kornilov FFG & Order 1 More Talwar FFG from GSL
12 Talwar class ships with upgraded radar and VLS SAM ( MF-STAR RA + Barak8?), would actually be a very useful force for lower intensity regional operation. Much better to send a ship like this for anti-piracy patrol or to escort shipping instead of a P15s or P17s which are overkill.
They would be good enough to deal with any regional threat, even the Pakistanis.

Easy way to add numbers to the fleet quickly.


New Member
Jul 18, 2011
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12 Talwar class ships with upgraded radar and VLS SAM ( MF-STAR RA + Barak8?), would actually be a very useful force for lower intensity regional operation. Much better to send a ship like this for anti-piracy patrol or to escort shipping instead of a P15s or P17s which are overkill.
They would be good enough to deal with any regional threat, even the Pakistanis.

Easy way to add numbers to the fleet quickly.
Pakistanis can be dealt with 2 P15As and 2 P8Is.