Indian Navy Developments & Discussions


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Apr 17, 2014
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Escalating with Yemen is pointless since Houthis are nothing more than Khamenei's disposable assets. Even if an invasion force could neutralize every single Houthi (difficult and bordering genocide), it would mean that the Iranians could pick some other tribe and start their covert war again whenever needed.

If this escalates to a point where global trade is threatened, especially for the Middle East, India and China, these countries will take collective action against Iran apart from the entire European Union who would ditch Ukraine in a jiffy to save their jugular vein. Russia might oppose in principle but will stay silent if a collective military force were to strike Iran for these reasons.

That is not something that the Iranians can handle.

Seems more like speculation. 12 Su-30 MKI are already being considered for EW and dubbed "Growlerski". This conversion will happen along with the rest of the Super Sukhoi upgrades.
Both Russia and China are promoting alternatives for the suez canal ( arctic route and BRI) . For them any tension in the red sea is a win win .. for China maybe a win lose . Ironically it is us that are most effected by this .
To be pedantic Singapore Japan and Korea are even more effected but they have uncle's hand on their head.

Love Charger

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Oct 9, 2021
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Not only very cold. You will need icebreakers to escort any tankers and cargo ships.
That's why I said what I said , it's colder than uttarakhand and Himachal, which are two of the coldest areas on earth .
It's so cold that even sea freezes , so that you need to break the ice of the seas to Even sail forward , bloody sea ice needs to be broken you see, thus

It's very cold.


Sikkimese Saber
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Aug 20, 2010
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Both Russia and China are promoting alternatives for the suez canal ( arctic route and BRI) . For them any tension in the red sea is a win win .. for China maybe a win lose . Ironically it is us that are most effected by this .
To be pedantic Singapore Japan and Korea are even more effected but they have uncle's hand on their head.
It affects China also in the short run as much as it affects us.

The Russian routes are not 100% ice-free meaning that very few merchant vessels have the navigational capabilities to wade through the icy Arctic even today. Russia has a fleet of ice-breakers specifically for this but they are not enough to supplement global giants like Maersk and China Shipping.

By your logic, even the INSTC has been operationalized now and we can also use goods via INSTC without any hassle. The announcement was made just a few months ago and we saw the first set of transit shipping happening via the multi-modal networks throughout Russia, the Caspian, Iran and then straight to Mumbai and Mundra.

But the Europeans won't ditch the Suez at all and go to Russia all of a sudden without pissing off their masters, the Americans. Euros don't have the spine for that.

China and India both may see significant trouble equally for now if these attacks continue.

The BRI is not at all economical. The Chinese also know this, which is why they still send a bulk of their exports via ships even today. It can be a stopgap measure but the prices of everything overland will be impossibly high. Passing through some of the most volatile regions, BRI has some functional areas while the others are just ego-boosters for Uncle Xi.

Let's be realistic. Any attack on merchant ships (remember these attackers are wild camel-shaggers, not some trainer special units) will antagonize both countries equally and Houthis will lose support from Iran under pressure from China. Their "assurances" mean squat if they don't have a sophisticated means to identify which ship is for what. Egypt is the only one that has that level of technology other than Saudi and neither will give it to the war-torn, Houthi-controlled Yemen to damage their own trade.


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Mar 22, 2022
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Till we have to make populist rules and the IAS is not broken, this will continue. Not just for the Navy but for all the military branches. Defence will always be India's last priority until we are invaded. That is how democracy wakes up. Remember the speed of changes that happened after the 1962 war?

Because then it gives the government a reason to sweep the bureaucracy aside and take the necessary actions. Chinese bureaucracy is dependent on the words of the CCP and specifically one man. If Xi gets pissed, half the Chinese IAS-equivalents in the country would be dragged tomorrow on to the streets and shot dead publicly.

We don't have that mechanism where PM Modi can take such drastic decisions without a probable cause of war.
You're talking as if bureaucracy is something different from the government. It is the government, including ministers, officers and prime ministers.

The government elects and appoints all the military leaders at the top of the chain.. 1962 happened because of the government itself, partly due to myopia partly due to military coup concerns like what happened in Pakistan.

Talking on forums is easy, if you ever meet an officer be it military or civil in the immediate or close family, ask them what the situation is really like. Do you even know what officers in the IAS are there for?


New Member
Jan 12, 2019
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Recently there is a news of DRDO unveiling Land-based Extended Range Anti Submarine Rocket in idrw. It was says that the new range is 8.9 km instead of 5 km earlier. Can someone pls guide me regarding how this rocket works? Is it a guided one or unguided? Will it penetrate into water? Finally, will enemy submarines lurk this close to shore or enemy installations in this modern age of warfare so as to make this rocket relevant? I have the same doubt for ship-based rockets as well which is present in most of Indian Navy's ships.

Arjun Mk1A

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Mar 6, 2022
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Recently there is a news of DRDO unveiling Land-based Extended Range Anti Submarine Rocket in idrw. It was says that the new range is 8.9 km instead of 5 km earlier. Can someone pls guide me regarding how this rocket works? Is it a guided one or unguided? Will it penetrate into water? Finally, will enemy submarines lurk this close to shore or enemy installations in this modern age of warfare so as to make this rocket relevant? I have the same doubt for ship-based rockets as well which is present in most of Indian Navy's ships.

I believe it is the Extended range version of RBU 6000 Rockets which our ships used for Anti Submarine purpose.


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Jul 18, 2011
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They are so smoky. Our Warship Design Bureau shouldnt have selected them for our destroyers. They make a smoky mess at every port visit. So much for stealth destroyer.
Smoky yes. But show me any other GT that has the ability to go in reverse almost as fast as in forward. The thrust reversal mechanism is a mechanical engineering marvel!