Indian MBRLS Pinaka Thread

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
For any modification of foreign system, One must have permission from third party or its illegal ..

BM-21 are getting replaced by Pinaka regiments, In Time we may see Pinaka launchers over Arjun chassis, If Army passed any requirement for it ..


Pinaka System have incendiary warheads ..

We should remove BM-21 from the truck and place it on the T-72 Like russian TOS-1 so that they can be easily be used in desert with ease.............
Pic:Russian TOS-1
View attachment 7831
The range is very limited. Between 3 to 5 KMs. The purpose is very different from Pinaka.
I think that is a flame thrower. Do we need it?


New Member
Jul 9, 2014
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Why do our people shows every thing in detailed manner that too in display's........


New Member
Jul 9, 2014
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For any modification of foreign system, One must have permission from third party or its illegal ..

BM-21 are getting replaced by Pinaka regiments, In Time we may see Pinaka launchers over Arjun chassis, If Army passed any requirement for it ..

Illegal......Chinese are making copies of fighter jets we aren't allowed to change chassis or any other part....
If BM-21 is replaced with Pinaka what happens to the stock of rockets of bm-21....?

aditya g

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Jan 14, 2014
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Anybody have a comparison pic b/w mark1 and mark2 pinaka?


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Feb 12, 2014
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Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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A quick update on India's deadly "Pinaka Multi-Barrel Rocket Launcher System"
The New Guided Version of Pinaka with 100km range

India's latest indigenous Multi Barrel Rocket Launcher (MBRL), Pinaka Mk II which can carry 12 Pinaka rockets while a Pinaka system have 6 launchers, taking the total to 72 rockets and all can be fired under 44 seconds. It's calibre is 214mm and has a minimum 20km range and maximum 60km range.

Each Pinaka Mk II rocket have a length of 5.175m and a total weight of 326kgs. Each Pinaka Mk II rocket can carry 132kgs of RHE or incendiary or pre fragmented types of warheads. It is powered by 132kgs of high energy fuel or propellant which have total burn time of 5.9 seconds and total impulse of 32,500 kgf-s, thanks to pyrotechnic based nozzle end ignition system. It has a terminal speed of 4122 kmph or Mach 3.34. The CEP or Circular Error Probability of Pinaka Mk II is 1.5% of the range i.e ~300m for 20km to ~900m for 65km. This is normal considering MLRS are generally unguided and often requires a complete salvo attack to eliminate a threat such as army of soldiers, regiment of tanks or howitzers within 1

Metallurgy ::

The front nozzle of the rocket is made from 40Ni6Cr4Mo3 steel alloy while the rear nozzle is made from HE15 alluminium alloy. Rocket is coated with SP16 powder for thermal protection. Motor tube of Pinaka is made from SAE 1430 steel alloy and protected by Ethlene Propylene Diene Rubber (EPDR) from extremely high temperature.

Meet the new Pinaka 2 ::

Defexpo 16 is over. Many people attended, watched the gadgets presented there, yet some of them slipped from their eyes.

Called as Pinaka ER (Extended Range) or Pinaka 2 (not to be confused with Pinaka Mk II). This new Pinaka is a huge jump in Indian MLRS technology as it has terminal guidance. Pinaka 2's Guidance Unit is jointly developed by Alpha Design Technologies (India) and MBDA Systems (Europe) while the rest of the rocket part is totally indigenous. The Guidance unit is fitted with canard fins for course correction, thermal battery, actuator electronics, fuze electronics, power supply, GPS antenna with GPS receiver (with high possibility of making it compatible with IRNSS) etc.

The new Pinaka 2 is designed with reducing collateral damage in mind, so that enemy targets can be precisely targetted without the fear of killing friendlies near enemy forces. The new Guidance Unit will help Pinaka to attain a CEP of few metres.! Its got spinning tail fins instead of the straight petal fins of Pinaka Mk I & Mk II (see the image).The range is confirmed to be max 100km while the minimum is 20km. However, the calibre of the new guided Pinaka is not yet known, 214mm is likely, but 300mm is still a possibility, as it can be smart alternative to 90km Russian Smerch MLRS. No date for tests is announced yet.

Special thanks to Defence Technology analyst Prasun K. Sengupta for his unmatched coverage of DefExpo 2016.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This article has been written by Mohammad Noor Alam exclusively for
B.Com 4th Sem


Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
Pinaka 2 which has 68km in range is just up-gradation of present Pinaka 1, The most notable change is the rockets which have GPS / INS guidance ..

With this, The rocket are more precision guided ammunition than just dumb rockets in salvos, The overall upgrade is more for precision than long range ..

Imho, Prahaar is design to take place of BM-30 ..


Details .. >>

Pinaka Rocket`s GPS kit ..

New Pinaka Rockets in tests

GPS Antenna: Increased application of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) for navigational aids, necessitated the development of low profile antennas. Two types of low profile antennas, viz., Wraparound Microstrip Antenna for Pinaka Rocket and Quadrifilar Helix Antenna for manpack GPS have been developed by DRDO. The development of GPS antenna for Pinaka, along with its feed network, is a challenging task as it requires antenna to be conformal with the cylindrical body of the rocket. Quadrifilar Helix Antenna is one of the preferred antennas for GPS application owing to its smaller size and cardioid pattern.


Centre frequency : 1575.4 MHz
Bandwidth : � 3 MHz
Polarisation : RHCP
Gain : Better than 0 dB
VSWR : < 2:1
Radiation pattern : Hemispherical
Axial ratio : < 6 dB
The antennas have been fabricated, tested and are undergoing field trials.[/QUOTE]

Shared by mainly > @Twinblade

Here :

A quick update on India's deadly "Pinaka Multi-Barrel Rocket Launcher System"
The New Guided Version of Pinaka with 100km range

India's latest indigenous Multi Barrel Rocket Launcher (MBRL), Pinaka Mk II which can carry 12 Pinaka rockets while a Pinaka system have 6 launchers, taking the total to 72 rockets and all can be fired under 44 seconds. It's calibre is 214mm and has a minimum 20km range and maximum 60km range.

Each Pinaka Mk II rocket have a length of 5.175m and a total weight of 326kgs. Each Pinaka Mk II rocket can carry 132kgs of RHE or incendiary or pre fragmented types of warheads. It is powered by 132kgs of high energy fuel or propellant which have total burn time of 5.9 seconds and total impulse of 32,500 kgf-s, thanks to pyrotechnic based nozzle end ignition system. It has a terminal speed of 4122 kmph or Mach 3.34. The CEP or Circular Error Probability of Pinaka Mk II is 1.5% of the range i.e ~300m for 20km to ~900m for 65km. This is normal considering MLRS are generally unguided and often requires a complete salvo attack to eliminate a threat such as army of soldiers, regiment of tanks or howitzers within 1

Metallurgy ::

The front nozzle of the rocket is made from 40Ni6Cr4Mo3 steel alloy while the rear nozzle is made from HE15 alluminium alloy. Rocket is coated with SP16 powder for thermal protection. Motor tube of Pinaka is made from SAE 1430 steel alloy and protected by Ethlene Propylene Diene Rubber (EPDR) from extremely high temperature.

Meet the new Pinaka 2 ::

Defexpo 16 is over. Many people attended, watched the gadgets presented there, yet some of them slipped from their eyes.

Called as Pinaka ER (Extended Range) or Pinaka 2 (not to be confused with Pinaka Mk II). This new Pinaka is a huge jump in Indian MLRS technology as it has terminal guidance. Pinaka 2's Guidance Unit is jointly developed by Alpha Design Technologies (India) and MBDA Systems (Europe) while the rest of the rocket part is totally indigenous. The Guidance unit is fitted with canard fins for course correction, thermal battery, actuator electronics, fuze electronics, power supply, GPS antenna with GPS receiver (with high possibility of making it compatible with IRNSS) etc.

The new Pinaka 2 is designed with reducing collateral damage in mind, so that enemy targets can be precisely targetted without the fear of killing friendlies near enemy forces. The new Guidance Unit will help Pinaka to attain a CEP of few metres.! Its got spinning tail fins instead of the straight petal fins of Pinaka Mk I & Mk II (see the image).The range is confirmed to be max 100km while the minimum is 20km. However, the calibre of the new guided Pinaka is not yet known, 214mm is likely, but 300mm is still a possibility, as it can be smart alternative to 90km Russian Smerch MLRS. No date for tests is announced yet.

Special thanks to Defence Technology analyst Prasun K. Sengupta for his unmatched coverage of DefExpo 2016.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This article has been written by Mohammad Noor Alam exclusively for
B.Com 4th Sem


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Aug 9, 2014
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Advanced Pinaka with new technology test fired

BHUBANESWAR: The defence officials on Friday tested a new technology in a bid to incorporate ‘guidance system’ in the advanced version of indigenously built Pinaka rocket system.

The new technology in Pinaka was successfully tested from a defence base off the Odisha coast. Two rounds of the rocket were fired from the test range of Proof and Experimental Establishment (PXE) at Chandipur-on-sea.

Pinaka rocket being test fired from the PXE range | Express
Defence sources said the rockets were fired from a multi-barrel rocket launcher (MBRL) at 11.35 am and 01.15 pm. The tests were conducted by both the PXE and Integrated Test Range (ITR). The mission validated all parameters as coordinated by the Pinaka team.
“Since guided Pinaka is coming up in future, they are capturing data for further analysis. The data would be useful for the future guided flight. However, both the tests were successful as they had a good flight,” said a defence official denying to divulge details about the new technology.

The tracking radars have monitored the movements of the rockets till the point of impact. The advanced version of the rocket system has proved its efficiency and capability. The source informed that two more rounds of test have been planned on Monday.

As per the specification, the MBRL can fire 12 rockets with 1.2 tonne of high explosives within 44 seconds and destroy a target area of four sqkm at a time. The quick reaction time and high rate of fire of the system gives an edge to the Army during a low-intensity conflict situation.

Pinaka is the first indigenous rocket system successfully designed, developed and produced by the ARDE with the help of private industries. The system’s capability to incorporate several types of warheads makes it deadly for the enemy as it can even destroy their solid structures and bunkers.

An earlier version of the rocket system, which has undergone several tough tests since 1995, has been inducted into the armed forces while the present trials are being conducted with some improvements in the system. The rocket system has been developed to neutralise large areas with rapid salvos.


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Aug 9, 2014
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Operational gaps handicap military on several fronts

NEW DELHI: The cabinet committee on security (CCS) has cleared the acquisition of two more regiments of the indigenous Pinaka multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS) for the Army, which will help the force boost its medium-range, high-volume firepower.

Sources said the CCS, chaired by PM Narendra Modi, cleared the third and fourth Pinaka regiments for over Rs 3,300 crore. With a strike range of 40km, the Pinaka MLRS are manufactured by the Tatas and L&T based on technology developed by DRDO.
But with the government yet to really cut the flab in the cumbersome defence procurement procedures or fast-track crucial acquisitions, the armed forces continue to suffer from critical operational gaps on several fronts.

The Navy, already grappling with the prospect of commissioning the new Scorpene submarines without torpedoes and frontline warships without multi-role helicopters, for instance, sounded yet another red-alert on Wednesday. It asked the Manohar Parrikar-led defence acquisitions council (DAC) to quickly resolve the question of acquiring the main 127mm guns for 11 frontline warships.

The reason is that the 127mm Otomelara guns selected for the seven stealth frigates and four guided-missile destroyers, under-construction for over Rs 80,000 crore at Mazagon Docks (Mumbai) and GRSE (Kolkata), are manufactured by Italian conglomerate Finmeccanica.
The NDA government has virtually blacklisted Finmeccanica and its subsidiaries, with all fresh deals with the conglomerate already on hold since the VVIP helicopter scandal rocked the country over a couple of years ago, as was earlier reported by TOI.

"There is confusion about the way ahead in many such projects...swift, clear decisions have to be taken," said a source. The defence ministry's new blacklisting policy, with graded punishments and fines commensurate with the wrong-doings committed by armament companies instead of the earlier wholescale bans, is also yet to be formally notified despite repeated promises.

The DAC did clear modernisation proposals worth Rs 1,900 crore, ranging from the Rs 330 crore electronic warfare system for a mountain corps to the Rs 405 crore procurement of over 3,100 Konkurs antitank guided missiles, on Wednesday but they were relatively minor in nature.

The first victim of the VVIP helicopter scandal fallout was the long-pending Rs 1,200 crore proposal to buy the Black Shark heavy-weight torpedoes from a Finmeccanica subsidiary for the six Scorpene submarines under construction at MDL. The Navy will now commission its first new conventional submarine in over 16 years, INS Kalvari, without its primary weapon by the end of this year.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Operational gaps handicap military on several fronts

NEW DELHI: The cabinet committee on security (CCS) has cleared the acquisition of two more regiments of the indigenous Pinaka multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS) for the Army, which will help the force boost its medium-range, high-volume firepower.

Sources said the CCS, chaired by PM Narendra Modi, cleared the third and fourth Pinaka regiments for over Rs 3,300 crore. With a strike range of 40km, the Pinaka MLRS are manufactured by the Tatas and L&T based on technology developed by DRDO.
But with the government yet to really cut the flab in the cumbersome defence procurement procedures or fast-track crucial acquisitions, the armed forces continue to suffer from critical operational gaps on several fronts.

The Navy, already grappling with the prospect of commissioning the new Scorpene submarines without torpedoes and frontline warships without multi-role helicopters, for instance, sounded yet another red-alert on Wednesday. It asked the Manohar Parrikar-led defence acquisitions council (DAC) to quickly resolve the question of acquiring the main 127mm guns for 11 frontline warships.

The reason is that the 127mm Otomelara guns selected for the seven stealth frigates and four guided-missile destroyers, under-construction for over Rs 80,000 crore at Mazagon Docks (Mumbai) and GRSE (Kolkata), are manufactured by Italian conglomerate Finmeccanica.
The NDA government has virtually blacklisted Finmeccanica and its subsidiaries, with all fresh deals with the conglomerate already on hold since the VVIP helicopter scandal rocked the country over a couple of years ago, as was earlier reported by TOI.

"There is confusion about the way ahead in many such projects...swift, clear decisions have to be taken," said a source. The defence ministry's new blacklisting policy, with graded punishments and fines commensurate with the wrong-doings committed by armament companies instead of the earlier wholescale bans, is also yet to be formally notified despite repeated promises.

The DAC did clear modernisation proposals worth Rs 1,900 crore, ranging from the Rs 330 crore electronic warfare system for a mountain corps to the Rs 405 crore procurement of over 3,100 Konkurs antitank guided missiles, on Wednesday but they were relatively minor in nature.

The first victim of the VVIP helicopter scandal fallout was the long-pending Rs 1,200 crore proposal to buy the Black Shark heavy-weight torpedoes from a Finmeccanica subsidiary for the six Scorpene submarines under construction at MDL. The Navy will now commission its first new conventional submarine in over 16 years, INS Kalvari, without its primary weapon by the end of this year.
Rajat pandit again....
what's with this guy, what's with his habit of leaving bad taste in all articles he writes....
for example in this article operational gap according to him seems to be blacklisting of finnameccania. Every thing else pianaka, EW system, konkors means nothing ...

Raj Malhotra

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Aug 13, 2009
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Pinaki -1 range 38-42 km unguided
Pinaka -2 range 65-68 km unguided
Pinka-2 guided range 89-95km

Pinka-3 range 120-150km? Guidance? No new reports, so dead?

Prahaar range 180-200km. Not getting any orders as it may interfere in some Brahmos orders.

No follow on to Prithvi 1,2,3 and Dhanush for same reason?


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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DAC decision on pinaka comes before or after CCS decision?


With these new six regiments, what is the count of pinaka regiments ( current + planned )?

