Indian Counter Terror Operations Pictures & Discussions

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Darth Malgus

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Aug 24, 2016
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One of them identified as SSG commando Naik Anwar of Cherat, Nowshera District of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province.

2 AK47 rifles
480 rounds of ammunition
3 communication sets
2 IED, Cameras and Petrol Bottles.
They also had Incendiary rounds with them, I guess their goal was to do something similar to what happened in URI. This is their third infiltration attempt by BAT after the Surgical strikes which has failed..


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Jan 30, 2015
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Number of martyred troops can’t be disclosed, Senate told
Iftikhar A. KhanUpdated June 07, 2017
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Pakistan Army troops — File

ISLAMABAD: After a minister’s hesitation to share the number of Pakistani troops who laid down their lives in recent incidents of Indian firing from across the Line of Control (LoC), Senate Chairman Mian Raza Rabbani on Tuesday held that no information could be withheld from parliament.

Minister of State for Water and Power Abid Sher Ali informed the house that as many as 66 civilians had been killed and 288 injured as a result of unprovoked Indian firing from across the LoC, but the number of army troops martyred could not be disclosed due to security reasons.

“We do not want our enemy to know how many soldiers laid down their lives,” he said.

The minister said a letter had been written to the General Headquarters, seeking more details which were expected to be available in a couple of days.

The chairman said the calling attention notice on the matter had appeared on the agenda on Tuesday but it had been with the Senate secretariat for several days and the information should have come by now.

“Will the order of parliament prevail or that of the Ministry of Defence or GHQ?” he asked.

Stressing that no information could be concealed from parliament, he said if the government wanted, the session could be declared in-camera when it would be shared.

He said parliament was supreme and he could not allow hiding of information from the forum.

The chairman ordered that the information be provided to the house during the current session.

He said that if any matter of national security was involved, there were two options: either an in-camera session could be held or the information submitted to the office of the Senate chairman where the members could go through it.

Senator Ateeq Sheikh of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement had moved the notice to draw the government’s attention towards the loss of precious lives of Pakistani citizens in the Indian firing.

Afghan border

Speaking on an adjournment motion about firing on a census team by Afghan security personnel, Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed of the PML-Q said Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi wanted to use Afghan soil to create instability in Pakistan.

He said the United States was pursuing a dual policy on Afghanistan. He recalled that there had been representation of the Haqqani network in a meeting held in Murree where representatives from the United States, China and Afghanistan met the Taliban. He said warlord Gulbadin Hekmatyar had joined the Qaumi Ittehad (national unity) Government in Afghanistan.

“What is the harm in a dialogue with Taliban and the Haqqani network?” he asked.

The senator said Afghan President Ashraf Ghani had talked of opening a Taliban office in Afghanistan. The Afghan Taliban also had an office in Doha where the US had the largest base, but it kept on pressuring Pakistan, he said.

He said the US had met failure in Afghanistan and now it needed a scapegoat with its eyes focused on Pakistan.

He was of the view that Pakistan should appoint a special representative for Afghanistan.

Senator Hafiz Hamdullah of the Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Fazl criticised the policy of closing the Chaman and Torkham borders on the plea that they were used by the Afghan National Directorate of Security (NDS) and Indian Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) agents to find their way into Pakistan.

He pointed out that the border with Afghanistan was 2,900km long with many small crossing points and the NDS and RAW people could also use them enter the country. He said the economy of Chaman was linked with the border and its closure was tantamount to punishing the people of the town.

Senator Taj Haider of the PPP said terrorists were a common enemy of Pakistan and Afghanistan and called for joint action against them so that they could not find shelter anywhere. He said economic relations were essential for peace, which could not be achieved by closing the border.

and that's why Al Bakistani forces doesn't even disclose their martyred troops to the senate ,will lower the morale of the jihadies if not down after surgical strikes
What machine gun is it ?
50 cal?
I think we don't use 50 cal in India...

Darth Malgus

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Aug 24, 2016
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View attachment 30717

One of them identified as SSG commando Naik Anwar of Cherat, Nowshera District of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province.

2 AK47 rifles
480 rounds of ammunition
3 communication sets
2 IED, Cameras and Petrol Bottles.
From the images, it sort of looks like they never saw it coming. Their BPJ's seems to have been dislodged from their chest. An explosion at close range ?


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Jan 30, 2015
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Various calibers including 12.7mm for heavy machine gun duties
We are using 7.62 caliber for troop level.
M2 machine gun which is of 50 cal for gaurd post ( less in number , most of posts are gaurded by insas LMG or 7.62 Cal Guns.
Remaining calibers are deployed on battle tank.


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Sep 7, 2015
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I know its theirs post not ours.
I am just asking which caliber Machine guns do we use. Don't say 7.62...I will die.
Ok, we have, apart from the ubiquitous 7.62 LMG:

1. .50 M2 Browning. Heavy machine gun - M2HB variant in service, but used in small numbers.

2. PKM 7.62 general-purpose machine gun (GPMG).

3. NSV 12.7 HMG. Used as secondary weapon on T-72 and T-90. Also can be dismounted for ground role.

4. KPV 14.5 HMG. Used in small numbers.

5. MAG 58 7.62mm MMG issued to all Infantry battalions.


जय परशुराम‍।
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Oct 7, 2015
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Woman killed, 9 injured in 'ruthless' firing by Indian troops across LoC
Tariq NaqashUpdated December 31, 2018
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An Indian army soldier takes up position near the Line of Control. — File

A woman was killed and nine other people, including two police constables, were injured in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) on Monday as Indian troops resorted to “ruthless” mortar shelling from across the restive Line of Control (LoC), officials said.

The target on the last day of 2018 was Athmuqam, the otherwise rarely hit district headquarters of the picturesque Neelum Valley, located some 80 kilometres northeast of state capital Muzaffarabad.

“First they [Indians] fired some shells on Pakistan Army posts, but suddenly they started pounding civilian installations with mortar shells,” said Akhtar Ayub, an Athmuqam based disaster risk management officer.

Video footages shared by some Athmuqam residents in WhatsApp groups showed people running to safety amid the thunder of shelling and clouds of smoke.

Ayub said Indian troops targeted the entire one-kilometre radius of Athmuqam, overlooked by Indian gun positions atop lofty mountains across the unmarked dividing line.

“The shelling was so indiscriminate that we thought they [Indians] will devastate everything existing on the ground,” said Abbas Mir, a schoolteacher, whose car’s windowpane was smashed by the splinters of a shell.

Samiya Amir, an AJK University Neelum campus student, said they were on the third floor of a building when the shelling began.

“All of us rushed to the ground floor where we remained confined over the next three hours in a state of fear and anxiety,” she added.

Same was the situation in all other educational institutions in the town, where students were trapped during the course of shelling, Ayub said.

He said many people took shelter in the building of a local hospital in the absence of reinforced underground shelters along with the houses.

The shelling stopped after an hour but left a 27-year-old woman dead and nine others wounded, Ayub said.

The deceased, identified as Asiya Bibi, was hit in the head by a shrapnel from a mortar shell outside her house, he said. The mother of a toddler died on the spot.

The injured were identified as Sadaf Zia, 16, Misbah Jameel, 8, Kulsoom Shafqat, 18, Zarmeen Bibi, 20, Ansar Bibi, 35, and her son Khawaja Amir, 20, Rafaqat Khan, 35, and police constables Raja Zulqarnain, 36, and Malik Sajjad, 33.

All of them were treated locally and were out of danger, Ayub said.

The 200km-long Neelum Valley had long faced the brunt of heavy cross-border shelling between the rival troops until a truce agreement in November 2003 brought much-needed relief to its inhabitants.

Over the past 15 years, while the truce agreement saw numerous violations elsewhere causing several civilian casualties, the Neelum Valley remained an exception as Indian troops never directly hit its civilian population even during the days of heightened tensions.

However, this privilege came to an end in late 2016, when initially a famous tourist resthouse located a few kilometres ahead of Athmuqam was shelled by Indian troops on October 29 followed by shelling on a passenger coach on November 23 that had left more than 10 people dead and several others wounded.

In yet another incident of ceasefire violation in Neelum, a Pakistan Army vehicle was hit by Indian troops on July 16, 2017, leaving four soldiers martyred.

However, the LoC in Neelum Valley had since been calm and quiet, paving the way for an influx of thousands of tourists from across the country to enjoy its natural beauty.

The last ceasefire violation in the valley was reported on October 30 this year, when Indian troops had fired a few mortar shells.

An official said all tourists in the valley were safe because most of them were away from Athmuqam.

“The traffic between Athmuqam and Muzaffarabad is plying normally,” he said.

According to Saeed Qureshi, a senior officer at State Disaster Management Authority, Monday’s Indian shelling pushed the death toll in AJK in the outgoing year to 28, including 19 men and 9 women, and the number of injured to 172, including 92 men and 80 women.

The shelling also left 29 houses damaged partially and completely destroyed three houses and a shop. At least 13 cattle head also perished in the violence, he said.
Al Bakistani Media claiming "ruthless " firing from indian side but conveniently doesn't talk about its dead troops just civilians and some policemen ,they always want to gloss over there battle casualties it has been there problem since 65 ,they live in a dreamland called denial.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Woman killed, 9 injured in 'ruthless' firing by Indian troops across LoC
Tariq NaqashUpdated December 31, 2018
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Al Bakistani Media claiming "ruthless " firing from indian side but conveniently doesn't talk about its dead troops just civilians and some policemen ,they always want to gloss over there battle casualties it has been there problem since 65 ,they live in a dreamland called denial.
noun: pakistan
  1. the action of pakistan
    "she shook her head in denial"
    synonyms: contradiction, counterstatement, refutation, rebuttal, repudiation, disclaimer, retraction, abjuration;More
    negation, dissent;
    rareconfutation, retractation
    "reports of a revolt met with a denial from field commanders"


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Sep 7, 2015
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That's a US army/ USMC post. The gun is an M240 and M249 SAW. Even camo and integrated kneepads give it away.
American FOB, not paki's.............................................
Here it says Paki post.....

Yeah, on closer scrutiny it is a pic of US troops in Afghanistan with an M240. Pak media after all! Jeeez! And morons like me don't study the pics before commenting especially when they are on Paki media!! :doh: :crazy:
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