Indian Coast Guard intercept a suspicious Pakistani fishing boat


Homo Communis Indus
Senior Member
Dec 25, 2012
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Congress response.

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Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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More voices erupting the way Congress has done anti national activity.

Congress should apologise for playing dirty politics on national security related issues!

When it was formally announced that the Indian Coast Guard had intercepted a suspicious boat coming from the Pakistani side followed by intelligence inputs and that the people on board blew themselves along with the boat when challenged on 31st Midnight, people heaved a sigh of relief. The intelligence input clearly indicated that the people on board the boat were in contact with the handlers in Pakistan Maritime agencies and some handlers in Thailand.

With such information the horror of 26/11 revived where the terrorists came through the sea route and attacked Mumbai in advanced Gorilla war that costed 266 lives. Automatically every one thanked heartily to Indian security agencies especially Indian Coast Guard and NTRO.

People were happy that India has learnt lesson from 26/11 and averted the chances of a similar terror attack on the eve of New Year. Pakistan was clearly at the back foot. It said that neither the boat belonged to it nor it started its journey from Karachi. It asked India to provide proofs.

The India started its investigations. Luckily the coast guard boat 'Rajratan' recorded the entire chase video. The video has been brought to Delhi for further investigation. In the mean time the search for the sunken boat is on to collect the proofs so that a concrete dossier can be given to Pakistan.

Amid Indian government calling it a potential terror plot from across the border, a Congress spokesperson called a press conference and raised doubt on the entire operation. He also said there was no concrete evidence that the boat carried terrorists and termed the entire thing as a credit farce by the BJP government.

Immediately the Congress spokesperson was visible across all the Pakistani TV channels blaming Indian government for falsely indicting Pakistan. That's why a BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra said that there was no difference between Pakistani spokesperson and the Congress spokesperson.

The debate escalated across all TV channels where I found no other Congress spokesperson participating except Dr Ajay Kumar. Dr. Ajay was really cornered on all the TV channels as not only BJP but also all other analysts, panelists and defense experts questioned the immaturity and timing of the Congress press conference.

Maturity and statesman like behavior is expected from responsible political parties while dealing with national security. No one has forgotten 26/11 Mumbai attack, where the terrorists wore sacred Hindu thread round their wrists in a bid to appear like extremist members from saffron groups.

Senior Congress leader Digvijay Singh had reportedly blamed RSS for the attacks (though he denied later of making any such statements). It was only because Kasab was apprehended alive; all the Pakistani design came in to public. Had Kasab too was dead, Digvijay Singh's statement would have been a face saver Pakistan, despite strongest proofs by India.

Here also when the investigation and collection of proof is underway, what wa the need of the Congress to jump into. In such incidents it takes time to collect proofs. How the Congress failed to understand this. How can it stoop so low, even undermining the national security! Has the Congress gone out of mind?

Union defense minister today cleared the air on 'smugglers on board' theory. The logic is right. Neither the fisher men, nor smugglers blow themselves when intercepted. Now whether the terrorists on board were supposed to carry out a 26/11 type terror attack or supposed to deliver the explosives to their handlers in India? Not to be forgotten that explosives that had been brought to Mumbai via sea route in 1993, which was used to kill at least 200 innocent people on the black Friday.

Point is simple; you can't do politics on the issues related to national security. If you are doing such petty politics for one day gain, then I am afraid that Narendra Modi's mission of Congress free India could be a reality. Because people outrightly rejects whoever plays dirty politics on the issues related to national security. Will Sonia Gandhi or Rahul Gandhi come out and apologies for the misadventure of their spokesperson in giving fodder to Pakistan?

Here is the new Congress Spokeperson ie. ISI Agent Dr Ajay Kumar.He took over from Sanjay Jhalla.



Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Praveen Swami of Indian Express and Ajay Kumar from Congress are facing the heat.Something sinister they have since it seems like they certainly KNOW something more than Defense Forces on the ground zero. :hmm:

These guys should be booked under Anti-Terrorism court and Anti-National Activity.Antonia and Raul Vinci should face the charge since they lead Congress the anti-national party. :mad:

Protest against journalist Praveen Swami for doubting India's claims over Pak 'terror boat' | Business Standard News

People staged a protest on Monday against journalist Praveen Swami for opining that the men on the Pakistani boat, which sank after being intercepted near the India- Pakistan maritime boundary, might not be terrorists.

"He had written an article on January 3 in the Indian Express about the Pakistani boat and had opined that he did not think the people on the boat were terrorists. How can he say something like that? He is talking like one of the people from other side of the border. You live in India and write against it; we are not going to tolerate that. We will teach him a lesson," said a protestor.

The protestors burnt papers of the Indian Express, the national daily for which Swami currently writes.

Swami, in an article published on January 3, had written that he doubted India's claims of the boat being a 'terror boat' from Pakistan. He had also mentioned that new evidence was emerging that the men on board might have been small-time liquor and diesel smugglers.

Earlier in the day, Union Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar had said that it is evident that the men on the Pakistani boat, which sank after being intercepted near the India- Pakistan maritime boundary, were suspected terrorists.

On Friday, a possible terror attack was averted when a suspicious fishing boat carrying explosives in the Arabian Sea was intercepted near the India- Pakistan maritime boundary, approximately 365 kilometres away from Porbander.

The four persons on board disregarded warning shots from the Coast Guard and tried to hide themselves in the lower deck of the vessel; thereafter they set the boat on fire, which resulted in an explosion.Ultimately, the boat burnt and sank in the early hours of January 1, including all the people on board who could not be saved or recovered.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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we should fill their twitter accounts with blaming them as ISI operatives, promoting ISI propaganda.


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2013
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we should fill their twitter accounts with blaming them as ISI operatives, promoting ISI propaganda.
India has already started to boycott Congress, start boycotting Indian Express. That will put him in place.

Free Karma

Senior Member
Oct 3, 2013
Praveen Swami of Indian Express and Ajay Kumar from Congress are facing the heat.Something sinister they have since it seems like they certainly KNOW something more than Defense Forces on the ground zero. :hmm:

These guys should be booked under Anti-Terrorism court and Anti-National Activity.Antonia and Raul Vinci should face the charge since they lead Congress the anti-national party. :mad:

Protest against journalist Praveen Swami for doubting India's claims over Pak 'terror boat' | Business Standard News
I really dont know wtf is wrong with moron media. ---- these guys seriously.


says it all....


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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India has already started to boycott Congress, start boycotting Indian Express. That will put him in place.
Even the neutral type people are angry now the way Congress has behaved. :tsk:

Antonia and Raul Vinci is silent! Both Maa-Beta are leading Congress and providing all support. They should be certainly booked under laws which threats anti-national activities.


Regular Member
Mar 21, 2012
Boat which exploded near Gujarat coast not ours, says Pakistan - IBNLive

Islamabad: Refuting allegations of the boat that exploded at the Gujarat coast belonging to them, Pakistan clarified that teh boat did not belong to them. "I think this is a very silly allegation. We have checked with our authorities. No boat from Pakistan left for the place," Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Tasneem Aslam said.

In fact, Aslam even alleged that Indian boats enter Pakistani waters very frequently for fishing. "This is an economic crime. They have been taken into custody, but if you check the record, it will show that Indian fishermen are treated very humanely," she said.

Earlier on Monday, Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar backed the Indian Coast guard saying the boat was NOT a smuggler's boat. Parrikar said that the route taken by the boat was not a routine path and that it was suspicious that the people on the boat decided to blow themselves up instead of responding to the warning calls. He said in the past smugglers have always surrendered their contraband if they are detected.

Refuting allegations of the boat that exploded at the Gujarat coast belonging to them, Pakistan clarified that the boat did not belong to them.

Security cover in Gujarat's coastal region has been enhanced with 173 marine commandos being deployed at 20 police stations along the coastline. These commandos have been asked to keep a watch on each and every boat going into the sea and returning ashore. The commandos have also been given boats to patrol the sea near the shore. In what is being seen as a response by Pakistan, they have detained 2 Indian fishing boats with 12 fishermen.

The issue further set to further affect diplomatic ties row between India and Pakistan is set to worsen - as the Pakistan navy has captured 2 Indian fishing boats with 12 fishermen.
Seems like smuggler boat theory isn't working for Pakis... Hence, they have now deployed their tried and tested weapon "Denial". Likes of Praveen Swami and Congis should try harder.


Regular Member
Mar 21, 2012
Charity smuggling? Why bring diesel from Pakistan to India to sell at a loss? - Oneindia

Several media outlets have burnt the midnight oil to debunk the operation of the Coast Guard which intercepted The Qalandar or the boat from Pakistan. These suspicious four who did their best to conceal evidence have been branded by a few as diesel or drug smugglers.

Point number one that needs to be made here is that why would someone from Pakistan smuggle diesel at Pakistani Rupee (PKR) 86 a litre to sell it at PKR 56 here?

The second point that needs to be made here is that in every intercept pertaining to drug smuggling the men have either surrendered or sunk the material in water.

Diesel smuggling works the other way: There is no doubt a diesel scam that prevails. However it works the other way around. Diesel is cheaper in India when compared to Pakistan. It is in fact cheaper by Rs 30 in India when compared to Pakistan. Now the question is why would diesel be brought in from Pakistan at Rs 86 and sold in India at Rs 56? Beats all logic unless someone from Pakistan wants to do charity. In the 26/11 attack and the investigations that followed we saw that it was a lady who ran a diesel scam had sheltered Kasab and his nine partners. She was solely responsible for running a racket between India and Pakistan. For the past couple of years the diesel smuggling route has always been between India and Pakistan and not the other way around.

Was it drugs? This is another theory that has been floated by a few. No doubt a drug smuggler will try and destroy the material when he is about to be caught. However when on water it is easier to drown the material rather than set it ablaze. In 8 out of 10 cases the coast guards have intercepted the first attempt made was to drown the drugs. When they have failed they have surrendered not blown up the boat.

Enough said and done: There is no doubt in the minds of investigators that the material on the boat were explosives. This is one aspect that the agencies have managed to confirm beyond doubt. However what needs to be confirmed further is whether the four men were planning on blowing themselves up at the Porbandar naval facility or were they attempting to drop off the explosives for someone else to collect?
Charity smuggling !!! :laugh:


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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I was reading the same stuff.

It's a tight slap for those who are shitting from mouth ie. Congress and others.

The reason we need Congress-Mukt-Bharat. :sad:

Pakistan terror boat: Why the smuggling theory doesn't hold weight - Firstpost

The Pakistani rupee is much cheaper than the Indian rupee, and trades at Rs 100.80 against the US dollar. The Indian rupee is at Rs 63.33 today (5 January).This means the Indian rupee is worth 1.59 Pakistani rupees.

Now do a simple conversion of the price of diesel in Gujarat and in Pakistan and this is what you get: in Pakistani rupees, the Gujarat diesel price of Rs 56.26 would be Rs 89.45. Minus the domestic price of Pakistani diesel from the Gujarat price, and you get Rs 3.22. In Indian rupees, the differential would be even lower.

Are we saying that Pakistani fishermen will be risking life and limb for a paltry Rs 3 differential in Gujarat and Pakistani diesel prices? Smuggling may have made sense when Indian diesel was underpriced due to UPA price subsidies, but under NDA, diesel prices are sold above cost, and now also include additional excise. Whatever incentive for smuggling diesel was there before is now gone.


Regular Member
Mar 21, 2012


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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No, you are wrong... it instead proves that poor chaps cooked in the boat were out to do charity in India... probably brightest students from the school run by the great "philanthropist" Hafiz Saeed. :taunt1:
Oh jooo are right... they were peace activist and wanted to do a candle light march at some port since they were sad the way their brothers butchered 150 odd Army kids.


Senior Member
Dec 18, 2013
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The tactics by anti-India elements including the desh-drohi presstitutes is very clear :

1) Rather than pinpoint the why or the reasons behind origins of such attacks, start creating an atmosphere of doubts about the whole episode.

2) By doing this, make people doubt and raise questions over the credibility of Indian security forces.

3) When future lapses do happen, again lower the morale of forces but this time by suggesting how this could have been prevented.

So either way, destroy the morale of security forces through disinformation and distortion.

Seditious bastards infesting media are getting rather sophisticated. The bright side though is Indians are seeing through such designs, the protest against Swamy being a good example.

Nicky G

Tihar Jail
Nov 24, 2014
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Paki investments are paying off or atleast at work; that's to be expected. Congress's behaviour is frankly, suicidal. A few months / years down they will be left asking "Are we perceived as anti-Indian" just as today they are asking "anti-Hindu".

Having been in power, they should know that continuous attempts at such attacks are a norm and they will only increase with a stronger response at the border; so why would the current government need to fake something? Is anyone even in-charge of their rhetoric or is it a free-for-all and every moron is blabbering what comes to their mind. Modi is going to make more out of this next time than he did of chai-wala remark by the obsolete Aiyar. As expected the heir-apparent of the grand old party of India is missing in action on a issue of real concern.

The line of argument of smugglers is so childishly silly and has been destroyed by many people Here is our MoD's take:


Pak needs to beef up their investment as the output is garbage level propaganda that in the face of SM just cannot stand. :pound:

Nicky G

Tihar Jail
Nov 24, 2014
Country flag
Beleaguered morons clinging to each other in desperation:



Best part watch the joke being aired at Karan Thapar's show. After giving time to one 'expert' the other P Swami is on air. :rofl:


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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The tactics by anti-India elements including the desh-drohi presstitutes is very clear :

1) Rather than pinpoint the why or the reasons behind origins of such attacks, start creating an atmosphere of doubts about the whole episode.

2) By doing this, make people doubt and raise questions over the credibility of Indian security forces.

3) When future lapses do happen, again lower the morale of forces but this time by suggesting how this could have been prevented.

So either way, destroy the morale of security forces through disinformation and distortion.

Seditious bastards infesting media are getting rather sophisticated. The bright side though is Indians are seeing through such designs, the protest against Swamy being a good example.
That is something Ministry of Information and broadcasting has to deal with. If they are are just there to broadcast prasar bharti and krishidarshan, well then it is very unfortunate. They need to be little strict while handling with the media.

1) bring them under secret vigilance

2) gain public support against those who are malicious

3) trial on them under the charges of anti Indian activities.


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2013
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This is getting ridiculous. I think P Swami and Ajai Shukla's article needs to be rebutted point by point. I was avoiding this as I was busy. But, the misinformation needs to be stemmed, as the two have flushed their common sense before writing articles.

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