Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System


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Sep 24, 2011
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I would still say wonderful job was done with shoe string budget if you consider what USA has spend on the project. I dont have lot of time or i would have love to show you in detail as to how it works.
You said it out of your own mouth. How much R&D would have gone in for the development of such a system. Yes there are brains here most of it working, working hard too. But ABM common .....

here's a nice little article about it
TRISHUL: Home-Grown Anti-Missile Shield For New Delhi By 2014? Sheer Unabashed Jingoistic Kite-Flying By DRDO, Period!


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Feb 17, 2009
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You said it out of your own mouth. How much R&D would have gone in for the development of such a system. Yes there are brains here most of it working, working hard too. But ABM common .....

here's a nice little article about it
TRISHUL: Home-Grown Anti-Missile Shield For New Delhi By 2014? Sheer Unabashed Jingoistic Kite-Flying By DRDO, Period!
this is same guy who posted wrong missile launcher as prahaar missile launcher and later on withdrawn the same. Well you have lot of people saying it wont work and most of them are Indian.


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Sep 24, 2011
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this is same guy who posted wrong missile launcher as prahaar missile launcher and later on withdrawn the same. Well you have lot of people saying it wont work and most of them are Indian.
This has nothing to do with patriotism, take another look at the Indian development so far, you can clearly see what I m telling you.

It would be great if somebody could give technical details, however they would obviously be classified.


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Apr 4, 2010
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i seriously think we can modify agni4 for mid-course interception of icbm's though we need very long range radars of 6000km detection range


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Feb 17, 2009
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i seriously think we can modify agni4 for mid-course interception of icbm's though we need very long range radars of 6000km detection range
we are going to test A5 this month or next month that missile will be tracked with X band radar for the entire flight ...........:cool2:

A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
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Oct 10, 2009
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Ballistic Missile Defense an Essential Element of India's Strategic Calculus

By Yogesh Joshi | 20 Apr 2012

Since 2006, India has embarked on a robust ballistic missile defense (BMD) program aimed at a two-tier defense. In that time, the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) has conducted a number of successful missile-interception tests, with the latest coming in February. India's plan for missile defense, however, dates back to the early 1980s, when it started its Integrated Missile Development Program (IGDMP).

IGDMP envisaged an array of offensive missile platforms, such as the Prithvi and Agni ballistic missiles, as well as the development of defensive missile platforms, such as the Akash surface-to-air missile system. As currently conceived, the Indian missile shield revolves around the Prithvi and Akash missiles, with the Prithvi designed to intercept incoming missiles at 30-50 miles (exo-atmospheric interception) and the Akash designed to operate at a range of 10-20 miles (endo-atmospheric interception).

Though much of India's missile defense program has been an indigenous effort, foreign partners have also played a significant role, with Israel in particular a major collaborator. Israel has been especially helpful in providing state-of-the-art radar technologies for early detection of hostile projectiles. To bolster its missile-tracking capabilities, India has imported two Green Pine radars, which Israel uses in its Arrow missile defense system. Moreover, India has also developed the Swordfish tracking and fire control radar in collaboration with Israel and France. India had previously acquired Phalcon AWACS from Israel at a cost of $2 billion, providing it with a low-level detection capability for hostile missile platforms and considerably enhancing the response time for missile interception.

As for the U.S., its position on selling BMD technology to India has evolved over the years. Initially reluctant to share technological know-how, the U.S. is now actively urging India to buy the most advanced American BMD platform -- the Patriot Advanced Capability 3 (PAC-3) -- and is even open to joint development.

Partners aside, the bigger question is what purpose BMD serves in India's strategic calculus. Many strategic analysts contend that instead of bolstering India's security, New Delhi's pursuit of BMD might jeopardize its defense. This is primarily because India's pursuit of strategic technologies, including BMD capabilities, has created extreme paranoia in the Pakistani defense and security establishment. Pakistan has already drastically increased its nuclear arsenal in recent years in response to India's BMD efforts. According to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Pakistan will soon have the world's fifth-largest inventory of nuclear weapons, and a recent report by Reaching Critical Will contends that Pakistan is spending more than $2.5 billion on nuclear weapons annually.

Moreover, Pakistan is also trying to develop low-yield nuclear weapons and has shown an increasing interest in plutonium-based warheads, which are smaller in size and easier to camouflage. Islamabad is also developing nuclear cruise missiles that can evade missile defense and is currently equipping its existing missiles with multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles and other decoys.

Pakistan's nuclear cooperation with China has also seen a resurgence. China has promised to build two additional reactors at Pakistan's Chasma nuclear site without taking into consideration the Nuclear Supplier Group's new guidelines on technology transfers, a worrisome development for New Delhi given China and Pakistan's history of clandestine nuclear transfers.

India, on the other hand, sees BMD as an essential element of its national security and foreign policy, with one clear motivation to pursue it being the threat of unintended use of nuclear weapons in the subcontinent. This is most relevant with regard to Pakistan, whose nuclear doctrine delegates substantial autonomy in the use of nuclear weapons to its military commanders. There is also a constant threat of Pakistani terrorists or radical elements overpowering Pakistan's strategic military assets...
full article : WPR Article | Ballistic Missile Defense an Essential Element of India's Strategic Calculus


DFI Technocrat
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Oct 10, 2009
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defence eXpress: Work on submarine-fired ICBM in advanced stage:DRDO Chief

DRDO Chief Dr. VK Saraswat said that the work on the naval variant of the Long Range Strategic Missile (a moniker given by India to the Agni-V launched on April 20) was in "advanced" stage.

With indigenous nuclear-attack submarine, INS Arihant (meaning destroyer of enemies) ready to get operational in another two years time, the DRDO Chief assured that when the nuke submarine comes out it will come out with all weapons. "There will be no gap," said the DRDO Chief.
Well we still haven't seen any tests of the SLBM version of A5 but lesse!

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
so that means pakis have a very potent system of offense and defense. correct. won't our ABM or PAD take care of the missiles like shaheen etc.

Pakistan have means to deliver Nukes to certain ranges, how sophisticated they are its upto there deign which goes back to the ERA of scuds that is 60s..

You have to know what are the capabilities Indian BMD have and how Pakistani Scuds can be shot down..

Btw, in short yes absolutely Indian BMD can kill Scuds, inside and outside atmosphere..


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Mar 28, 2012
Well the Indian BMD programme existed even before 1998, but after that 1998 and kargil our guys went to (Russia, USA and Israel) to get protection for our cities, we found out that their BMD is not suitable for our needs. Therefore we went in for our own BMD, GOI put in lots of money and our best brains went to work on it, due to high priority. Earlier they thought of using Akash missile for the BMD role, but it was found to be insufficient, therefore they went in for new missile (AAD) for Endo. Prithvi missile was used as test bed as we have so so much experience with it, for Exo. atmosphere.

Given the short time period from enemy missile launch and its reaching target at our end, lets say 5-10 minutes, we wanted all the things needed for tracking the enemy missile. Israeli provided the Green Pine radar, Aerostar and AWACs, we also worked on LRTR radar (which has higher range then Green pine). France and Russia has too helped us, as it is not possible to make every nut and bolt in India, due to economies of scale and time it takes to make each part, as it would save time for us.

It was decided to intercept enemy missile with PAD at 100-150 km (now PDV is under development) and AAD at later stage if any missile slip pass PAD/PDV at 30-15 km. Our policy is to (track-Shoot-Shoot) unlike the US and other countries of (Track-Shoot-Track-Shoot). That will give us about 99% chance to take out enemy missile.

Already we have all the things available to track and take out missile of 2000km range.

Therefore response time is very low for our missile defence and all the things are computer control with network centric operations. Yeah it can take care of any missile with range of 2000km shooting at us. If you want more details go through all the pages of this thread. Then i would love to answer your questions.

As per DRDO chief we have all the things available for ASAT, but GOI has decided not to conduct ASAT test now, but dont be surprised if you see A4 take out LEO satellite as it has gone at the hight of 900km in its successful test. :wave:

Two questions:

1) any ideas for timeline for PDV?
2) it seems that the endo atmospheric missile, the AAD has been well tested, so can't we roll it out without waiting another few years for the exo missile, PDV or whatever. Surely (track- blank-Shoot) is better than no shoot at all?

I would appreciate members views.

A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
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Oct 10, 2009
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Missile defence system ready for induction, reveals DRDO chief
Published April 28, 2012 | By admin

India's missile defence system is ready for induction, V K Saraswat, chief of Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO), has said.A two-layer shield will be put over the national capital, Saraswat said. He confirmed that the system has already destroyed incoming missiles in four tests.

"We have identified the advanced air defence (AAD) missile and the PAD which has no acronym and is for exo-atmospheric interception (upwards of 30 km). The AAD is for endo-atmospheric interception. In two layers we intend to put it as part of the Delhi (air) defence," Saraswat said in an interview to The Indian Express Editor-in-Chief Shekhar Gupta for NDTV 24X7's 'Walk the Talk' programme.

Saraswat said DRDO had used modified Prithvi missiles as simulated targets and demonstrated the capability of hitting missiles with the range of over 2,000 km. The Indian system is at par with the US Patriot 3 missile defence system, he said.

Asked when the system would be put in place over the capital, Saraswat said, "This system is now ready for induction."

The nuclear capable Agni V missile which India tested successfully last week has "taken deterrence of the country to a high level", Saraswat said. The missile will be ready for induction in two years, he said.

The DRDO chief described Agni V as a 5,000-km plus missile with a maximum range of 5,500-5,800 km.

He said there was no pressure at any time to understate the range.

"We have not understated the range. As a missile designer and a person also involved a lot in policy planning, (I can say) we as a nation don't have to hide anything with respect to our capabilities," Saraswat said.

China's state-run Global Times had reported that India cut Agni V's range from the original 9,000 km under NATO pressure. The daily also quoted a Chinese military researcher as saying the missile could actually hit targets 8,000 km away.

Saraswat said the Tatra trucks, which have become controversial following Army Chief Gen V K Singh's bribery allegations, have been in use since 1986, and DRDO has never had a problem with them. He disclosed that India's wheel mounted strategic defence too is based on Tatra systems. "For strategic deterrence, we have rail systems and we have wheel based systems. Whereever we have wheeled systems, it is Tatra," Saraswat said.

He also revealed that DRDO is working on an improved Armour Piercing Fin Stabilised Discarding Sabot (APFSDS) anti-tank ammunition, of which the Army faces a severe shortage. The scientist said the shortage of ammunition was because imports had not worked out for a higher grade of the system required after Kargil.

Missile defence system ready for induction, reveals DRDO chief |


New Member
Mar 28, 2012
Missile defence system ready for induction, reveals DRDO chief
Published April 28, 2012 | By admin

India's missile defence system is ready for induction, V K Saraswat, chief of Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO), has said.A two-layer shield will be put over the national capital, Saraswat said. He confirmed that the system has already destroyed incoming missiles in four tests.

"We have identified the advanced air defence (AAD) missile and the PAD which has no acronym and is for exo-atmospheric interception (upwards of 30 km). The AAD is for endo-atmospheric interception. In two layers we intend to put it as part of the Delhi (air) defence," Saraswat said in an interview to The Indian Express Editor-in-Chief Shekhar Gupta for NDTV 24X7's 'Walk the Talk' programme.

Saraswat said DRDO had used modified Prithvi missiles as simulated targets and demonstrated the capability of hitting missiles with the range of over 2,000 km. The Indian system is at par with the US Patriot 3 missile defence system, he said.

Asked when the system would be put in place over the capital, Saraswat said, "This system is now ready for induction."

Missile defence system ready for induction, reveals DRDO chief |
Does Saraswat have the authority to make this statement. Does the system not have to go through Operational clearance first?
Is it reasonable that they can use PAD in live configuration given that it is not solid fuelled?


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Feb 17, 2009
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One is Delhi which is other city, i think other will be mumbai,because of financial capital and BARC.

A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
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Oct 10, 2009
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Delhi, Mumbai to get missile defence shield
Published June 25, 2012 | By admin

Delhi and Mumbai have been chosen for the Defence Research and Development Organisation's (DRDO) Ballistic Missile Defence system that can be put in place at short notice.

The detailed proposal is being prepared for final clearance from the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS).

The strategic planning has already begun to install the defence system in the two cities and the final proposal will be put before the government after detailed analysis of the entire project, sources said.

The sites for installing radars to track enemy missiles and storing counter-attack projectiles will be determined during the planning stage, they said, adding that these locations must have adequate stealth feature and protection against enemy sabotage.

To ensure maximum protection against air-borne threats, DRDO will put a mix of counter-attack missiles which will be able to shoot down enemy missiles both within earth's atmosphere (endo-atmospheric) and outside it (exo-atmospheric).

The BMD system will require minimum human intervention due to the complete automation of tracking devices and counter-measures. Human intervention will be required only to abort the mission, the sources said.

After successful implementation in Delhi and Mumbai, the system will be used to cover other major cities in the country, they added.

The shield, developed by Defence Research and Development Organisation, has undergone a series of successful tests. It can destroy an incoming ballistic missile with the range of up to 2,000 km.

During the test stage, DRDO used variants of Prithvi missiles as simulated targets and successfully intercepted them in mid-air.

All the necessary elements such as long-range radars and tracking devices, real-time datalink and mission control system required for installing the BMD missile system have been also been successfully tested by the DRDO.

The system is all set to be upgraded to the range of 5,000 km by 2016.

The system was first test-fired in November 2006, elevating India into the elite club of countries to have successfully developed an anti-ballistic missile system after the US, Russia and Israel.

Delhi, Mumbai to get missile defence shield |


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Feb 17, 2009
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I thought these cities were already covered by the S-300 system..
System was tested and found insufficent for our short raction requirment, few if them were purchased, supposed to be super secret. Therefore PAD & AAD were made.


New Member
Mar 28, 2012
This is excellent news. This will start to alter the balance of nuclear power I'm India's favour and remove the nuclear blackmail from Pakistan. Next time there is a major terrorist atrocity committed from Pakistani soil, we can expect a much firmer response - provided the politicians have enough balls.

