Indian Army: News and Discussion

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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New portable bridge to help ease troop movement for high altitude region
(Representative image)
PUNE: The Indian Army's troops will soon be able to move faster in high altitude regions, thanks to the Mountain Foot Bridge (MFB) developed by the city's Research and Development Establishment (Engineers) of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
The bridge made of high-strength aluminium alloys costs below Rs 1 crore. Capable of withstanding conditions prevailing in high altitude regions like Siachen, it will soon be inducted in the force.
Experts from the laboratory claimed that user trials were positive and had achieved desired results according to the requirement fixed by the Indian Army.
L N Bhosale, a technical officer, told TOI, "The trials were carried out at Siachen glacier and in Arunachal Pradesh over two years. Their results are positive. As a result, the army has decided to induct the bridge."
According to experts, a 35-metre MFB can be assembled in about two hours. It can allow accumulation of fresh snow up to half-a-metre while people negotiate the bridge at a spacing of about 3 metres.
The MFB can bridge dry/wet gaps up to 34.5 metre with a pathway of 0.8 metre width. "This facility will enable troop movement in regions, where covering even a metre's distance is challenging," he said.
DRDO officials said mass production of the bridge would be done after the completion of Transfer of Technology.


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Aug 25, 2012
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Ranting on my previous posts was emotional in the sense that everyJawan is subdued in the Army and every Army officers is corrupt. I now there there are some corrupt element in the Armed forces and lots of corrupt babus and their team makes a point to scuttle Indian Projects.

from outsider looking in some of the customs of the indian army do feel british like and i still will ask for structural reforms that Jawans are not treated badly. I ask apology from serving officers on DFI @Kunal Biswas for painting the whole army in picture I dont know more officers on DFI. I cannot undermine their bravery and sacrifice for India, the pain and hardships they face protecting our nation

#JaiJawan #JaiHind

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
Who are not trained and earned their uniform under IA ..

Sahayak system have and still being misused but its cannot be removed, Its essential as rifle for the force.

Who are the outsiders?

Indian Army allowed several traditions since the British period to continue because it suites certain people, no parallel exists in other armies (e.g. personal helper, which for all practical purposes is nothing but slavery).

Indian defense and police forces may require legal and structural changes to be in sync with the current needs and expectations.

Staff training regime may change, particularly, the officer trainees must be trained to behave more appropriately with their staff.

Scrap the Sahayak system which is nothing but forced labor. Nobody will complain but the officers and their wives :biggrin2:. Let the soldiers do the sentry duty and all the usual stuff they are paid/trained for, preserve their dignity.


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Aug 25, 2012
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Republic day Parade rehersals FAT 6x6, Dhanush, Atags, Arudhra, T-90 BMPBrahmos and much more in close up,

Project Dharma

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Oct 4, 2016
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If u think officers live a lavish lifestyle then u are absolutely wrong, especially these captains & majors, they undergo loads of courses and many have died in between those courses as well........... a normal lieutenant lives in the same bunker along with jawans

all i can see is that media is trying to create rift b/w army vs paramilitary and non officers vs officers.
The rift has been there ever since I can remember, it has just been swept under the rug. Now jawans are getting educated and their voices are being heard on social media. Indian Army should do well to emulate the Pakis and hire civilian non combatants to help officers in general roles around the house.

Project Dharma

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Oct 4, 2016
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No more fun for the officers' wives. Nobody to carry their shopping bags and wash their laundry.

Why should taxpayers bear the burden of paying for the civil servants? This practice must be summarily abolished. No exceptions.
So pay them more so that they can hire help from outside, an Army officer should be able to live a decent lifestyle - it's the least we can do for somebody who forgoes a high paying civilian career to serve the nation. These bastard politicians misuse their powers, have rich mansions and so many servants so do corrupt police wallahs but screw Army officers, right? :facepalm:

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
Jawan are way educated at least metric and +2 for technical trade, Only attention seekers are using social media for self interest purposes ..

Their are plenty reporting channel in Army, One can always report during evening roll call parade, If the problem is not sorted out then this is reported to CO directly during monthly darbar / saynik sammelan where decision is taken then and there and implemented forth with, This is everyday event in a Jawan`s life in Army..

Next time someone like to do mindless bashing of something they have no idea best go educate themselves before spelling the beans, Otherwise he will be shown exit doors ..

Project Dharma

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Oct 4, 2016
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Their are plenty reporting channel in Army, One can always report during evening roll call parade, If the problem is not sorted out then this is reported to CO directly during monthly darbar / saynik sammelan where decision is taken then and there and implemented forth with, This is everyday event in a Jawan`s life in Army..
But jawans are used for personal errands by officers and their families, no? I remember it being common growing up (my dad was the exception and I got whipped with a belt the one time I dared to ask his batman for help with something).

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
Army social life is around these things, I don`t except all civilian to understand these things as we learn when we are little boys playing with toys, When father`s is away the Jawan around is teaching you stuff, Their are no issues as he does things at his will, Will always love to go to langar for food rather eating mom`s cooking at home that too on bhiya`s cycle so most of the time with them rather in my own house, When growing up one find itself that these people are more friendly and understand you more than your school buddies, Most Army brats hardly interact with their fathers and their fathers hardly get time to do so, These goes on until ones join Army and continue to do things he knows best ..

Its hard for those who are born and bread in military to keep a civilian mindset even when imitating and mingle with them for long, Its even stinks more looking at their work and thinking culture, This is only my view ..

"The whole Indian Army is one family .."

But jawans are used for personal errands by officers and their families, no? I remember it being common growing up (my dad was the exception and I got whipped with a belt the one time I dared to ask his batman for help with something).

Project Dharma

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Oct 4, 2016
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This person is virtually justifying "Bounded Labor" on a public forum, shame on such a rotten mentality.
Well it is not bonded labor, jawans arguably know about sahayak system before joining the Army. Maybe you think that forcing them to fight in war in much worse conditions than a sahayak is also bonded labor?

I'm not in favor of the sahayak system but there is no justification for the crass, arrogant and abusive language you're using for the Army. I've followed your posts on these forums for a while and I expect better from you. :facepalm:

Weren't you arguing on another thread that we should rejoice that Om Puri died since he used bad language for the Army and now you're using much worse language yourself.


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Aug 25, 2012
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Matter at hand is that exploitation does occur and people defending should be first to come out and ask for reforms. If Jawans know about the Sahayak system and still then join the army so as an analogy do all the officers know that they will be treated as kings, have you taken a look at their mess and were Jawans eat, its even not worthy to compare. So why does an officer needs sahayak, you officers are not british but indian citizens and treat fellow citizens albiet lower in rank, is despicable. This colonial culture must end. Even CEOS have personal assistant who work with them during day hours and not washing their uniforms,ironing them, walking their dogs, getting them rations.

so Army chief Bipin Rawat said to these jawans not to complain on social media or they will get punished. What a joke. Why it has come to a point that these men wanted help from civilians for their grievances, one answer" Their voice is not heard and crushed and to punish them for getting their voice hear is even more cowardly. Bull shit answers like it will get the moral of the army down, you are afraid of mutinies and your royal command over Jawan will be challenged as more voices get out.

No Army is not dogs, yes they belong to India, they fight for our freedom but that does not mean you are not questionable to the citizens of India. India Taxpayer is paying for you subsidized rations, cars, whisky, medical your families medical, you childrens rations, education , so yes you are questionable and accountable to Indian citizens. You cannot use the same execuse of courage, freedom, valor to hide you cruelty and Colonial traditions forever

My father worked with both army and airforce jawans in Ladakh and i was awestruck that they used to grieve in front of my father as he worked in Delhi to get their voice hear at HQ and this was in 1990's

If any army officer even thinks of Denying the Injustice in Army is not worthy of being a officer as Your creedo of gentlemen is fake.
Gentlemen is forthright, fights against Injustice and not defend it
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Project Dharma

New Member
Oct 4, 2016
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people defending should be first to come out and ask for reforms.
We did, read the thread.

as an analogy do all the officers know that they will be treated as kings
That doesn't make sense, officers are not treated like kings at least not until they get to a very senior level and pay the debt with sweat, blood and tears. There is a strict hierarchy and the superior officer is always respected whether by enlisted or officer.

, have you taken a look at their mess and were Jawans eat
Hey, segregation of officers and men is practiced virtually everywhere in the world. The US Army does, the British Army does, our friends the Pakis do it.

So why does an officer needs sahayak
Read the thread.

Even CEOS have personal assistant who work with them during day hours and not washing their uniforms,ironing them, walking their dogs, getting them rations.
That's wrong and not part of assigned duties. Must be ended and officers provided with civilian non combatants.

so Army chief Bipin Rawat said to these jawans not to complain on social media or they will get punished. What a joke. Why it has come to a point that these men wanted help from civilians for their grievances, one answer" Their voice is not heard and crushed and to punish them for getting their voice hear is even more cowardly. Bull shit answers like it will get the moral of the army down, you are afraid of mutinies and your royal command over Jawan will be challenged as more voices get out.
I've mixed feelings on this one. There is an internal process to get complaints resolved. I've heard nothing about what the soldier did to get his complaints resolved by normal channels. If he tried and exhausted all means and then went to complain on social media, then I can respect that.

but that does not mean you are not questionable to the citizens of India.
Literally nobody said that, don't know where people are making this stuff up.

subsidized rations, cars, whisky
lol you don't subsidize anything. It isn't taxed by the government, which is just a means of increasing the value of the salary paid to an official. CSD stores make a huge profit.

medical your families medical, you childrens rations, education
It's not khairiat. Let the civilian government stop paying it and let's see how the recruitment of the Army goes.

My father worked with both army and airforce jawans in Ladakh and i was awestruck that they used to grieve in front of my father as he worked in Delhi to get their voice hear at HQ and this was in 1990's
Doubt it.

If any army officer even thinks of Denying the Injustice in Army is not worthy of being a officer as Your creedo of gentlemen is fake.
Gentlemen is forthright, fights against Injustice and not defend it
Nobody defended it. I said it must be stopped and civilian non combatants be provided. Kunal said that there are existing channels to address these grievances and they are sufficient.


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Aug 25, 2012
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Excuses for everything, no point arguing an ostrich who has dug his head deep into the ground

You are doubting that Jawans complaint to my Father who blatantly ignorant are you. This is the holier than thou attitude that " We are always right" cannot deny the wrong doings

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
Military is not a toy to play with, this place is not for revolution or freedom ..

Nor a subject for public debate, If Army starts to adopt Civil standard, This Army will break ..


Follow the previous posts, No one encouraging bad habits ..


Project Dharma

New Member
Oct 4, 2016
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You are doubting that Jawans complaint to my Father who blatantly ignorant are you. This is the holier than thou attitude that " We are always right" cannot deny the wrong doings
I don't doubt that some may have complained about conditions, men don't get posted in Ladakh for a picnic and it is human nature to complain. I'm doubting that a lot of men begged your dad to do something about it by approaching Army HQ. :wink:


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Aug 25, 2012
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@Kunal Biswas Dada, I am not toying with military matters, i understand the gravity of it and i already posted something adressed to you. I never asked for Civil standards in army. Just asked for reforms. But again this discussion is already a moot point because we may never see eye to eye to on some of these subject matters. God bless honest and integral Indian Army officers Jai hind

And for the " empty vessel makes a lot of noise" I will answer you in the way you like. There is no Indian oil Corporation limited , Indian Army does not use lubes. There is not petroleum research on lubes in India for high altitude applications . And learn the difference between grievance and begging.

