Indian Army Artillery

Kunal Biswas

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May 26, 2010


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Apr 11, 2010
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Russian Smerch rockets, Milan missiles defective: CAG

New Delhi, Aug 6 (PTI) Russian-made Smerch rockets bought by India for Rs 2,633 crore for its Army were defective, due to which these "could not be fully operationalised", government auditors have found. In a report tabled in Parliament today, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) also said the multi-barrel rocket launcher (MBRL) system had several defects in its launch vehicles, outlaying fire controls and data transmission and there were defects in the Milan anti-tank missiles supplied by Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL). The Defence Ministry had signed two deals in December 2005, and March 2007, with Russian firm Rosoboronexport for importing 42 of the MBRL systems along with launch, transloader, command and staff, meteorological support complex and workshop repair vehicles. The supplies under the two contracts were completed in June 2007, and May 2009, but the audit found that the systems in the MBRLs were faulty, resulting in failure in operationalising them on time. It also found there was a delay in buying the logistics support equipment and formulation of war establishment. Moreover, four rockets were damage in transit from an Indian airport to the defence units due to the absence of a suitable material handling equipment, resulting in a loss of Rs 2.36 crore. In another instance of Defence Ministry buying poor quality weapons for its Army, the CAG found that it had ordered for 4,100 "outdated" 1970s vintage missiles for Rs 587 crore in 2008, from BDL, a Defence PSU, thereby "compromising the Army's requirement." In the report, it said the Anti-Tank Guided Missile Milan-2, a second generation missile with single warhead produced by BDL, had limited capability to defeat modern tanks, but it added that there was an upgraded version Milan-2T with tandem warheads that was more effective. Milan-2 has a range of 1,850 metres, whereas Milan-2T has a range of 2,000 metres. Though the orders were placed for Milan-2T missiles, BDL had supplied missiles that had a range of 1,850 metres under guidance phase while the last 150 metres were left unguided, the CAG said. .
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Jul 14, 2009
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rest assured guys the artillery deal wont go through till 2014 at least as long as this present UPA govt exists. they dint buy a gun in the last 6 years why would they do it now in the next 4. things stand too complicated as now as all the major artillery manufacturer's stand blacklisted.


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Apr 23, 2010
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Let's stand by DRDO ,,,even so because they are the only option left.So no point in debating now as to whether they can deliver or not.


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Jul 14, 2009
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the DRDO's gun is at best 10 years away from being inducted. 3 years for it to be designed, 4 years for trials and modifications and at least 3 for production to be started. The main question here is would our enemies too wait this long, as our army, to attack us?
the pakis opened fire at our border posts yesterday while the Chinese have deployed their long range missiles at our border. what have we done to respond? what can we even do? we do not even have any modern artillery to counter them. both the chinese and the pakis have moders 155/52 caliber howitzers with a 52 km range. while we have only the 3 decade old bofors howitzer with a 30 km range. we dont have a single howitzer of 155/52 caliber, no self propelled or wheeled artillery also. truly we have the weakest artillery forces in all of Asia.
Our nation has become a sitting and a lame duck now. without artillery cover our infantry and armoured forces would be cut to pieces by the enemy

pankaj nema

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Oct 1, 2009
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The 130 mm guns have been "upgunned" to 155 mm and converted to 45 calibre guns.
Similarly the 155 mm 39 calibre bofors guns have Also been upgunned to 45 calibre guns.

SO we do have sufficient artillerry.

For every nation artillerry is the most basic war fighting weapon .And every government would make artillerry acquisitions ,as one of the top priorities

IF GOI can invest billions of dollars in C 17 and Arihant and Akula and ABM systems which obviously come down in the list of priorities then we should TRUST that GOI will get sufficient artillery for Indian Army

Every thing NEED NOT be declared.


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Sep 14, 2009
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govt has to think and do the needful

army is in very bad condition artillery is need of army how will they fight without them

bofors was last one what the govt is waiting for


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Jul 14, 2009
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how can we trust this govt. which is being led by madam sonia and her crony antony. she will never forget what had happened to her family due to the bofors scandal. it was alleged that the Italian quattrochi was close to her and through her he made the govt. of India to buy the bofors howitzer. is she so foolish to buy the bofors howitzer or any artillery gun again. No of course not. she did not allow for any gun to be bought in the last 6 years nor will she allow any gun to be bought in the next 4. why would that Italian lady be concerned about the operational preparedness of the Indian army.


Mob Control Manager
New Member
Feb 12, 2009
how can we trust this govt. which is being led by madam sonia and her crony antony. she will never forget what had happened to her family due to the bofors scandal. it was alleged that the Italian quattrochi was close to her and through her he made the govt. of India to buy the bofors howitzer. is she so foolish to buy the bofors howitzer or any artillery gun again. No of course not. she did not allow for any gun to be bought in the last 6 years nor will she allow any gun to be bought in the next 4. why would that Italian lady be concerned about the operational preparedness of the Indian army.
Now please provide proof of this.


DFI Technocrat
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Oct 10, 2009
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Slightly off track but there is an exciting opportunity for the MoD to get some of the best equipment in the world comparatively cheap if they play their cards right! the Whermacht Heer shall be downsizing as detailed below

4x Parachute Infantry Battalion -> 1x Parachute Infantry Regiment (not one to one!)
3x Mountain Infantry Battalion -> 2x Mountain Infantry Battalion
2x Light Infantry Battalion -> 10x Light Infantry Battalion
8x Armoured Infantry Battalion -> 6x Armoured Infantry Battalion
1x Air Assault Infantry Regiment = 1x Air Assault Infantry Regiment

17 Battalions, 1x Regiment -> 18 Battalions, 2x Regiments

The armoured corps could see further cuts from 6 to 4 battalions.

we should see a lot of great German merchandise in the market as this downsizing proceeds at cheap rates(read Pzh 2000 +DONAR), Now if only the MoD could act fast !


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Jul 14, 2009
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proof on what? sonia is the chairperson of the UPA. It is a known fact that every minister has been appointed with her blessings. nothing in the govt can be done without her permission. another known fact is that the Italian quattrochi was a close friend of sonia and was a middleman, received kickbacks after the bofors deal.
the first act of this UPA govt. on coming to power was to de freeze quattrochi's bank account so that he could withdraw his money. do you need any more proof of quattrochi-sonia(italian's) nexus?
the bofors deal had directly led to her husbands rajiv's defeat in 1989. do you think she has forgotten that fact? never. hence she is very unlikely to approve another howitzer deal fearing a repeat of the bofors scandal.
the shameful manner in which the govt has conducted itself regarding artillery acquisition in the last 6 is proof enough of the italian madam sonia's intentions.


Mob Control Manager
New Member
Feb 12, 2009
proof on what? sonia is the chairperson of the UPA. It is a known fact that every minister has been appointed with her blessings. nothing in the govt can be done without her permission. another known fact is that the Italian quattrochi was a close friend of sonia and was a middleman, received kickbacks after the bofors deal.
the first act of this UPA govt. on coming to power was to de freeze quattrochi's bank account so that he could withdraw his money. do you need any more proof of quattrochi-sonia(italian's) nexus?
the bofors deal had directly led to her husbands rajiv's defeat in 1989. do you think she has forgotten that fact? never. hence she is very unlikely to approve another howitzer deal fearing a repeat of the bofors scandal.
the shameful manner in which the govt has conducted itself regarding artillery acquisition in the last 6 is proof enough of the italian madam sonia's intentions.
Boss this is your fantasy theory. I am asking of proof, the artillery acquisition is a sad story continuing, no doubt about that but it does not gives u levy to put unnecessary allegations.

PS: How the M 777 deal is approved then? I think that is also artillery.

The alternate explanation could be like this: Now a days our forces are looking towards joint doctrines where they will co ordinate there collective fire power towards enemy. Hence the concentration towards air borne assets.Those things are going on in brisk pace (Dhruv, Mi17, LCH, LUH, LOH) there is no restrictions being put there neither in terms of numbers or quality. Acquisition of MBRL is in brisk phase (Pinaka and Smerch). Until completely necessary like M777 deal which is approved in brisk phase the acquisition of guns have gone in to low priority. It does not means that these equipments are not required but it means these are not in priority list any more. Hence the emphasis is on home grown product.

Please correct me if I am wrong


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Jul 14, 2009
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only a request has been sent to the US regarding the M777. no deal has been signed yet, the trials for the M777 are scheduled for this December. God alone knows when the deal will be signed. besides the number of M777 is so small-just 145. the M777 is still years away from being purchased let alone it's induction,
Only 80 pinakas have been ordered while the recent CAG report states that the Russian Smerch is a dud as it has several problems. the home grown howitzer is at best a decade away.
Again I would like to state that this UPA govt. led by the Italian sonia has only blacklisted all the possible artillery manufacturers on flimsy ground and not even signed any contract for induction of a single howitzer in the last 6 years. how can the guns be acquired when all the artillery manufacturers stand blacklisted?
Our leaders have only one priority-to get a 500% increase in their salaries.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
M777 is best 155mm light gun on earth, I guess those 145 are for test on different sector in J&K and NE, Once proved reliable and efficient than their will be more..
Btw, DRDO need to speed up production of Pinaka-1 MRLS..


New Member
Nov 1, 2009
M777 is best 155mm light gun on earth, I guess those 145 are for test on different sector in J&K and NE, Once proved reliable and efficient than their will be more..
Btw, DRDO need to speed up production of Pinaka-1 MRLS..
DRDO doesnt involved in the production of Pinaka, it is TATA, BD, Tatra and L&T


Mob Control Manager
New Member
Feb 12, 2009
only a request has been sent to the US regarding the M777. no deal has been signed yet, the trials for the M777 are scheduled for this December. God alone knows when the deal will be signed. besides the number of M777 is so small-just 145. the M777 is still years away from being purchased let alone it's induction,
Only 80 pinakas have been ordered while the recent CAG report states that the Russian Smerch is a dud as it has several problems. the home grown howitzer is at best a decade away.
Again I would like to state that this UPA govt. led by the Italian sonia has only blacklisted all the possible artillery manufacturers on flimsy ground and not even signed any contract for induction of a single howitzer in the last 6 years. how can the guns be acquired when all the artillery manufacturers stand blacklisted?
Our leaders have only one priority-to get a 500% increase in their salaries.
Boss so you are saying there is absolutely no corruption involved at all? How do you get this info? I am asking you to provide proofs of what ever you are saying and instead of doing that you are repeating the sentences. If you have any proof of what you are saying then post it. I would be happy to be corrected. M777 is acquired for the mountain strike divisions so it is specific for them. And if you see the forces induction patterns they normally order the products in batches. So once the product has proven it self it may see repeat orders if at all it is needed.

And enough of nonsense of "Italian Sonia" she is Indian until unless you can prove otherwise. This is not the place to score political goals. please refrain from this


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Jul 14, 2009
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corruption is a part of life here in India. Blacklisting firms is not a solution to it. we blacklisted HDW and see today our navy has no worthy submarines at all. we banned bofors and all the other artillery manufacturers and today we have no modern artillery. regarding the M777 it is still years away from being acquired.


New Member
Dec 1, 2009
Kunalji ... How many new artillery units does India need as present ?? Are we falling short in any way irrespective of the old systems ??


New Member
Nov 1, 2009
Kunalji ... How many new artillery units does India need as present ?? Are we falling short in any way irrespective of the old systems ??
Modernisation is a process in which no armed forces will be satisfied with what they have, they always look for the tomorrow in the name of state-of -the art technology.

But IA darely need some artillery for the backup process, it is very very badly got it.