Indian Army Artillery

south block

up your a**
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Feb 1, 2016
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somebody soon going to declare me as Soros henchmen --- the way things are going nowdays.


Zandu Balm all day
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Aug 3, 2010
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They are bribing politicians, beurocrates military people with money, post retirement benefits for themselves & their looser kids & family members ---- if screw driving is the criteria --- which most of these crooks are doing why state owned enterprise or PSU shouldn't get the contract in first place?

Buddy, OFB had the blueprint for the Dhanush for decades. They only looked at it when DRDO picked TATA and Bharat Forge for ATAGS and when Bharat Forge brought out a European artillery assembly line to India. If it wasnt for Bharat Forge taking the risk, with no guarantee reward, who knows where the artillery space would be now. They have a whole range of artillery pieces on offer. They do so with no guuarantee reward some of the products are even requirement based, but they see it fitting to have it in the inventory of products.

Why do you argue with competition? It got OFBs lazy ass off the coach, otherwise they would be assembling outside OEM, DRDO designs for several more decades. Several of these state owned companies have been making improvements now, because they know full well competition will continue to grow. The one who benefits is the Indian military.

The private sector are changing the game in defence and aero in a short period of time. They will dominate both sector for decades to come.
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तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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Congi & BJP are two side of same coin--- Ying & Yang --- left & right ---- screwing Indians specially poor from all sides & their is no accountability, neither from Courts--- IB or any other state institutions --- sabko paisa mil Raha hai --- no wonder their is so much anger among people.
Right. And PSUs are clean as whistle , hard working , non corrupt, innovative world class companies who call for a strike when there is a war.

south block

up your a**
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Feb 1, 2016
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Right. And PSUs are clean as whistle , hard working , non corrupt, innovative world class companies who call for a strike when there is a war.
So what inovation chetoos sellers have done so far other than screw driving ,passing foreign maal as their own & swindling public money.

Aaj ka hero

Has left
Oct 8, 2018
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Buddy, OFB had the blueprint for the Dhanush for decades. They only looked at it when DRDO picked TATA and Bharat Forge for ATAGS and when Bharat Forge brought out a European artillery assembly line to India. If it wasnt for Bharat Forge taking the risk, with no guarantee reward, who knows where the artillery space would be now. They have a whole range of artillery pieces on offer. They do so with no guuarantee reward some of the products are even requirement based, but they see it fitting to have it in the inventory of products.

Why do you argue with competition? It got OFBs lazy ass off the coach, otherwise they would be assembling outside OEM, DRDO designs for several more decades. Several of these state owned companies have been making improvements now, because they know full well competition will continue to grow. The one who benefits is the Indian military.

The private sector are changing the game in defence and aero in a short period of time. They will dominate both sector for decades to come.
Sir, whom you are talking to. The guy is not ready to listen and then say people will call him soros henchman.
If he shot down every counter point, what is the meaning of all this?
And L&T MANUFACTURE HULL OF ARIHANT CLASS that in itself is the highest form of reliance government previous and today have shown.


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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Sir, whom you are talking to. The guy is not ready to listen and then say people will call him soros henchman.
If he shot down every counter point, what is the meaning of all this?
And L&T MANUFACTURE HULL OF ARIHANT CLASS that in itself is the highest form of reliance government previous and today have shown.
And not to forget, during kargil war Kalyani was the ones who delivered required shells in double time. Not OFB ! The govt itself didnt trust their own DPSUs. Case closed.

south block

up your a**
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Feb 1, 2016
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@south block why should public money go to lazy Quota chaap ******s like u?
neither I am Quota chaap ---- neither I work for any PSU --- if you asking for my cast --- I was born in a Rajput family ---- one birth shouldn't decide one's fate ---- everyone deserve a dignified life irrespective of his birth or socioeconomic conditions
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New Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Tell me why should not L&T been given the order it's more than 50 year old company and they have excelled in their engineering domain not only in india across the globe where ever they bagged the projects

Tell me who owns L&T? which politician's relative or friend ?

So why L&T was given order in first place ? this case is nothing but corruption of highest order when PSU exist with far greater capacity & capability.

fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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Kalyani’s MArG Extended Range Ultra-Light Howitzer might just beat M-777 in its own Game

Kalyani Group will for the first time will be showcasing at DefExpo2020 it’s latest Artillery Systems called Mountain Artillery Gun (MArG) Extended Range Ultra-Light Howitzer with 155 mm / 52 caliber long-range ULH in towed version. New MArG will be up-gunned from its 155 mm / 39 caliber sibling which also be on display. MArG comes in two variants – Steel and Titanium.

The steel version weighs about 6.8 tons and the Titanium version weighs less than 5 tons. On the recommendation of then, Indian Army Chief Bipin Rawat who now is Chief of Defence Staff, Kalyani Group also has developed a Truck-mounted all steal MArG 155 mm / 39 caliber ULH which also will be displayed for the first time at the DefExpo2020.

According to Defence analysts, Ranesh Rajan close to, 52 caliber barrel on Ultra-Light Howitzer will mean it can extract the same performance of Heavier Artillery System Dhanush at Higher altitude.

Excalibur shells when fired from a 155/39 caliber gun like M-777 or MArG have lesser range but if fired from a MArG Extended Range ULH with 155 mm / 52 caliber will be able to hit range close to 50km. MArG can be towed and can travel on cross-country terrain at speed up to 60 km/h and 24 km/h respectively. It can be transported by existing railway or current tactical air transport. was first to report that the gun has cleared all internal trials of the company and will be offered to the Indian Army for user trials. MArG 155/39 caliber gun can fire at 24.7 km range and with assisted ammunition, it can go 30Kms. MArG Extended Range will just up its game against BAe developed M-777 Ultralight Howitzer which is still being inducted into the Indian Army.

Rassil Krishnan

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Apr 16, 2019
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So what inovation chetoos sellers have done so far other than screw driving ,passing foreign maal as their own & swindling public money.
Psus like ofb are just mere glorified factories.

Their importance comes from having sole right to make arms and these products are not high tech a competent company with necessary machinary if given license will produce them.they are not making spaceship or aircraft parts.there 10s and 100s of private manufacturers oustide india like in usa,etc who are small and not state funded and they produce Innovative and awesome designs to the mundane to the bizzare for sizes and purposes and they continuely improve their product.this is what private enterprise is capable of.

Ofb here is producing low tech products slowly due to internal lethargy, does not innovate due to attitude and worse had no worry to innovate,take a lot of money for their upkeep and also go on strike for minor inconvenience.their only reason for survival was having monopoly.even many of their ok products parts likely will supplied by private small players.

If a private company produces something of same category that ofb produces they will face immediate competition and will have sink or swim.

Hell the performance of privates in last 5 years is much better than all years of even if they are doing screwdriver work they are still better than ofb.As they most likely quote less price,do it faster and with minimal or no defects .


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
So what inovation chetoos sellers have done so far other than screw driving ,passing foreign maal as their own & swindling public money.
Ofb and innovation is like oil and water one can only dream something this wild.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
PSU is so great we got to know how these A holes work post 26Feb.
Hal workers decisively planed to strike because they knew in war like situation they will be able to pressure government more and take full advantages of this war like situation.
I am surprised these guys still have their jobs every single one must be beaten in jail until the word strike and holiday gives them fits.

Pakistan is no threat when compared to these bastards they will stoop to any level to get some cash like cheap whores.

Government really needs to pass some laws where we can kick them out.

Is there something like this in planning guys?

south block

up your a**
New Member
Feb 1, 2016
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Psus like ofb are just mere glorified factories.

Their importance comes from having sole right to make arms and these products are not high tech a competent company with necessary machinary if given license will produce them.they are not making spaceship or aircraft parts.there 10s and 100s of private manufacturers oustide india like in usa,etc who are small and not state funded and they produce Innovative and awesome designs to the mundane to the bizzare for sizes and purposes and they continuely improve their product.this is what private enterprise is capable of.

Ofb here is producing low tech products slowly due to internal lethargy, does not innovate due to attitude and worse had no worry to innovate,take a lot of money for their upkeep and also go on strike for minor inconvenience.their only reason for survival was having monopoly.even many of their ok products parts likely will supplied by private small players.

If a private company produces something of same category that ofb produces they will face immediate competition and will have sink or swim.

Hell the performance of privates in last 5 years is much better than all years of even if they are doing screwdriver work they are still better than ofb.As they most likely quote less price,do it faster and with minimal or no defects .
are you a retard or a chore ---- because successive govts in this country surely are ---- public money is not some Pvt entity personal property --- answer for one PSU company monopoly is to build more PSU or state owned enterprise with better working culture not giving money to chetoos sellers cause their other businesses are in red --- Tata, ambani Adani , Birla are not innovator --- bunch of loosers with political connection trying to con the game for themselves.

Global Defence

