Indian Army Artillery


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Nov 21, 2016
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O yaar where the hell is this thread going?

Let's keep the thread to actual artillery and not the mythical flying artillery.

Flying arty concept has been done and was a failure.

deepak ghanvatkar

New Member
Feb 5, 2017
India should start planning or making research for guided missiles fired from tube artillery.

The first move was LAHAT on Arjun

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010

Source :


Pinaka Rocket`s GPS kit ..

GPS Antenna: Increased application of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) for navigational aids, necessitated the development of low profile antennas. Two types of low profile antennas, viz., Wraparound Microstrip Antenna for Pinaka Rocket and Quadrifilar Helix Antenna for manpack GPS have been developed by DRDO. The development of GPS antenna for Pinaka, along with its feed network, is a challenging task as it requires antenna to be conformal with the cylindrical body of the rocket. Quadrifilar Helix Antenna is one of the preferred antennas for GPS application owing to its smaller size and cardioid pattern.


Centre frequency : 1575.4 MHz
Bandwidth : � 3 MHz
Polarisation : RHCP
Gain : Better than 0 dB
VSWR : < 2:1
Radiation pattern : Hemispherical
Axial ratio : < 6 dB
The antennas have been fabricated, tested and are undergoing field trials.[/QUOTE]

Shared by mainly > @Twinblade

Guided shells and not Missile, Its Pinka with guided missile ( Rocket ) ..

India should start planning or making research for guided missiles fired from tube artillery.

The first move was LAHAT on Arjun

deepak ghanvatkar

New Member
Feb 5, 2017
Good info.

Good stuff.

Now if we have the stuff why were we planning to have LAHAT or this was developed after LAHAT was rejected for Arjun tank.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010

deepak ghanvatkar

New Member
Feb 5, 2017
if you see the size of India Pakistan or their military one place seems to be worrying according to me the self propelled guns .
the shows the following

India has 290 self propelled guns whereas pakistan has 465
So Pakistan has a upper hand in mobilizing the guns fast because Pakistan has more self propelled guns than India whereas it has lesser military size and lesser area to defend
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Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010

Pounding at Kargil with 105mm and 155mm guns ..


Take it with a pinch of salt, Indian got less than 100 spgh which includes only M46 catapults the same with imported arty of PA though they have M109s..

if you see the size of India Pakistan or their military one place seems to be worrying according to me the self propelled guns .
the shows the following View attachment 14151
India has 290 self propelled guns whereas pakistan has 465
So Pakistan has a upper hand in mobilizing the guns fast because Pakistan has more self propelled guns than India whereas it has lesser military size and lesser area to defend

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
Cannot replace Mortars as mortars are used for steep attack where artillery or MBRLs are not viable ..


I would say more useful over mountains on TATA 713 ..

@Kunal Biswas Bro can this system be useful for shorter range pounding instead of 120mm mortarView attachment 14211


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Jul 9, 2014
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Cannot replace Mortars as mortars are used for steep attack where artillery or MBRLs are not viable ..


I would say more useful over mountains on TATA 713 ..
Bro TATA 713 is a small size truck..we need some thing like suv mounted like humvee for fast maneuvering...

deepak ghanvatkar

New Member
Feb 5, 2017
Cannot replace Mortars as mortars are used for steep attack where artillery or MBRLs are not viable ..

I think this classification may have blurred if you considering range of M-46 and Tulip
Tulip: The heaviest mortar in the world
The 240-mm mortar can destroy fortified buildings that are 20 km away.

The following information is available in

The self-propelled 2S4 Tyulpan (Russian for tulip) is currently the heaviest mortar deployed in the world.

Designed in 1975, it was actively used in the Afghan and Chechen conflicts.

Five crewmen are required to deploy the mortar into firing position. The mortar can swiftly change its location after launching an attack against the enemy.

The 240-mm mortar is capable of destroying fortified buildings and the enemy’s manpower and armour at a distance of up to 20 km.

The 2S4 can fire the 276-pound Smel’chak (Russian for daredevil) shell, which is guided by a separate laser designator.

Russia has over 400 units that are gradually being brought back into service after being stored for a long time.

Dozens of mortars are being used by the Syrian army in the on-going conflict.

But what classification you say may be true with Indian army....

M-46 in wikipedia is classified as field gun and tulip as mortar and Dhanush as Howitzer....

M-46 range 27kms
Tulips range 20kms
and Dhanush 45 cal 38Kms...

Thanks Kunal Biswasji for the information and diagram.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
Army prefers TATA 713 as its most available vehicle in Army besides stallion, In terms of logistics this is a logical step ..

For BABA kalyani 105mm SPG prototype, Army sends its TATA 713 only ..

Bro TATA 713 is a small size truck..we need some thing like suv mounted like humvee for fast maneuvering...


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Aug 9, 2014
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Army gets indigenous weapon locating radar

The Army on Thursday received an indigenous weapon locating radar (WLR), named Swati, from the DRDO. The organisation also handed over a Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) recce vehicle and NBC treatment drugs to the Army.

Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar said the export potential (of the WLR) would be explored only after the Army’s requirement is fulfilled.

“You know Swati has done its job well when the LoC is devoid of any heavy artillery,” he observed.

Army Chief Gen Bipin Rawat called the system a success. “It is being used extensively along the LoC by us,” he stated.

Swati has a range of 50 km, which brings all artillery guns presently in service worldwide under coverage. Four systems are currently in operation and another 30 are on order for the Army.

Talking about the capability of the system, a senior Defence official said that it was pressed into service along the LoC last year. The WLR played a major role in suppressing their [Pakistani] fire, he added.


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Jan 13, 2017
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Let's not be a jingoist Mr. Moderator. Please back this up by proofs and facts.

How is it better than M777? It definitely is a good gun but lightyears ahead? How exactly? Also, a lightyear is a unit of distance not time.

Normal base bleed shell range for M777 is 30km and 40km for ATAGS. ATAGS range is 133% more but weighs 300% more. M777 can be lifted by medium/heavy choppers and deployed in the most challenging terrains at a moment's notice.
Cost of 145 M777s =$ 885 million. Comes out to be approx. $ 6.1 million.
Now DHANUSH's unit cost is $2.1 million, let's say unit cost of ATAGS is $ 3.5 million or even $4 million.
Now if a country had to procure 2000 pieces and ATAGS is chosen in place of the M777, it will save $ 4 billion. Huge advantage in itself.
There are a lot of tech advantages also

Electro-rheological/Magneto-rheological recoil system
Firing rate--Burst:3 rounds in 15sec, Intense: 15 rounds in 3 minutes, Sustained: 30 rounds in 60 min
.An all electric drive system.
It is not often that we get an advanced system, that too by world standards and at Indian prices, perhaps it's understandable if we get a little carried away in singing its praises.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
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Besides these we don`t entertain every newbie by reproducing all the debate which has been talked before in this thread, If you have capacity to reply then you should able to read the rest of the thread rather asking for spoon feeding ..

Their is huge untapped source of knowledge among ex-service men and in service here at DFI, You are free to ask them questions ..

Let's not be a jingoist Mr. Moderator. Please back this up by proofs and facts.

How is it better than M777? It definitely is a good gun but lightyears ahead? How exactly? Also, a lightyear is a unit of distance not time.

Normal base bleed shell range for M777 is 30km and 40km for ATAGS. ATAGS range is 133% more but weighs 300% more. M777 can be lifted by medium/heavy choppers and deployed in the most challenging terrains at a moment's notice.


New Member
Jan 20, 2013
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Let's not be a jingoist Mr. Moderator. Please back this up by proofs and facts.

How is it better than M777? It definitely is a good gun but lightyears ahead? How exactly? Also, a lightyear is a unit of distance not time.

Normal base bleed shell range for M777 is 30km and 40km for ATAGS. ATAGS range is 133% more but weighs 300% more. M777 can be lifted by medium/heavy choppers and deployed in the most challenging terrains at a moment's notice.
Why are you trying to compare Oranges with apples?
or can u compare a Sports car with SUV?

for starter M777 is ligh weight 155mm/39 cal
and ATAGS is 155mm/52 cal, Towed/SPG ie. can be towed + has power pack to move around.

If u still can't get it, we cannot help u out.

deepak ghanvatkar

New Member
Feb 5, 2017
35 mtr accuracy at 40km range is really good! I wonder how the radar and gun grid is laid out and what redundancies are built in.
I agree that the accuracy is not good 35 m(some thing better than nothing) because it will be difficult to destroy the gun with 35m accuracy in location pulse some error in the gun firing.... so the chances of enemy artillery seem to be high.

we may not be able to destroy the gun in first go...