India-US Ties Are Strong – But For A Price


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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History question, can be moved to another thread, which I was looking for and unable to find :)

Between 1947-1954, what was India's military strength vis-a-vis Pakistan? Could India have made some aggressive moves to capture territory in Kashmir and elsewhere?

Did India have overwhelming, or at least major, air, land and sea superiority?

Was India's purchase of Mysteres, Gnats and Hunters forced by the US arming of Pakistan? Or would India have obtained those anyway at some point in the near future( 1950s, early 60s)

Would the US have given/sold Sabres, Pattons et al to India, if India decided to join the US led alliance or pacts like CENTO and SEATO( which India denounced after independence). And if Krishna Menon had not repeatedly criticised the US at the UN and elsewhere?

Did the US give India some assurance that the sophisticated arms transferred to Pakistan, would not be used against India?

If India opened up its economy in the early 50s, would that have influenced the decision to give weaponry to Pakistan, and also do the same for India?( meaning give the same things to India, or give to neither)

A lot of questions, no rush to answer! But someone I hope will try!
some of the answer is there on wiki



Senior Member
Mar 22, 2021
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some of the answer is there on wiki

Thanks, some of them were. It does look like the US offered India arms and aid starting in 1950, when Truman was the President. India wanted to keep out of the cold war and military alliances. But did the weapons given to Pakistan by the US in 1954, cause India to buy the Gnats, Hunters and Mysteres as a response. It looks that way. It's a bit amusing, if it isn't ridiculous, when people outside India, and even within, criticise India for 'spending on arms when its people are poor/starving". India kept its military spending down in the 1950s, and what happened? US started arming Pakistan( a very rich country where no one is malnourished or poor) and China swallowed up Tibet. It was more or less forced.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Thanks, some of them were. It does look like the US offered India arms and aid starting in 1950, when Truman was the President. India wanted to keep out of the cold war and military alliances. But did the weapons given to Pakistan by the US in 1954, cause India to buy the Gnats, Hunters and Mysteres as a response. It looks that way. It's a bit amusing, if it isn't ridiculous, when people outside India, and even within, criticise India for 'spending on arms when its people are poor/starving". India kept its military spending down in the 1950s, and what happened? US started arming Pakistan( a very rich country where no one is malnourished or poor) and China swallowed up Tibet. It was more or less forced.
seema sirohi has written a book called "Freinds with benefits" last year, check if she has written on the time period you are looking for.


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2020
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Thanks, some of them were. It does look like the US offered India arms and aid starting in 1950, when Truman was the President. India wanted to keep out of the cold war and military alliances. But did the weapons given to Pakistan by the US in 1954, cause India to buy the Gnats, Hunters and Mysteres as a response. It looks that way. It's a bit amusing, if it isn't ridiculous, when people outside India, and even within, criticise India for 'spending on arms when its people are poor/starving". India kept its military spending down in the 1950s, and what happened? US started arming Pakistan( a very rich country where no one is malnourished or poor) and China swallowed up Tibet. It was more or less forced.
FYI, Tibet volunteered to join PRC. PRC showed little interest in Tibet. But most Tibetan de facto leaders insisted that Tibet must joint PRC for the benefit and welfare of Tibetans. PRC had to accept it under the condition that Tibetan spiritual leaders must give up their previous inhuman system aka Tibetan serfdom. Soon after Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama betrayed the Tibetan people and fled abroad with embarressement. Mao magnanimously said: "Don't chase him, he(Dalai) is just a kid. Let him go."


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2021
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FYI, Tibet volunteered to join PRC. PRC showed little interest in Tibet. But most Tibetan de facto leaders insisted that Tibet must joint PRC for the benefit and welfare of Tibetans. PRC had to accept it under the condition that Tibetan spiritual leaders must give up their previous inhuman system aka Tibetan serfdom. Soon after Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama betrayed the Tibetan people and fled abroad with embarressement. Mao magnanimously said: "Don't chase him, he(Dalai) is just a kid. Let him go."View attachment 258149
Nice propaganda and utter falsity on behalf of the loving , civilized CCP and PLA. The Tibetans don't believe it though. And it's for people to lift themselves out of primitivity and feudalism through, as far as possible, democracy, consensus and cooperation. Not through invasion, colonisation, brainwashing and regimentation.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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FYI, Tibet volunteered to join PRC. PRC showed little interest in Tibet. But most Tibetan de facto leaders insisted that Tibet must joint PRC for the benefit and welfare of Tibetans. PRC had to accept it under the condition that Tibetan spiritual leaders must give up their previous inhuman system aka Tibetan serfdom. Soon after Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama betrayed the Tibetan people and fled abroad with embarressement. Mao magnanimously said: "Don't chase him, he(Dalai) is just a kid. Let him go."View attachment 258149
Chang , it seems conventional medical treatment for paranoid delusional schizophrenia as you suffer from is ineffective in your case. Perhaps age old therapies still prevalent in ancient civilizations like India & China ought to be deployed.

What's that you ask ? I'm glad you asked. It's a good old fashioned belting. Every time you open your schizophrenic mouth you get the belt & staff treatment much like the belt & road scam you're subjecting other countries too. Over time your schizophrenia will get cured. Even if it isn't , it'd cease to manifest itself .

i_f25 (1).png

Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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Bloomberg reports that Modi and Biden had a brief (briefest) talk during the photo session when Italian leader had placed Modi in the centre for photo session. The hand shake with Biden, I guess was no more than exchanging pleasantries.

Modi is not going to yield anything except wait until Biden’s elections and exit of his anti-India Administration.

Same happened with Trudeau. There was only a handshake.

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