India US Relations

Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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i am guessing this.

We should make sure and tell US both it’s Secretary of State as well as Assistant Secretary that stop bothering about rights use in India. Instead worry about murder and shooting mayhem in US itself.

That Muslim lady in the US Congress from Minnesota should be told to shut up and stop worrying about rights use elsewhere when people are doing in America itself.


Regular Member
Aug 19, 2019
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What I know or not know about Indian immigrants is irrelevant, the fact is they gave up Indian citizenship for some other. Unlike the PM, I have no use for rallies or other support from people who have willingly surrendered Indian citizenship nor do i support liberal issuance of OCI card which i think must be restricted only to those deserving of it. Whether they are proud of their heritage or not is largely irrelevant to the point I'm making. The vast majority of them, barring a special few do nothing for India and have zero contribution to this country.

My point though was how immigrants behave in the country they have chosen to go to. As I have said, I'm unsympathetic to those people who $hit on the country there and receive a backlash for it. Wokeness is an idiotic condition for everyone but especially for immigrants who $hit on the country they did everything to get into.
Lot of people left the country during the time when the economy was closed and we had idiots ruling the country ( Mulayam Singh being Defense Minister for example). Survivability triumphs Patriotism is most cases. Jaan hai to Jahan hai. I live in US but that doesn't mean I hate my motherland. I will prolly retire back or even come back to work in India. People go to US to earn living not cause they treacherous. Lot of them send remittances to their family. These remittances are an important part of the economy as it trickle downs from the recipient family to the goods and services they spend locally. That new Godrej Fridge w/ ice dispenser which your neighbor Sharmaji got is bought using the $$ sent by his son working as a software engineer in the silicon valley. In essence Sharmaji's Adarsh Balak working in the US of A helps in the manufacturing and products sales of Indian Brands ...
Also remember, the tilt of US towards India, its market and its talent pool is hugely influenced by the Indian Diaspora living and earning in the US. They saw what the Indian Engineers/Scientists are capable of in terms of their talent and productivity. Some haters (mostly white trash Murica) gonna shit on the Indian Engineers but at the end of the day Intel , Amazon and Google has its R&D center in India not in Pakistan, Saudi , UAE etc even though they were in the US camp for most of the cold war while we Indians were soft Soviets.
They are some Brown Sepoys (Hasan Minaj for example) who will always gonna shit on India and Hinduism for their social status but that doesn't mean everybody gonna do that.


Regular Member
Aug 19, 2019
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Of course.

The media is struggling with this except the New York Post.

New York Post: “described as a 5-foot-5 black man, around 170 pounds wearing an orange vest and gas mask.”

New York Times: “a man in a worker’s vest and gas mask.”

NBC New York: “a man in a gas mask.”

Washington Post: “a man wearing a construction vest and a gas mask.”

There’s a formula here at work:

Black suspect using firearm: “More gun control needed, no need to look at perp’s background. Nothing to see here.”

Muslim suspect using firearm: “Lone wolf; was on FBI’s radar; concerns for possible anti-muslim retaliation. Perp is the victim. Nothing to see here.”

Hispanic suspect using firearm: “Obviously gang related - no issue with immigration status. make sure not to show any tats!”

White suspect using firearm: “White supremacist/nationalist militia ties; clearly a Trump supporter; ties to Jan 6; concern for national security; hate crime; sides with Putin; FBI, CIA, DEA, DHS must investigate; NSA to do background; President to go on air within the hour to make statement; will go to location within 72 hours; flags at half mast; all republicans, the NRA, Proud Boys, 3 percenters, Oath keepers and of course Trump to blame. Coverage of the story stops AFTER the next election cycle.
That's the problem, all these media houses are quick to gang up and call every white suspect A Supremacist , militia etc while conveniently ignoring AntiFA violence etc. This further divides the society on Racial lines as no self respecting white guy will take the labelling for a long time, and wont call a spade a spade.


Regular Member
Mar 31, 2022
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There should be a fair debate whether we are at disadvantage for " Strategic autonomy " which is a evolution from " non alignment " .. We were kept out of major global issues like iran deal , Afghan issue by both usa and russia because of our unwillingness to go to any particular team .. Now also we dnt have any major role to play in russia ukraine .. most of the energy is consumed in explaining why we purchased insignificant amount of oil from russia ..

If global world order remain polarized in coming times how ll a major economy stay away from any global level decision making .. Manage to sit behind .

We need to have a clear vision of how future world ll look like .. Because in case india decides to take any decision this ll have consequences far beyond present . Whatever we do it must be based on strategic interest of india .

no smoking

Senior Member
Aug 14, 2009
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We need to have a clear vision of how future world ll look like .. Because in case india decides to take any decision this ll have consequences far beyond present . Whatever we do it must be based on strategic interest of india .
The problem is not if you have a clear vision of how future world will look like or if you can make decision based on strategic interest of India. Indian leaders always do. The problem is if India's people is willing to pay the cost.
You want to be a great power, but you don't want to bear the cost of a great power:
When Iran was sanctioned, why didn't you stand up to buy more Iranian oil?
When USA pulled out of Afgan, why didn't you stand up and pay billions of dollars to North alliance each year?
You gain what you pay.

Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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The problem is not if you have a clear vision of how future world will look like or if you can make decision based on strategic interest of India. Indian leaders always do. The problem is if India's people is willing to pay the cost.
You want to be a great power, but you don't want to bear the cost of a great power:
When Iran was sanctioned, why didn't you stand up to buy more Iranian oil?
When USA pulled out of Afgan, why didn't you stand up and pay billions of dollars to North alliance each year?
You gain what you pay.
Pure BS


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2014
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Both US extreme left and right have their own way to put down non-subservient nations. So different reasons are used by both sides to lash the stick out sometimes reasoning is morality and sometimes economics. It does not matter as long as end result is the same, they mastered this art of justifying anything under the roof. They have powerful media, military and financial system to secure what they think is right.

At the end they are preserving their national interest and influence using different methods. Might is always right, we need to understand that we need fire in the belie and vision like the yankees and CCP to get away with things that they can. Our politicos are absent minded in this regard with lack of vision and execution. Same is reflected in mass psyche. There is an sense of awakening now thanks to SM like you tube. (Make no mistake its also used in the reverse way by the likes of dhruv rathee).

US is neither friend nor foe.


Senior Member
Mar 2, 2019
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Of course.

The media is struggling with this except the New York Post.

New York Post: “described as a 5-foot-5 black man, around 170 pounds wearing an orange vest and gas mask.”

New York Times: “a man in a worker’s vest and gas mask.”

NBC New York: “a man in a gas mask.”

Washington Post: “a man wearing a construction vest and a gas mask.”

There’s a formula here at work:

Black suspect using firearm: “More gun control needed, no need to look at perp’s background. Nothing to see here.”

Muslim suspect using firearm: “Lone wolf; was on FBI’s radar; concerns for possible anti-muslim retaliation. Perp is the victim. Nothing to see here.”

Hispanic suspect using firearm: “Obviously gang related - no issue with immigration status. make sure not to show any tats!”

White suspect using firearm: “White supremacist/nationalist militia ties; clearly a Trump supporter; ties to Jan 6; concern for national security; hate crime; sides with Putin; FBI, CIA, DEA, DHS must investigate; NSA to do background; President to go on air within the hour to make statement; will go to location within 72 hours; flags at half mast; all republicans, the NRA, Proud Boys, 3 percenters, Oath keepers and of course Trump to blame. Coverage of the story stops AFTER the next election cycle.
Only one that mentioned his race is a conservative outlet.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
This is a smart way to remove India from QUAD without removing India from QUAD.
In that case, India might as well leave QUAD because it is apparent by now that everyone wants to use India for their own gain at the expense of India. India should send a strong signal by declaring that QUAD is a joke and not conducive to India' security interests and withdraw. Focus only on bilateral exercises and that is it.


Regular Member
Mar 31, 2022
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In that case, India might as well leave QUAD because it is apparent by now that everyone wants to use India for their own gain at the expense of India. India should send a strong signal by declaring that QUAD is a joke and not conducive to India' security interests and withdraw. Focus only on bilateral exercises and that is it.
India has gained by japanese investment in our economy . Recent free trade agreement with australia ll boost our economy and provide us access to critical minerals which has been domain of china .. Closer alliance with usa providing us a future where we ll be important part of global chip supply chain , and a rival to china in manufacturing products as they grow more worried about china .

What does russia and china have in offer for future of india ? Hostilities at LOC ... snubbing of ministers for visiting Arunachal pradesh.. dumping of products to destroy industry... fortune for import dalals and
legacy dependence on armaments .. rhetoric of strategic autonomy while depended heavily in defence ... rhetoric on east vs west , Asian power , multipolarity etc ..
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Senior Member
Mar 30, 2021
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In that case, India might as well leave QUAD because it is apparent by now that everyone wants to use India for their own gain at the expense of India. India should send a strong signal by declaring that QUAD is a joke and not conducive to India' security interests and withdraw. Focus only on bilateral exercises and that is it.
We should wait and watch how things are unfolding around AUKUS and QUAD. Making hasty decisions at this point is not in India's favour. Judging by 2+2 meet, it seems that our relationship with west is still strong. No need to ruin this relationship.


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2018
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In that case, India might as well leave QUAD because it is apparent by now that everyone wants to use India for their own gain at the expense of India. India should send a strong signal by declaring that QUAD is a joke and not conducive to India' security interests and withdraw. Focus only on bilateral exercises and that is it.
We benefit from Quad and that's why we are there in it. While AUKUS is an uncomfortable reminder, there is very little there for us to do. Will we be aligned with the US the same way as these other countries? I don't think so, no point complaining then. US is not the only country of interest in the QUAD, the primary push for it came from Japan and they remain our close allies. We do more with the US bilaterally than almost any other country in the world. If Japan were to join AUKUS, it is a bad look since it looks like India is singled out but with our close Russian ties and military relations, there is almost no chance of top-secret western technology being made available, especially in R&D.


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2018
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Lot of people left the country during the time when the economy was closed and we had idiots ruling the country ( Mulayam Singh being Defense Minister for example). Survivability triumphs Patriotism is most cases. Jaan hai to Jahan hai. I live in US but that doesn't mean I hate my motherland. I will prolly retire back or even come back to work in India. People go to US to earn living not cause they treacherous. Lot of them send remittances to their family. These remittances are an important part of the economy as it trickle downs from the recipient family to the goods and services they spend locally. That new Godrej Fridge w/ ice dispenser which your neighbor Sharmaji got is bought using the $$ sent by his son working as a software engineer in the silicon valley. In essence Sharmaji's Adarsh Balak working in the US of A helps in the manufacturing and products sales of Indian Brands ...
Also remember, the tilt of US towards India, its market and its talent pool is hugely influenced by the Indian Diaspora living and earning in the US. They saw what the Indian Engineers/Scientists are capable of in terms of their talent and productivity. Some haters (mostly white trash Murica) gonna shit on the Indian Engineers but at the end of the day Intel , Amazon and Google has its R&D center in India not in Pakistan, Saudi , UAE etc even though they were in the US camp for most of the cold war while we Indians were soft Soviets.
They are some Brown Sepoys (Hasan Minaj for example) who will always gonna shit on India and Hinduism for their social status but that doesn't mean everybody gonna do that.
I must stress that my comments are not personal and while I understand that some will take it that way, its more an articulation of my personal world view.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
We should wait and watch how things are unfolding around AUKUS and QUAD. Making hasty decisions at this point is not in India's favour. Judging by 2+2 meet, it seems that our relationship with west is still strong. No need to ruin this relationship.
Yes but we cannot allow the US to dictate the tone and terms of the relationship. It needs to be made clear that we are cooperating as equals not as subservient like Japan, Australia, and UK are wont to do.

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