India US Relations


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Sep 8, 2019
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Trial By Fire

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Jul 16, 2022

US deep state ready to give XI a ass rimjob but when puppet fcks u over 🤣🤣🤣
They desperately need the Chinese to keep buying treasury bonds so the USA doesn't default on its insane debt. America begged the Chinese to come to this meeting, cleaned up the streets and everything and the absolute dementia tier Biden makes it all for naught in a press conference.

Hah... the end of an Empire in all its glory.


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Jan 12, 2020


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Mar 18, 2023
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The US public opinions of Indian comes from the subservient Indian people living in US, majority of those folks are yes sir folks, you can see the same attitude here and on majority of BharatRakshak people posting from West/US.
These folks who live in West has given the wrong impression that Hindus are easily bullied and can never punch u back even if one keeps shitting on them.
The day India starts showing some muscle these folks will continue to become more apologetic, meek in front if thr masters in west.
The impression should go now hopefully Modi Govt giving them equal equal treatment.

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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US Hostility towards India

This hostility is deeply rooted in the bureaucracy of the U.S. State Department. A recent example is the diplomatic spat between Canada and India, which was set up by the US. This dispute has its roots in the US gathering electronic intelligence worldwide and making it available to its select allies. The United States does not share all intelligence, but shares it on a selective basis, i.e. whatever suits its political ends. It is the high-ranking Mandarins in the U.S. State Department who decide who gets what. In order to undermine India's success at the recent G-20 meeting in Delhi, they provided worthless intelligence to Canada.

President Biden was all smiles, and in Delhi, India was very happy. He also welcomed PM Modi in June and gave him a great welcome and a friendly hand. Hardly did India know that the same Mandarins in the State Department were not happy. They were not happy with India's neutrality in the Ukraine war and India's large oil purchases from Russia. They wanted to show India its place and wished that India not aspire for a spot at the high table of international affairs.

That is when multiple Khalistani terrorists (Malik, Nijjar, Sukha) in Canada got killed and a phone tap on the Indian Consulate in Vancouver came handy. The phone tap gave clue to rejoicing at these terrorist’s death. It was assumed that there was an Indian hand in it. The Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, low in the polls, was looking to build a vote bank with Khalistani voters jumped on the issue. He launched a campaign to demonize India and blame deaths on it.

Trudeau's campaign backfired. India denied its involvement; but as an ally, the U.S. supported Canada's inquiry. This back & forth diplomatic spat resulted in strict action by India who asked Canada to close its Visa issuing Consulates in India and remove some its diplomats from Indian soil. India's action was strong, but Canada and India are still in a verbal duel.

The U.S. backed away a bit as it never thought that this diplomatic spat would go that far. But Canada was not backing away at all. It will not listen to the evidence that the dead terrorist has a terrorist history and entered Canada on false pretenses. Also, he was granted Canadian citizenship based on false documents. The matter is unresolved as no evidence to investigate it further has been provided.

As a coincidence, the Hamas-Israel war broke out concurrently with this dispute, and hence the US could not afford to alienate India. It backed away, leaving Canada alone. Moreover, the belligerent Chinese President is visiting the US and the outcome of the talks was uncertain. Thus, the US desires to have India on its side. Hence, the Mandarins in the State Department beat a hasty retreat.

The outcome of all the above is that U.S. has kept all its promises of military supplies to India, although Canada is unhappy but truthfully Canada has no evidence, only electronic intercepts hence from US point of view, the matter should be buried as quickly as possible.


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Mar 18, 2023
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India should start putting some real money into Turbo Fan development, once we master this tech. Any air asset development is possible in house from Heavy UAV, Fighters, Bomber, Cargo, Civilian air liners.
Any so called TOT for 414 engines will not come to any production if US stops export of hot sections


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Oct 24, 2014
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Typical State Dept antics of laying the groundwork to declare India "a rogue nation " tomorrow when needed.
India and US were on the opposite sides during most of the post-WW2 period. They can declare whatever, say whatever, doesn't change anything on the ground for us.

Declaring a country of the size of India a rough nation will be an irreversible, self-defeating step. Just like Post-Galwan China, US will loose all the goodwill of the next two generations of India's population. We will have a field day with all individuals and influencers leaning in favor of the US and it's interests.
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Sep 20, 2019
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The thing is that India has decoupled with Chinese economy. Russia is more and more dependent on China now. US is behaving like it always does, always wanting something more and always in a constant mood to blackmail those who it declares as friend.

Economy wise India and US are connected, both will be lose lose scene.

The thing of immediate concern now is Tejas and it's engine program. And on economic front the immediate concern is to get as much electronics, electrical, hardware manufacturing transferred to India as possible.


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Oct 24, 2014
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The thing is that India has decoupled with Chinese economy. Russia is more and more dependent on China now. US is behaving like it always does, always wanting something more and always in a constant mood to blackmail those who it declares as friend.

Economy wise India and US are connected, both will be lose lose scene.

The thing of immediate concern now is Tejas and it's engine program. And on economic front the immediate concern is to get as much electronics, electrical, hardware manufacturing transferred to India as possible.
Russia must have evaluated the consequences of "over-dependence" over China. China is still one of the largest trading partners of India, decoupling of India-China economies is a false statement.

US' old antics worked when US was the alone at the top, US will forced to change the old habits and act according to the new reality.

Do you think that India would have dared to target a US citizen on the US soil a decade back, that too a CIA asset? Had any other country attempted that, US would have been readying it's cruise missiles in it's direction by now. We did it because we think that we can. We did it because according to our assessment, there will not be a significant adverse reaction from the US.


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Sep 20, 2019
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Russia must have evaluated the consequences of "over-dependence" over China. China is still one of the largest trading partners of India, decoupling of India-China economies is a false statement.

US' old antics worked when US was the alone at the top, US will forced to change the old habits and act according to the new reality.

Do you think that India would have dared to target a US citizen on the US soil a decade back, that too a CIA asset? Had any other country attempted that, US would have been readying it's cruise missiles in it's direction by now. We did it because we think that we can. We did it because according to our assessment, there will not be a significant adverse reaction from the US.
Chinese exports to India make their way despite all our restrictions because a lot of our industries will collapse if we go radically in that direction. It will be like how Europe shot itself on foot by decoupling from Russian gas industry.

economic decoupling happened in investments side ~ virtually no new chinese investments allowed. In digital, fintech and all such sectors chinese had to sell out of Indian market, protecting the Indian market for Indians while giving Western MNC's equal footing vis a vis Indian companies (except a few ifs and buts). India is hunting for chinese automakers and electronic giants who have invested in India, one mistake and Indian govt will kill them.

No doubt, the policies are great and a must as Chinese never allowed us in their market and as they entered 4G earlier than us, had excess capital, mastered EV they wee going to crush a lot of our sectors, so it was wise decision on part of govt. That's why I always pitch Galwan as the biggest strategic victory of modern day India.

No coming back, obviously this is economic decoupling. India and China are much far apart then we were say in 2014 or 15.

Now regarding Pannu, we are not mad to target that useless joker. It is simply american establishment which is planting those news, planting evidence if any to use it vis a vis India at a later date.


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Sep 20, 2019
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India China trade is largely a one way trade of importing key goods, mostly capital goods or components that our various industries use. Now, the govt is working to increase backward integration to decrease a lot of that requirement and that is a medium term process and that is happening as we speak.
Trade with China is happening not because we want to benefit China but because the cost of moving away from that trade will cost our own industry dearly.


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2014
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Chinese exports to India make their way despite all our restrictions because a lot of our industries will collapse if we go radically in that direction. It will be like how Europe shot itself on foot by decoupling from Russian gas industry.

economic decoupling happened in investments side ~ virtually no new chinese investments allowed. In digital, fintech and all such sectors chinese had to sell out of Indian market, protecting the Indian market for Indians while giving Western MNC's equal footing vis a vis Indian companies (except a few ifs and buts). India is hunting for chinese automakers and electronic giants who have invested in India, one mistake and Indian govt will kill them.

No doubt, the policies are great and a must as Chinese never allowed us in their market and as they entered 4G earlier than us, had excess capital, mastered EV they wee going to crush a lot of our sectors, so it was wise decision on part of govt. That's why I always pitch Galwan as the biggest strategic victory of modern day India.

No coming back, obviously this is economic decoupling. India and China are much far apart then we were say in 2014 or 15.

Now regarding Pannu, we are not mad to target that useless joker. It is simply american establishment which is planting those news, planting evidence if any to use it vis a vis India at a later date.
Canada could not plant the "evidence" ever wonder why? We can mock them, but they are certainly not totally incompetent. India will retaliate with a tit-for-tat that is why.

Kashmir and Punjab both were US-led experiments, Pakistan was just a cat's paw, we did not talk about it due to geopolitical compulsions. If we are confident enough to drag the US directly, there must be a good reason. Pannu will be turned or silenced in due time, just to send out a message across.

India China trade is largely a one way trade of importing key goods, mostly capital goods or components that our various industries use. Now, the govt is working to increase backward integration to decrease a lot of that requirement and that is a medium term process and that is happening as we speak.
Trade with China is happening not because we want to benefit China but because the cost of moving away from that trade will cost our own industry dearly.
If we get an opportunity to normalize our relations with China then we must take it. It is not in India's (or China's) interest to keep it simmering and allow others to take advantage of.

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