India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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May 22, 2015
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How are satellite phones immediately located ? O read that if we seitch one on Indian forces can immediatly track that. They arrested ome perdon some years back for switching ond such unregistered phone


New Member
Mar 23, 2019
How are satellite phones immediately located ?
They search for signals through frequency analyzer and one by one they see if there are any new signals running. Now ISRO has sent new satellite for this job.


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
How are satellite phones immediately located ? O read that if we seitch one on Indian forces can immediatly track that. They arrested ome perdon some years back for switching ond such unregistered phone
Satellite phones require a constellation of satellites for operation. Each satellite effectively acting as a cell tower!
So, the simple principle of triangulation can be used to locate the position of the sat phone!

But one EMISAT that does not actually 'connect' to the radio set (which has very limited range/power) cannot pinpoint its location...especially when multiple radios will be operating with the same frequency!

I can see that there are too many folks peddling pseudo-science on the topic. It's quite annoying to see forum devolve to that state. Don't have energy to argue with everyone....I'll have to let it pass...


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May 6, 2013
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If you are checking Twitter, important Pakistani Twitter accounts including Jeffrey guy are condemning Hamas attacks on Israel. Pakistan is already being hit by India and they don't want Israel to join India in Pakistan bashing. So Israel favouring tweets my but Pakistan some forgiveness from Israel.
I really would not want to be that Israelite (was the one that gave Pakis a second chance) that years later when another area - paki (copycat) does a Daniel pearl and 26-11 Mumbai attack on Israel synagogues and even stamp the passports in bold letters and more and more ... threatened Israel with destruction ... because Pakis favoured Israel truly !!

I am sure you have read what Pakis did with Sikhs and Punjab for their own motives. (Albeit being used like condoms - the Pakis being the condoms*)

I am sure you have read how the French were murdered in Paki areas.

I am sure you have read Us Embassy being ransacked in Islamabad.

To have said - “those tweets and desperation by Pakis , we forgive them” “even though they were trying to divert attention, we forgive them”

It’s like a guru works in righteous ways ... follows good directions ... his mother head chopped off yet she was revitalised and restored. Who did it ?

Bharat is revitalising Israel in much deeper way ...

A precedent once set de jure and otherwise is not easy to be eliminated. Pakis precedent on Israel is moving ahead people can close their eyes.

Not sure how to say it is a moment of truth and more for Israel ...

Hamas - it’s the Pakis that will be the biggest problem for Israel if they don’t have it nipped.

The Americans enabled Pakis to have nukes ... those Pakis can point westward ...

What if Islamic nations got Pakis to guarantee them protection (do Pakis not boast they have such nuke appendages) ? Hasn’t that happened already.

Hamas ? That’s peanuts - what Israel and what it represents is far bigger and higher to that .

This is like a guru being made fun of (with the Pakis right in front and on top of it).

Bharat ...

The real story is return of the god of war to home.

Israel ... watch the others also


Imagine what Pakis would do with nukes on their appendages ... Israel ? USA ? West ...

Note on USA Embassy above* (that was when they had no nukes, went into frenzy - where was the security - )

I won’t even go into role of PRC and if the nukes of Pakis are actually true.

I would label Pakis to be direcitonless and without proper motives and knowingly knowing what to do next. Pakis are clueless, confused, in search of direction and wisdom. (How and why is a fascinating topic - from two nation theory to more)

I would even go more deeper that Pakis are a spent condom that is ready to be thrown away ...

The two sides and the side it represents has realism is that Pakis cannot be allowed to go on further it’s a danger to its own existence and prestige and honour.

And Pakis have terrorists ... beware west and it’s fascinating to note beware prc (remember who gave Pakis the nuke - tests ; ) )
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New Member
Mar 23, 2019
But one EMISAT that does not actually 'connect' to the radio set (which has very limited range/power) cannot pinpoint its location
Why should a satellite find the location, it can identify the new frequency and and communicate it with earth based frequency analyzer. It's frequency analyzer's job to identity the source and vectors through strength of signals.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Terror Module

  • The Indian Army is aware of 40-50 terrorist training camps operating in Pakistan. There are apparently three kinds of camps: those for recruitment, training and launching attacks
  • The recruitment camps (marked in red) in PoK exist between Muzaffarabad and Lahore
  • Training here lasts 30-35 days
  • From here, the brainwashed young men are sent to other camps to learn about arms, navigation and radio telephony
  • The launching camps have 10-30 terrorists including handlers and instructors



New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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A much better map here

Very beeeeg map..look the left for Poonch(Written as PUNCH)..Hajira Etc
Those with skill be able to work on it and find out what is what and hows etc etc..
from the repository of attacks, posts mentioned etc etc.


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
Why should a satellite find the location, it can identify the new frequency and and communicate it with earth based frequency analyzer. It's frequency analyzer's job to identity the source and vectors through strength of signals.
If an earth based frequency analyzer can vector and find location, then it would already be doing it (Samyukta et al already do)........there's no need for a satellite to inform it anything!

Folks are trivializing too many things. Don't of time to delve into finer details!

It's a waste of time to humor repeated speculations and whatabouttery!!


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May 19, 2017
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Pakistan Navy Forced To Cancel Overseas Deployments
Nitin A. Gokhale New Delhi, India 3 April 2019
The Indian Navy’s heavy presence in the North Arabian Sea in the immediate aftermath of the Pulwama attack and its subsequent constant vigil has forced the Pakistani Navy to cancel all its overseas deployment plans, intelligence sources monitoring the situation in Pakistan have revealed.

The Indian Navy, which was in the middle of its war games—done every two years—called Theatre Level Operational Readiness Exercise (TROPEX)—when the Pulwama terror attack in Jammu and Kashmir killed 40 troops of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) on February 14, immediately redeployed in an operational mode to prevent movement of Pakistani naval assets.

Since then, the Pakistani Navy has been virtually bottled up in the Karachi harbour or is patrolling near the shores, fearing Indian ingress.:pound::pound:

According to sources, two Pakistani ships—PNS Saif and PNS Moawin—scheduled to visit Qingdao in China to join the 70th anniversary celebrations of the PLA Navy, have cancelled their planned visit although the Pakistani Navy Chief is likely to be at the ceremony slated for April 24.

In a Press note issued on March 17, the Indian Navy had revealed how it quickly transited from a training exercise to an operational deployment in the wake of the Pulwama attack. “The major combat units of the Indian Navy including the Carrier Battle Group with INS Vikramaditya, nuclear submarines and scores of other ships, submarines and aircraft swiftly transited from exercise to operational deployment mode as tensions between India and Pakistan escalated. A clear and resolute message regarding the operational posture of the Indian Navy to prevent, deter and defeat any misadventure by Pakistan in the maritime domain was conveyed…” the Navy said.

Although there is no specific mention of nuclear submarines in the press note, there has been some speculation that INS Arihant, India’s indigenously designed, developed and manufactured nuclear submarine, was also part of the deployment.

Following the deployment, Pakistan also cancelled the visit of its ship PNS Aslat to the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition (LIMA) held at Langkawi in Malaysia between March 26 and 30 and the visit of PNS Shamsheer to Bahrain. To add insult to injury, the Government of Maldives on its own called off a scheduled port call of PNS Aslat to its country en route to Langkawi even before it was known that the Pakistanis had decided not to participate in the Langkawi exhibition.

The pressure created by presence of a large number Indian naval assets in the area had clearly forced Pakistan to make changes to its scheduled programme of overseas deployments.

As the Indian Navy said in its press note: “About 60 ships of the Indian Navy, 12 ships of the Indian Coast Guard and 60 aircraft were part of TROPEX 19. Amongst the key attributes of naval forces are the ‘Versatility’ to change roles, ‘Mobility’ and ‘Poise’. Availability of such a large number of combat ready assets in the theatre of operations for TROPEX 19 allowed the Indian Navy to expeditiously respond to the developing situation in synergy with the three services. The overwhelming superiority of Indian Navy in all three dimensions forced the Pakistan Navy to remain deployed close to the Makran coast and not venture out in the open ocean.”

Earlier, TROPEX 19 had participation of Army and Air Force. This was followed by the largest Coastal Defence Exercise code-named ‘Sea Vigil’ on January 22 and 23 with participation of all 13 coastal states and union territories along with all maritime stakeholders. TROPEX itself was thus far the largest in terms of geographical spread covering the IOR and also with regard to the number of participating units.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Pakistan's GDP to decelerate to 3.9% in 2019: Asian Development Bank
Pakistan's economic growth is set to slump further to 3.9 per cent in the fiscal year 2019 from 5.2 per cent in 2018, the Asian Development Bank forecast Wednesday, citing the "macroeconomic challenges" faced by the cash-strapped country.

With pakistan terror factories closing down pakis are finding it hard to sustain.
pakis should export them to Xinjiang in return for the insults received from china and get foreign exchange


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Apr 13, 2013
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After Pashtuns, Balochis, now Muhajirs want freedom from terror-sponsoring Pakistan
New Delhi: After the Pashtuns stunned Pakistani authorities and the security establishment with Monday’s march in Peshawar against forced disappearances and atrocities against their movement for freedom from Pakistan, now the Muhajir community is up in arms against the terror-sponsoring country.
The community, comprising of Muslims who had migrated from India during Partition, has extended its support to the Pashtuns, Balochis and the oppressed communities from the Gilgit-Baltistan area of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir.
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