India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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New Member
Sep 19, 2016
OK, can you atleast indicate when you expect action to happen?
Another terror attack from pakistan during election time and strike crop will move in ready to harvest the fields.

At present they are there for "training" purposes.


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Feb 27, 2018
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........... And people on this forum are kids who will feel happy believing Imran Khan made statement regarding BJP win to de-escalate. He does not want de-escalation , Imran Khan only wants to bring new tactics.

Just like after swing you suddenly bring a spin bowler.
Imran Khan’s statement is making a virtue of necessity. He would have been thrilled with a non BJP government and he with other ministers have specifically targeted the BJP in its tweets and statements but having probably seen press reports suggesting BJP win, he now pretends that’s somehow a preferred choice though he then goes on to make remarks on treatment of Muslims etc. The statement should be treated with the contempt it deserves.


New Member
Jan 30, 2015
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OK, can you atleast indicate when you expect action to happen?
All machinery is place . If pakistan does something during elections no major power can stop India from taking big steps , which obviously gonna hurt Pakistan even more. ROE have changed. CAP will become more aggressive from tonight.
Many things have happened after 3-4 march. Pakistan is bearing pain but not shedding its tears. We like this situation. Pakistan won't cry if we hit em. I want Pakistan to disturb WB elections , so that re-election will happen under eyes on central forces.


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Jan 30, 2015
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Imran Khan’s statement is making a virtue of necessity. He would have been thrilled with a non BJP government and he with other ministers have specifically targeted the BJP in its tweets and statements but having probably seen press reports suggesting BJP win, he now pretends that’s somehow a preferred choice though he then goes on to make remarks on treatment of Muslims etc. The statement should be treated with the contempt it deserves.
He wantes to make narrative that Modi has struck deal with mercyless enemy. We are afraid that if INC comes we can't have this kind of deal.
They expected Indians to backlash modi for joining hands with enemy and 5tg column will make this breaking news thus forcing modi to panic and give INC some ammo to change the pro-modi narrative.
Imran once again failed miserably.
Babu my kaka was 10 years CM of Gujrat and 5 years as PM of India. He has seen many jackals like you and knows well how to deal with them.


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Apr 24, 2016
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Pakistan switching to an overt pro-Modi tone smells of an assassination attempt. They're trying to build plausible deniability. Modi must be extra careful in his rallies.
I honestly think that'll just endear BJP even more so towards the Indian populace, but just so they think that's a good idea, the next guy in the batting order is Yogi. :megusta:


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Dec 12, 2015
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I watched a few Pakistani TV debates and one point came out very strong is that Pakistani Army is vehemently against Modi and BJP. I see no way these people making peace with India.

As I have explained in earlier posts, Pakistani elite earn a huge amount as aid and grants from Muslim countries in the name of jihad in Kashmir. The expenses to maintain terrorist para-military is rather low; so this venture is highly profitable. In addition these jihadi are used as drug carriers, the narcotics business being the second most profitable business in Pakistan.

Pakistan Army has a vested interest against any deal with India. Pakistan Army knows that Pakistan survives due to enmity with India. The day enmity ends will be the day Pakistan ends.

Kashmir cannot be solved by any sitting across a table. If it was possible; it would have been done by now. There was no dearth of trying from Indian side anyway.

Let me make a case that even if India hands over Kashmir to Pakistan on a platter; still no solution as jihad will start in other parts of India.

British created Pakistan specifically to kill Hindus. There is no other reason. The British hoped to reestablish their power over South Asia by destroying this region in Hindu-Muslim enmity. Luckily for India, USSR became strong enough to provide a counter-balance. USSR saved India from going under. This is a fact that many people in India do not realize.

USSR went away but India had become strong enough by that time that it could hold off on its own. India stumbled and fell many times but got up and running and increased its strength over time by the grace of God.
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Dec 12, 2015
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Nations are created by ideology and sacrifice and are nurtured by blood of heroes. The nation of Bharat is no exception.


Sanathan Pepe
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Sep 18, 2009
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Kashmir cannot be solved by any sitting across a table. If it was possible; it would have been done by now. There was no dearth of trying from Indian side anyway.

Let me make a case that even if India hands over Kashmir to Pakistan on a platter; still no solution as jihad will start in other parts of India.
Everyone knows that. The Indian strategy has hence been to hold Kashmir at all costs, until now.

When BJP wins, it will regularise J&K as a normal Indian state, and allow the free-market to pump the state with at least 5 million Hindus over the next decade. Those Hindus will spread across the state just like Jews across settlements.

Regularisation of J&K has become a key counter-insurgency ingredient. There will be some backlash and international media bad-press, but nothing India can't absorb.


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Apr 13, 2013
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The Paki plan is to push India and international community to begin comprehensive dialogue on Kashmir and declare LOC as IB like in Musharraf Bajpai talks. They will by this isolate themselves from whatever is happening in J&K and blame India for that because they have already ignited the Kashmir. Because converting LOC into IB will not kill the referendum the Kashmiris on Indian side will still be eligible for the referendum.
Soon you will see media houses justifying converting Line of Control into IB . There are already heavy Chinese investments in POJK so China will also back this.

In whole process you have missed that they have cleverly shifted India from dialogue on Terrorism to dialogue on Kashmir.
As I said pakistan can try and do whatever but india won't fall for it.
They can try and say many things but india won't heed.

They said de escalation happened.
ANI said so..but no..nothing happened then
ANI said a lot of things for pakistan..but nothing happened in real.
Before Ik said about LC and ib our RM said nothing doing about pok and j&k.

Kavita of ANI can say what she wants in relation to ik and what ik think..India doesn't work that way.
You can give cover fire to kavita and ANI "predict" things by trying to level grounds for their narratives to work..but that's it..
India doesn't work that way in real world.

India didn't officially acknowledge anything from our side in response to rants by ik but only our RM trashing them.

Secondly how i see it is..
Ik using ANI to put the grounds for getting back what they lost at LC by shouting status Quo.
Ik is worried about India doing the move after april 15.
So they started shouting early about lc and ib .

They shift or shit..but Indian actions are against terrorism and will continue to do so..
How can you say that when they shift..India goes by paki narrative.
It didn't happen won't now too.
Them pakis couldn't even bring india for talks under presure and you are being alarmist about india towing paki line..despite knowing very well about indian stance
Very funny..

Nothing happening..
PoK is Indian territory and will be integrated into india
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New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Everyone knows that. The Indian strategy has hence been to hold Kashmir at all costs, until now.

When BJP wins, it will regularise J&K as a normal Indian state, and allow the free-market to pump the state with at least 5 million Hindus over the next decade. Those Hindus will spread across the state just like Jews across settlements.

Regularisation of J&K has become a key counter-insurgency ingredient. There will be some backlash and international media bad-press, but nothing India can't absorb.
We can expect more "brilliant Psyops" and bitching tribute to ik and pakistan from indian media and news agencies.

Media tried much to de-escalate and that simple thing didn't happen and now they are talking about lc and ib.
Ik and pak tried everything with their stooges inside India including congress to diffuse situation but nothing happened.
And them expect india to tow their line just like that..

Ik is playing his version in the media to see response and send feelers..that's it


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Apr 4, 2019
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While all this sounds good, you might be overestimating the critical thinking capacity of a jihad intoxicated average valley dweller. They don't care about standard of life here when there are 72 to bang in heaven. They will die poor for jannat but not accept infidels.

If your thesis was true, we wouldn't have a state verging on failure as our northwestern neighbor which STILL, despite the damage done to itself, dreams of a ghazwa e hind.
I think the Ghazwa-e-Hind dream is necessary for them. Pakistan and India face the same problem. Both didn't undergo the violent freedom struggle that is needed for foster a sense of unity. The non-violent nonsense of Gandhi robbed the Indian subcontinent of that and now as a result, merely 70 years after Independence, we have tukde tukde idiots.

This might be an unpopular opinion but India needs a war every 20-25 years to foster greater unity. As for Pakistan, they need this Ghazwa dream to sustain their own unity. Pretty much every Muslim nation needs a Caliphate-type dream since the various sectarian, national divisons threaten their Ummah transnational identity.

I suppose we in India need a Dharmayuddh movement in counter to this Jehad and Ghazwa shit.


New Member
Oct 2, 2016
This might be an unpopular opinion but India needs a war every 20-25 years to foster greater unity. As for Pakistan, they need this Ghazwa dream to sustain their own unity. Pretty much every Muslim nation needs a Caliphate-type dream since the various sectarian, national divisons threaten their Ummah transnational identity.

I suppose we in India need a Dharmayuddh movement in counter to this Jehad and Ghazwa shit.
That or a nationalistic benevolent dictator. Democracy in the long run will destroy whatever little unity is left in this country.


New Member
May 20, 2015


Sanathan Pepe
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Sep 18, 2009
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I think the Ghazwa-e-Hind dream is necessary for them. Pakistan and India face the same problem. Both didn't undergo the violent freedom struggle that is needed for foster a sense of unity. The non-violent nonsense of Gandhi robbed the Indian subcontinent of that and now as a result, merely 70 years after Independence, we have tukde tukde idiots.

This might be an unpopular opinion but India needs a war every 20-25 years to foster greater unity. As for Pakistan, they need this Ghazwa dream to sustain their own unity. Pretty much every Muslim nation needs a Caliphate-type dream since the various sectarian, national divisons threaten their Ummah transnational identity.

I suppose we in India need a Dharmayuddh movement in counter to this Jehad and Ghazwa shit.
Mostly agree, except that Dharmayuddh won't affect pakis. It will only radicalize moderate Indian Muslims more. Right now we have a large moderate Muslim population that is happy with what they have and what they're getting. We should allow the Indian state to deal with radical Islam in India, both by carrot and stick. Carrot being India's superior economy and opportunities compared to Pakistan; and stick being a stronger law-and-order machinery that can detect and overwhelm islamist elements before they even hatch. Police reforms are the need of the hour.


Veteran Hunter of Maleecha
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Apr 7, 2010
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Mostly agree, except that Dharmayuddh won't affect pakis. It will only radicalize moderate Indian Muslims more. Right now we have a large moderate Muslim population that is happy with what they have and what they're getting. We should allow the Indian state to deal with radical Islam in India, both by carrot and stick. Carrot being India's superior economy and opportunities compared to Pakistan; and stick being a stronger law-and-order machinery that can detect and overwhelm islamist elements before they even hatch. Police reforms are the need of the hour.
......add judicial reforms and accountability of perpetual holidaying judges, these are more important! There will come a day jab hame kachra saaf karna hi padega, can't avoid forever.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Files which were eating dust are moving quickly.. 494 t-90s finally cleared by CSC... also Athos 2052 155/52 howitzer chosen...
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