India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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Apr 13, 2013
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Pakistan’s Pashtun unease that just triggered Durand Line countdown
Though Pashtuns are the backbone of the Pakistani Army, with more representation than their total population percentage, they have borne the brunt of official state policy of creating, employing and mass killing by “Terror Proxies” viz. Taliban, Tehrik-i-Taliban, Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) and LeT.


The Pashtuns have seen the destruction of Waziristan from 2001 till 2014’s Zarb-e-Azb. They have been labelled as terrorists for no valid reason and have started rethinking their relations with the State of Pakistan.
The wounds are so deep and pains are so inconsolable that emotional schisms between the Pakistani State and Pashtuns have gradually started widening. And now, they are at loggerheads with the State of Pakistan to seek justice for the violence committed against them by the state itself and state-sponsored terror proxies. Pakistan was inebriated with terrorist ideology but only the Pashtuns were stamped with terrorism tag, shamed, blamed and killed for crimes which they never committed. Let’s see the sequence.

Da Sanga Azadi Da — What kind of freedom is this?
Since its foundation a year ago, The Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement– PTM is asking a painful question to Pakistan establishment- Da Sanga Azadi Da? –What kind of freedom is this? After a series of big Jalsa- Public gatherings and sit in protests Pashtuns have failed to get convincing answers to their valid question- Da Sanga Azadi Da? Extrajudicial killings, abductions and targeted killings of Pashtun activists are occurring at regular intervals. Latest custodial death of PTM central executive member from Peshawar Prof Arman Luni is the most shocking of all. PTM has already declared a huge gathering “Peshawar Long March 4 Arman” on March 31, 2019, to seek justice and to press for punishment to guilty officers. But neither PTM leadership nor Pashtun commoners expect any sort of justice from Pakistani rulers.

They will continue to add insult to injury and will continue humiliating Pashtuns. The struggle will go on until the ridiculous geographical entity called “The Durand Line” is erased. We are going to witness it in the near future, as Churchill had once said, “Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.” Pakistan flatly refused to learn from the 1971 Bengal debacle and it is going to pay for it in Balochistan and Pashtunistan very soon!


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Feb 23, 2019
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View attachment 33783What you guys think of this report?
Only IAF, PAF and USAF know the truth. Rest all is bullshit and spreading misinformation.

Why would US accept that F-16 was lost to Mig-21? The US foreign policy is hugely influenced by companies like LM, Boeing etc.

If the US does accept this then the ramifications will be huge. Only an idiot will believe these fake news

Aaj ka hero

Has left
Oct 8, 2018
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They waited for the LM sale of helicopters to complete before coming out with this. Most likely this was a planned and there is a US govt. hand in this. Army Chief did visit US recently, I assumed the chief would have been asked to give less of a bamboo to Pakistan. When the Chief declined they came up with this article. Most likely a pressure tactic. Unverified sources means, US govt. is asking Indian govt. to fold to its demands or else it will publically claim no damage to Pak- F-16s.
I want to ask are USA and India are really on friendly terms right now or not?
Becuase I never trusted Americans on anything.
So, what was the point of BECA, COMCASA, etc. are we playing long CHESS BOARD with these people?
Becuase russia still occupy foremost position in india strategic polity, well our French friends here don't agree with this and that's another Matter.


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2010
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I want to ask are USA and India are really on friendly terms right now or not?
Becuase I never trusted Americans on anything.
So, what was the point of BECA, COMCASA, etc. are we playing long CHESS BOARD with these people?
Becuase russia still occupy foremost position in india strategic polity, well our French friends here don't agree with this and that's another Matter.
Americans are business minded people ... Money is all they love and want ...

India must build their indigenous capability in a war footing ... Trust no one ...


Regular Member
Mar 23, 2019
I want to ask are USA and India are really on friendly terms right now or not?
Muslims in US and around the world in developed countries support Pakistan thats a fact! They are organized mafia supporting Pakistan indirectly.

India is on its own more over India has larger dreams so there will be resistance from every one.

There are no friendly relations but there are cordial relations among governments which are only of pure national interests or sometimes vested interests(only in India).


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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They waited for the LM sale of helicopters to complete before coming out with this. Most likely this was a planned and there is a US govt. hand in this. Army Chief did visit US recently, I assumed the chief would have been asked to give less of a bamboo to Pakistan. When the Chief declined they came up with this article. Most likely a pressure tactic. Unverified sources means, US govt. is asking Indian govt. to fold to its demands or else it will publically claim no damage to Pak- F-16s.
Lets see..
Army chief is in a 4 day tour at USA. I would be interested in what goodies hes bringing back home for our armed forces. A downed f-16 wont be of much a bargaining chip for anything, nor India will care about it. We dont want our ego to be massaged with a statement from USA. IA and IAF are professional force.

I dont matters to INDIA if USA accepts the f-16 part or WE have the proofs and what is what.
We dont really bother about USA publicly accepting it or not as we know USA had the same problem with pakistan during the OSAMA raid..
with pakistan nobody cares but only cares about kicking pakistan around to get the end result.
India wont insist on what is to be done from the side of USA..but " INDIA WILL KEEP IT IN MIND" about the USA.

IAF doesnt really care if USA accepts it or not.
Indian establishment doesnt really care if USA accepts it or not
as both these parties have visual and verifiable proof that we have downed the f-16 with 2 pilots and had gone official statement on it.(From Indian side)

The problem is for pakistan, their SM monkeys and the media of both nations.(pakistan who doesnt even accept their dead)
and the problem is for the media which doesnt really differentiate between mouth or ass when it comes to fart as they do it comfortably with both ends and call it some sort of FREEDOM. (Freedom to make an ass out of themselves).
With the election around the corner, pakis will give some cover fire to the stooges in India.

Darth Malgus

Senior Member
Aug 24, 2016
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I want to ask are USA and India are really on friendly terms right now or not?
Becuase I never trusted Americans on anything.
So, what was the point of BECA, COMCASA, etc. are we playing long CHESS BOARD with these people?
Becuase russia still occupy foremost position in india strategic polity, well our French friends here don't agree with this and that's another Matter.
Its basically the chess board with everyone. On one hand we need the US to move against China, but on the other hand we need the BRICS and the SCO to keep warning the west we are not your poodle. We never had full time allies other than Israel. Even the French i remember put is in the cold during the early 2000nds when we were taking their help for LCA Tejas. Maybe other esteemed members have more information on that. Both the Russians and the Americans want a weak govt. in India. A govt. which can easily be bought and controlled. Expect more such "reveals" as elections come forward. Modi's focus has been primarily to attain indigenization in Defence. Which will damage a lot of defence suppliers on both ends.


Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018
Too much of premature US bashing going on! US officially hasn't made any uncharitable remarks against Indian actions so far - in fact US has been very supportive.
US is also OPENLY fighting with China to blacklist Masood Azhar! So, folks should give credit where credit is due.
While it's might to logical to 'speculate' that US will want to protect commercial interests of Lockheed. US AND Lockheed both know that Indian relationship is a long-term strategic play. There's no reason why US will lie to protect Pakis.
There was no criticism of ASAT debris either from Pentagon (which actually tracks the debris).

Everyone should wait for official communication on the F-16 story. If I have to hazard a guess, there hasn't been any counting of F-16s as yet!!

Just think: Why would Pakis allow US (which Pakis now think is India's buddy) to come to its forward bases and let them count the F16s, and compromise their deployment strategy when India-Pak conflict has still not de-escalated!!! Even if US wanted to come and count, it's very likely that Pakis would demand US to force India to deescalate first!!

Darth Malgus

Senior Member
Aug 24, 2016
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Lets see..
Army chief is in a 4 day tour at USA. I would be interested in what goodies hes bringing back home for our armed forces. A downed f-16 wont be of much a bargaining chip for anything, nor India will care about it. We dont want our ego to be massaged with a statement from USA. IA and IAF are professional force.

I dont matters to INDIA if USA accepts the f-16 part or WE have the proofs and what is what.
We dont really bother about USA publicly accepting it or not as we know USA had the same problem with pakistan during the OSAMA raid..
with pakistan nobody cares but only cares about kicking pakistan around to get the end result.
India wont insist on what is to be done from the side of USA..but " INDIA WILL KEEP IT IN MIND" about the USA.

IAF doesnt really care if USA accepts it or not.
Indian establishment doesnt really care if USA accepts it or not
as both these parties have visual and verifiable proof that we have downed the f-16 with 2 pilots and had gone official statement on it.(From Indian side)

The problem is for pakistan, their SM monkeys and the media of both nations.(pakistan who doesnt even accept their dead)
and the problem is for the media which doesnt really differentiate between mouth or ass when it comes to fart as they do it comfortably with both ends and call it some sort of FREEDOM. (Freedom to make an ass out of themselves).
With the election around the corner, pakis will give some cover fire to the stooges in India.
Point here is they could have chosen to keep quiet. If US govt. publically claims something which is a direct contradiction to IAF claims. It can be rest assured that the claims are being made deliberately. It could be to either pressurize or try to insult because they did not get something their way.


Regular Member
May 20, 2015
I want to ask are USA and India are really on friendly terms right now or not?
Becuase I never trusted Americans on anything.
So, what was the point of BECA, COMCASA, etc. are we playing long CHESS BOARD with these people?
Becuase russia still occupy foremost position in india strategic polity, well our French friends here don't agree with this and that's another Matter.
India and Unkil sam are on business terms i.e. MSA - Master Service Agreement. No friendship in business.

Not just Americans, we cannot trust any other country for that matter, in international diplomacy, no one is friend for ever and even if we say some country is our trusted friend, friends will not live happily ever after.

BECA, COMCASA - business again, I scratch your back and you scratch my back (back can be replaced with balls :D).

Indian stretagic policy changes with every new govt. in my perception, current strategic policy is to maintain the balance i.e. not to align with either Unkil sam or russia. e.g. to maintain the balance, we purchase Chinooks, Apache's from Unkil, S400 from russia etc. sign some treaties with unkil and some other MoUs with russia. Support unkil on some issue and abstain condemning russia on some other issue etc. I hope you get the drift.


Living in Post Truth
Senior Member
May 31, 2017
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If US has counted their F16s, then China shld come in and count its JF17 bundars too. Infact all nations whose planes PakAF flies, shld come and give their inventory. Coz nobody believes Gafoora Bhadwa & Co ltd. :rofl:


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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View: Pakistan’s brave posture on Balakot belies growing insecurity
Rawalpindi’s brave public posture, however, belies its growing insecurity and inability to rein its fast slipping reputation.

Pakistan’s air space remains closed for civilian air traffic for more than a month now forcing airliners to take long and expensive detours. Its Air Force is conducting extended drills, with air defense units on maximum alert. Armed forces, posted across the western borders in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan provinces, have been moved to the eastern border. Terrorist camps have been shifted further deep inside the country.

There is obvious fear of further “surgical strikes” from Modi government, notwithstanding his preoccupation with the two-month long election campaigning season. No chances are being taken by Pakistani military establishment despite heavy cost of maintaining high alert on the border.

Meanwhile, the country’s security and financial environment is fast deteriorating, placing heavy toll on its meagre resources. Baluch resistance groups found an opportunity to drill fear into remaining paramilitary forces and blast infrastructural facilities, which are often seen to be benefiting ruling Punjabi elite rather than the local people. Pakistani Taliban (TTP) saw the pressure off on them to slowly regain control of the tribal areas.

Inflation reached a five-year high last month, having gone up by 9.41 percent year-on-year, indicating high current account and fiscal deficits. Emergency financial support packages received from Saudi Arabia, UAE and China, though helpful, are unable to stop the slide. Finance Minister Asad Umar has been raising frantic calls for early signing of the IMF deal to prevent economic havoc, but the negotiations have not yet been completed.

Australia has cut its foreign aid to Pakistan as part of general cuts to its aid program to finance its own infrastructure projects.

China-funded CPEC projects are all running behind schedule and much of the earlier projections have been scaled down. Increased Baluch armed attacks added a new uncertainty further aggravating the security situation around project areas in the unruly province.

A team of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), which just concluded its review of Pakistan’s compliance with its undertakings of closing gaps on terror funding and money laundering, remained unsatisfied with its actions so far.

There is visible exasperation on the part of Foreign Minister Qureshi who commented, “Pakistan could be blacklisted by the FATF due to lobbying by India.” He estimated that the county could suffer $ 10 billion loss annually if it remains in the watchdog’s grey list. The Karachi Stock Market has already lost over 20% value over the last year due to the measure.

China may have saved Pakistan once again from being defeated in the UN 1267 sanctions committee to list JeM head Maulana Masood Azhar as global terrorist, but it turned out to be a short-lived joy. The US, supported by the UK and France, has taken the direct route to the UN Security Council and circulated a draft resolution on placing Azhar on the terrorist list.

China is found scrambling to find a shade to hide from being shamed and appears to have reluctantly come around to work out a way to resolve the matter. How long does China put its credibility at stake to protect Pakistan’s terror infrastructure is to be seen.

Pakistan is fast losing friends who it thought would protect its interests at any cost. If it continues to believe that it can get away fooling the international community on its terrorism policy, it will soon come to a shock. It is not only getting internationally isolated, but its economy is fast collapsing.

After all, the Modi’s policy of isolating Pakistan among world community seems to be working. There is universal international approval of India’s right to launch counter-terror strikes into Pakistani territory as was demonstrated by the recent Balakot air attacks and an infantry surgical strike across the Line of Control (LoC) in Pakistan occupied Kashmir in 2016.

India has also exposed limits of Pakistan’s nuclear bluff, which has so far been used to continue its unhindered support to terrorist groups to destabilize not only Jammu and Kashmir state, but India at large.

The fear of more surgical strikes is unnerving Pakistan and it cannot afford to keep its military forces on full alert forever.

There lies India’s strength and Pakistan’s fault lines.

Pakistan has now started paying a price for its support to terrorism and it is up to them to either continue to tread the same path and suffer unbearable pain or change the course for a better future for itself and the region at large.

It is very unlikely that Rawalpindi will ever be willing to give up its `veritable arm’ of terror in its attempt to inflict a `thousand cuts’ to bleed India even if it were mean `to eat grass’. The call for dialogue is only a ploy to lull India and play for time.

Limited but focused surgical strikes deep inside Pakistan, at every opportune moment, is the new normal for India. Modi’s BJP is expected to return to power after the elections, as per the projections, and if so, this policy is only likely to be more sharpened.


Senior Member
May 16, 2011
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Folks India and US are militarily a lot closer than perhaps it appears or than one understands. Political disagreements are perfectly fine. We perhaps spend most time these days overall when it comes to Joint exercises for all services with the US.

The vast numbers of platforms with offensive abilities have been ordered and many more will come. Strategically we are already a lot closer than one thinks.

As for proof for the F-16 being killed, the US will come clean or will force Pukis to come clean. We have evidence from ground radar, IFF data, IRST signatures, OLS videos from MKI in clean high Def.

Any denial will be embarrassing if IAF/Govt. decide to release all proof, the F-16 story will come clean but don't expect liberal mainstream fake newsers to pay much air time and such info will relegated to the last pages buried in the news print by the BBCs, CNNs, NBCs, NYT, WP and others. If at all.

By the way, we can expect earlier deliveries of the first batch of Apache :yo:, talks on for more. Options for 39 more will be exercised by 2020/21 if Modi back in power.

Games Goblin

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Feb 28, 2019
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If I have to hazard a guess, there hasn't been any counting of F-16s as yet!!
My instinct tells me Uncle knows what really happened on 27th Feb itself

I remember reading interview with someone involved in operation Neptune spear (Osama hit) and in that they were saying U.S. has 24/7 video link to Paki F-16 hangars.

This is why they were very confident of going into Pak airspace without informing them before hand - they would know the second PAF tried to scramble F-16s if the U.S. choppers were detected (if it came to this eventuality, U.S. was ready to call Pak that instant and tell them to stand down)


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Too much of premature US bashing going on! US officially hasn't made any uncharitable remarks against Indian actions so far - in fact US has been very supportive.
US is also OPENLY fighting with China to blacklist Masood Azhar! So, folks should give credit where credit is due.
While it's might to logical to 'speculate' that US will want to protect commercial interests of Lockheed. US AND Lockheed both know that Indian relationship is a long-term strategic play. There's no reason why US will lie to protect Pakis.
There was no criticism of ASAT debris either from Pentagon (which actually tracks the debris).

Everyone should wait for official communication on the F-16 story. If I have to hazard a guess, there hasn't been any counting of F-16s as yet!!

Just think: Why would Pakis allow US (which Pakis now think is India's buddy) to come to its forward bases and let them count the F16s, and compromise their deployment strategy when India-Pak conflict has still not de-escalated!!! Even if US wanted to come and count, it's very likely that Pakis would demand US to force India to deescalate first!!

No American business or strstegic interest in India is served with Pentagon wading into this F-16 saga. So I don't think the leak to Foreign Policy magazine was sanctioned by US government. It looks like individual personnel did it for their personal glory. I would even wager that there will be an internal investigation into this article.

The best strategy of the US government right now is to be silent (and it has been silent) on this tussle.


Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018
My instinct tells me Uncle knows what really happened on 27th Feb itself

I remember reading interview with someone involved in operation Neptune spear (Osama hit) and in that they were saying U.S. has 24/7 video link to Paki F-16 hangars.

This is why they were very confident of going into Pak airspace without informing them before hand - they would know the second PAF tried to scramble F-16s if the U.S. choppers were detected (if it came to this eventuality, U.S. was ready to call Pak that instant and tell them to stand down)
There normally is an 'inspection' clause in US armaments sale, which authorizes them to do an inventory and usage check from time to time.
But the video link to F-16 hangers sounds iffy! Fighter jets will not always remain in their squadron designated hangers.....during conflict they'll move to forward bases....where they may cohabit with JF17s and others.

That said, US (and probably India too) has other electronic and ground intelligence to figure which aircraft is stationed in which location.


Senior Member
Feb 19, 2017
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In a Frustrated Attempt to let India Control pounding of terror and BAT Camps near LOC
1. #Pakistan is Spreading News of Closing of Terror Camps near LOC
Which they are Actually Shifting
2. Release of 100 Fishermen in its Custody ,if India completes some Formality

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Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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No American business or strstegic interest in India is served with Pentagon wading into this F-16 saga. So I don't think the leak to Foreign Policy magazine was sanctioned by US government. It looks like individual personnel did it for their personal glory. I would even wager that there will be an internal investigation into this article.

The best strategy of the US government right now is to be silent (and it has been silent) on this tussle.

internal investigation into
Making a rumor sound credible!! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

"INTERNAL INVESTIGATION" into rumor of some random article online!
This is where you lost it.

USA says it or not..doesnt matter as the electronic signatures and other proofs which are handed over to USA.
if USA accepts it or not nothing is going to affect the planned paki pig culling on a daily basis.
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