India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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New Member
Mar 20, 2018
If you've been paying attention to Modi on J&K lately, he gives exactly 1.99 shits about "moral high ground." He realized peace in J&K is only possible by systematically removing all special privileges, and establishing a tactical superiority over Pakistan with even subconventional warfare being responded through conventional warfare (the way Israel responds to Hamas).

RSS is a vast think-tank, and they always come up with big ideas that even if partially implemented in the real-world, do a lot good to India.

DeMo was designed by RSS, and if someone mooted it before it actually happened, they'd have used the same language ("dumbest thing," "some whackjob," etc.)
I fully support removing special privileges to J&K, but there are far more sensible options!

None of what you wrote now is even remotely connected to or justifies 'military annexation' for legal changes!

I thought demonitization was a brilliant idea the second I heard about it, and still feel the same - I probably would have felt the same if Modi shared with me privately before implementation :)

RSS, I am sure is a vast think tank. But doesn't seem like everyone out there is the sharpest tool is that shed!

The suggested idea is as brash as "it's my face, I don't give a shit about what others think, so I am going to disfigure it"


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Apr 13, 2013
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Multinational banks predict BJP will keep power. SENSEX is rallying. That toilet paper Congress calls its manifesto also helped.

Pakis are in trouble. Modi's plan is to neuter pakis' ability to carry out subconventional warfare. There will be a lot of salami-slicing of the LoC to make infiltration impossible.

Also, my RSS sources tell me that the BJP manifesto will include this item:

"Regularisation of Jammu & Kashmir."

It basically means J&K will be turned into a regular state, through a clever legal trickery called "re-annexation." In this, the military already present in J&K will "annexe" J&K on paper, Articles 370 and 35A will be scrapped by default, since the entity they were applicable to would no longer exist, and thus J&K will turn into a regular Indian state.

Congi manifesto made it very easy for BJP to add this. Public sentiment against congi plans to review military deployment, review AFSPA, and dilute sedition law.
Well said..
You must have seen the signal which came out of the FAROOQ guy yesterday in media.
The course is set!


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
Well said..
You must have seen the signal which came out of the FAROOQ guy yesterday in media.
The course is set!
The Abdullah jokers always put up a clown show every now and then!
They're trying to appeal to the radicalized lot - Modi and co won't give two hoots about it....instead he'll take that shit and sling it right across Abdullah partners like Mamata etc!!


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
That s the trap Modi laid for Pakis. We wont declare war and be termed the aggressor. We will only respond to Pak s aggression or terror attack. Like the way we responded after Pulwama. So lets say Pakis do a big terror attack in J&K or open warfront directly. Then we will have that famed moral highground with us. Isnt it. I guess both Pakis and Congress are afraid of the war scenario. Win or lose would come out later. But it would cement Modi s win in this elections. Hence Pakis are deliberately lying low and absorbing the bangs. Imrand Khan has twice said he expects things to change only after elections. Congress manifesto has also shown that they are hand in glove with the ISI on this. Any miscalculation and both Pak and Congress will be screwed bigtime.
Did you hear the official reason for shelling on Paki posts?
"We had Intel that some jihadi scum were staying in some camps and were planning to infiltrate"
India's gonna use that excuse to beat the shit out of every Paki soldier :) :)
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Jul 11, 2011
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So according to baba,India is holding positions and don't want to fall back because it's cold wave.okay!
No Arsalan ... It is not because of any COLD / HOT WAVE.

It will stay because it is our land. India has all the right to evict Pakistani encroachers from our land. Who is Pakistan? What is Pakistan? Who created Pakistan? At least Allah did not do so.

Indians one day are bound to ask back the land of their ancestors. You can also go back to the land of your ancestors ... if you had any !!


New Member
Nov 23, 2014
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Multinational banks predict BJP will keep power. SENSEX is rallying. That toilet paper Congress calls its manifesto also helped.

Pakis are in trouble. Modi's plan is to neuter pakis' ability to carry out subconventional warfare. There will be a lot of salami-slicing of the LoC to make infiltration impossible.

Also, my RSS sources tell me that the BJP manifesto will include this item:

"Regularisation of Jammu & Kashmir."

It basically means J&K will be turned into a regular state, through a clever legal trickery called "re-annexation." In this, the military already present in J&K will "annexe" J&K on paper, Articles 370 and 35A will be scrapped by default, since the entity they were applicable to would no longer exist, and thus J&K will turn into a regular Indian state.

Congi manifesto made it very easy for BJP to add this. Public sentiment against congi plans to review military deployment, review AFSPA, and dilute sedition law.
I wish this was true regarding J&K but same govt has repeatedly avoided to take any stand on pending 35A issue. Supreme court is more interested in trivial cases but does not pass any judgement on changes to constitution (Art 35A) brought in without getting 2/3 approval in parliament. Neither does SC makes it stand clear if Presidential order is enough to remove these articles from constitution that were added unconstitutionally.

BJP is taking full advantage of the politics of it; not that I don't want Modi to come back but hindus are taken for ride on this issue. Leftist Supreme court is zilch interested in handling the issues where Islam is involved. So both institutions that can actually do something are simply passing the buck & reaping rewards from it. Proof of the pudding will be in eating.


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
No offence but this moral high ground is biggest BS peddled by "sickularists" ,pakis annexed pok, completely wiped out Hindus and Sikhs what difference did high/low ground made, it's still with them , Bangladesh genocide again morality didn't matter, world turned a blind eye ,Kashmir insurgency , continuous terrorism everyone knows ,did it matter ,Baluchistan ,Sindh ,fata genocides did high ground matter , The thing is only about how much leverage do you have in world politics , pakis had this via location till now ,so let's just not talk about moral high ground or anything , British looted us , committed genocide and some how called our freedom fighters Hindu radicals ,US invades countries and topples govt whenever it wants ,looting of African countries is still going on ,Russians don't care ,Chinese need no introduction ,what is the problem with Indians ,secular colonial hangover , Kashmiri muzzies along with pakis think they are invaders and are NOT Hindu converts so by that logic they are occupiers just like they say Israel is .
It's so disheartening that Indians are accused of things which they didn't even do while muzzies aren't called for things that they did and are doing since hundreds of years for ex Partition ,it's said both are equally to be blamed when the thing is muzzies everywhere in the world still demands separatism and in its garb play victim and justify terrorism aka islamic "freedom" struggle in non Muslim land .
So , this high ground bs never matters middle Eastern countries behead people in open on trivial issues ,yet they are calling other nations on "human" rights .
Pakistani land was separated without plebiscite yet they want plebiscite in Kashmir , Muslim league lost badly in Punjab people rejected it there yet Brits drew a line according to western needs ,where was high ground ?
Kashmir was transferred by Hari Singh to India ,the wannabe Arabs by their own admission are not kashmiris but occupiers so it should be annexed back from occupiers ,or use whatever term , but this dhoti shivering should stop . There's no high ground when we are the victims from centuries in our own land .
Seems like every one is so hyper about the issue.....that doing anything stupid is sounding fun!

Why on earth would India declare it's own state as 'military annexation'? That's like having consensual sex with someone and then days later yourself declare that you raped her!! What sense is there in that other than boat load of stupidity?

I am not going to respond to any more on this stupid topic! Can't believe that a guy with a 'moderator' tag is so stoned with stupidity! Seems like we might need other moderators to have a chat with him.


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
I was replying to moral high ground ,I agree wordings should be diplomatic , and if we go by our official statements we have been pretty diplomatic ex "non military strike" against terrorists in which both paki army officials and terrorists got 72d using our military.
I am not a moderator what are you talking about?
I was referring to the original post that suggested that India should declare J&K as India's 'military annexation/occupation' (effectively dancing to Paki tunes!)
There's are far more saner and legal ways to remove article 35A!


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
Don't get me wrong I like your posts but people who live in their own bubble of secular moral high ground consider anyone who thinks different as stupid while they themselves are too stupid to see natural world really don't work on high ground ask prithviraj Chauhan.
No offense taken!
Don't get fixated on 'moral high ground' alone. When I say it's stupid, I mean it's irrational and counterproductive to declare J&K as India 'military annexation'! It's just someone's wild delusion.
I am quite practical and objective in my outlook.
I don't advocate wars....but also know from history that unless one party in the hostility is vanquished there has never been peace achieved!
I am an atheist (personally don't really care if Mandir gets built or not).....but I see a strong legal and MORAL case for Ram Mandir to be built in Ayodhya!
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