India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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New Member
Mar 20, 2018
Doesn't this jackass Gafoor have anything else to do but keep reading and answering tweets by all and sundry? For God's sake, this fellow is a Maj Gen. He should concentrate more on his profession. No wonder these clueless Paki khakis lost all wars and skirmishes against India.
Anything else to do? That's his fucking full time job.....influencing the Paki minds to keep supporting Paki fauj!
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New Member
Dec 14, 2015
I fully support removing special privileges to J&K, but there are far more sensible options!

None of what you wrote now is even remotely connected to or justifies 'military annexation' for legal changes!

I thought demonitization was a brilliant idea the second I heard about it, and still feel the same - I probably would have felt the same if Modi shared with me privately before implementation :)

RSS, I am sure is a vast think tank. But doesn't seem like everyone out there is the sharpest tool is that shed!

The suggested idea is as brash as "it's my face, I don't give a shit about what others think, so I am going to disfigure it"
If only legality of military annexation of J&K is to be be executed on paper, there is a catch, the thing is we cannot re-annex the areas where we don't have military presence/administrative control. We will *Legally Speaking* have to let go of PoJ&K, Aksi Chin and the Saksham Valley. Unless that changes and we are able to unify the Whole of J&K, *unlikely*. or on paper we will declare that we have our territory in foreign Control and that there is no cessation of hostilities and that we are in a ongoing war.
Bad Idea.
But we do have geniuses in the Government, like that fellow who coined "pre-emptive non military strike". The draft of the document has to be nothing less than that of a genius. Never the less the pit falls are huge, geopolitically and legally. Unless those (or at-least some of those) at the Power High table believe in whatever make-believe legal trickery that we might conjure, this will be futile exercise.


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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With all due respect to you and your source, 're-annexation' sounds like the dumbest thing ever said on the subject of J&K!!

India holds a moral high ground, because the original accession (not annexation) is widely considered as legal & just! It was the Paki army that 'annexed' parts of J&K - UN resolution accedes to the same.

Now some whackjob is suggesting that 'Indian military' should 're-annex' j&K only to justify Paki claim that India 'occupied' Kashmir??

Article 35A may have a good chance of being declared null&void by Supreme court. If it doesn't then the 'parliament' can abrogate the article. Doing any 'legal changes' by the military is plain stupid!

It sounds like your friend pulled a fast one on you! Did you check the date on which he revealed it to you? Was it the first of the month?
I agree:

Annexation of Sikkim was carried out by Constitutional amendment and Sikkim incorporated by insertion of Sikkim in the first Schedule of the Constitution. J&K is listed in Schedule 1 at serial 15 and says " The territory which immediately before commencement of the Constitution was comprised in the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir".

What re-annexation are we talking about ? It would mean we renounce sovereignty of India as it exist today? Even if we retake POK and GB, no amendment for that is required because those araes legally formed part of the state of J&K.

Very dangerous ideas.

The sole problem of J&k is the political monopoly of valley Muslims (Seikh - Mufties backed by radical Islam) over such a vast state and its resources. The only way to bring political equilibrium is to capture POK and GB. That will add 22 assembly constituencies to J&K.

Mahbooba will loose 20 kg of her weight the first day only and that playboy Farooq will go to grave in shock.

Kashmiri Muslims who were enslaved for centuries by everyone are enjoying a kingdom which they simply do not know how to run. Like slaves they continue to be in perpetual rebellion and the only thing they need nice and properly is - Danda and Danda, including political Danda.
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New Member
Mar 20, 2018
If only legality of military annexation of J&K is to be be executed on paper, there is a catch, the thing is we cannot re-annex the areas where we don't have military presence/administrative control. We will *Legally Speaking* have to let go of PoJ&K, Aksi Chin and the Saksham Valley. Unless that changes and we are able to unify the Whole of J&K, *unlikely*. or on paper we will declare that we have our territory in foreign Control and that there is no cessation of hostilities and that we are in a ongoing war.
Bad Idea.
But we do have geniuses in the Government, like that fellow who coined "pre-emptive non military strike". The draft of the document has to be nothing less than that of a genius. Never the less the pit falls are huge, geopolitically and legally. Unless those (or at-least some of those) at the Power High table believe in whatever make-believe legal trickery that we might conjure, this will be futile exercise.
I was probably the first guy to point out and applaud the 'pre-emptive' term in the briefing while everyone else was just fixated about the dogfight! :)

India should just retain the current legal status - that the entire J&K is part of India (incl Aksai Chin)....wresting POK from Pak would be legal...even if achieved with military force


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Mar 31, 2015
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Looks like testing response times and alert status along the border. IAF brass better get ready for another attempt at bravado from these junkies in time for election. They will surely try to make a show to target Modi fever...


New Member
Feb 27, 2018
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Hope we lure and shoot down one.

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I would have thought that the Pakistanis wouldn't want to be giving the IAF any opportunities......however they seem to be playing with fire . Wonder what's stopping us..


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May 25, 2013
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I would have thought that the Pakistanis wouldn't want to be giving the IAF any opportunities......however they seem to be playing with fire . Wonder what's stopping us..
IAF pilots dont shoot blind like PAF with AMRAAMs.They will only shoot if enemy is within no escape zone of air to air missile.PAF bailing out before that.


New Member
Oct 4, 2016
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I would have thought that the Pakistanis wouldn't want to be giving the IAF any opportunities......however they seem to be playing with fire . Wonder what's stopping us..
They are confident of superiority in BVR combat. The statements on our side about how Rafale would have been a game changer has further given them confidence.

They know they have edge in BVR with amraams.

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Sep 7, 2015
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Pushed back???, :frusty::frusty::frusty::frusty::frusty::frusty::frusty::frusty::frusty::frusty::frusty::frusty::frusty::frusty::frusty:
They didn't violate our airspace as they hightailed it back to the safety of their den as soon as they were lit up by our radars. ROE at present lay down SOPs that there will be no firing of missiles etc if Paki jets do not cross the LoC/IB even if they are within the 10 km zone from the LoC within their territory as agreed to.


New Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Pakis don't have balls to be lured in , remember they came fully prepared in large numbers yet barely crossed LOC and ran back when confronted by our migs.
Remember these guys didn't even dare to attack or rather even threaten when IAf was bombing the shit out of them for over 20 freaking minutes.
They now realise they have a slight advantage in bvr.

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