India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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Aaj ka hero

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Oct 8, 2018
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For those who were confused about our policy

India must play hardball against Pakistan's terror policy, dialogue lulls us into complacency: Ex-dy NSA Satish Chandra - Firstpost

A large swathe of India's security establishment had reached near unanimity on how the government should approach Pakistan. They called for imposing a cost on Pakistan for exporting terror to India and warned against holding any dialogue with Pakistan till such time as Pakistan-sponsored terrorism did not end.

That was five years ago when forty one security experts including Ajit Doval were signatories to this document warning that the only way forward for India was to adopt a muscular policy towards its neighbour. A statement to this effect, titled Indo-Pak Relations by Members of India’s Strategic Community, was also issued.

Doval of course went on to become the National Security Adviser under the Modi regime but these experts had then stated unanimously that 'it was time policies were devised that would impose a cost on Pakistan for its export of terror to India and thus change the cost-benefit calculus of these policies and actions. A proactive approach by India towards Pakistan must be the order of the day, as it will yield us much better results than those garnered by policies of appeasement which have regrettably been pursued by us for years.'

File image of Satish Chandra, a former Indian high commissioner to Pakistan. News18

Former high commissioner to Pakistan Satish Chandra one of the main architects of this document believes that India has no choice but to take their earlier document one step forward by coming down on Pakistan with a heavy hand.

"We need to impose a heavy cost on Pakistan for its policy of exporting terror to us. Military action is just one of the actions that India must resort to," Chandra, who was also India's former deputy national security advisor, said.

Elaborating on this he said, "India needs to adopt a multi- pronged approach using all elements of state power — military, diplomatic, economic, and commercial, in both an overt and covert mode, to impose such pain on Pakistan that it is compelled to give up its involvement with terrorist activities. Such a policy would need to be sustained over several months and even years if necessary," said Chandra.

For one, notice should be given for suspension of the Indus Waters Treaty citing Article 62 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, which provides for the same in the event of a fundamental change of circumstances under which the treaty was concluded. Pakistan's export of terror is reason enough for us to abrogate the treaty,' he maintains.

He further believed that Pakistan's faultlines should be ruthlessly exploited especially in Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa . "We need to start a campaign to project Pakistan as a terrorist state and call for imposition of sanctions against it. This would necessitate declaring it as a terrorist state and breaking diplomatic relations with it. We should also disavow the Durand Line and start building dams for hydro-electricity and irrigation on the tributaries of the Indus in Afghanistan as a part of its assistance programmes to Afghanistan," he said.

Chandra also believed that India should opt for closer ties with Afghanistan and Iran in fighting terrorism as both these countries were also victims of 'Pakistan's terror factories.'

India must also start an international campaign to project Pakistan as a terrorist state and call for imposition of sanctions against it, including the breaking of diplomatic ties, he said.

Pakistan's human rights violations in these areas as well as in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir must be given widespread publicity including at international fora. Chandra maintained the time had come for us to 'systematically highlight the human rights violations routinely committed by Pakistan against its own people, in the Human Rights Council in Geneva and in the UN in New York. If we could do so against Sri Lanka, why not against Pakistan ?" he asked.

Chandra further believed that contingency plans for covert action, and if need be focused strikes, should be developed so that following any further Pakistan sponsored terrorist actions against us, these action could be automatically triggered within a matter of hours.

He also believed that as part of a slew of action against our neighbour, "We must prevail upon the European Union to no longer provide duty free access to Pakistani textile exports which they had earlier given with our consent. We should undercut Pakistan’s rice and textile exports, withdraw from TAPI, press the Financial Action Task Force to place Pakistan on its black list, and use our influence in the international and regional financial institutions to stall financial support to Pakistan," he said.

Another step against them would be to come up with a broad asylum policy to shelter those who suffer human rights abuse in Pakistan. Chandra believes, "We need to devise an asylum policy within the framework of which it should provide shelter to those who are the victims of state terror in Pakistan,:confused1: whether they belong to religious, sectarian or ethnic minorities. After all, if India can provide asylum to people from all over our neighbourhood why not to those from Pakistan?" he said.

Most security analysts believe that India’s dealings with Pakistan must be governed by its nature and its approach to us. Since its very inception in 1947, Pakistan has regarded India as an existential enemy and has accordingly bent all its energies to hurt us.

Chandra believes, "This is the result of Pakistan’s internal dynamics including its own identity crisis. India's efforts to befriend Pakistan and assuage its concerns through a variety of magnanimous gestures such as the Indus Waters Treaty, the return without any quid pro quo of 93,000 prisoners and over 5,000 square miles of territory captured in the 1971 conflict, and it MFN treatment have not stopped Pakistan government from hitting out at us. This is because anti Indianism is a part of their DNA and no matter what concessions we make, an adversarial relationship with the latter is inevitable."

Would such an escalation see a further hardening from the Pakistani end and could accelerated tensions result in a war and possibly a nuclear conflagration ? Chandra believes, "A nuclear conflagration is a red herring. Nuclear things (wars) don’t happen. Pakistan will be very, very careful on this issue. One option before us is the option we have taken in the past that we keep getting punished or the other is that we take them on. Today the security situation has worsened and there are sleeper cells in every one of our cities," Chandra warned.

"We also need to appreciate that given Pakistan suffers from a flawed DNA and dialogue will not induce them to bring down terrorism. We have been talking to Pakistan for the last 70 years to no avail. Dialogue only serves Pakistan’s purpose to lull us into a sense of complacency and to persuade the international community about its peaceful intentions so that they can continue to receive military aid from them," he said.

Some of the signatories of the earlier document included Air Marshal Satish Inamdar, former vice chief of Air Staff, Brig Gurmeet Kanwal, former Director Centre for Land Warfare Studies, DR Kaarthikeyan, former Director, CBI, Satish Chandra, Deputy NSA, Ambassador Rajiv Dogra, Major General ( retd) Ashok Mehta, CD Sahay, former secretary RAW, G Parthasarthy, Gen VN Sharma, former Chief of Army Staff, and former foreign secretary Kanwal Sibal.

Most of these signatories believe that backsliding from the hard line approach adopted by the Modi government would be unwise at this stage. This would reinforce Pakistan’s conviction that India lacks the will to sustain such an approach and thereby encourage it to continue with its export of terror in a business as usual mode.

They also believe that an inconsistency on India’s part would damage our credibility in the international front insisting that such a policy be both multidimensional and also be market by incessant ratcheting up of pressure on Pakistan whenever so required.
Absolutely correct, Hit on the nail, Zero error and fantastico.
I was thinking this type of people are not alive glad they are and they have pinned their hopes on modi because they know congressis don't have the balls (when you have Sam pitroda mofucker living in USA and blabbering attacks like kashmir attacks happen in india regularly then what anyone can expect , ya let's have attack on your home Sam pitroda ji and then we will say the same thing to you, living in USA security is pretty much easy on life na).


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Absolutely correct, Hit on the nail, Zero error and fantastico.
I was thinking this type of people are not alive glad and they have pinned their hopes on modi because they know congressis don't have the balls (when you have Sam pitroda mofucker living in USA and blabbering attacks like kashmir attacks happen in india regularly then what anyone can expect , ya let's have attack on your home Sam pitroda ji and then we will say the same thing to you, living in USA security is pretty much easy on life na).

That was five years ago when forty one security experts including Ajit Doval were signatories to this document warning that the only way forward for India was to adopt a muscular policy towards its neighbour. A statement to this effect, titled Indo-Pak Relations by Members of India’s Strategic Community, was also issued.

when did Noah build the Ark?.... Before the rains..Before the rains...


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Jan 13, 2010
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We didnt back down to release the pilots.

The reson why this is played in the media is because a few ORANGES and blondes in the west wanted to take credit for saving the world.
also..promote the NUCLEAR ANGLE.

Point is this.

Pakistan indulges in Nuclear blackmail all the time. This time . India behaved like a power who owns Nukes for the first time. Just to show Pakistanis, that, Even we can be crazy.

The Pakistanis crumbled. Their systems worked somewhat, [13 missiles it seems]. But, all that talk for peace showed where the shit is hitting the fan.

Bottomline. Pakis know now They are not the only crazy ones. If we go crazy "No-first doctrine" can go to hell.

Also, Our cold start doctrine changed somewhat . You take a hostage. Cold start is activated. paki generals know it. The whole world know it.

Tell this to your friends everywhere. This is the "Naya Bharat". Ghar Main ghusega bhi aur maarega Bhi.
Feb 9, 2013
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Cross posting

What if there is a large oil reserve there? Bigger than Kuwait? Problems for India
Depends on what happens to Pakistan in next few months.

If Pakistan is left in its present form: it is problem for India because stable and prosperous Pakistan/Terroristan is NOT in intetest of national security of India.

If Kashmir problem gets solved (i.e.strategically important occupied Indian territory recovered thus fulfilling constitutional duty of government and partial population exchange for those in Kashmir who dont want to be Indian citizens; and what is now Pakistan is reorganized): then it is good news because it will be helpful for reconstruction and development of post-Pakistan states like Sindhudesh and secular Balochistan; and stable and prosperous neghbourhood IS in interest of national security of India.

If the rumours being discussed about mini war are true, and let us hope they are true, then it could be indicating Modiji and Dovalji are taking correct steps to make the later happen.

Anyway this news of oil discovery is probably just a bluff/ wishful thinking.


Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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MSM claim on what went behind release of our WC.

Foolish if we backed down just for release of one soldier. Hope we got much more out of the exchange.
The tweet says we readied Surface to Surface missile batteries in Rajasthan. What can they be. Agni I or Prithvi. That also explains why Pakis were sending drone after drones in Rajsthan. Probably the location of missiles was in Ganganagar.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Indian Army eliminates 12 Pak Soldiers, MI-17 choppers ferry bodies to Rawalpindi

In a major victory for the forces, the Indian Army gunned down 12 Pakistan Army soldiers, including two officers on Thursday in retaliation of continued ceasefire violation by the neighbouring forces along the Line of Control (LoC).

Sources have told twelve coffins were seen at the Pakistani Army brigade headquarters opposite Jammu and Kashmir's Sundarbani sector. The Pakistan army was seen using two MI 17 helicopters to transport the mortal remains of the slain soldiers from Sundarbani sector to Rawalpindi, intelligence sources further added.

The intelligence inputs suggest that two officers and ten soldiers of the Pak army were killed in India's retaliation in the Sundarbani sector and 22 Pakistani soldiers were injured.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Jaishankar, president of Global Corporate Affairs at Tata Group and India's former ambassador to China and the US, said: "this is an issue that the Chinese have to think through for themselves, you know, what is the signal they are sending".

The statement of Jaishankar, also India's former foreign secretary, came during a session at Asia Society here this week while responding to a question on China again blocking the proposal to ban Azhar.

Jaishankar was participating in a discussion 'New Roadmaps for Asia' focusing on the Free and Open Indo-Pacific and the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue at the city-based cultural organisation along with Japan's former Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs and member of the board at Mitsubishi Corporation Akitaka Saiki.

Asked how India views China's ambitious Belt and Road Initiative, Jaishankar said India's position on the project has been made very clear.

"We have an overall position on connectivity, which is autonomous of the Belt and Road. It would apply to a Japanese initiative or an American initiative," he said.

India has some specific concerns about the Chinese initiative, he said.

"The first issue for us is that any connectivity initiative should be respectful of sovereignty. The reason I stress is that one of the corridors, the so-called China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, passes through the state of Jammu and Kashmir. And that is the land which is illegally held by Pakistan and part of it has been illegally ceded to China," he said.

Jaishankar said that it has to be borne in mind "that you are talking of a certain amount of real estate for which actually Pakistan is not legally claiming ownership nor is China legally claiming ownership but India is the only sovereign legal claimant of that land.

The fact that the Indian sovereignty was disregarded is obviously something which is difficult for India to overlook, he said.

Jaishankar noted that there is also a larger issue on connectivity, including whether it is consultative.

"Are we better served by a consultative process or by a unilateral process where one player is driving connectivity for their particular interest," he asked.

He said that the other issue is whether the initiative is commercially viable.

"That is important because if it's not commercially viable and yet you are going through with the connectivity initiatives, then the natural question it would evoke is are there hidden agendas," Jaishankar said, adding that there is also the issue of what is the local ownership and local involvement in that connectivity project.

He noted that there is no question that Asia today needs more connectivity and because there is demand for this, it is important that the supply is done in a right way.

"What you don't want is that the cure is worse than the disease in a way. It is important today to have honest conversations on connectivity and try and move the connectivity conversations towards a more consultative mode. That would be part of a free and open Indo-Pacific," the former envoy added.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Seems Baba talking about Israel...

New ground. New player. New target

A certain acquisition was to be completed in pronto this week.

Are we talking about the Land CEDED to the chinese?
We are talking about NEW SECTORS here.. sectors that was not in the recent CFVs.with pakistan.

US is a recent friend..I would say..ISRAEL!

Major Sahab RR

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Mar 7, 2019
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More likely he is talking about m777 howitzers that were recently inducted.
What israeli equipment can be used in loc,maybe recon drones for arty?
Probably not! He won't hail India-US as friends. We are strategic partners. It should be Israel.
What's the status of Heron-1?


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Probably not! He won't hail India-US as friends. We are strategic partners. It should be Israel.
What's the status of Heron-1?
After defeating the Markhors..the aread under the NLI of pak or the areas they were controlling..could be possible that hes talking about NEW GROUNDS..Guarded by NEW PLAYERS close to the IB. and that would mean NEW WEAPONS in position and NEW TARGETS.

I am more interested in the paki security layers at PoK and beyond to the IB.


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Probably not! He won't hail India-US as friends. We are strategic partners. It should be Israel.
What's the status of Heron-1?

Government approves 54 killer drones from Israel for Indian Air Force

The Air Force already has an inventory of around 110 of these drones:daru: which have now been renamed as P-4. These are equipped with electro-optical sensors to loiter over high-value military targets such as surveillance bases and radar stations before exploding them.

India is also discussing the Project Cheetah with the Israelis under which almost all the drones of the three services would be turned into high-quality attack drones and their surveillance capabilities would also be enhanced.

The three forces have a fleet of more than 100 of these unmanned aerial vehicles which have been acquired over the years in different batches.

Americans have been using the combat drones to carry out targeted assassinations of terrorist leaders :rofl::rofl::confused1:in Afghanistan,
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