India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
So some saying 50 kill some saying 100 kills the no must be in between these.
Tomorrow is Paksitan Day so lets see what we have in store for them.

The hostilities are definitely on the rise as the air spaces are still closed.


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2016
14 minutes to go......................
suspicious flying actvity over pak airspace
C 130 flying in paki airspace near faisalabad

Probably a drone vanished near quetta too....


Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018
From what I heard, swati has been a game changer in arty duel. I don't know how and why but Indian systems are at origin designed keeping Indian needs in mind.

Don't overestimate USA weaponry.
That's just BS spread by ignorant jingos!
Swati is a good system - such systems have existed in the world for more than 3 decades!

Adding a rejoinder "designed for Indian needs" is BS without limitation! The Swati and the like track 'standard' artillery projectiles - there's no 'Indian standard projectiles' that Pakis fire across.

The only "Indian needs" it might fulfil is that the truck will have left-side driving instead of US imported right-side driving.............

I don't mean to shit mouth about a good indigenous armament, but it gets annoying when people with no real knowledge of the actual details keep spreading nonsense that everything that came out of DRDO (albeit 30-40 yrs late) is the best in the world!!!!

Here's some blurb from wiki

"Efforts to acquire such a system intensified after the Kargil War, where the Indian Army was severely disadvantaged by its lack of firefinding radars. While the Pakistani forces were equipped with American AN/TPQ-36 Firefinder radars, India only had British Cymbeline mortar detecting radars, which were not suitable.[9] Almost 80% of Indian casualties during the war resulted from enemy artillery fire, making such a radar critical.[6][8]

To correct this weakness, in 2002, the Ministry of Defence issued an RFP to five manufacturers. With the lifting of sanctions in late 2001, the US Government offered to sell the AN/TPQ-37 radar to India under their Foreign Military Sales (FMS) programme for ₹. 680 million each.[10] In July 2002, India placed a $200 million USD order for 12 AN/TPQ-37 Firefinder radars.[11][12] Initially, only 8 were ordered for $140 million USD, but the order was later increased to 12.[5] The radars were integrated on BEML-manufactured Tatra truck platforms.[6] Delivery of all 12 radars was completed in May 2007.[5] Concept design work on the WLR also accelerated in the aftermath of the Kargil War."
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Quarantined Abdul
Feb 16, 2019
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There is no match for US weapons.

. ..................
Russia wouldn't be on map if Americans had tech as evolved as transformers tech as they hype. Why do you think CAATSA is there? It's because many nations don't purchase S-400s or Su-35s.

USA, as pakis say still fighting cave dwellers, sandal wearing talibs. In comparison, Ruskies are much more capable.


जय परशुराम‍।
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2015
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"It's an unsigned letter which goes to Pakistan on their national day as a standard diplomatic practice.

Yup it is standard diplomatic practice and because of the situation of keeping diplomatic relations with the enemy ,this was most probably sent by mea Babu but with caveat of terrorism agenda ,Taliban khan tweeting the message and reply is trying to placate the civilian population of confusion and fatigue caused by India


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
That's just BS spread by ignorant jingos!
Swati is a good system - such systems have existed in the world for more than 3 decades!

Adding a rejoinder "designed for Indian needs" is BS without limitation! The Swati and the like track 'standard' artillery projectiles - there's no 'Indian standard projectiles' that Pakis fire across.

The only "Indian needs" it might fulfil is that the truck will have left-side driving instead of US imported right-side driving.............

I don't mean to shit mouth about a good indigenous armament, but it gets annoying when people with no real knowledge of the actual details keep spreading nonsense that everything that came out of DRDO (albeit 30-40 yrs late) is the best in the world!!!!
We aren't fighting some superpower America.
Our immediate enemy itself lacks sophisticated equipment so even a 30 year old tech gives us a boost.
As our economy and military industry grows we can induct more and more technology that will aid us on border.


Quarantined Abdul
Feb 16, 2019
Country flag
That's just BS spread by ignorant jingos!
Swati is a good system - such systems have existed in the world for more than 3 decades!

Adding a rejoinder "designed for Indian needs" is BS without limitation! The Swati and the like track 'standard' artillery projectiles - there's no 'Indian standard projectiles' that Pakis fire across.

The only "Indian needs" it might fulfil is that the truck will have left-side driving instead of US imported right-side driving.............

I don't mean to shit mouth about a good indigenous armament, but it gets annoying when people with no real knowledge of the actual details keep spreading nonsense that everything that came out of DRDO (albeit 30-40 yrs late) is the best in the world!!!!
I understand your point but the problem is no one is giving info. They aren't denying ops either. For the time being either you take the word or dismiss it altogether.

I don't blame your suspicion.


Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018
We aren't fighting some superpower America.
Our immediate enemy itself lacks sophisticated equipment so even a 30 year old tech gives us a boost.
As our economy and military industry grows we can induct more and more technology that will aid us on border.
That's again a big misconception!!!
For 60+ years Pakis always had an advantage over India in terms of modern defense systems. India ALWAYS scrambled after Pakis acquire some sophisticated equipment.....

From Wikipedia.......

"Efforts to acquire such a system intensified after the Kargil War, where the Indian Army was severely disadvantaged by its lack of firefinding radars. While the Pakistani forces were equipped with American AN/TPQ-36 Firefinder radars, India only had British Cymbeline mortar detecting radars, which were not suitable.[9] Almost 80% of Indian casualties during the war resulted from enemy artillery fire, making such a radar critical.[6][8]

To correct this weakness, in 2002, the Ministry of Defence issued an RFP to five manufacturers. With the lifting of sanctions in late 2001, the US Government offered to sell the AN/TPQ-37 radar to India under their Foreign Military Sales (FMS) programme for ₹. 680 million each.[10] In July 2002, India placed a $200 million USD order for 12 AN/TPQ-37 Firefinder radars.[11][12] Initially, only 8 were ordered for $140 million USD, but the order was later increased to 12.[5] The radars were integrated on BEML-manufactured Tatra truck platforms.[6] Delivery of all 12 radars was completed in May 2007.[5] Concept design work on the WLR also accelerated in the aftermath of the Kargil War."


Senior Member
Feb 17, 2017
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Pulwama-like attacks happen all the time, says Sam Pitroda

Author is a retired senior military personnel.

India could have easily avoided Pathankot, Uri as well as Pulwama attack but for the corruption, greed and dirty politics of Congress led UPA-II Government. India does not need enemy's to destroy her, we have enough in India.

It is a true story of the top-secret military intelligence unit of Indian army i.e. TSD (Technical Support Division) established by far thinking General V K Singh, then Chief of Army Staff and how it was sabotaged by corrupt politicians led by Sonia, Mr. Manmohan Singh, then Prime Minister of UPA-II Government hand in gloves with presstitutes, of Indian Media much to the relief of Pakistani establishment and ISI. And how they ruined the life of some of the finest men in uniform in the process as well as deprive this nation of a capability that it required so badly.

After 26/11 attacks, Indian military realized the failure and inefficiency of existing Indian intelligence units i.e. RAW and IB to be an effective counter against the increasing terror threats from Pakistan. They realized that these organizations have become too large and unwieldy. ISI and Pakistani establishment have successfully infiltrated them at various levels through sustained efforts for years.

After 26/11 attack, the then National Security Advisor, Mr M.K Narayanan, met heads of all spy and security agencies individually to find out if they had the capability to attack home bases of terror groups in Pakistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. None had. Narayanan then asked military intelligence to raise a team which has the capability to fight back the enemy. To answer them in the language they understand.
Lieutenant General R.K. Loomba DGMI (Director-General of Military Intelligence), after deliberation agreed to form a top secret, covert military intelligence unit, with some of the finest, very efficient, incorruptible military intelligence officers with highest level of integrity and willingness to sacrifice everything for their country.

Lieutenant General R.K. Loomba, DGMI, approached then, General V.K. Singh, Chief of Army Staff saying that he could raise and train a special operations team. General V.K. Singh gave his go-ahead and so Technical Support Division was formed.

Lieutenant General R.K. Loomba, DGMI then handpicked one of his finest spies, Colonel Hunny Bakshi, to raise and train the unit. Bakshi is among the few officers who joined the DGMI directly from the Indian Military Academy. While serving in J&K he risked his life to save a Brigadier who was ambushed by terrorists. In 2006, he went for his intelligence training to Israel. After training, Mossad literally offered him blank cheque to stay permanently and work for them. Apparently, he has turned out to possess exceptional ability to gather intelligence and displaying outstanding spying skills. But still he declined the offer, just to serve his country and came back to India after training.

So in 2010, TSD was formed with Colonel Hunny Bakshi as its Commanding Officer, 5 other officers of his choice and 32 other subordinates.

The going was good for a short while. The intelligence inputs provided by unit helped a great deal in putting down 2010 Kashmir unrest. Many covert operations were done by the team, including ones in the northeast and in Pakistan. Especially highlighted was one in an Inter-Services Intelligence office in Faisalabad, Pakistan. For the first time in past 20 years, Pakistani military and intelligence were on their back foot. They had put in a great deal of efforts to infiltrate all major institutions in India including RAW but here was a unit about which they were totally in dark and it was giving ISI sleepless nights. They were clueless about its operational procedure and feared from it far more than RAW.

“The unit was working very efficiently. It was an asset for the Army and the country,” said Loomba, about the TSD. It reportedly conducted 8 covert operations in neighbouring countries with 100 percent success rate. But it was not only ISI which was troubled. More troubled from TSD were the corrupt elites of Lutyens Delhi. Some of them did Hawala transactions with ISI and passed on crucial information to it. Many politicians were on payroll of Dawood Ibrahim and narcotics mafia. And all of them feared exposure.

During the tenure of VK Singh as army chief, Retd. Lt Gen Tejinder Singh was an arms dealer who tried to offer a bribe of 14 crores to General VK Singh for clearing a tranche of "sub-standard" Tatra trucks for the force. As trucks were of poor quality, overpriced and had issue of underperforming, VK Singh refused to sanction the deal and stalled procurement order approved by his predecessor. So to make VK Singh fall in line, Tejinder Singh decided to blackmail him. Being an ex-army man himself, he used his connections to fetch details about TSD. He bribed a clerk of TSD named Sham Das to get classified information from him about TSD. He threatened VK Singh to leak information about TSD to media.

TSD has purchased off-air mobile interception equipment from a Singapore-based company in November 2010 to monitor phone conversations. When VK Singh refused to budge, Tejinder leaked information to media about TSD and rumors started spreading about TSD using the mobile interceptor to snoop on phone conversations of then defence minister A.K. Antony and other defence ministry officials. Many powerful elites of Lutyens were rattled due to this information. All their dirty secrets were under threat of exposure.

Although Lt. Tejinder Singh was arrested later on by the CBI on bribe charges but the damage to TSD was already done by then.

TSD unit during its snooping realized how deep the rot goes in Indian establishment. It found out that it goes right up to the very top during UPA II rule. Many ministers in UPA II felt insecure of TSD operations so they decided to use the army hierarchy to shut down the TSD. Some senior army officers easily became a party to political maneuvering despite adverse impact on army capability and national security because TSD was also challenging orthodox military hierarchy. While ordinary military intelligence had to follow procedures and wait a long time to get funds released, TSD was directly reporting to the army chief VK Singh, having no intermediaries. There was no paucity of funds for TSD. It made many in top brass of military zealous of TSD and its officers having direct access to the chief.

Till VK Singh remained Chief, he shielded TSD from all pressures within the army and from outside political pressure. But after his retirement in 2012, TSD and its officers was left on their own without any support. Soon an inquiry was conducted by Lt Gen Vinod Bhatia who was the then Director General Military Operations (DGMO) on the directions of defence minister A.K. Antony, at Army Headquarters. The inquiry said the TSD had claimed to have carried out at least eight covert operations in a foreign country. It had also paid money from secret service funds to try and enrol the secessionist chief in a province of a neighbouring country. There were also allegations of unaccounted diversion of funds for various illegal purposes although they were based much on unsubstantiated rumours.

Under political pressure the new army chief General Bikram Singh suspended all its operations and virtually disbanded it. Files related to TSD were burnt and all sophisticated surveillance equipment worth crores were destroyed. TSD was thus disbanded. The internal enemies of India dealt a heavy blow to the country’s security.

Sam Pitroda served as the Advisor to the Prime Minister with rank of a Cabinet Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovation, he was one of the person to ensure Technical Support Division is destroyed permanently along with other Indian National Congress party members under Sonia Gandhi.


Has Modi already Revived TSD? Or maybe a stronger organization? No one Knows. Gen VK Singh who started TSD is part of Modi Government. I am sure he cannot let his baby go orphan. Who knows we have a even powerful agency now than TSD. Modi Government has adopted a tough posture against Pakistan. That is not possible without a strong intelligence backing. Let's create fear in Pakistan& other enemies. Let them stay in constant fear of what India can do. But we do need a stronger, bigger and more technical intelligence agency to spy on our spies so that we plug holes in our intelligence and infiltrate enemy.


Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018
I understand your point but the problem is no one is giving info. They aren't denying ops either. For the time being either you take the word or dismiss it altogether.

I don't blame your suspicion.
I am really suspecting the Ops per se.....we'll probably get bits and pieces of info from various sources.
I was only pointing out the frivolity of 'game changer' attribute given to mundane equipment/


Regular Member
Oct 12, 2013
Country flag
That's again a big misconception!!!
For 60+ years Pakis always had an advantage over India in terms of modern defense systems. India ALWAYS scrambled after Pakis acquire some sophisticated equipment.....

From Wikipedia.......

"Efforts to acquire such a system intensified after the Kargil War, where the Indian Army was severely disadvantaged by its lack of firefinding radars. While the Pakistani forces were equipped with American AN/TPQ-36 Firefinder radars, India only had British Cymbeline mortar detecting radars, which were not suitable.[9] Almost 80% of Indian casualties during the war resulted from enemy artillery fire, making such a radar critical.[6][8]

To correct this weakness, in 2002, the Ministry of Defence issued an RFP to five manufacturers. With the lifting of sanctions in late 2001, the US Government offered to sell the AN/TPQ-37 radar to India under their Foreign Military Sales (FMS) programme for ₹. 680 million each.[10] In July 2002, India placed a $200 million USD order for 12 AN/TPQ-37 Firefinder radars.[11][12] Initially, only 8 were ordered for $140 million USD, but the order was later increased to 12.[5] The radars were integrated on BEML-manufactured Tatra truck platforms.[6] Delivery of all 12 radars was completed in May 2007.[5] Concept design work on the WLR also accelerated in the aftermath of the Kargil War."

Even IA's T-90 MBT acquisition was triggered by PA's T-80UD acquisition from Ukraine.

Sent from my XT1033 using Tapatalk


Senior Member
Feb 17, 2017
Country flag

Pulwama-like attacks happen all the time, says Sam Pitroda

Author is a retired senior military personnel.

India could have easily avoided Pathankot, Uri as well as Pulwama attack but for the corruption, greed and dirty politics of Congress led UPA-II Government. India does not need enemy's to destroy her, we have enough in India.

It is a true story of the top-secret military intelligence unit of Indian army i.e. TSD (Technical Support Division) established by far thinking General V K Singh, then Chief of Army Staff and how it was sabotaged by corrupt politicians led by Sonia, Mr. Manmohan Singh, then Prime Minister of UPA-II Government hand in gloves with presstitutes, of Indian Media much to the relief of Pakistani establishment and ISI. And how they ruined the life of some of the finest men in uniform in the process as well as deprive this nation of a capability that it required so badly.

After 26/11 attacks, Indian military realized the failure and inefficiency of existing Indian intelligence units i.e. RAW and IB to be an effective counter against the increasing terror threats from Pakistan. They realized that these organizations have become too large and unwieldy. ISI and Pakistani establishment have successfully infiltrated them at various levels through sustained efforts for years.

After 26/11 attack, the then National Security Advisor, Mr M.K Narayanan, met heads of all spy and security agencies individually to find out if they had the capability to attack home bases of terror groups in Pakistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. None had. Narayanan then asked military intelligence to raise a team which has the capability to fight back the enemy. To answer them in the language they understand.
Lieutenant General R.K. Loomba DGMI (Director-General of Military Intelligence), after deliberation agreed to form a top secret, covert military intelligence unit, with some of the finest, very efficient, incorruptible military intelligence officers with highest level of integrity and willingness to sacrifice everything for their country.

Lieutenant General R.K. Loomba, DGMI, approached then, General V.K. Singh, Chief of Army Staff saying that he could raise and train a special operations team. General V.K. Singh gave his go-ahead and so Technical Support Division was formed.

Lieutenant General R.K. Loomba, DGMI then handpicked one of his finest spies, Colonel Hunny Bakshi, to raise and train the unit. Bakshi is among the few officers who joined the DGMI directly from the Indian Military Academy. While serving in J&K he risked his life to save a Brigadier who was ambushed by terrorists. In 2006, he went for his intelligence training to Israel. After training, Mossad literally offered him blank cheque to stay permanently and work for them. Apparently, he has turned out to possess exceptional ability to gather intelligence and displaying outstanding spying skills. But still he declined the offer, just to serve his country and came back to India after training.

So in 2010, TSD was formed with Colonel Hunny Bakshi as its Commanding Officer, 5 other officers of his choice and 32 other subordinates.

The going was good for a short while. The intelligence inputs provided by unit helped a great deal in putting down 2010 Kashmir unrest. Many covert operations were done by the team, including ones in the northeast and in Pakistan. Especially highlighted was one in an Inter-Services Intelligence office in Faisalabad, Pakistan. For the first time in past 20 years, Pakistani military and intelligence were on their back foot. They had put in a great deal of efforts to infiltrate all major institutions in India including RAW but here was a unit about which they were totally in dark and it was giving ISI sleepless nights. They were clueless about its operational procedure and feared from it far more than RAW.

“The unit was working very efficiently. It was an asset for the Army and the country,” said Loomba, about the TSD. It reportedly conducted 8 covert operations in neighbouring countries with 100 percent success rate. But it was not only ISI which was troubled. More troubled from TSD were the corrupt elites of Lutyens Delhi. Some of them did Hawala transactions with ISI and passed on crucial information to it. Many politicians were on payroll of Dawood Ibrahim and narcotics mafia. And all of them feared exposure.

During the tenure of VK Singh as army chief, Retd. Lt Gen Tejinder Singh was an arms dealer who tried to offer a bribe of 14 crores to General VK Singh for clearing a tranche of "sub-standard" Tatra trucks for the force. As trucks were of poor quality, overpriced and had issue of underperforming, VK Singh refused to sanction the deal and stalled procurement order approved by his predecessor. So to make VK Singh fall in line, Tejinder Singh decided to blackmail him. Being an ex-army man himself, he used his connections to fetch details about TSD. He bribed a clerk of TSD named Sham Das to get classified information from him about TSD. He threatened VK Singh to leak information about TSD to media.

TSD has purchased off-air mobile interception equipment from a Singapore-based company in November 2010 to monitor phone conversations. When VK Singh refused to budge, Tejinder leaked information to media about TSD and rumors started spreading about TSD using the mobile interceptor to snoop on phone conversations of then defence minister A.K. Antony and other defence ministry officials. Many powerful elites of Lutyens were rattled due to this information. All their dirty secrets were under threat of exposure.

Although Lt. Tejinder Singh was arrested later on by the CBI on bribe charges but the damage to TSD was already done by then.

TSD unit during its snooping realized how deep the rot goes in Indian establishment. It found out that it goes right up to the very top during UPA II rule. Many ministers in UPA II felt insecure of TSD operations so they decided to use the army hierarchy to shut down the TSD. Some senior army officers easily became a party to political maneuvering despite adverse impact on army capability and national security because TSD was also challenging orthodox military hierarchy. While ordinary military intelligence had to follow procedures and wait a long time to get funds released, TSD was directly reporting to the army chief VK Singh, having no intermediaries. There was no paucity of funds for TSD. It made many in top brass of military zealous of TSD and its officers having direct access to the chief.

Till VK Singh remained Chief, he shielded TSD from all pressures within the army and from outside political pressure. But after his retirement in 2012, TSD and its officers was left on their own without any support. Soon an inquiry was conducted by Lt Gen Vinod Bhatia who was the then Director General Military Operations (DGMO) on the directions of defence minister A.K. Antony, at Army Headquarters. The inquiry said the TSD had claimed to have carried out at least eight covert operations in a foreign country. It had also paid money from secret service funds to try and enrol the secessionist chief in a province of a neighbouring country. There were also allegations of unaccounted diversion of funds for various illegal purposes although they were based much on unsubstantiated rumours.

Under political pressure the new army chief General Bikram Singh suspended all its operations and virtually disbanded it. Files related to TSD were burnt and all sophisticated surveillance equipment worth crores were destroyed. TSD was thus disbanded. The internal enemies of India dealt a heavy blow to the country’s security.

Sam Pitroda served as the Advisor to the Prime Minister with rank of a Cabinet Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovation, he was one of the person to ensure Technical Support Division is destroyed permanently along with other Indian National Congress party members under Sonia Gandhi.


Couldn't find this article online by clicking on the link. Can you please provide the link?


Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018

Even IA's T-90 MBT acquisition was triggered by PA's T-80UD acquisition from Ukraine.

Sent from my XT1033 using Tapatalk
And same with BVR missiles.....only after Pakis got AIM 120C from US!!!


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2016
Now don't act all babaint here! :biggrin2:
I tracked C 130 source location on flightradar and it started from PAF Bholari airbase in Sindh (close to guajrat)

It's over sarghoda right now @ 8200 ft, wonder where it is heading


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2016
Now the transponder is off!!

and saudi Gulfstream G650 is flying in pak now


Veteran Hunter of Maleecha
Senior Member
Apr 7, 2010
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I tracked C 130 source location on flightradar and it started from PAF Bholari airbase in Sindh (close to guajrat)

It's over sarghoda right now @ 8200 ft, wonder where it is heading
View attachment 33395
Will be part of paki day celeration?:biggrin2:
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