India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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Sep 7, 2015
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Sir, what does your military mind say about why pakis have closed airspace for so long? All of us on the forum are at best, armchair thinkers. I would like to know your thoughts. Regards
Airspace restrictions are generally set up for three reasons:

> To ensure the safety of commercial aircraft and their occupants
> To ensure the safety of people on the ground.
> More importantly, air space is closed or restrictions imposed as per the NOTAMS issued from time to time because the country is trying to protect an asset inside the restricted airspace. There may be strategic assets in and around these airfields that the PAF wants to protect and is thus keeping the air space sanitized in case of interdiction sorties by the IAF, ensuring there is no radar clutter. This is all part of airspace management.


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Oct 10, 2014
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Airspace restrictions are generally set up for three reasons:

> To ensure the safety of commercial aircraft and their occupants
> To ensure the safety of people on the ground.
> More importantly, air space is closed or restrictions imposed as per the NOTAMS issued from time to time because the country is trying to protect an asset inside the restricted airspace. There may be strategic assets in and around these airfields that the PAF wants to protect and is thus keeping the air space sanitized in case of interdiction sorties by the IAF, ensuring there is no radar clutter. This is all part of airspace management.
How long can they continue to do this? There is an economic cost to this as well. I don’t think IAF will let the PAF-attempted attack on military installations go without a proper response.


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Oct 12, 2013
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You do realise that the single Netra detected ALL the Shitistani fizzleyas as soon as they took off and alerted the Northern Air command soon thereafter. It tracked the swarm formation and also the jets that broke off for ingress. They were thwarted by SAM systems and also by Bison and MKI vectored in by the Netra.

Do read the blow by blow account of the air battle to see where lies the scope for improvement. I think you'll find that it was not the lack of AEW&CS but sticking too long with the old RoEs.
Biggest worry for Us was lack of target solutions for launching BVRAAM's going by Shiv aroor report ???


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Feb 26, 2010
"Target solutions" is a very broad word. It could mean any number of things

1. Low confidence of hitting far away rapidly receding targets.
2. The danger of hitting our own jets jostling with the Napakis.
3. Civilian air traffic in the vicinity, making any adverse outcomes very likely and highly unacceptable.
4. Lastly, lack of updated RoEs.

Again, these are just my guesses.


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Sep 7, 2015
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How long can they continue to do this? There is an economic cost to this as well. I don’t think IAF will let the PAF-attempted attack on military installations go without a proper response.
That's the catch 22 situation for Pak. In fact they are between the devil and the deep sea! They were losing economically due to the shut down of airports. They can't afford to let down their guard too seeing the Indian response at Juba Top where we entered and screwed them with impunity.

However, they have partially opened the airspace of four airports as the threat from India has reduced considerably. On our part we need to keep the threat level high and bleed the sods!


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
Curious case of F16 hit!! Let's put the pieces together.....

- Several eyewitnesses see THREE parachutes in the air almost at the same time. One is Abhinandan; one pilot is said to have drifted towards India, another one came down inside POK itself
- DGISPR and Pakistan's own government news agency states that THREE Indian pilots are captured (this is reported very early on). Two Indian jets are down!
- Several eyewitnesses capturing Abhinandan are heard saying "let's go get the other guy".......not two they all kinda of knew that the third guy is out-of-reach.
- In DGISPR conference Abhinandan's capture is mentioned. The 'other guy' is supposedly being treated in a hospital. Two Indian jets are down.
- Later in the day DGISPR states that only ONE pilot is in captivity. But insists TWO Indian jets are down.

Possible scenarios:

- The second pilot in hospital is identified as Paki, and his identity hidden; or he died.
- The THIRD pilot is in Indian custody (just like Col. Habib, India chose to keep mum!). Or the third pilot is enjoying Kashmiri hospitality in Indian J&K.
- The third pilot died either on the Indian side or the Paki side.


- so much hoopla about Shahzad-ud-din as ONE of the pilots; why no talk about the third pilot at all? Is it because he survived?
So it's fairly certain now that the story about F16 pilot being Shahaz-ud-din, son of Air Marshall is FAKE!
Praveen Swami screwed up big time by not cross-checking simple stuff!

That doesn't mean that no F16 was shot down......only that the pilot's profile is wrong!
Why would this London based lawyer narrate a fake story? Was he duped by someone in Paki land? Was he an ISI plant to create a false story that will later be discredited, as such discrediting large sections of Indian media? Or was he just blowing hot air?

We definitely know that there were THREE parachutes! Pakis claim it's Mig-21 & Su-30MKI. Indians claim it's Mig-21 and F16-B/D. One injured pilot being in Paki custody and then his existence suddenly vanishing AND no Paki journalist so much as raises a question on the fate of the 'injured' pilot definitely makes Paki story suspect. Not to mention, Indian establishment won't belt out such blatant lies that US could easily verify.


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Jun 21, 2018
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So it's fairly certain now that the story about F16 pilot being Shahaz-ud-din, son of Air Marshall is FAKE!
Praveen Swami screwed up big time by not cross-checking simple stuff!

That doesn't mean that no F16 was shot down......only that the pilot's profile is wrong!
Why would this London based lawyer narrate a fake story? Was he duped by someone in Paki land? Was he an ISI plant to create a false story that will later be discredited, as such discrediting large sections of Indian media?

We definitely know that there were THREE parachutes! Pakis claim it's Mig-21 & Su-30MKI. Indians claim it's Mig-21 and F16-B/D. One injured pilot being in Paki custody and then his existence suddenly vanishing AND no Paki journalist so much as raises a question on the fate of the 'injured' pilot definitely makes Paki story suspect. Not to mention, Indian establishment won't belt out such blatant lies that US could easily verify.
If they had MKI debris, they would have been paraded around. It would be a major success. If MKI crashed here, India would know ASAP. Crowd would put out videos. Local journos would confirm.

They (Pakis) planted info here trying to raise 'concern' and some public fell for it. Story is true, names are false. BTW them acting edgy shows everything about the F 16B Blk 20 MLU being involved. Probably a Jordanian one with GE engines.


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
If they had MKI debris, they would have been paraded around. It would be a major success. If MKI crashed here, India would know ASAP. Crowd would put out videos. Local journos would confirm.

They (Pakis) planted info here trying to raise 'concern' and some public fell for it. Story is true, names are false. BTW them acting edgy shows everything about the F 16B Blk 20 MLU being involved. Probably a Jordanian one with GE engines.
The Paki claim that the second fighter that it shot down fell on the Indian side is definitely untrue, as there're so many 'unfriendlies' on Indian side that the video/pics would've come out by now. Pak army on the other hand confiscates peoples cell phones in such scenarios!

I hope some satellite could have picked up the crash site before it got cleared by Pakis.

Also, India might share the radar data with US forces who if they publicly confirm would be a shot in IAF's arm! Admitting that could also raise PR issues for USAF.


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Feb 12, 2014
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Oct 12, 2013
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