India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

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Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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#Invisuals Heavy stone pelting on security forces in #Pulwama areas after forces called off the 15 hour long search operation after getting inputs about the presence of militants in the area. Officials to

More momins with stones is a tell tale sign of mard e monins are near by.
forces(including police) have to start considering Direct energy weapons to counter stone pelting, not just in Kashmir but all over India.

Enough is enough...

Holy Triad

Tihar Jail
Dec 16, 2018
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forces(including police) have to start considering Direct energy weapons to counter stone pelting, not just in Kashmir but all over India.

Enough is enough...

Already in the pipeline,



Regular Member
Apr 21, 2020
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As i have always said in past, if we can somehow find solution to pakistani nuke problem, taking away their nuclear capability even at the cost of a short skirmish, Pakistan will cease to exist as a relevant threat, but, i feel like pakistani nuclear weapons have chinese backup.
They backed down in 1984, they pissed their pants during brasstacks, they only dared in 1999 kargil because of their new found nuclear umbrella of safety.

You take that away, Pakistan loses all its lust for jehad or being a ghazi.

Question remains is it even possible, even if we pour considerable resources and money into such a plan?


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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As i have always said in past, if we can somehow find solution to pakistani nuke problem, taking away their nuclear capability even at the cost of a short skirmish, Pakistan will cease to exist as a relevant threat, but, i feel like pakistani nuclear weapons have chinese backup.
They backed down in 1984, they pissed their pants during brasstacks, they only dared in 1999 kargil because of their new found nuclear umbrella of safety.

You take that away, Pakistan loses all its lust for jehad or being a ghazi.

Question remains is it even possible, even if we pour considerable resources and money into such a plan?
and it’s practically impossible to de-nuclearise a country from the outside.


Regular Member
Apr 21, 2020
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and it’s practically impossible to de-nuclearise a country from the outside.
And its even theoretically impossible for a islamic country/population/dictatorship to denuclearize from inside.
So, if anything has to be done it would be done from outside, otherwise we will keep facing waves of terrorists till eternity while the internal threat grows and time will come again when we will have ghori 2.0 with china from east and north.

We must find a way to de-nuclearize Pakistan.
Let's forget about practicality for now, lets just theorise it and see what we can come up with and from there we can see what's completely impossible and what's impossible but still doable if all the stars align.


Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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As i have always said in past, if we can somehow find solution to pakistani nuke problem, taking away their nuclear capability even at the cost of a short skirmish, Pakistan will cease to exist as a relevant threat, but, i feel like pakistani nuclear weapons have chinese backup.
They backed down in 1984, they pissed their pants during brasstacks, they only dared in 1999 kargil because of their new found nuclear umbrella of safety.

You take that away, Pakistan loses all its lust for jehad or being a ghazi.

Question remains is it even possible, even if we pour considerable resources and money into such a plan?
But didnt they fight 1965, or tried annexation of Kashmir just after indpendence. They dint have nukes then. Pakistan is the anti thesis to India. It remains a threat irrespective of nukes. As far as nukes is concerned they are so seductive that every nation on earth wants it. Destruction of Pakistan should not stop at removal of nukes. It shld be completely dismembered into 3/4 peices.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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I am still sticking to the idea that this is a scam to ask for international aid in the name of making shelters in PoK.
Indian Army troops resorted to unprovoked ceasefire violation in Khuiratta Sector along #LOC. Due to indiscriminate fire of automatics at a house in Jijot village, an innocent citizen sustained serious injuries. Injured evacuated to nearby health facility for medical care.



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Feb 27, 2019
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Does C17 land at Kullu? Am not aware if it does.

The routing could be for Leh also.
C17 can land / takeoff at short runways ...but yes, even i am also not aware if we have any known sightings of C1 landing at Kullu...

Routing to leh is typically over J & k .. Air space over is HP is almost all reserved for IAF / military exercises usage...I rarely see any civilian traffic...


Regular Member
Apr 21, 2020
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But didnt they fight 1965, or tried annexation of Kashmir just after indpendence. They dint have nukes then. Pakistan is the anti thesis to India. It remains a threat irrespective of nukes. As far as nukes is concerned they are so seductive that every nation on earth wants it. Destruction of Pakistan should not stop at removal of nukes. It shld be completely dismembered into 3/4 peices.
1947 Bharat was partitioned and so was military, there was parity and not to forget nehru's blunder(kashmir),poor malnourished population and the division among princely states of India, a very volatile and completely different situation.

1965, drought in India, India and pakistan had equal capabilities with respect to army, with pakistan having slight technological edge in weapons thanks to US/WEST and India recovering from a humiliating loss to china and death of Nehru(so called leader), again a different situation.

1971 a rude awakening to Pakistan, shattering of morale, humiliating surrender and the gap begins to widen.
Here is where things changed and Pakistan lost its confidence and military parity to wage direct war on India, hence a cowardly silence on 1984 loss of territory and mocking by bhutto with bangles phrase, all this time they had US firmly behind them.
They never dared any large scale territory grab again until the nuclear umbrella which saves them from a full scale war and subsequently another humiliating defeat.
Hence, destroying their nuclear capability will result in them stopping their terrorist activities or a serious threat of war or them loosing territory and being able to do nothing about it will loom.

India restrained in kargil due to nuke threat.
A comprehensive escalation ladder exists to keep things from blowing into full scale war because both nations have nukes, take pakistani nukes away and we will have a way bigger stick to tame them and subsequently destroy them.


Regular Member
Oct 19, 2019
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Ok so the rumour i heard was right.
There used to be rumours about a support unit in army, nothing more. I donot think anything is out yet, and even if such a unit does exist, then its existence should neither be accepted nor denied. Remember, what happened to TSD?


Jul 11, 2011
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As i have always said in past, if we can somehow find solution to pakistani nuke problem, taking away their nuclear capability even at the cost of a short skirmish, Pakistan will cease to exist as a relevant threat, but, i feel like pakistani nuclear weapons have chinese backup.
They backed down in 1984, they pissed their pants during brasstacks, they only dared in 1999 kargil because of their new found nuclear umbrella of safety.

You take that away, Pakistan loses all its lust for jehad or being a ghazi.

Question remains is it even possible, even if we pour considerable resources and money into such a plan?
That remains questionable if a Pakistan without nuclear weapons will stop terrorism... or rather to say that Pakistani terrorism is the product of her nuclear capability..

Pakistani terrorism is a manifestation of an ideology of Fundamentalist Islam or Political Islam that believes in waging a war (Jihad) to establish Islamic rule over a territory. All Islamic invaders and Muslim rulers without any exception believed in that and acted on that to subjugate and convert India. All paid their allegiance and tributes to Islamic Caliphate and subscribed to Islamic ideas of rules in one form or the other.

Partition of India was nothing but a manifestation of the idea that Muslims were superior than Hindus and both can not remain together under equal terms. Seventy years down the line, the same trend manifests itself when Muslims want special privileges and living conditions for themselves in India. They wish to eat the democratic cake and keep the cake Islamic fundamentalism.

Many people in India advance an argument of Pakistan's desire to avenge 1971. They are wrong and simply forget their Jihad to wrest J&K of 1948 and 1965.

What has though happened post-1971 is that Terrorism has become the main instrument of State policy rather than being a secondary choice.

Nuclear capability gives Pakistan the capability to deter and blunt India's military retaliation. That is all. Nuclear weapons can not deter other debilitating actions India can undertake.

Islamic Jehadist terrorism has very strong internal undertones which requires to be neutralized first. That requires very firm handling and prevention of any appeasement, politics of favoritism and firmly establishing idea of equality of communities.

So far Pakistan is concerned the cost of terrorism has to be increased for Pakistan by economic exclusion, blocking waters, prevention of cultural exchanges, international diplomacy, and military actions of unconventional scale, establishing Pakistan and internal subversion.

It is not that Islamic Jihadi Terrorism can not be blunted but for that we have to take hard measures to deny internal ground to Jihadis.

There is no use fauzies and policemen getting killed when we have Jihadis in our pockets hitting us from inside.

Be firm, be fair and establish a culture of equality for all and firmly route out special treatment to Muslims.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Pakistan should be worried whenever there is a terror attack in India: Air Force Chief
Thats taking the Immrans Rants right on .
when imran said about so called "false flag" attacks...
our air chief took it head on...false flag or not.for every terror attack ....pakis will get pounded..
thats the line we are batting


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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This PA G450 did a full roundabout and landed back in slambad now . Was this a routine training flight ? or This G450 is not just a VIP transport jet .

PA G450.jpg


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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Kashmir is India’s internal matter, says Taliban; denies plan to target Delhi :playball::playball:

The Taliban on Monday denied claims on social media that it could join Pakistan-sponsored terrorism in Kashmir, underlining that the Taliban was clear that it “does not interfere in internal affairs of other countries”.

“The statement published in the media about Taaliban joining Jihad in Kashmir is wrong…. The policy of the Islamic Emirate is clear that it does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.” Suhail Shaheen, the spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, as the political wing of Taliban calls itself, tweeted on Monday evening.

Feb 16, 2009
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India restrained in kargil due to nuke threat.
A comprehensive escalation ladder exists to keep things from blowing into full scale war because both nations have nukes, take pakistani nukes away and we will have a way bigger stick to tame them and subsequently destroy them.
why did India restrain? still had to fight a war. Pakistan's nuclear umbrella may not be
as robust as many Indians are led to believe. Why does India feel Pakistan's nuclear
umbrella can be eliminated and it won't start again?? It should have been prevented
to begin with. It is even tougher now to eliminate with Chinese backing Pakistan against India.
Terrorism was allowed to flourish with the support of Kashmiri politicians in India. Now that
they are out of the picture it as big a step as getting rid of paki nukes. Pakistan views it as
a religious war so they will always find supporters in India who share their view.
This is an issue that few even discuss.
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Senior Member
Apr 6, 2019
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This PA G450 did a full roundabout and landed back in slambad now . Was this a routine training flight ? or This G450 is not just a VIP transport jet .

View attachment 48171
Afghan front on Durand line is made active by RAW and we're keeping the heat at our side of LoC. Pak is in panic and chances to get pounded by both fronts.
This is in response for Chinese misadventures to reduce their bed partner. If Pak-china can play games Indo-Afghan can play better game than them...
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