India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

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May 19, 2017
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Anti India Pro Jihadi lobby in US has found a new target after Israel — democratic India

The worldwide Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, or the BDS movement, against Israel now appears to have found a new target: democratic India. The BDS has been widely denounced as anti-Semitic and hypocritical because it singles out the only Jewish State and the only democracy in the region, Israel, for unique criticism. But now Kashmir is emerging as their new punching bag. The BDS brigade recently claimed that “India’s policies in Kashmir resemble Israel’s settler colonialism,” that “India also borrows methods of repression from Israel,” and also, absurdly, that “the weapons that Israel ‘field-tests’ on Palestinian bodies are today being deployed in Kashmir.”

Nobody has called for a boycott against India. But this kind of comparative language and suggested equivalence is unique and deserves to be flagged.

India the ‘oppressor’
Writing earlier this month in The Muslim Vibe, a media outlet aimed at Western Muslims, commentator Hamzah Zahid made a forceful case about what Muslims in the West must do concerning the issue of Kashmir, the Muslim-majority region long coveted by Pakistan, saying that Kashmir needs to be turned into “a similar vein as the anti-Apartheid, anti-Fascism, and the Palestine movements.”
While Zahid’s pronouncement was unusually specific, there have been campaigns going on for years that propagate similar thought. This campaign does not solely consist of groups with a South Asian origin, such as the Western branches of Jamaat-e-Islami, but of Middle East-linked groups that had previously focused almost solely on Palestine.

In fact, the campaign was underway even before the abrogation of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution. In early 2019, New York-based journalist Azad Essa published an op-ed declaring that “when it comes to Palestine and Kashmir, India and Israel are oppressors-in-arms.” According to Essa, “Free Gaza” and “India Go Home” are the same message to those who champion the cause of separating Kashmir. Essa insists that both the issues surrounding Kashmir and Israel represent the same sort of “settler-colonialism” theme and are, in essence, the same issue.

Increasingly, Western-focused foes of both Israel and India are acting to make Essa’s claims ubiquitous. Painting India as the “oppressor,” as Essa’s op-ed did, just two weeks after a brutal terrorist attack killed 40 Indian security personnel in Pulwama district in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, may seem bold. But Israel’s foes in the West, driven largely by theocratic Islamic organisations and their allies on the far-Left, now use this sort of rhetoric as a matter of course.

Indian patriots and Zionists on the same page?
BDS is hardly alone. American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) explicitly claimed that by removing the special status of Kashmir, India was adopting a “Zionist settler-colonialist model,” and that “like Israel, the Indian government has brazenly violated several UN resolutions and human rights conventions,” accusing it of a “brutal crackdown.” They steered their members toward the newly created, shadowy group, Stand with Kashmir (SWK), an entity that frequently lauds terrorists and assorted theocrats as inoffensive and peaceful political actors.

The SWK was quick to ‘return the favour’, quoting an article by Zainab Ramahi, a ‘coordinating member’ of Students for Justice in Palestine, which is heavily funded by AMP and shares a common founder. According to Ramahi, “Hindutva nationalists and Zionists often try to reframe the conflicts,” over Kashmir and the Palestinian territories, as caused by Islamists, which she claims is merely an effort to distract from what she calls “repression” in the name of fighting terrorism.
The countless victims of US-designated terrorist groups such as Hizbul Mujahideen in Kashmir and Hamas in Gaza, go unmentioned.

Not much later, the SWK partnered with AMP to organise a march in San Francisco on Kashmir.
Of course, the South Asian-origin radicals are also part of this push. The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), which Professor Vali Nasr of Johns Hopkins states is one of the eight most important franchises of South Asia’s violent Islamist movement Jamaat-e-Islami, a group long dedicated to separating Kashmir from India, worked with the SWK to support protests shortly after the removal of Kashmir’s special status.
But they were not alone. ICNA partnered on these protests with foes of Israel more closely aligned with Middle Eastern Islamist movements, such as the Muslim American Society (MAS), which prosecutors named in 2007 as an “overt arm” of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), an unindicted co-conspirator in a scheme to fund the Hamas terrorist organisation in the Palestinian territories, founded by Palestinian Nihad Awad, a self-declared supporter of Hamas, also promoted various protests over Kashmir. Awad even spoke at the protest outside India’s embassy.
Islamists, hard Left and their identical argument

The above examples are by no means exhaustive and meant only to illustrate the nearly ubiquitous events, articles, tweets and newsletters of various Islamist groups and their friends on the hard-Left, making identical arguments. These efforts have clear, real-world effects. Decision makers and opinion leaders with significant political power, such as Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN), are now high-profile opponents of India.
Last year, Omar went out of her way to join a hearing on Human Rights in South Asia, in spite of the fact that she was not a member of the relevant Congressional Subcommittee, to viciously attack Indian reporter and witness Aarti Tikoo Singh, a Kashmiri Pandit exiled from her home by Islamist militants almost 30 years ago, after she suggested Jihadists were at the heart of the problem in Kashmir. Omar used rhetoric closely echoing an article that SWK had published the day before the hearing attacking Singh. Omar later appeared in an interview for the SWK conducted by Professor Mark Lamont Hill, notorious himself for expressing extreme anti-Israel and anti-Semitic rhetoric.

Anti-Israel network politically invaluable for India’s foes
Given that Kashmir is an issue few Americans are intimately familiar with, one might question why this movement would want an ally like Omar. Known for rhetoric so anti-Semitic that it earned her the support of former Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon David Duke, Omar’s support comes with drawbacks. But the support of Omar, and the broader anti-Israel community, also comes with a built-in constituency, and tailor-made rhetoric to rally supporters. That’s politically invaluable. Indeed, fellow “Squad” member, Representative Rashada Talib (D-MI), an ethnic Palestinian, has joined Omar in supporting the Islamist cause in Kashmir.
Of course, this collaboration is not purely tactical. In significant part, it is ideological. While there are fair-minded critiques of India’s and Israel’s governments, their most steadfast critics are not enlightened advocates of liberty, but theocrats who recognise no higher good than Islamist rule. This is doubly clear upon examining the rhetoric and actions of both Western Islamist organisations and Jihadist groups in both South Asia and the Middle East.

The Indian community has largely been caught flat-footed by this activism campaign. Islamists had a ready-made network, a built-in constituency, and pre-programmed rhetoric to indoctrinate indifferent politicians and a largely naïve public, based on their decades of activism on behalf of the Palestinian cause.
Friends of both Israel and India must work to counter this shockingly effective political activism before it is too late. To do otherwise risks enshrining this inaccurate, but effective, narrative into Western policy.


New Member
Jun 20, 2020
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They fear cremation because it will supposedly cancel out their resurrections on Judgement Day or "Qayamat".
If there are only ashes, what will get resurrected?
Hence they fear being roasted.

btw the 🍑 on one of the roast pigs 👌👌👌👌 Merhaba 😍 , I'm sure with an 🍑 like that he must have been very popular in his training madarsa when Goats weren't available.
But then why do they promote "ole n uber 🎆 "?


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Feb 16, 2009
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They fear cremation because it will supposedly cancel out their resurrections on Judgement Day or "Qayamat".
If there are only ashes, what will get resurrected?
Hence they fear being roasted.

btw the 🍑 on one of the roast pigs 👌👌👌👌 Merhaba 😍 , I'm sure with an 🍑 like that he must have been very popular in his training madarsa when Goats weren't available.
How about creating a compost pit. Just add pig shit to the mixture, high quality fertilizer! It's gross I know.
Sep 5, 2020
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Looks like the target may have been the DDC elections. Potentially tasked to distribute AKs that can be used to cause mayhem during elections by taking out candidate and put the fear of ola in them?



धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
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Oct 14, 2020
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Yesterday I posted this, observing heavy PAF activity :shock:

Damn, seems like Pakistan was readying for another Pulwama-kind of attack.
I feel it was a decoy, no terrorist would try to infiltrate through Jammu to Kashmir and there might be plans for another fidayeen attack.


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Feb 28, 2016
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Looks like the target may have been the DDC elections. Potentially tasked to distribute AKs that can be used to cause mayhem during elections by taking out candidate and put the fear of ola in them?

This is usual, they shoot BJP politicians in the valley and any nationalistic Kashmiri they find, just to spook the others from trying such tricks.
No need for imports from Pindi-land for this.
This is Terrorism in the truest sense, spooking the "audience" so that they may never oppose your ways since you put bullets in whoever does.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
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Oct 14, 2020
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This is usual, they shoot BJP politicians in the valley and any nationalistic Kashmiri they find, just to spook the others from trying such tricks.
No need for imports from Pindi-land for this.
This is Terrorism in the truest sense, spooking the "audience" so that they may never oppose your ways since you put bullets in whoever does.
No in my life I have seen whenever a nationalist kashmiri has been killed by terrorists the more nationalist kashmiris of the area become.

Rifleman Aurangzeb Khan were martyred cowardly by porki pigs now more than 70% youth of his village serve in the Indian Army.

I have only seen BJP supporters mad in love for tricolour and I feel BJP workers feel proud getting killed with Tricolour in their hands.

But we should focus more on Kerala and West Bengal as I’m warning... one day these two states will become next Kashmir because of rise of Radical Jihadi and Communism cocktail and a BJP government anyhow in Kerala and WB is a must!

Underground Soldier

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Apr 6, 2020
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Nice joke.
He will be fathering child's like Lakhvi who became a father when he was in jail. BTW, do you guys know that Saeed in his 2nd marriage Married a Women 30 years younger than his age because his husband left him.
PS: the husband of women was a LET commander who left him for 72 hoors Courtesy Indian Army in Kashmir!!


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Feb 28, 2016
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He will be fathering child's like Lakhvi who became a father when he was in jail. BTW, do you guys know that Saeed in his 2nd marriage Married a Women 30 years younger than his age because his husband left him.
PS: the husband of women was a LET commander who left him for 72 hoors Courtesy Indian Army in Kashmir!!
You are sent to die to the kuffars, while your boss enjoys your young wife.


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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This i don't understand, you can see that when the truck was burning before any blast troops were already strolling relaxed near it which means they were confident that terrorists have been neutralised, if any of them pigs were alive they would have tried barging in with whatever they could to escape the fire and make an attempt in the last stride don't they?
Anyway, it's good that those pigs got roasted to death.
What happened is, after terrorists opened fire from inside trucks, forces lobbed a few molotoves to flush the terrorists out. Unfortunately, the truck instantly caught a massive fire, into which the terrorists either got immediately roasted or became unconscious.
It was an oopsie moment for forces as they realized the tangoes are already dead :hehe:
So they just did the courtesy of announcing, in case someone is still alive, sanitized the truck with few grenades, and pulled out the bodies.

Nice joke.
Pakistan is creating a show-off to escape FATF grey list, now that the Chinese puppet Biden has been elected.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
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Oct 14, 2020
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I feel it was a decoy, no terrorist would try to infiltrate through Jammu to Kashmir and there might be plans for another fidayeen attack.
The reason for my this statement is that Jammu has a Para Special Forces camp, a Rashtriya Rifles camp, Ghatak Platoons, a CRPF QAT Camp and a J&K Police Special Operation Group Post. Which means a total overkill. This is a decoy and I’m considering something big incoming. Maybe they can attack us on The anniversary of Surrender of Pak army coz I have noticed that pakis do fidayeen attack on/near to the date of a historical even which was bad for pakistan (Check dates of parliament, uri, pathankot, pulwama attacks etc, something bad had happened to pakistan by India historically on these dates).


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Jul 14, 2017
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Appears they were in a truck carrying a lot of 'asla'. Don't know if CG's were used or incendiary grenades were used and their 'asla' caught fire setting their gotas on fire thereby creating a real 'masla' for the hoors.

Can see four large explosions. Doesn't look like CG.

Added later - Could be CG too.
Not CG but probably Vidhwansak HE ammo. CG would have caused a bigger blast I am guessing.


New Member
Sep 7, 2015
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Nice joke.
These cases are not related to Mumbai!

And jail? Really? The extent of support that the Pakistan establishment handed out to Mumbai mastermind Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi is evident in the fact that during his stint in jail this horny jackass even managed to father a child. Sheeesh!

Hafiz Saeed is most likely an impotent sod but he will be given plenty of porn to see during his incarceration and probably some hoors for added effect, not in jail but while ensconced in a grand mansion of his choosing probably in salubrious Murree hills.

All this tamasha is to try and show the world how serious the Pakis are in their so-called fight against terror so they can get out of the FATF straitjacket.
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