India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

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Jan 1, 2013
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Indian Armed Forces is a big joke, period.
The Indian Army sees IAF as nothing more than a Close Air Support and air dominance Arm on the battlefield. The Airforce sees itself as a strategic force on the lines of the USAF and IsAF, designed to strike at the heart of the enemy and sees CAS as a loser's task to be avoided. The result.....Indian Combined arms philosophy...or lack thereof...


New Member
Jan 31, 2019

Coming up Big Turf War between Indian Army and IAF.....
In all honesty the IAF cheif gave the right answer.

What was the need to call them a support arm and worse compare them to the artillery and engineer brigades.

This is not the first time he has done this. He previously went around taunting the Navy too forcing them to make similar statements.

These people import the most and then they sit on a media conference to mock other branches.

Someone should have asked him the location of the cave where he was sleeping when the Chinese came knocking on our doors last year.

In the 21st century heck from ww2 itself it has been established that no army can hold their ground if they do not control the air.

As the CDS you can be mature and use proper terms instead of undermining your own members in uniform.

This is the reason why IAF and IN keep evading the integrated commands.

you need synergy and not dominance here.
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Tihar Jail
Feb 9, 2021
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I don't know how many billions of fucking dollars our super enlightened politicians & our godly bureaucrats put in Afghanistan overtly & covertly

But for those billions of dollars we could have had "atleast" 1 squadron of Rafale OR 6X AEWCS OR 750X howitzers OR 4x submarines

Any of the above things would have helped to create some actual deterrent asset on ground in long run

whatever else you put in Afghanistan has been flushed in the septic tank... we have been kicked out brutally & now a matter of months or from the next summer... be prepared for the droves of Afghan jihadis on LOC.

pata nahi inki gaand mein kaun sa keeda hai jo inko defence deals sign karne se rokta hai?
The Najibullah government survived for almost 3 years.. and was doing pretty well, until Soviet Union stopped funding and weapon support, as Soviet Union itself dissolved.. Its not an easy task for the Taliban to capture all major Urban population centers.. So, keep the faith.. and keep pushing weapons and money.. the longer Pakistan is busy with Afghanistan the better..
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धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
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Oct 14, 2020
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In all honesty the IAF cheif gave the right answer.

What was the need to call them a support arm and worse compare them to the artillery and engineer brigades.

This is not the first time he has done this. He previously went around taunting the Navy too forcing them to make similar statements.

These people import the most they do corruption the most and then they sit on a media conference to mock other branches.

Someone should have asked him the location of the cave where he was sleeping when the Chinese came knocking on our doors last year.

In the 21st century heck from ww2 itself it has been established that no army can hold their ground if they do not control the air.

As the CDS you can be mature and use proper terms instead of undermining your own members in uniform.

This is the reason why IAF and IN keep evading the integrated commands.

you need synergy and not dominance here.
General Bipin Rawat have been incompetent for the past 5+ years, this is nothing new, I am losing hope in this country where any one can occupy our land and keep it for years because modi will do a masterstroke and all will be changa si. You have been reeuced to India from Bharat and now being further reduced, we have no shame left, we are idiots and we should accept it.

Maharaj samudragupt

Kritant Parashu
Oct 9, 2020
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I predict a lot of chai, biscuits and samosa sales during the meetings to sort out the issues.
No problem, the sales ( of chai and not weapons) will add to our economic growth.
I studied in airforce school for few years .
Samosa was never in the canteen , but go to staff room , hehe lol carton bhar kr

Underground Soldier

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Apr 6, 2020
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In all honesty the IAF cheif gave the right answer.

What was the need to call them a support arm and worse compare them to the artillery and engineer brigades.

This is not the first time he has done this. He previously went around taunting the Navy too forcing them to make similar statements.

These people import the most and then they sit on a media conference to mock other beaches.

Someone should have asked him the location of the cave where he was sleeping when the Chinese came knocking on our doors last year.

In the 21st century heck from ww2 itself it has been established that no army can hold their ground if they do not control the air.

As the CDS you can be mature and use proper terms instead of undermining your own members in uniform.

This is the reason why IAF and IN keep evading the integrated commands.

you need synergy and not dominance here.
CDS Rawat is someone who will be remembered more for his words rather than for his actions. He always needs limelight and makes statements to be in limelight.

Maharaj samudragupt

Kritant Parashu
Oct 9, 2020
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In all honesty the IAF cheif gave the right answer.

What was the need to call them a support arm and worse compare them to the artillery and engineer brigades.

This is not the first time he has done this. He previously went around taunting the Navy too forcing them to make similar statements.

These people import the most and then they sit on a media conference to mock other branches.

Someone should have asked him the location of the cave where he was sleeping when the Chinese came knocking on our doors last year.

In the 21st century heck from ww2 itself it has been established that no army can hold their ground if they do not control the air.

As the CDS you can be mature and use proper terms instead of undermining your own members in uniform.

This is the reason why IAF and IN keep evading the integrated commands.

you need synergy and not dominance here.
Let the new CDS be from any other branch , dekhna wo bhi yahi karega.

Lost user

Tihar Jail
Feb 9, 2021
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In all honesty the IAF cheif gave the right answer.

What was the need to call them a support arm and worse compare them to the artillery and engineer brigades.

This is not the first time he has done this. He previously went around taunting the Navy too forcing them to make similar statements.

These people import the most and then they sit on a media conference to mock other branches.

Someone should have asked him the location of the cave where he was sleeping when the Chinese came knocking on our doors last year.

In the 21st century heck from ww2 itself it has been established that no army can hold their ground if they do not control the air.

As the CDS you can be mature and use proper terms instead of undermining your own members in uniform.

This is the reason why IAF and IN keep evading the integrated commands.

you need synergy and not dominance here.
For expeditionary operations.. In the initial days of war, it is often the case, that the Air Force is the most important arm..
In a defensive war, the responsibilities would be more balanced.. But, this is insane from Bipin Rawat..


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
The main issue here is of mutual respect.

You have been awarded such a prestigious position the first of it's kind infact. You have been presented with a opportunity to finally modernize the armed forces of our country to make them stand toe to toe with the best out there.

Instead you throw all this away and engage in petty rivalry.

As the CDS you are supposed to move above all this and look at the larger picture w.r.t our country and our region.


Tihar Jail
Jun 20, 2021
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Indians need to get this through their head that we don't give a flying fuck about afghanis they are also jehadis just like porkies , except they are on our side, we need to make sure afghanistan remains unstable and no one power can emerge as a clear ruling entity so that we can continue to use that place to fuck porkies whenever we want , any money or investment is just that a means to and end.

this is a game of chess , moves and counter moves as long as we can keep Afghanistan unstable and keep launching attacks in porkistan it's all kosher.

its good we are talking with taliban also , we need to understand talibans are not some civilisational power who builds institutions or empires , its nothing but a bunch of rag tag militias there will always be some factions who can be bought and made to fight porkistan , so it's good that at least that option is also being looked at.
Yeah right, We really don't give a fuck to afghanis, they are like what Porkistan is to Chyna. :troll:
We are using Afghan and Baloch Rebel groups against Porkistan.


Tihar Jail
Jun 20, 2021
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General Bipin Rawat have been incompetent for the past 5+ years, this is nothing new, I am losing hope in this country where any one can occupy our land and keep it for years because modi will do a masterstroke and all will be changa si. You have been reeuced to India from Bharat and now being further reduced, we have no shame left, we are idiots and we should accept it.
Atleast our intel agencies are aiming for long term effects. You know, what I am trying to say :cool3:
We ain't like ISI who only relies on bombing :troll:
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