India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

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New Member
Sep 26, 2020
I said central Asia and others and even Iran could be drawn in one way or another because if such a major war breaks out all the crops fails all the nations in central Asia will be forced
Sir, even Pakis don't believe for a sec if you tell them they have enough clout in C.Asia to lobby their stance in case of an all out war with India.

by the way central Asia is not with Russkies as you put it they are in the Turkic council which is there own block and they will react
You are seriously underestimating Russian influence in CIS & CSTO states.

Bangladesh will also react one way or another
Them reacting or not wouldn't help Pak in any possible manner.

Pakistan and allies will attempt to completely destroy the Indian army and attempt to seize all of India as a consequence
Pak has no allies here. Except rhetoric from Turkey & Co- the usual ass#@les. Only one who can save em are Chinis, but we will finish the game before Chinis make a move.

India has immense strategic depth, a robust nuke triad and a fifth of entire humanity with strong desire to survive at any odds.


New Member
May 20, 2021
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Bangladesh will also react one way or another because such massive war will splid into it's borders engulfing the entire region.
There you write long posts just to give a false impression that you are intelligent.

When Bangladesh is surrounded all sides by India do you really think that it will try to do any mischeivous blunder?

Did you ever seen a map or a big round blue thing called globe?


New Member
May 31, 2020
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When NIA, NSG fails to find Drone debris, who is called in? Our DP

Aab pakka milega...
clueless as usual .

the drones dropped the IED and went back to where ever they came from .

since there is zero evidence of any kind that drones came from across border , any kind of military action seems less likely .

also trishul - blog - guy has an interesting theory

that the drones are agriculture drones for spraying pesticide , brought / smugged into india , launched from india itself , recovered by operator so no debris, shaped IED implies pakistani establishment involvement since kashmiris terrorists wont have the necessary know how

If it is true that in addition to the two back-to-back explosions, which occurred at 1.37am and 1.42am, there were two additional drones—one launched from Ratnuchak (north of Jammu AFS) and another from Kaluchak (to the southeast)—that were shot at from the ground and therefore they had to withdraw without dropping their IEDs, then this could only mean that the controllers of those drones could hear the sounds of groundfire (not possible if the controllers were Pakistan-based) and consequently the controllers were within the urban areas of Jammu and they wanted to prevent any physical damage to the drones, probably for the sake of using them again in future.

all in all very interesting times ahead.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
Result of meeting

Basically spend more money to buy more systems.



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Sep 10, 2020
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New Member
May 20, 2021
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When NIA, NSG fails to find Drone debris, who is called in? Our DP

Aab pakka milega...
DP and its Special Cell are capable when they come to their Aukaat but now seems to be going through lean phase.

It was DP who caught 2001 Indian Parliament attack perpetrators within 2 days.

Del horno

Tihar Jail
May 22, 2021
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Pakistan neither have any geolocation or geopolitical advantage. You are snorting too much cocaine nowdays.

What geolocation advantage it will have if Indian Navy put a naval blockade in the Arabian sea?

Nukes are for deterrence and not for launching on each other. Keep that in mind.
Naval blockade is not realistic without full conflict

Del horno

Tihar Jail
May 22, 2021
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There you write long posts just to give a false impression that you are intelligent.

When Bangladesh is surrounded all sides by India do you really think that it will try to do any mischeivous blunder?

Did you ever seen a map or a big round blue thing called globe?
It is because you don't factor in what happens when major incident A happens in one location and what will locations B, C, D and the rest of world do? Anyone who thinks it will not engulf the entire region is not a smart tactician or someone whos in line with reality.

Lets assume a Nuclear war was to happen? The world order will fall this will engulf the entire region within days.. It is a major event and they tend to do that.


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Jun 20, 2020
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Welp, thread is racing as always. I recently finished this video. And I am surprised that people didn't talk much about the blatant whitewash of amerisharts in the video.

So basically, it is clear as broad daylight that amerishart knew about David Headley, he was their spy and CIA was directly or indirectly involved in the 26/11 attack, you can also say that they indirectly aided in the attack. I also think that the pretext of David Headely being arrested for planning 26/11 type attack in Europe is just a lie by amerisharts to ensure that they keep him inside the US jail out of the reach of Indian intelligence, investigation teams...tbh that would be the best way to protect their asset without compromising their meme agenda of 'war on terror'. They only allowed very controlled video call related sort of Q&A between headley and Indian agencies.

Also, not just CIA, what were our agencies doing? Headley has been staying in Pakistan, one of the guys with direct links to LeT, had an American passport, how come our agencies were in dark for so long about such person? He operated in India, stayed in India and left India undetected.

Anyway, that's just one point second thing being....i am glad that ezsasa brought this up, this whole narcotics angle and colusion between CIA and ISI pimps. It's very much possible or tbh it's almost truth that American war on terror is meme, this whole Afghan war was a cover up to hide their narcotics business. It's a billions of dollars of worth business which provided huge sums of money and control in the criminal world which agencies like CIA leverage in places like South America, Latin America, even ghettos of EU through immigrants and Africa so on. It's a whole empire which is being controlled and proly being operated under the guidance of likes of CIA and likes of Headley were just one of the guys handling it.
ISI is just another pimp that ensures that this business runs smoothly and in return they get their cut. Now this brings up the question about Taliban? Are they really the bad guys here? If there's whole narcotics business which is being run by likes of CIA and aided by ISI then what is taliban doing? There are reports of Taliban being against this but there are counter reports of taliban using the money from narcotics to run their militia groups but when you think about it, it all starts to make sense. Either Taliban is just a boogeyman one group of which is being used by likes of ISI and the other group is indirectly being shown as the one who are fighting against the USA and regressive beasts aka western propaganda aiding to that meme. Idea was to stretch the stay of USA for as long as they could, let them have the control but somehow now they are failing to control one of their own creation of Taliban. Tbh I am not sure what is going on here but I refuse to accept that 'Taliban bad' part and there's 100% CIA operation going on which is providing them enough leverage to control the drugs, everything which gives them leverage from politicians, actors to criminals all over latin America, south America, unlimited power.

So, why USA now decided to leave Afghanistan and leave such source of power and black money which is unaccounted for? Is this the ongoing discussion with Taliban and Pakistan all about this then? Why involve India in all of this? Does that mean we have some leverage there too? If there's such angle like narcotics then it's not out of question that we would have knowledge about it considering now even Taliban wants to talk to us.

Anyway, this post is not meant to provide any direct answers, just some queries, confusion I had nothing else.

Lost user

Tihar Jail
Feb 9, 2021
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Need of the hour is to strike them with open chest in public view. On balakot, they extracted the benefit of doubt raised by our own jaichand's . Navy have been sitting silent for too long IMO ...
Hope IAF craters a house/ base next time, so that no one needs to run around trying to prove the IAF has indeed hit its mark..


New Member
Jun 20, 2020
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Also, about the recent drone attack, i think it's fine it was enough to give a wake up call without much damage, recently saw that we had atleast 3 indigenous solutions to the drone problem along with the Israeli one which is being procured. Proly all this will pave a way for induction of sorts.

But this drone problem is interesting overall, these are small but very effective when used in non-conventional ways, now I am not an army guy and I am just a noob but was wondering what happens if say China uses such unconventional drones in a conventional war, let's say small 1967 type skirmish where they deploy say 1000+ such drones, it can overwhelm an entire army in the region. So that brings us to the question that now, army has to actively account for such things too, maybe some jammers, EMP blasting devices or so on will be needed....i hope our guys are looking at such scenarios tool.


New Member
May 20, 2021
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It is because you don't factor in what happens when major incident A happens in one location and what will locations B, C, D and the rest of world do? Anyone who thinks it will not engulf the entire region is not a smart tactician or someone whos in line with reality.

Lets assume a Nuclear war was to happen? The world order will fall this will engulf the entire region within days.. It is a major event and they tend to do that.
No "nuclear war" is going to happen.

Nukes are 2nd World War technology.

World has moved on and nature of warfare is changing drastically with each passing year.

So please come down the Nuclear War bandwagon.


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
There you write long posts just to give a false impression that you are intelligent.

When Bangladesh is surrounded all sides by India do you really think that it will try to do any mischeivous blunder?

Did you ever seen a map or a big round blue thing called globe?
More likely TMC as an extension will act on their behalf lol

Lost user

Tihar Jail
Feb 9, 2021
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This and to be fairly honest this forum is detached from the reality.

1. There can't be any limited war against Pakistan period (Only all out war) In that incident Pakistan will attempt to take all of India and India will try the same vice versa

2. The war will expand to Central Asia and what lays behind Pakistan will stream to it's assistance

3. Nuclear will be used and it will be severe warfare unlike anything the posters could even imagine and there will be nuclear winter failure of crops things will get harsh and it will turn into a very harsh conflict.

4. Anyone who thinks they can beat Pakistan blinded is an idiot without taking into consideration the regional players Central Asia, Bangladesh etc etc..

If I had to pick someone as the favourite at gun-point I would say Pakistan due to geo-political advantage and having a large unseen reservers.. It will be WW3 period there can't be any conflict between India and Pakistan without it being all out war and without it becoming a World war
India taking over whole of Pakistan.. and Pakistan trying to take whole of India..
It's Tuesday dude .. lighten up.. India has 2 weeks worth of ammo.. and Pakistan 4 to 5 days of ammo.. World War, Nuclear winter.. seriously.. Do you really think that the pansies in the west who avoid mass casualty wars ( own military casualties) like the plague.. or even China, get into a serious war between 2 third world countries.. Atmost, US and China would take part in token skirmishes..
Also , nuclear winter .. please.. I have read those articles talking about nuclear winters. They are written mainly to garner eye balls..
like in the below articles saying Indo pak nuclear exchange would set off fires releasing 5 million tons of ash into atmosphere.. causing world temperatures to drop by 1.5 degree centigrade... Really,..? The Mt. St. Helen's Volcanic eruption released 540 million tons of ash within 9 hours of its eruption in 1980.. and it only caused a 0.1 degree centigrade drop in temperature..
Also, let me remind you... India took Goa by force... NATO did nothing.. India cut Pakistan in half in 1971.. and it's CEATO partner US and UK .. apart from showing off naval vessels in Bay of Bengal.. and issuing threats did zilch..



New Member
Aug 29, 2020
India taking over whole of Pakistan.. and Pakistan trying to take whole of India..
It's Tuesday dude .. lighten up.. India has 2 weeks worth of ammo.. and Pakistan 4 to 5 days of ammo.. World War, Nuclear winter.. seriously.. Do you really think that the pansies in the west who avoid mass casualty wars ( own military casualties) like the plague.. or even China, get into a serious war between 2 third world countries.. Atmost, US and China would take part in token skirmishes..
Also , nuclear winter .. please.. I have read those articles talking about nuclear winters. They are written mainly to garner eye balls..
like in the below articles saying Indo pak nuclear exchange would set off fires releasing 5 million tons of ash into atmosphere.. causing world temperatures to drop by 1.5 degree centigrade... Really,..? The Mt. St. Helen's Volcanic eruption released 540 million tons of ash within 9 hours of its eruption in 1980.. and it only caused a 0.1 degree centigrade drop in temperature..
Also, let me remind you... India took Goa by force... NATO did nothing.. India cut Bangladesh in half.. and it's CEATO partner US and UK .. apart from showing off naval vessels in Bay of Bengal.. and issuing threats did zilch..

More likely Porkies will nuke themselves....god knows who controls their dirty bombs
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