That has a lot to do with the academic ecosystem's reward and punishment practices. Agree with them- rewards in the form of scholarship, funding for your 'research' work, job offer, yada yada. Disagree with them- and ideological untouchability gets unleashed onto you, no invitations to the big table, no identity, possible blemishes of "racism" etc.
The US-centric ecosystem has stayed pretty much unchallenged in this regard. Even the rising No.2 superpower Chongs have also not been able to crack that code anywhere close to what the US has- primarily due to cultural and political system differences (a few paid propaganda articles on how great the Middle Kingdom is a different issue). That Ganga of an alternative ecosystem will demand only Indian Bhagiraths to rise - due to English language popularity, presence of an alternative viewpoint(EU, Brits are just followers, S.Americas is neutered, Africa is yet to arrive at the scene, Ruskies don't believe in dialogues and Penguins can't talk) and the economic and military might in the future. Unless a reward and punishment system(called as 'conditioning' in academic circles) isn't present, they won't say what you want them to.