I'll explain in simple points.
Something's affected key factors of the very existence of Kashmiri Muzz in the last four decades tremendously.
They are as follows-
1) Kashmiri TFR- Incredible drop in their total fertility rate to the point where their rural TFR is far less than the average urban TFR of India.
2) Drug usage- Incredibly high drug usage as well as mortality rates from it in Srinagar as well as rural areas.
3) MINO- I like to call them the "Muslims in name only". The women date Hindu men, the men date Hindu women, elope, marry, fuck, whatever, use drugs, drink alcohol if studying or working in another state then pretend play "Muh asslamic purity". When push comes to shove, this crowd won't be getting their jihad on.
They'll be running for greener pastures or collaborate with the Indian state.
4) Sectarian divide- The society is fragmented to a certain point but not quite to the point where Shias kill Sunnis and vice versa just yet. If a Saudi-Iran war happens though, expect some sectarian militias and gangs killing each other while we merely watch exhilarated.
Whatever has affected all these so terribly effectively (I know it sounds simple to do but the execution has just felt accidental and not intentional to me) has severely restricted the ability of Kashmiris to fight against the Indian state, and it's only going to get worse from here. This is what I mean (and I say this somewhat in jest) when I say "we're truly the master race". The decline of Kashmiris has been so natural yet so uncharacteristic and lackluster, we might as well be delving into conspiracy theory territory when we claim the Indian state did it in a planned manner.
If the government artificially lowers the price of property there for a limited period of time (they can easily do that), ethnic Kashmiris will be a minority in Kashmir by 2050.
I wanted to say "Shithole" but out of respect for the beautiful dearest Himalayas and their religious significance, I won't.