India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)

Op Kahuta

Tihar Jail
Nov 10, 2021
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Who handles RM twitter account..? "Later learnt that Missile landed in Pakistan"..
What does that even mean.. That India could not track Brahmos ? Or is it some Diwali fire cracker to fire and forget.. :facepalm:

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Arre chutiya bna rhe hai hmlog porkis aur puri duniya ko :pound: He is just selling them the "accidental" story with cunning words so that if there is retaliation from pak in future we can call it illegitimate and reply with devastating attacks cuz our statement categorically mentions it was an accidental firing and this "later learnt" is them selling it successfully that it was indeed a technical malfunction. You really think our radars out of all things would malfunction when it only entered pak airspace and not when it traveled for 2min in our territory?
To me it seems that our govt has just set up a successful pretext to launch an attack on pok if pak in any way retaliates


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Jun 18, 2020
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Arre chutiya bna rhe hai hmlog porkis aur puri duniya ko :pound: He is just selling them the "accidental" story with cunning words so that if there is retaliation from pak in future we can call it illegitimate cuz our statement categorically mentions it was an accidental firing and this "later learnt" is them selling it successfully that it was indeed a technical malfunction. You really think our radars out of all things would malfunction when it only entered pak airspace and not when it traveled for 2min in our territory?


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Aug 23, 2017
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Dec 11, 2020

Dark Sorrow

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Mar 24, 2009
Hacked my ass. The GPS of the missile is airgapped and the only thing that it's connected to is the C2 of the base controlling and monitoring the missile and maybe our satellites. The only way they can hack the missile is someone physically breaking the airgap by inserting an infected pen drive or raspberry for eg into one of our systems in the base. It's like so close to impossible that the inbreds might as well have tried to shoot down brahmos(and failed miserably regardless:rofl:). Hacking our satellite remotely is also nigh impossible considering the fact that they too are airgapped and need someone to physically break into our satellite base and hack the system from there which is also a pipe dream for these chadarmod considering they don't even have a good cyber defense against our apt groups let alone offensive cyberweapons :pound:
I don't buy in Pakistani claim of Brahmos being hacked but a lot of you mention is not how things works.

A GPS spoofing attack attempts to deceive a GPS receiver by broadcasting fake GPS signals, structured to resemble a set of normal GPS signals, or by rebroadcasting genuine signals captured elsewhere or at a different time. These spoofed signals may be modified in such a way as to cause the receiver to estimate its position to be somewhere other than where it actually is, or to be located where it is but at a different time, as determined by the attacker. You don't need access to enemy's guidance computer. Iran did manage to capture a U.S. RQ-170 UAV using GPS spoofing attack.

Missiles are not general purpose computer to have capabilities to connect any pen drives or raspberry pi. These are application specific embedded computers and have only limited communication interface ports. You need to reprogram guidance computer or mission computer if you want to add any nefarious code. For this you need physical access of missile.

Missiles (including Brahmos) are not air-gaped. They have RF-communication channel for mid-course corrections and to relay missile conditions/health to command station.


New Member
Jun 18, 2020
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I don't buy in Pakistani claim of Brahmos being hacked but a lot of you mention is not how things works.

A GPS spoofing attack attempts to deceive a GPS receiver by broadcasting fake GPS signals, structured to resemble a set of normal GPS signals, or by rebroadcasting genuine signals captured elsewhere or at a different time. These spoofed signals may be modified in such a way as to cause the receiver to estimate its position to be somewhere other than where it actually is, or to be located where it is but at a different time, as determined by the attacker. You don't need access to enemy's guidance computer. Iran did manage to capture a U.S. RQ-170 UAV using GPS spoofing attack.
While, I do agree that "false" GPS information can be injected midway to misguide a missile, I am pretty sure that there are systems in place to prevent communication between GPS receiver and the satellite from being disrupted or corrupted. How about putting a mechanism that it takes GPS info only from a "trusted' source secured via encryption and hashing algorithm of communication between the receiver and the broadcaster? Sorry, if I don't sound intelligent.


New Member
May 8, 2019
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Hacked my ass. The GPS of the missile is airgapped and the only thing that it's connected to is the C2 of the base controlling and monitoring the missile and maybe our satellites. The only way they can hack the missile is someone physically breaking the airgap by inserting an infected pen drive or raspberry for eg into one of our systems in the base. It's like so close to impossible that the inbreds might as well have tried to shoot down brahmos(and failed miserably regardless:rofl:). Hacking our satellite remotely is also nigh impossible considering the fact that they too are airgapped and need someone to physically break into our satellite base and hack the system from there which is also a pipe dream for these chadarmod considering they don't even have a good cyber defense against our apt groups let alone offensive cyberweapons :pound:
I understand your anger. Kindly break your statements into digestable form. Thank You.

Dark Sorrow

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Mar 24, 2009
While, I do agree that "false" GPS information can be injected midway to misguide a missile, I am pretty sure that there are systems in place to prevent communication between GPS receiver and the satellite from being disrupted or corrupted. How about putting a mechanism that it takes GPS info only from a "trusted' source secured via encryption and hashing algorithm of communication between the receiver and the broadcaster? Sorry, if I don't sound intelligent.
Military grade GPS signals are encrypted. However no encryption is 100% secure. Eventually every encryption can be broken. The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type any given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare.
Hacking is bit more sophisticated than that and their are dedicated departments in government to handle this.

How do you define trusted source, how to handle move-over from one trusted source to another trusted source and how will you authenticate these trusted source? Any such authentication can be fabricated.

No system is 100% secure. You just make life difficult for the hacker by good security practices.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Op Kahuta

Tihar Jail
Nov 10, 2021
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I don't buy in Pakistani claim of Brahmos being hacked but a lot of you mention is not how things works.

A GPS spoofing attack attempts to deceive a GPS receiver by broadcasting fake GPS signals, structured to resemble a set of normal GPS signals, or by rebroadcasting genuine signals captured elsewhere or at a different time. These spoofed signals may be modified in such a way as to cause the receiver to estimate its position to be somewhere other than where it actually is, or to be located where it is but at a different time, as determined by the attacker. You don't need access to enemy's guidance computer. Iran did manage to capture a U.S. RQ-170 UAV using GPS spoofing attack.

Missiles are not general purpose computer to have capabilities to connect any pen drives or raspberry pi. These are application specific embedded computers and have only limited communication interface ports. You need to reprogram guidance computer or mission computer if you want to add any nefarious code. For this you need physical access of missile.

Missiles (including Brahmos) are not air-gaped. They have RF-communication channel for mid-course corrections and to relay missile conditions/health to command station.
Bro I think you confused my point with the airgap. Airgap is when systems aren't connect to an outside network or the internet. I know in missiles there is no jack to insert a pen drive or raspberry but what I was saying was this:
physically breaking the airgap by inserting an infected pen drive or raspberry for eg into one of our systems in the base.
Hope my point is clear now. As for gps spoofing attack, there are no. of protections being used by receivers to distinguish b/w spoofed and legit satellite signals. Militaries worldwide use quite advanced spoofing protections like the AIMplus using algos to flag spoofed signals. The main characteristic feature of a spoofed signal is that it's stronger than a legit signal so that way you can prevent spoofing attacks. Also it's obvious ISRO would have built spoofing mitigation techniques in our satellites.

