India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


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Jun 17, 2009
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Yes that is right, All these are R-77 Missiles only at the End of the Day. It's just that they have Different Designations given to them like:

-RVV-AE: 80 kilometres (50 mi)
-R-77-1, RVV-SD: 110 kilometres (68 mi)
-R-77M: 193 kilometres (120 mi)

Russian Air to Air Missiles proved to be a Dud that day against Pakistan. We should have Acquired longer range BVRs before this whole Fiasco of 27th February.

Hope IAF has learnt it lessons or it will take another 27th February to learn their lessons.
IAF Su 30 MKI avoided the engagement on that day, R77 is a potent missile. PAF did not cross the LAC.

Super Flanker

Aviation and Defence Enthusiast
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Nov 9, 2021
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IAF avoided the engagement on that day, R77 is a potent missile. PAF did not cross the LAC.
So what? By the way is there an Agreement between Both india and Pakistan that they will not fire at Each other's jets unless they enter each other's Airspace?
Sep 5, 2020
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Agreed , these forces are no less than their regulars since they are trained , funded and equipped by ISI and pak army
the dead Pork’s family is paid pensions right from their Pizza Army’s funds. They are all trained by Porki army officers and the super shitty group. They carry identity cards printed in their Army’s printing presses. For getting barbecued, they are praised in songs of valor made by the Aye Yes Pee Arr production company. So why are we not saying it as it really is - pizza army’s LeT batallion, JeM batallion etc.? And in our Army’s press conference, our Army should state that they eliminated mercenaries of Porki Army. And throw the dead bodies over the LoC. Once taken up arms against the Indian state, why are these porks still recognized as Indian citizens? Just tell their families that if they want their dead son’s body, go ask the pork Army’s LeT batallion commander. End of story.

Super Flanker

Aviation and Defence Enthusiast
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Nov 9, 2021
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Let's organise a Langar than, may be some biriyani can also be distributed under the tents right above public roads.
Langar? Tents? What? What are you trying to say buddy? Like Seriously? I have not understood anything that you have written in this post of yours.

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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Two Front War in India

Hitler fought a two front war and lost it. There are many other examples of two front war losses. It is highly unusual to have a war on two fronts and emerge victorious. India has two front war scenarios or at least the threat of it. Over the last five years, knowing that this type of war is possible, India started building allies and alliances, but there were promises, but not a final alliance.

When the US and Briton moved their navies in 1971 against India to prevent the Indian quick victory in Bangladesh, it was the Soviet fleet both in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea which intervened and forced both US & British fleets away. The then Soviet Union provided a good account of an ally, after India and Soviets initialed the Indo-Soviet 20 years security pact in 1971.

Things are different now than they were in 1971. Although the Chinese at the behest of President Nixon in 1971 played a bit of a dubious role, but overall they stayed on the sidelines. Now the Chinese are on the Pakistani side. They have lent them tons of money and are testing their third rate military hardware in Pakistani hands (missiles, Jf-17, J-10C, Submarines, Frigates, tube artillery & other hardware). It is possible that for certain questionable Pakistani activities, clouds of war could gather over South Asia again. Now, the script is that the Chinese will be 100 percent on the Pakistan side.

If the situation is reversed and the Chinese militarily attack India, then the Pakistanis will also be on the Chinese side and move their military to Kashmir to seize it. It is this scenario which sends shivers through the Indian establishment. India will have difficulty defending itself from both. The best thing India could do is to fight, defensive battles to contain the aggressions.

Under this scenario, India has signed three communication agreements with the US. Also the QUAD is a major pact/alliance which India would like to have. The QUAD can contain both the Pakistani and the Chinese ambitions with no regrets. Pakistanis could be hard pressed not to listen to US. Elsewhere, Chinese is already listening to the US by not invading Taiwan.

The Himalayas are a major advantage in stopping any wide-ranging Chinese invasion. The main advantage is that a full-scale war in winter 6 months is impossible. In that period, the Pakistanis will be hard pressed to start a losing war with India.

A summer war scenario is something where India needs allies. US falls in that category very well. Somehow US displeasure with India is a bit obtuse. US objection to the purchase of S-400 is a lot more political than a military procurement issue. US did not have a comparable hardware for India to buy.

Hence the alliance building for two front threat is still progressing, but not final yet.
wo Front War in India

Super Flanker

Aviation and Defence Enthusiast
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Nov 9, 2021
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which agreement ?
I said "is there any type of agreement between india and Pakistan which states that Airforces of both Countries will not fire at Each other's jets unless they enter each other's Airspace?" Hope you understood now what I am trying to say.

Angel of War

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Nov 14, 2021
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Tweet by MeghUpdates:
Pakistan: The Statue of Great Sikh General Hari Singh Nalwa removed from Haripur and square renamed as Saddique Akbar Chowk.
Hari Singh Nalwa was a great General who expanded the boundaries of the sikh empire to peshawar . My family has a history of assisiting his forces against the durranis . As far as our family records tell us , one of my ancestors Sardar Chokas Singh Katal was a affluential owner of two villages in Shakargarh and large tracts of land near Tawi . He assembled an army of some 1,000 infantrymen with his brothers to assist Hari singh Nalwa's army against the afghans

Angel of War

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Nov 14, 2021
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I said "is there any type of agreement between india and Pakistan which states that Airforces of both Countries will not fire at Each other's jets unless they enter each other's Airspace?" Hope you understood now what I am trying to say.
Oh , i must have misinterpreted your statement . My bad there mate

Super Flanker

Aviation and Defence Enthusiast
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Nov 9, 2021
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Hari Singh Nalwa was a great General who expanded the boundaries of the sikh empire to peshawar . My family has a history of assisiting his forces against the durranis . As far as our family records tell us , one of my ancestors Sardar Chokas Singh Katal was a affluential owner of two villages in Shakargarh and large tracts of land near Tawi . He assembled an army of some 1,000 infantrymen with his brothers to assist Hari singh Nalwa's army against the afghans
Sad to see the Statue of Such a great person be removed from Haripur Square and be replaced by the statue of some guy Called Saddique Akbar Chowk. By the way thank you for sharing a bit of history from your side.

Super Flanker

Aviation and Defence Enthusiast
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Nov 9, 2021
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Most likely a deal was cut… in return for Abhi, no retaliation. Abha’s capture put the brakes on our counter attack. I have a feeling that top officials of IAF chickened out as Abhi was someone close to a lot of top leaders including BSD and probably took it personally. Note how Abhi was awarded several prizes. Abhi’s family is upper class in race, and is deeply entrenched in IAF and is part of the inner circle of government. If this was some other pilot not known to IAF top bosses or not much of history within IAF, there would have been retaliation. But favoritism, racism and corruption have always been part of IAF just like with most government agencies. But this time it went to a point as to affect the national security posture. And this is a major problem. Our armed forces are only pseudo professional, when it comes to people recruiting and management. All military watchers know this very well that officers’ recruiting in IAF (and Air India) tends to favor upper class races of India. This is because of the practice of upper class folks sucking up to the Bris to be employed as clerks and officers in colonial times - a practice that has formed such a well entrenched fort that India’s general people of merit find it hard to break down these walls to become part of the armed forces professional cadre. This could also be because upper class races are generally well trained in their areas compared to general classes, as the upper class races have always had access to preferential resources. One look at the Indian cricket team and you will see that the upper class people are dominant - most likely because of access to resources, money, education, exposure, connections etc.
But the problem is passion and ability to take risks. In military, tough decisions have to be taken when it comes to war for which we need people like Sam ManeckShaw or JFR Jacob who went against Indira Gandhi’s advise and took the battle to liberate Bangladesh. The problem with upper class folks is they have always worked as clerks, scribes, scholars and were risk free and did not really fight wars in old kings and queens’ armies. They were court intellectual. But favoritism means these very same people with a risk free behavior who always bank on diplomacy and intellectual debates get to become leaders of our armed forces, bureaucracy etc. When the officials are so much risk free (MMS after the horrible Mumbai massacre) every single action is going to get discussed to death and brave actions become impossible or shut down. If a highly educated upper class person was India’s PM now, instead of a gutsy and a bit rough Narendra Modi, you can bet your asses that there wouldn’t have been any retaliation post pulwama or uri.
This non-meritorious approach is a major problem in our country. It always was - it has affected IAS and other civil services bureaucracy for a long time. But it is now affecting our national security. And needs to be rectified asap. Appoint gutsy leaders to take charge of armed forces - people with a passion to fight and make bold moves. This is how the US , Chinese and Russian armies are built. Top officials are risk takers, fighters on the ground and not intellectual scholars.
Mate I am not gonna reply to all of this but do you know the Infamous line: "Pair Kamph rahe the, Pasine Mathe pe the" .You can Ask Bajwa about this ,if you were in the parliament of Bajwa saw below his table ,you would see him pissing his pants.

Do Ask Bajwa who was going to come and attack at 9:00 if Wing Commander Abhinandan was not left in one piece.


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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Most likely a deal was cut… in return for Abhi, no retaliation. Abha’s capture put the brakes on our counter attack. I have a feeling that top officials of IAF chickened out as Abhi was someone close to a lot of top leaders including BSD and probably took it personally. Note how Abhi was awarded several prizes. Abhi’s family is upper class in race, and is deeply entrenched in IAF and is part of the inner circle of government. If this was some other pilot not known to IAF top bosses or not much of history within IAF, there would have been retaliation. But favoritism, racism and corruption have always been part of IAF just like with most government agencies. But this time it went to a point as to affect the national security posture. And this is a major problem. Our armed forces are only pseudo professional, when it comes to people recruiting and management. All military watchers know this very well that officers’ recruiting in IAF (and Air India) tends to favor upper class races of India. This is because of the practice of upper class folks sucking up to the Bris to be employed as clerks and officers in colonial times - a practice that has formed such a well entrenched fort that India’s general people of merit find it hard to break down these walls to become part of the armed forces professional cadre. This could also be because upper class races are generally well trained in their areas compared to general classes, as the upper class races have always had access to preferential resources. One look at the Indian cricket team and you will see that the upper class people are dominant - most likely because of access to resources, money, education, exposure, connections etc.
But the problem is passion and ability to take risks. In military, tough decisions have to be taken when it comes to war for which we need people like Sam ManeckShaw or JFR Jacob who went against Indira Gandhi’s advise and took the battle to liberate Bangladesh. The problem with upper class folks is they have always worked as clerks, scribes, scholars and were risk free and did not really fight wars in old kings and queens’ armies. They were court intellectual. But favoritism means these very same people with a risk free behavior who always bank on diplomacy and intellectual debates get to become leaders of our armed forces, bureaucracy etc. When the officials are so much risk free (MMS after the horrible Mumbai massacre) every single action is going to get discussed to death and brave actions become impossible or shut down. If a highly educated upper class person was India’s PM now, instead of a gutsy and a bit rough Narendra Modi, you can bet your asses that there wouldn’t have been any retaliation post pulwama or uri.
This non-meritorious approach is a major problem in our country. It always was - it has affected IAS and other civil services bureaucracy for a long time. But it is now affecting our national security. And needs to be rectified asap. Appoint gutsy leaders to take charge of armed forces - people with a passion to fight and make bold moves. This is how the US , Chinese and Russian armies are built. Top officials are risk takers, fighters on the ground and not intellectual scholars.


Really, everything you wrote seems to be a wet-dream of a Pakistani mujahideen dreaming of fighting Hindutva upper-caste patriachy and establish Islam through Gazwa-e-Hind. This does not even warrant a proper reply.