How many such madrasas are in india?
All of those because you see every Indian sunni is directly or indirectly a slave of aurangzeb. All protestations to the contrary are deceptions and fatawa alamgiri commands a place next only to shariat. The foremost doctrine that governs the life of mooslams of the sub-continent is not the foundational text of the shariat or the alkitab but that of the fatwa alamgiri, which was got compiled by aurangzeb under naqshbandi scholars – sheikh nizam burhanpuri, and shah abdul rahim (father of shah waliullah same coomer who invited afghanistanifags to declare war on Bharat). Surprisingly, this text is only in urdu and is not available in any Indian language.
This degree of Taliban-esque feel, none.
Since smsll fries down south produced wannabe ISIS & since up north are involved in jihad, but overall our homegrown Islamic terrorism (outside Kash) has been minimal in this millennium.
I agree with your argument nevertheless India’s age-old tradition of PURVAPAKSHA calls for rigorous analytical deconstruction of opponents with clarity and objectivity. But India’s cucksgress failed
to do this and took the easy roads to quick-fixes and such zigzag approach has been dearly costly. We however do see a change in this approach especially post 2014.
‘Anything that pleases Hindus is kufr’ – ahmad raza barelvi, founder of the barelvi sect, which forms 80% of sunnilolis in India, and 70% of porkystani slaves.
Pay attention to the mooslame behaviour pre and post 1947ad and you will find there has been no difference.The best example from recent times you can have is the anti- CAA agitation which was the most fraudlent protest of the world supported by all sunni mooslames which was the culmination of what was a reaction riding on a felt emotion among the mooslame high clerics of a loss of islameic veto on national issues such as nullification of Art. 370 and abolition of triple talaq, along with a failure to influence the judiciary into delaying a verdict on the PRABHU SHRI RAM Mandir.