India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)

Apr 28, 2023
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How many Albanians have been found in Islamist terror organizations? Al Qaida, ISIS, Boko Haram have members from ME to Africa. Whatever crimes you have mentioned are done in almost every country. Female trafficking is not really unique to Albanians or for that matter any other crime. My post was more about absence of Islamic fundamentalism and radicalism in Albania.
Not now, but they were found in one specific Islamist terror organisation & actively funded it
Apr 28, 2023
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It never will, trashmiri vermin doesn't care about any of that, and he will never care about that no matter how hard LG tries. They take all that development, privilege of selling shawls and other stuff in rest of the country, privilege of being able to study, get jobs, and start a business, access better healthcare in rest of the country etc for granted as some some birthright. Kashmir is an extremely tiny piece of land in whole of J&K, it simply can't sustain its existence as some independent country.
So what is the solution for these maggots ?


New Member
Sep 8, 2019
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^Contrast above with the aftermath of certain politicians statements of exterminating Sanatana Dharma/calling it dengue/Malaria etc..

In-fact the allies/supporters of those who made the above statement (Sanatana eradication) *could win all of tomorrows results as well.


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Mar 22, 2021
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How much commentary has there been on this issue by the secularists, so called. We know how much there would be if members of a certain community were compelled to leave a place/ institution

Rassil Krishnan

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Apr 16, 2019
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Albania, a Muslim majority country in Europe, led by Marxist-Leninist Enver Hoxha, is another one such example. Even after 35 years since the downfall of Eastern Bloc, it is free from the bug of Islamism.
To destroy Islam, you just have the people not follow the true teachings/doctrines of Islam and fill it with their own interpretation which itself might be influenced by non islamic thoughts and ideas around them in their native environment or by other organisations that are not islamic.

If the person still calls itself a follower of Islam, it does no matter as the core of the religion is the war manual/political party creation kit disguised as a religion which has outlasted its creator because it was transferred as religion instead of a cult of personality which would have died or reduced in influence after the death of the personality. If the person jetisons out these doctrines and practises and the adjacent behaviour and values associated with it, the islam in him is effectively dead. I suspect there are a lot of such people among gulf Arabs, Iranians, European and central asian communities. Some of these do have a final failsafe plan of Islam where it is given legitimacy from the constitution and other high authorities of the state - this can lead to a scenario where a devout islamist along with a core group of followers can stage a kind of cultural/ political coup and reinstate strict islamic sharia/practises, but in many of these countries the rot is too deep. The ratio of true followers of Islam to hollow followers of Islam is not favourable to Islamists. They are cultural islamic followers at best which is easier to combat if not a total non starter.

Ironically it is the subcontinent and African region which has become the core of Islam in the world with a high percentage ( I am sure 80 to 90 percent or even more of paki population aligns with the primitivist teachings of islam and they have never truly deviated from it from the start, they have never had an Ataturk to destroy political islam in their country and have also made it the core of the countries reason for existence) of the normies here wanting to and practising as close to as possible the teachings of islam and the mannerisms of Muhammed.THIS IS NOT GOOD FOR A MODERN DEVELOPMENT Oriented COUNTRY. This despite them being marginalized from the political and cultural capital of islam in the Arab world (rightly so- true Islamists are just so unbankable and the ppakis and other such failed islamic states have many issues wealthy Arabs don't want to associate wih)



New Member
Mar 8, 2022
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Albania, a Muslim majority country in Europe, led by Marxist-Leninist Enver Hoxha, is another one such example. Even after 35 years since the downfall of Eastern Bloc, it is free from the bug of Islamism.
i have heard from more than one balkan friend that the only reason albania doesnt have islamism is because Albania is the big daddy of mafia drug & postritution rackets across the balkans and like other balkaners, are severe alcoholics. They cant allow a puritan mullah to fuck that up.


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Feb 26, 2019
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GoI not taking any risk before elections. Any attack on students will invite massive attention and negative sentiments towards Kashmiris. Kind of exact recipe Pakistan would love to have right now.

Two birds with one stone.
NIT, Kashmir should be closed down.


Golgappe Expert
New Member
Oct 2, 2018
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NIT, Kashmir should be closed down.
Kashmiris are essentially frogs in a well. Isolating from mainland India will validate the two-state theory and flame the Kashmiri "separate-state" theory even more.

If we are not taking extreme steps like China, then the only way forward is economic development & connectivity with India which makes them forget if not reject Islamist extremism, anti-Kafir mentality.

