India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


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Oct 15, 2021
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I am worried about that student's future
How come nit take unilateral decision by disqualifying him from sem exams
I mean we don't recognize this blasphemy shit or college shivering with fear
Nothing will happen if Hindu students come forward.
I just hope his gf stays with him after this as this would give those extremists heart burn for their whole life.

There was this mms leak case in my uni early this year, the accussed student is still giving her semester exams.

The main problem is that he would be definitely beaten black and blue and there might be some attempts on his life as well before he graduates in 2024. (I read somewhere that he is 2020 batch student). NIT srinagar is in J&K and there is 50% state quota in every nit's. So, there might be chances of M's number being higher than H's.
Some hindus have this G***d me chul that if the matter doesn't concern them then they won't jump in it but if today they won't speak for this guy then the upcoming batches will have to bear the consequence. 2020 batch 1 case, 2021 batch = 2 cases and the list will go on. Taking a stand for the guy could be the best thing they could do for their juniors and for their own self-esteem as well.


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Nov 1, 2022
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This is the video which caused all that ruckus. It's controversial in parts. Is it incendiary? That's a judgement the courts would have to make & like everything the judgement would be subjective & reflective of the judge's personality opinions & ideology, possibly even religious affiliation. But that student definitely has a case .


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Nov 1, 2016
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NIT Srinagar's case today reminds us again that there are no solutions to Muslim extremism apart from Chinese-style "re-education" camps and forceful culling of any type of Islamist religious activities.
China's solution isn't sustainable either. They aren't able to reform the muzzies as much as keep them in line through constant fear. Once the pressure decreases, and the muzzies feel like they can get away with something, they'll 100% go back to their desert cult ways.

This is different from genuine reformation where you actually change their thought process and values, where you eventually don't need to deploy forces for them to behave. That has only been achieved once in history, and that was the Soviet reformation of central Asian turks. Apart from that, it has never been done anywhere or anytime successfully.


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Mar 8, 2022
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China's solution isn't sustainable either. They aren't able to reform the muzzies as much as keep them in line through constant fear. Once the pressure decreases, and the muzzies feel like they can get away with something, they'll 100% go back to their desert cult ways.

This is different from genuine reformation where you actually change their thought process and values, where you eventually don't need to deploy forces for them to behave. That has only been achieved once in history, and that was the Soviet reformation of central Asian turks. Apart from that, it has never been done anywhere or anytime successfully.
That remains to be seen. You cant convert people so quickly. You cannot reform islam. But you can convert them out of it over time.


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Nov 1, 2022
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China's solution isn't sustainable either. They aren't able to reform the muzzies as much as keep them in line through constant fear. Once the pressure decreases, and the muzzies feel like they can get away with something, they'll 100% go back to their desert cult ways.

This is different from genuine reformation where you actually change their thought process and values, where you eventually don't need to deploy forces for them to behave. That has only been achieved once in history, and that was the Soviet reformation of central Asian turks. Apart from that, it has never been done anywhere or anytime successfully.
Soviet reformation or rather pacification had its roots under the czars. Central Asia was conquered by the Russians in the early to mid 19th century.

The Russians have been pacifying them since then . And for most of those times in an extremely brutal manner especially under the Czars , the civil war & later under Stalin.

The Chechens lost nearly 70% of their population IIRC during the above mentioned periods particularly under Stalin & his purges which saw the entire population exiled to Siberia & their forcible drafting to fight WW-2.


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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when their tactics evolve,
Have they ? More than 20 yrs of fighting insurgency in various places.... and yet higher rank officers getting martyred for some 2 bit jihaadis. Has IA's tactics truly evolved ? They're continuing to throw SF at every encounter, I don't see any evolution in tactics


New Member
Mar 8, 2022
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Have they ? More than 20 yrs of fighting insurgency in various places.... and yet higher rank officers getting martyred for some 2 bit jihaadis. Has IA's tactics truly evolved ? They're continuing to throw SF at every encounter, I don't see any evolution in tactics
while i am no military expert, i must point out, that for the time being, India is the only place in the world that has brought an islamic insurgency in a muslim dominated region, to an end, without taking a '2nd Chechnya war' option to it.
it sucks, maybe its the nature of the beast,maybe its funding & equipment & logistics, who knows. But it is working and maybe we have gotten complacent into 'dont mess with what has worked' paradigm and are taking losses we can eliminate.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Have they ? More than 20 yrs of fighting insurgency in various places.... and yet higher rank officers getting martyred for some 2 bit jihaadis. Has IA's tactics truly evolved ? They're continuing to throw SF at every encounter, I don't see any evolution in tactics
if tactics haven't evolved, what explains the drop in numbers, pakjabi tangos got bored with killing hanoods ?
and from a conversation perspective, what exactly this conversation is supposed to result in.

Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 10.26.49 AM.png

it's understandable for newbies on the forum to ask such questions, it takes time for them to individually figure out a way to digest the publicly available information. a few do, most don't and don't evolve beyond rhetorics.

for members who have been here for years, knowing fully well the amount of information is always limited in these circumstances. by the time any limited specific information of this op even comes out, usually during gallantry awards, hardly ever the "concerned citizens" revisit their old commentary on that specific op.

what exactly are you trying to achieve here?


New Member
Jan 25, 2016
China's solution isn't sustainable either. They aren't able to reform the muzzies as much as keep them in line through constant fear. Once the pressure decreases, and the muzzies feel like they can get away with something, they'll 100% go back to their desert cult ways.

This is different from genuine reformation where you actually change their thought process and values, where you eventually don't need to deploy forces for them to behave. That has only been achieved once in history, and that was the Soviet reformation of central Asian turks. Apart from that, it has never been done anywhere or anytime successfully.
Completely disagree.
This is long process and will take long time before Chinese Muslims will completely be hanified.
First they are doing what can be as called de-arabisation of their Muslims and removing extreme religiousity out of them on top of that modifiying kuran and all other literature ,filling them with party lines while long term results are yet to be seen but I think they are on right path.


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
New Member
Aug 15, 2016
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if tactics haven't evolved, what explains the drop in numbers, pakjabi tangos got bored with killing hanoods ?
and from a conversation perspective, what exactly this conversation is supposed to result in.

View attachment 230524

it's understandable for newbies on the forum to ask such questions, it takes time for them to individually figure out a way to digest the publicly available information. a few do, most don't and don't evolve beyond rhetorics.

for members who have been here for years, knowing fully well the amount of information is always limited in these circumstances. by the time any limited specific information of this op even comes out, usually during gallantry awards, hardly ever the "concerned citizens" revisit their old commentary on that specific op.

what exactly are you trying to achieve here?
The stats above does not show the kill ratio , i.e for x no. of yahoos 72'd how many of ours attained veergati.
So we cannot draw information on whether IA's tactics improved or remained same


New Member
Nov 1, 2016
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Completely disagree.
This is long process and will take long time before Chinese Muslims will completely be hanified.
First they are doing what can be as called de-arabisation of their Muslims and removing extreme religiousity out of them on top of that modifiying kuran and all other literature ,filling them with party lines while long term results are yet to be seen but I think they are on right path.
We'll see by the time we're old. Will they be able to keep this up for another 50 years like the Russian and soviet time frame in Central Asia.


New Member
Feb 28, 2019
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The stats above does not show the kill ratio , i.e for x no. of yahoos 72'd how many of ours attained veergati.
So we cannot draw information on whether IA's tactics improved or remained same

Click on Year > Month > Date. It will give you a list of incidents with a brief in text. For example, this is a screen shot of 1/1/2023 and also mentions the attack on Hindu civilians in Dhangri village of Jammu.


The list is long and the data+details are exhaustive. If you have the time, go read it. Am not sure they have an API to download everything in Excel. That would've made things a lot easier.


New Member
Feb 26, 2019
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No expert on the topic but I'd attempt to answer your query. To begin with I'd draw your attention to the Nupur Sharma case. Since the events were broadcast live on TV, the evidence is that much clear & undisputed . She quoted Islamic scriptures to underline her case. Ignoring the brouhaha which followed , the judiciary's job is to verify whether what she said was in accordance with the scriptures she's quoted. If yes, the blasphemy case collapses.

In case of the student from NIT Srinagar, it depends on what's he circulated. Using the Nupur Sharma case as a template if what he's circulated can be proven as genuine as per Islamic scriptures & traditions, the case would go the same way as the Nupur Sharma case. However if discrepancies are found, then the charge of spreading inflammatory material comes into effect since he hasn't created the material , merely circulated it. It also depends on the sections of the IPC & CrPC he's charged with. The stiffer the charges the more severe the sentence.

It's been nearly 1.5 yrs since the Nupur Sharma imbroglio broke out, court hearings still haven't commenced & in her case since the charges were filed in multiple states , in all probability the SC will hear the case or designate an appropriate lower court to hear the matter. In the case of the student, the matter could well go on trial at the Sessions Court, then the HC comes into play followed by the SC assuming either party appeals the case. Even if we were to consider the matter is to be decided at the Sessions Court level with no appeals by either parties in higher courts , he still has to undergo the process of trial. Assuming the case falls flat, the entire process is still punishment enough.

Hopefully as far as his academics are concerned, NIT either transfers him to an NIT in the neighbouring state else permits him to leave college, issuing him a TC to pursue his engineering studies in a pvt college. The case will drag on. That's the best case scenario. Unfortunately for him, his ordeal has just begun. The first task would be to get bail which given the charges aren't easy & there'd be a genuine threat to his life which would weigh in his favour for bail & possibly an appeal to shift the case out.

A word about the judiciary particularly contemporary judiciary. In most such cases, the judiciary is loathe to judge these cases where there's a religious controversy involved especially concerning Islam .They won't admit it , but the judiciary is intimidated in such cases. At any rate they see it as a thankless activity they'd rather avoid hearing if it were up to them.

Justice Pardiwala's reaction in court to Nupur Sharma during her bail application & plea to combine all such cases from different police stations in different states in to one matter for a common hearing is there for everyone to see. Fortunately the severe backlash the judge received on SM & the pretence he later adopted in the media at least tells the judiciary that they won't get a free pass from the majority community in this matter which in any case is denied them by the minority community.
Noopur Sharma should have been given proper protection and the party should have backed up her, but unfortunately, this did not took place and the consequences can be seen now.. allegations of blasphemy are easiest to level and to make life hell..

