India must attack Pakistan Now


Lestat De Lioncourt
Senior Member
Dec 18, 2010
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Katuas pretend to be hard but turn into little kitties when someone shows them their place.

They are 1 or 2 decades away from being culled in every non-Muslim country.
Hard? These are pakis AKA coward converted hindus. They are treacherous and coward people. I can bet a thousand buck that these subhumans would convert to Hinduism if we invade and conquer them today.

Shiv sagar

New Member
Mar 8, 2019
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Rather waiting for Pakistani response like we did post-Balakot India must start major offences along LOC and start capturing key strategic points in Pakistani Occupied Kashmir.

The casus belli is already there as Pakistani Prime Minister and its military leadership has started to threatening India with terrorist attacks.

The media fringy, the kind of build-up Pakistan has started to mount along LOC and possible closure of air space, it provokes and justifies the war.

India must issue an ultimatum to Pakistan to withdraw any resolution they pass which interferes in India's internal matters and undermines our sovereignty. India must also demand Pakistani Prime Minister withdraw his irrational and provocating statements against India and apologies unconditionally.
Its easy to say "WAR" for us but not so for so many other people who are at the FRONT. Each and everyone's life in our armed forces are precious. more precious that us mere mortals, hence we cant take a decision in hurry and with out just and proper cause. We may need to wait for an overt act, we have waited this much to get to this far Gods on our side we may not have to wait for long.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Ok, guys, don't worry about foreign interference.
Everyone will be quite happy to see a conventional war between 2 countries with total population over 1.4 billions. It will make great contribution to the world economy. Don't worry if Pakistan has the financial resource to sustain the war, there are plenty of countries to lend them money. War is always a highly profitable business.
Who will intervene . Pakistan friends are all pathetic coward. dear friend China can't even retake Taiwan. There is no one to help Pakistan.

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Regular Member
Jun 23, 2019
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How likely is FATF blacklisting for Pakistan?

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The Ultranationalist

Tihar Jail
Jan 30, 2017
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Porkies are too much of a coward to attack directly, most probably they will use their pussyass Gayhadis and expendable ssg like they did in kargil. We should move swiftly and retake PoK. Paki economy is crashing and cannot sustain a full blown war. This is the right opportunity for us.


Regular Member
Apr 8, 2019
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Double posting, coz took time to write, & coz important.
Apologies if required.

Real reason ->
*Anonymous* is posted in Srinagar. Haven't heard from him since 3 nights.Blocked communications hurts us too, something the kashmiris conveniently forget & so do others.
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Regular Member
Apr 8, 2019
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Some overexcited kids at our side fighting imaginary fantasy twitter battles on their keyboards, need to cool the f down.
Only verified info needs to be celebrated & ffs avoid counter Propaganda.The Napakis have historical blunders to get back at them, no need to create bs.
Babaji alone is enough.

Don't want the same jihadi dillusions in Indians atleast.
We dont need to fight full war, only "Strategic & Tactically Precise Surgeries" are needed.
So watch & enjoy ,praying for our valiant & disciplined forces ,who are actually going to fight, & trust our leadership of Modi,Shah,Dovalji ,who have way broader vision, never to be limited by NaPaks.


The problem with NaPakis has been they have been fed lies all their lives, degrading all progress made by evolution of human mind and ability to think rationally to pre evolution times.

Their dillusions of Bhadwa- hai -NaPak & of their actual ancestory & heritage, combined with life long mass sterilization of minds ,and fantasies has finally started backfiring.

The mass hysteria inbuilt in them fuelled by fantasy battle victories & supreme martial race disillusions is failing to understand, why their UltraPowerful NaPak fauz is not attacking bully Indians, why their Bhadwa PM is talking about peace, a concept alien to jihadi awam.

CFEK isn't flowing dollars in drains, drying their already fcked up non existant economy.

Forget the massive crusade of pummah on Yindo land, their chummah is not giving 2 fcks to the Only Vuslim Aatmi Taakat wala desh.....neither is the world.

They are desperatly crying for fighting back to soothe their daddy issues, but their superpowerful ISI, next to only mossad & cia has been caught sleeping yet again.
Their NaPak fauz knows it cant take on India directly, their Economy & actual real aukaat doesn't allow it.

So back to backstabbing jipaadi mindset it is.
They will talk of Peace to the world while they sent their Masoor & Hafeez Suwars to sent Jipaadis meant only to be killed by Indian forces, dreaming one of them suceeds.Suwars.
Simultaneously twitter battles of fantasy destruction of Yindian forces like "Victory Until Dawn" will happen,
until one morning PoK is taken back by evil Yindoos & world especially Yisreal , who want to destroy the only Vuslim Aatmi taakat.

Their bhadwi awam will again be convinced of the lies they have been made to believed,SOMEHOW.
Whatever state mass media sterilization of minds requires,will be done & they will remain NaPak.

So it is highly important that our side simply doesn't show the same Symptoms.

370 has been handeld tactically & brilliantly till now.
We learnt from the 26/11 Mumbai Terror attacks & SriLankan Easter Blasts, & have blocked all communication flow ,drying the info , on which all dillusional liberals & vested interests both inside & outside feed & depend upon.

The transition in "UT off J&K" needs to be handeld equally importantly.

Eid is on 12th, and after prayers they are in their most jipaadi mind.
We are fighting decades of mass sterilizations of minds on our side too.

This transition phase is most important & when somehow elections are organised relatively peacefully,
the kashmiri vuslims still shocked by why they didnt't face the same genocide,which their fathers & grandfathers did to undefended & unheard kashmiri Hindus.The guilt which must follow.

Maybe and only maybe then will they wake up, devoid of the Jipaadi separatists voices & the regressive masjeed sermons, which themselves enjoyed their lives, while the dillusionals who believed in the false bs died & for what?
Way Optimistic...........


Our ancient holy land of Rishis full with numerous temples,the land of Amarnath Baba, Vaishno Devi, sharda peeth, which prospered along Indus will finally be reunited with us, Fully.

The sins they committed when the genocide of kashmiri pandits happened wont be forgotten easily by Indians, who lost numerous brothers in forces fighting the jihaadis, for so long.

Still the sins of a father shouldnt hinder all what can be achieved by current & coming generation.

May the rationals prevail.May hatred is sidelined.May they prosper with rest of India displaying what Kashmiriyat should have been.

And if not, then let the Great Mahadev meditating in peace,away from everything ,open his eyes.
May Mighty Rudra unleash his Tandav.


It comes down to this ->
The Jipaadis fight ,united, fuelled by the shared hatred they have for non jipaadis.
& when its done they fight to kill each other.For what else can be expected by those deluded by false sermons,united by hate.

While We have & must forever Fight to Protect Bharat, whatever may come, whatever the cost.
For its "Sanatan" dharma and ironically forgotten ancient traditional ways must be restored to its full glory,updated in modern context, for maximum betterment.
So that all life may prosper.

Satyam Shivam Sundram.
Om Namah Shivay.
Har Har Mahadev.


P.S. - NaPakis tu to giyooo.........

And only fools question "Babaji", he may get excited sometimes, but he knows, & he hints, only understandable to those who calmy & patiently hunt, waiting, & even then to be understood in hindsight only.
Only he can be trusted with info(mostly), rest all are keyboard warriors fighting disneyland battles, thankfully mostly that side of border.

Learn When To Be Aggressive & When To Be Patient.


Regular Member
Feb 28, 2019
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Katuas pretend to be hard but turn into little kitties when someone shows them their place.

They are 1 or 2 decades away from being culled in every non-Muslim country.
Not all countries bro, morally upright countries like Germany and UK are busy giving katuas b-jobs. It might take more than 2 decades for those liberal cucks to realize their blunder. Then we will get our popcorn and beer and watch the show.:daru:

no smoking

Senior Member
Aug 14, 2009
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Who will intervene . Pakistan friends are all pathetic coward. dear friend China can't even retake Taiwan. There is no one to help Pakistan.
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Why to intervene?
You guys are going to create the greatest military and civilian market for the whole world. Nobody wouldn't like it. Last time, the Iran-Iraq war produced billions of profit for each of every vendor. This time, the profit could be 2 or 3 times more. Indian fanboys like it, so does US, Russia, France and China.


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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Hizbul is not's hardcore Sunni
I'm not referring to Hizbul Mujahideen. There is a Hizbul Momineen group and Hizbulla. Both are Shia.

Whenever Irani Imams go there, these groups are their point of contact. That's one of the reasons why Israeli advisers and watchers personally get involved in Kashmir, beyond just selling weapons, to make sure Iran doesn't get to cultivate a pressure point on India that would force India to denature the India-Israel relationship. That's precisely why Iran has held these cards as well.
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Senior Member
Mar 20, 2018
I'm not referring to Hizbul Mujahideen. There is a Hizbul Momineen group and Hizbulla. Both are Shia.

Whenever Irani Imams go there, these groups are their point of contact. That's one of the reasons why Israeli advisers and watchers personally get involved in Kashmir, beyond just selling weapons, to make sure Iran doesn't get to cultivate a pressure point on India that would force India to denature the India-Israel relationship. That's precisely why Iran has held these cards as well.
The Shias in Kashmir are pretty much powerless and don't cause much problems.
They all want to remain with India.....because they know too well that they'll be squeezed hard by the Sunnis if ever Kashmir became part of Pakistan or it became independent!
(people of Gilgit Baltistan are also majority Shia, and continue to yearn to join India)


Regular Member
Feb 28, 2019
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That's a shame. If the west does not start it soon then India will find it difficult to commence the culling.

A month back, I saw a Katua with his 2 burqa clad wives and 9 children having some pani puri. I wish had a Kalashnikov for such moments
I feel that. Just to begin with government should stop the voting rights of people with more than 1 wife and gradually increase it to people with more than 3 children. I would have said more than 2 children but many Hindus in rural India also have 3-4 children. This would keep them in check till we figure out a full proof way to deal with them.


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2010
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Rather waiting for Pakistani response like we did post-Balakot India must start major offences along LOC and start capturing key strategic points in Pakistani Occupied Kashmir.

The casus belli is already there as Pakistani Prime Minister and its military leadership has started to threatening India with terrorist attacks.

The media fringy, the kind of build-up Pakistan has started to mount along LOC and possible closure of air space, it provokes and justifies the war.

India must issue an ultimatum to Pakistan to withdraw any resolution they pass which interferes in India's internal matters and undermines our sovereignty. India must also demand Pakistani Prime Minister withdraw his irrational and provocating statements against India and apologies unconditionally.
Nah. India cannot look like the aggressor.

Wait for these dumba$$ inbred Pakis to put so much pressure on their leaders that they feel compelled to do something really stupid. Then India should take the gloves off and give the hardest blow since 1971 to them. Not a surgical strike, not a singular tactical air strike but a major combined offensive across all domains. Put them on their knees.

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