India likely to acquire Tu-22M3 Supersonic Bombers


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Feb 16, 2009
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Russia offers TU-22M3 strategic bombers to India | Aviation & Air Force News at DefenceTalk

Russia has offered to sell several long-range Tupolev Tu-22M3 bombers to India, Russian Vice Premier and Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov said today.
He said the offer was made to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during talks in Moscow yesterday but India has not yet responded.
"We made the offer to the Indian side when Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was here. The Indian side has not yet come back to us on the issue, and it would be impossible also to take a decision within 24 hours," Ivanov was quoted as saying by ITAR-TASS news agency. Ivanov said that India had earlier considered leasing the bombers but due to "technical reasons" Moscow is unable to lease the aircrafts.
The leasing of up to three long-range TU-22M3 (Backfire-C) bombers was part of the aircraft carrier 'Admiral Gorshkov' package, which also included leasing two Shchuka-B (Akula class) nuclear submarines currently under construction at Komsomolsk-on-Amur shipyard.
Ivanov underscored that Tu-22M3 is "not a strategic" weapon as it has a range of up to 7,000 kilometres. The bomber capable of carrying 3 Kh-22 cruise missiles is the main bomber of the Russian Air Force and Navy.
Talks for leasing three Tu-22M3 bombers were on since last five years in a package with the acquisition of the Gorshkov aircraft carrier, diplomatic sources said.

Read more: Russia offers TU-22M3 strategic bombers to India | Aviation & Air Force News at DefenceTalk


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Feb 16, 2009
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Russian air forces will upgrade 30 Tu-22M3 bombers - News - Russian Aviation - RUAVIATION.COM

Russian air forces will upgrade 30 Tu-22M3 bombers

Russian air forces will upgrade 30 Tu-22M3 long-range bombers to M3M version by 2020, reports.

The training of flight personnel for Tu-22M3M upgraded bombers has already been started in Ryazan-based combat employment and retraining center of long-range aviation.

The outstanding features of the upgraded bomber are enhanced weapon nomenclature and advanced equipment, built using new hardware components. It is also said in press-release issued by the Ministry of Defense, that Tu-22M3M has an "improved ergonomics of the cockpit". No other distinctions have been mentioned.

According to different sources, from 93 to 150 Tu-22M bombers of various versions are currently operated in Russia. Tu-22M3 has a maximum flight speed of 2300 km/h and its combat radius is 2400 km. The jet is able to carry weapons with a total weight of up to 12 tons.


Sikkimese Saber
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Aug 20, 2010
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It is an ancient bomber, guys. The fuel consumption would be a killer. Russian engines are powerful but very high fuel guzzling which maybe because of the fact that they have humungous oil and gas resources which we don't. This plays a big part.

Add to the fact that there's some sort of a treaty where big players won't sell strategic bombers capable of nuclear bombing to any third party. Russia (not USSR) entered to this agreement. Which is why it hasn't been able to supply these bombers to PLA which was in that position in 1992 which we are today. So PLAAF uses new airframe for the older Soviet-made bombers in its fleet.

We simply have no use of these weapons:

- No political will to even use a RPG, forget nuclear bomber.
- No enemy country weak enough to be "first softened" by fighters and then used bombers against (Pakistan might be a failed state but it isn't too easy, China is a different ballgame altogether).

In short, we will be wasting our time and money getting these ancient birdies.


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Feb 16, 2009
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Pigs Forever? [F-111 Supercruise]

Australians reporting India's TU-22's are in Andaman Islands??

Recent reports indicate that India will soon deploy the Tu-22M-3 Backfire, armed with the potent Mach 2+ 200 NMI range Kh-22M/AS-4 Kitchen cruise missile, while it is completing a major upgrade to the Port Blair runway in the Andamans. China has to date not responded publicly, but given its recent disagreement with the US over the EP-3C Aries collision and subsequent US arms sale to Taiwan, the odds of a Chinese Backfire buy look increasingly stronger with time. The superb combat radius of the Backfire allows its users to project force from forward bases such as Port Blair or Hainan-Dao directly in to Australian airspace. The speed and persistence of a Backfire armed with supersonic cruise missiles dictate early interception, a task for which the small F/A-18A is not well suited. An F-111 with a phased array and AIM-120 AMRAAM would plug this capability gap until the F/A-18A replacement is deployed post 2012


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Feb 16, 2009
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how many brahmos missile can it carry ???

Kh-22 / AS-4 Kitchen on the centreline semi-conformal station of a Backfire [More images ...] (US DoD).

The mighty Kh-22 (AS-4 Kitchen) was the weapon which stimulated the development of the SPY-1 Aegis system. Designed during the 1960s for dual role use as a nuclear armed standoff weapon, and as an anti-shipping missile with either radar or anti-radiation seekers, the Kh-22 remains in service as the primary armament of the RuAF's residual fleet of Tu-22M3 Backfires. While the Tu-95K-22 Bear G was equipped to carry up to three Kh-22s, its progressive retirement has limited use to the Backfire.

Soviet Long Range Aviation (DA-VVS) followed a very different path to the V-MF in pursuing second generation cruise missiles. The Kangaroo proved to be troublesome and clearly would have difficulty penetrating NATO defences, the DA-VVS coveted a missile similar to the British Avro Blue Steel which was being developed for the V-bombers.

Raduga developed the Kh-22 Burya or AS-4 Kitchen to meet this need. The Kitchen was a bigger, faster and longer ranging equivalent to the Blue Steel, initially armed with a 1 Megatonne nuclear warhead and equipped with inertial guidance. The AV-MF instantly took an interest in the Kh-22 and ASCM variants with active radar and anti-radiation seekers eventually emerged.

The Kh-22 is a formidable weapon. Powered by an Isayev R-201-300 / S5.44 liquid rocket delivering 83 kN full thrust and 5.9 kN cruise thrust, it is claimed to exceed 4.6 Mach in cruise at 80,000 ft AGL. Around 3 tonnes of TG02 fuel and AK-20K oxidiser are carried providing a cited range between 145 NMI (270 km) and 300 NMI (550 km), subject to variant, profile and launch speed/altitude. The engine uses gas generator driven turbopumps and a central power generator to power the onboard avionics and hydraulics.

The structure was the first to use OT-4-1 and SM-5 titanium alloys extensively. Not unlike Lockheed with the A-11/YF-12A, Raduga experienced numerous problems with materials and the high airframe temperature during Mach 3+ cruise.

While the Kh-22 was intended to replace the Kangaroo, it was first deployed in the Tu-22 Blinder which used the PN or Down Beat acquisition radar to target the missile.

By the early 1970s the ineffective Blinder was being replaced by the more capable Tu-22M2 Backfire B, capable of carrying up to three Kh-22s, but usually armed with one on the centerline BD-45 adaptor. The final 1980s Tu-22M3 Backfire C variant had the performance to carry three Kh-22s to 2,500 nautical miles, with underwing rounds on BD-45K adaptors – this weapon system remains in Russian service today. It also armed the primary strike regiments of the AV-MF during the last decade of the Cold War.

The basic Kh-22PG anti-shipping variant of the missile used a PG active radar seeker, the improved Kh-22N the PMG seeker. The Kh-22P anti-radiation variant, with a PSN or PGP-K seeker, required the Kurs N/NM RHAW receiver. The Kh-22M introduced an improved variant of the engine.

The integration of the Kh-22 on the Tu-95K-20 Bear C proved to be protracted and troublesome, but eventually resulted in upgrades running through the 1980s to convert all Bear B/C bombers into the Tu-22K-22 Bear G equipped to carry the improved PNA Down Beat radar and up to three Kh-22s, for use as a nuclear armed defence suppression or maritime strike system.

Seven variants have been reported to date, and a mid life upgrade for the APK-22 guidance package has also been recently reported. Nuclear armed variants included a TERCOM system to supplement the inertial unit.

If China ever proceeds with the much speculated upon Backfire purchase, the Kh-22 is likely to be supplied as the basic weapon for the aircraft. The Backfire carries up to three rounds, although typical payloads are one or two, on BD-45K/F adaptors.


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Feb 17, 2009
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you cant ignore plane with that capability. 7000 km range gets lot of attention.


DFI Buddha
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Aug 21, 2010
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The TU-22 looks like a huge Mig-25 with the same ducts and all. I always love the aircraft but i thought the maintenance would be head ache but haveing just 2 of them wont cause us any harm. In case Agni fails in war time we will only have strategic bombers to penetrate into China.


New Member
May 6, 2011
That's the ferry range. Combat radius is what matters.
You assume a nuclear bomber intends to return to base, in the mission they would have designed for the base would be expected to have been incinerated.


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Mar 10, 2009
Tupolev-22M is a fine aircraft. India could invest in that. Tupolev-160 is still better, but Russia probably won't want to offer that.

Anyone has any idea how much these two birds cost each?


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Feb 16, 2009
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Russian air forces will acquire 10 Su-34 bombers in 2012

Russian Ministry of Defense will acquire 10 Su-34 bombers in 2012, said the president of United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), Mikhail Pogosyan. It has been reported by RIA Novosti.

"The delivery of 10 Su-34s will be performed this year. The Ministry of Defense has acquired 10 such jets last year", - Pogosyan said.

Su-34 bomber will form the basis of Russian front-line aviation, replacing the Su-24. The serial production of the new jet is being carried out by Novosibirsk Aircraft Production Association named after V.P. Chkalov.

At present Russian air forces are operating 12 Su-34s. The deliveries are performed in the network of a contract on delivery of 32 serial vehicles. The new jet differs from its predecessor by improved ergonomics, flight automation level and comfortable flight control.

Russian air forces will acquire 10 Su-34 bombers in 2012 - News - Russian Aviation - RUAVIATION.COM


New Member
Jan 14, 2012
But do Indian navy have them ? the report's of Lease has been since the year 2000

any Idea ?


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Feb 16, 2009
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Indian Strategic Forces Command (SFC) Nuclear Strike Fighter Race- Top Contenders? | CEOWORLD Magazine

Indian Strategic Forces Command (SFC) Nuclear Strike Fighter Race- Top Contenders?

The Indian Strategic Forces Command ( SFC), created in January, 2003, is planning to acquire 40 fighter planes capable of delivering nuclear weapons, has submitted a proposal to the defense ministry for setting up two dedicated squadrons of fighter aircraft which will act as "mini- Air Force". It will be the first time for the SFC to possess its own nuclear strike fighter force. At present, the SFC has to depend on the Indian Air Force for carrying out the nuclear tasks under its command.

The Indian Strategic Forces Command, created in January, 2003, is a part of India's Nuclear Command Authority. It is responsible for the management and administration of the country's tactical and strategic nuclear weapons stockpile.

The aircraft planned to be procured are part of efforts to strengthen the nuclear delivery system which right now is based on land-based ballistic missiles such as the Agni and Prithvi and nuclear-capable fighters such as the Mirage 2000, Su-30 MKI and Jaguars. The SFC does not want untested fighters but the ones which are battle proven and have capabilities to deliver nuclear-tipped missiles.

Rumors of contenders for roles in the Indian Strategic Forces Command (SFC) nuclear strike fighter project.

PAK-DA- A fifth-generation long-range strategic bomber aircraft as a replacement of aging Tu-95MS, T-22M3 and Tu-160 long-range bombers by 2020-25. It stands for Perspektivnyi Aviatsionnyi Kompleks Dalney Aviatsyi which means Future Air Complex for Strategic Air Forces. This new attack aircraft would be used in both conventional and nuclear conflicts using high-precision weapons. PAK-DA development platform to be taken from Tu-160 bombers that have the ability at least equivalent kinematic Tu-160. It is expected that this program is completed in the year 2025. *HOT

Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit- The B-2 Spirit is a low-observable, strategic, long-range, heavy bomber capable of penetrating sophisticated and dense air-defence shields. It is capable of all-altitude attack missions up to 50,000ft, with a range of more than 6,000nm unrefuelled and over 10,000nm with one refuelling, giving it the ability to fly to any point in the world within hours.

Su-30MKI- The Indian configuration of Russian Su-30MKI fighter jets are "possibly the best" fighter-bombers in the world and tested model for Indian Air force. The Su30-MKI(Flanker-H) is a customized Su27PU built according to Indian specifications. It is probably the first time that an aircraft has been built in Russia for a foreign customer specifications. The Su-30MKI was jointly designed by Russia's Sukhoi and India's Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL). The aircraft is equipped with similar avionics and thrust vectoring as the Su-37, for superior combat agility and manoeuvrability.

Tu-160 Blackjack- A Russian supersonic strategical missile bomber,the heaviest and the most powerful war-plane in the world. Pilots call it "White Swan". The two weapons bays can accommodate different mission-specific loads, including strategic cruise missiles, short-range guided missiles, nuclear and conventional bombs, and mines. Its basic armament of short-range guided missiles and strategic cruise missiles enables it to deliver nuclear strikes to targets with preassigned coordinates.In the future, after the aircraft is equipped with high-precision conventional weapons it may also be used against mobile or tactical targets. * HOT Choice

Dassault Mirage 2000N/2000D- The two-seat Mirage 2000N was designed to provide nuclear deterrence capability employing the long range ASMP cruise missile. Mirage 2000N replaced the Mirage IV aircraft. Mirage 2000N penetrates enemy air defenses flying at low-altitude and supersonic speed using the Antilope-5 terrain following radar and Spirale integrated countermeasure system. Typically, it carries a single ASMP missile, two Magic air-to-air missiles and two external fuel tanks.

Su 34- The Su-34 (also known as Su-27IB) fighter bomber has been developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau Joint Stock Company in Moscow and the Novosibirsk Aircraft Production Association at Novosibirsk in Russia. The Russian Air Force has ordered an initial 18 Su-34 aircraft, with a total requirement for up to 200 aircraft. *HOT

Rafale- The Rafale is a twin-engined, delta-wing, multirole fighter designed and built by France's Dassault Aviation. RAFALE supportability and mission readiness capitalise on the undisputed track record of the current generation of French fighters such as the combat-proven Mirage 2000. Powered by two Snecma M88 turbofans (prototype examples used two General Electric F404-400s), the Rafale has a top speed of over Mach 1.8 (1,900km/h) and a combat radius of 1,000nm (1,850km).
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