India Launched Surgical Strikes Across LoC: DGMO 29/09/2016


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Feb 16, 2009
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Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
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Oct 13, 2015
PoK is ours.... army should not give statements like "there is no plan for a future operation" ... there always is and we will take back what was promised to us by raja hari singh
In 1987 it was decided to launch two front invasion in Punjab and Rajasthan under the guise of Military exercise. It was thought by military planners that Rajiv would've no problem with it just like his mother.

But when Gen Hoon disclosed this to the PM he outrightly rejected it since he didn't wanted a war.

In a news talk show (2014) with Pakis Gen Hoon introduced himslef to retd Paki Brig who was going on and on - " Mn Vo Hun Jisne Siachen Liya tha aur mn tau Tera Karanchi bhi Le leta"

This video is on YT


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Dec 18, 2013
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Lashker-e-Taiba suffered maximum damage in surgical strikes

Pakistan-based terror outfit Lashker-e-Taiba(LeT) suffered the maximum damage in the cross-LoC surgical strikes on terror launch pads carried out by Indian army with assessment reports of radio intercepts indicating that around 20 of its militants were killed.

The assessment reports available from Indian army field units which included radio conversations between various Pakistani formations showed maximum damage was inflicted on LeT, a banned terror group, at Dudniyal launch pad in Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir, opposite to Kupwara sector of North Kashmir, according to sources in the know of details of the recent surgical strikes.

The sources said today that five teams culled out from the army division in the area were tasked to destroy launch pads of terror groups located at Kail also known as Kel and Dudniyal.

In a well calibrated operation, which started on the intervening night of September 28 and 29, Indian army moved across the LoC and smashed four launch pads that were under the guard of a Pakistani post located 700 metres from the LoC.

The sources said that the terrorists were not expecting an action by the Indian army and therefore were taken by surprise.

The terrorists, mainly belonging to the LeT, were seen running towards the Pakistani post when they were killed by the Indian troops, according to the assessment reports.

After the successful strike inside the PoK, an effective radio monitoring and strict vigil was maintained, the sources said, adding the wireless messages from radio intercepts of Pakistani army indicated that at least 10 LeT terrorists had been been killed during the multiple and near synchronised surgical strikes on four launch pads.

There was heavy movement of Pakistani army vehicles till the break of dawn and all the bodies were cleared off and taken away, the sources said, adding as per the radio intercepts there was a mass burial in the Neelum valley.

Similar blow was dealt to the terrorist launch pads located at Balnoi area opposite of Poonch in which nine people belonging to LeT were killed as per the radio intercepts of Pakistani army, the sources said.

Two Pakistani soldiers belonging to 8 Northern Light Infantry were also killed in the strike in this sector, they said.

However, the sources said that post 8.30 AM of September 28, radio and wireless intercepts between various formations of Pakistan have fallen silent.

According to the sources, there were intelligence reports that terrorists were planning to enter into India from various directions in Kashmir as well as Jammu region.

The sources said that the army waited for the opportunity when the terrorists were in the process of gathering at one place before giving them a bloody nose.

Pakistan has contested the claims of Indian army and said that there was no surgical strikes carried out. They only admitted that two of their soldiers were killed in cross border firing.

However, after the operation was over, the sources said, duty officer at the Director General of Military Operation in Pakistan was informed about the strikes carried out by the army in PoK.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
New Member
Oct 13, 2015
According to Hindu this op Ginger was done without the knowledge of Gen V K Singh. He was briefed once it was done.

Off topic

Gen is also a US Ranger course qualified - 2 nd Rajput Regt


And Gen Hoon (native of Abbotabad) a Soldier, Hindu Nationalist and a close friend of Bal Thackrey

He conducted two surgical strikes on Paki's once in Siachen and second when his grandson married with a Paki Girl

Took the revenge of 1987 :lol:


He should've been our PM and Gen Hoon COAS lol



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Dec 18, 2013
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Before surgical strikes Pakistan used to bitch daily about war , nukes and what not .
After Pakistan wants dialogue, peace and oh war is no option!!

And yet fuckers want proof :yo:

Pakis are known to exaggerate their mediocre achievements while outrightly deny or downplay their failures.

The beauty of such a deep and destructive strike was that by announcing it publicly, Pakis are straightaway forced to deny it and this denial opens them up to further such future surgeries. :)

How well IA and GoI played their cards - Mazaa aa gaya.


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Oct 24, 2014
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There will be more future strikes or a full invasion even better

Pakistan Army guarding 12 new terror launch pads in PoK, location identified
This is quite evident from the outcome of the recently conducted surgical strikes that these terrorists are trained differently compared to the Taliban.

Unlike Taliban, these Jihadis are incapable of holding their ground and prefer to retreat if caught in a firefight by surprise. We can save valuable lives through preemptive action.


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Feb 16, 2009
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This is quite evident from the outcome of the recently conducted surgical strikes that these terrorists are trained differently compared to the Taliban.

Unlike Taliban, these Jihadis are incapable of holding their ground and prefer to retreat if caught in a firefight by surprise. We can save valuable lives through preemptive action.
First they were shifted by Pakistani army to small villages to blend in with civilians and now the army feels coast is clear so they setup new launch pads.
This reveals two things:

1) Pakistani army and terrorists are coordinating jointly ( not much difference except clothing)

2) Pakistan deeply values their terror assets and will do everything to protect them

I think a bigger operation or a blitzkrieg of POK should be done and any territory should be brought back to India and held until the next strike

Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
New Member
Apr 28, 2012
This is quite evident from the outcome of the recently conducted surgical strikes that these terrorists are trained differently compared to the Taliban.

Unlike Taliban, these Jihadis are incapable of holding their ground and prefer to retreat if caught in a firefight by surprise. We can save valuable lives through preemptive action.
They die once they cross, so they are not trained to hold back the territory.

Such pre-emptive strike would also increase their training cost, if they have to risk in the factor of preemptive strike.


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Feb 16, 2009
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They die once they cross, so they are not trained to hold back the territory.

Such pre-emptive strike would also increase their training cost, if they have to risk in the factor of preemptive strike.
How about making it more costly by having Indian army hold the territory
This will force Pakistan to up the ante and India can make it an excuse for
A bigger invasion?


New Member
Sep 19, 2016
2-3 surgical strikes similar to 28/09 will severely lower the moral of Pakistan Army and once the moral is down, we move in with full strength. Lower casualties on our side and scared pigs on their side.


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Feb 16, 2009
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Surgical masterstroke: India should not bother with releasing details of its anti-terror ops

October 6, 2016, 10:54 AM IST Chidanand Rajghatta in Ruminations | India | TOI
Don’t even think about it. Releasing video footage of India’s surgical strike across the Line of Control into Pakistan is a bad idea for several reasons.

At a technical level, it is unlikely the video will show much with any degree of clarity. It’s not like the Indian military took Karan Johar along with a dozen cameras to film the hit job. It won’t be annotated with background score, sub-titles, and geographic coordinates explaining every move to the brain-dead surrender monkeys demanding it. More likely it is grainy footage in the dead of the night that could have been shot anytime, anywhere.

In fact, that is already what Pakistan’s lifafa media is claiming. A story in Pakistan’s The News newspaper (whose title is evidently aimed at assuring readers that it is not dealing with fiction), is making precisely that allegation. “The Indians are busy filming a fake video of conducting ‘surgical strikes’ in Pakistan, which will be released in a couple of days,” it “reports” in a lead story under the headline: Covering up a hoax: Indian govt filming fake ‘surgical strike’ videos. It quotes an “independent Kashmir legislator” as saying “a fake video was being filmed adjacent to the border which will portray the Indians crossing the border into Pakistan.” Presumably has Sunny Deol in it?

Clearly, New Delhi will be wasting its time and effort trying to address Pakistani imbeciles and homegrown skeptics. Islamabad and its bosses in Rawalpindi will not recognize their terrorist credentials if your hit them squarely between the eyes — or between the legs — with Osama bin Laden’s dead body. Or Mullah Omar. Or Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. Or Ramzi Yousef. Or Mir Aimal Kansi. Remember, this is a country where most people, including its elites, believe the U.S (or the Jews) staged 9/11 to defame Islam.

Expectedly, its Defense Minister, who once mocked the Pakistan Army in the National Assembly as “losers” who were routed by India in 1971, is now busy kissing up to his paymasters who steal from the Pakistani people to keep its “Cash Mere” scam going. His addled mind came out with the theory that Uri was a “false flag” operation conducted by the Indians themselves – to defame Pakistan. Like Pakistan needs to be defamed. It has done a pretty good job by itself.

Plenty of Pakistani elites – diplomats, generals, TV anchors – regurgitate this “false flag” theory after every terrorist attack in India. Clearly 70 years of toxic indoctrination has done its job, delivering a country that is stewing in paranoia, delusion, hatred and bigotry. You only have to watch their television program and read some of their history books (including ”Pakistan Studies”) to realize what a desperately make-believe world they live in.

Speaking of bin Laden, do you remember seeing any footage of the U.S raid in Abbottabad? Or photos of bin Laden? Or anything relating to him other than the fact that he was tossed out to the sea at some unknown coordinate to be feasted on by ocean life.

That’s how it’s done. Leave the rest to film-makers.

The US learned its lesson from the Mir Aimal Kasi episode. Remember Kasi? Most people wouldn’t. He was a Pakistani cretin who killed two CIA employees in front of its headquarters in Langley, Virginia, and fled to – where else? – Pakistan. They always run back to commodious Pakistan. It took a while, but the U.S tracked him down, got him back, put him on trial, convicted him, and executed him by lethal injection.

Then Washington made the big mistake of returning his body to Pakistan. He was given what was virtually a state funeral, in a stadium in Quetta, attended by the entire local civil hierarchy, and, according to reports, by the local Pakistan Army Corps Commander and the Pakistani Ambassador to the United States, Ashraf Jahangir Qazi.

Tell me this is not a terrorist — or terrorist worshipping — state.

Pakistan is a terrorist state and you don’t need UN resolutions or US declamations to say it. There are hundreds of victims in India, in Afghanistan, in the U.S., across the world, EVEN in PAKISTAN, who will attest to its vile Deep State being a long-time practitioner of terrorism.

But its establishment will continue to deny it, and it’s brain-washed diplomats and generals, indoctrinated by fifty plus years of toxic history and bigotry, lie to the face of the international community that they are acting “without discrimination” against terrorists, even as they sup with the likes of UN-designated terrorist Hafiz Saeed and his junior pal Jaish-e-Mohammed’s piglet Masood Azhar.

So to expect that this rag-tag country will acknowledge anything inconvenient to its constructs – including the fact that it was caught with its pants down staging Mumbai attacks thanks to the fortuitous capture of Ajmal Kasab and the phone taps of the Karachi control room – is plain naivete. Pakistan will keep denying it is involved in terrorism even as it is flushed down the toilet of history. Let it go. Save that grainy footage for the archivists to examine how it all accelerated.


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Feb 16, 2009
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Not sure if India wants to do it yet. Economy!!!
I have heard this for decades. But IMO now it is crucial to do this at this time to
Keep growing or China will make sure we don't . More foreign investment has come into India after the strike nothing has changed . If this is a fear open up
A way for NRI 's or the Indian diaspora world wide to send money and you may get trillions pouring in?

India retains 3rd spot on Unctad list of investment destinations

It has hurt Pakistan more look at their stock market and neighbor reactions
Afghanistan hikes up entry tax on Pakistani cargo trucks by 100pc
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