India Launched Surgical Strikes Across LoC: DGMO 29/09/2016


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
Certainly pain in Pakistani deep state is undeniably greatest after Kargil. Cornflakes Army is humiliated to death. It's chief is about to retire. They will do something daring. Though likelihood of direct military action is next to nil owing to their inferiority in kind and character. But possibility of mumbai kind attack is real. Other possibility is multiple front attack. Intelligence agencies have multiple warnings so far. And I it find it extremely fishy as why they are talking about removing ISI's chief and core commander of 30th core in public. Considering the fact it weakens their stand on our stand out in open.

What their BAT tried to do on 6th Oct could be seen as just another desperate move by PA. Or it was a decision taken at local level to send message to its retiring Chief urging him to do something big. Today PA chief is at Hajj Pir. I am sure they are planing something.
Pakistani COAS is in a fix. After few weeks Pak PM will be in-charge and soon he starts deliberating on a name for next COAS army will stop taking orders from current COAS or stop approving any misadventures he may plan. Kerry Lugar will forfeit any coup in the background.

Raheel Sharif, the cult he became, has been seen bleeding by his competitors in Pakistan. You don't show your demigods bleeding; that is the only rule in feudal societies like Pakistan.

He is showing his comradeship with his troops as PR drive just to feel at home and ease. IMHO there is nothing to read. I will rather watch sleeper cells back home than caring for what Pakistani army darpooks are planing.

Furthermore there is a political angle to it.

Nawaz Shariff has hit the jackpot after surgical strikes and he has already made the moves to to tell rest of the world that he himself is sick of army mentoring jihadis. Raheel Shariff is good gone, wont even get an extension as Nawaj Shriff and deeper state is not going to live in international isolation by not making him the sacrificial goat.

ISI chief kicked out is the test run before saying bid adieu to hawaldaar Raheel Sharif.

Pakistani army pets on internet are going to drink cold water of restrain for next few months to come.


New Member
Feb 26, 2010
Whoever disclosed these to the media should be tried in court.
It's evident what's the purpose of this "revelation".

1. An attempt to "disperse" the perceived political malai lest PM and GoI get all the credit in public eyes- as it's happening many places. The Hindu knows it so do their political and overseas overlords.

2. An attempt to do an equal-equal. This also happened in the past, nevermind that they were local events when the forces that went in were completely on their own.

3. If this document is real and not recreation of the events by The Hindu, it's frightening that they had unprecedented access to confidential GoI documents during UPA regime. One can only wonder how many more such documents they've laid their hands during that time and how many have they cached, to be revealed when the time comes.

Someone should ask those attempting to do an equal-equal, what was the political cover for the troops that went in for these strikes? Did the then GoI simply wash its hands off the affair and bhagwaan na kare, if these missions had gone wrong, were they prepared to deal with the ramifications? I think we'll find that the answer is probably not.

This is what made the present surgical strikes so different. @Immanuel (hats off mate for you early and very accurate portrayals of these ops without giving away the operational details) pointed this out and this was subsequently clarified by senior officers and personnel.

1. IA and PARA SF in particular have a long and decorated history of covert ops across the LoC (and I assume probably IB as well). But while, MOST of the previous ops were isolated suppressed localised badla strikes (Op Ginger is a classical example) that targeted isolated and remote TSPA outposts. The 29/09 strikes were on a completely different scale and yet stayed under the radar. These operations that targeted a wide swathe of terror camps along a 250km frontier. The objectives went far beyond avenging Uri. The objectives were to not only to avenge Uri but also deal a crippling blow to the piglet delivery services (or PDS if you will) along the LoC. Those halaaled included handlers, ideologues, tanzeemis and coordinators. Way above the esclataory ladder than was concentrated upon by the previous strikes. The piglets were of the view that they were safe till they reached the LoC, afterwards they were to be fidaayeen anyway. They may not have been afraid of dying, but their handlers and immediate supervisors definitely were. It is these senior piglets that have been targeted by these Ops. They'll be forced to adapt, evolve and look over their shoulders.

2. Our men, who included SFs, Ghataks and possibly Garuds (that itself is a marvel of coordinated action, to bring together different commands in a synchronised fashion such that their actions had a devastating cumulative effect), were backed up by satellites, by helicopter gunships ready to move in if called upon and by massed artillery.

3. IAF sorties, not only along LoC, but along IB as well and IN navy commencing their exercises also kept up the pressure on Bakis. They activated their air assets anticipating a vicious punch. The punch landed with ferocity of a typhoon, but not from where they were expecting- they were bracing for a punch in the face, but a devastating blow landed on their gonads. This explains the amount of taqleef and the likes of Just lying, pissing all over the forum.

4. These tell us that the political leadership was well prepared to escalate had the things not turned out as perfectly as they did- once again hats off to our troops for the textbook precision with which they executed the Ops and the piglets. I am sure in the years to come this will be added to the legends of the Paras and to the training models of special ops not just in India but around the world.

This is why Congress and The Hindu's attempt to do an equal-equal are deplorable and malevolent. One can clearly seen that the strikes have left a deep impact on the psyche of not just piglets, but many politicos as well.
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Darth Malgus

New Member
Aug 24, 2016
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The surgical strike conducted by the Indian Army on terror launch pads along the Line of Control (LoC) between India and Pakistan has hurt the proscribed terrorist group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) the most, according to reports that are emerging now. The strike had resulted in razing of seven terror launch pads in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK), and the death of 38 terrorists.

Founded by Hafiz Saeed, LeT is banned in India, the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, the European Union and many other nations. The outfit is believed to be responsible for several terror attacks, including the 2001 attack on Parliament in New Delhi. India believes that Saeed is the mastermind behind the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, however, he manages to roam free in Pakistan.

The Press Trust of India quoted sources with knowledge of the details of the surgical strike as saying that the Indian Army's field units' assessment reports gave the impression that the most damage was inflicted on LeT at its Dudniyal terror launch pad in PoK.

The reports, believed to include radio conversations which took place among several of the terror groups, say that the launch pad in Dudniyal was struck by five teams of the Indian Army which consisted of the best of the soldiers from the Kupwara sector of Jammu and Kashmir. The operation led to the death of at least 20 militants.

After the surgical strike on seven terror launch pads, the Indian Army put in place a strict radio-monitoring mechanism in the region, and it helped intercept valuable information of the aftermath of the strike. According to the PTI report, the region where the surgical strike took place saw heavy movement of vehicles belonging to the Pakistan Army, as bodies of the terrorists were cleared away to be buried in the Neelum Valley.

Meanwhile, the Indian Army has provided further proof that Pakistan's soil is being used to foment and export terrorism into India by making public images of objects obtained from terrorists in the recent Naugam attack which clearly bear Pakistani markings.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
New Member
Oct 13, 2015

For civilians its just a piece of paper but for Pakis its a significant intelligence information about our forces. Compare this with a months of ISI work just revealed it to them for free by our stupid Media

What happens is these kind of documents are carefully analyzed and maybe act as reference in Paki war colleges, infantry schools and Special Forces course.

1. It clearly mentioned how many SF operators conducted the raid.

2. How many teams were there

3. Kind of equipment, Drone etc used

4. And if i am not wrong its also a map. So basically we revealed to the Pakis what our strength is and their weakness, our potential insertion and extraction point.

5. If we compare our post with Paki LOC posts these are dispersed in wide area means one post is located at minimum 600 - 2000 MTS to each other, so more susceptible to our SF raids. This Hindu report clearly told the Pakis that our SF would always target their remote posts. Now they will mine these posts and strengthen it with more manpower.

Our posts are much closer to each other and have much better communication than pakis that's why their BAT target our patrol parties not the posts itself.

It would be much better that these dumb Asses showed the Paki weapons and Insignias rather than these sensitive documents.
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Darth Malgus

New Member
Aug 24, 2016
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THE message has been delivered; it has been received coolly; so we’re left with two questions: why now and what next?

Let’s get down to it.

Nawaz and the N-League are wrong on militancy. They’ve been wrong since they got back Punjab in 2008 and they’ve been wrong since they captured the centre in 2013.

Either they don’t get it or they refuse to get it, but they’re not interested in a war on militancy and don’t see detoxifying society as a core part of their agenda.

But three things have changed.

The worse things have got, the more Nawaz has chafed at what he perceives as the original problem: sidelining him in foreign policy.
One, Raheel snatched foreign policy from Nawaz and screwed it up. Two, militancy became a threat to the core agenda: the N-League’s version of economic growth. And three, the boys have tried to muscle their way into Punjab.

Lost in the paeans to Raheel is a less salutary reality: he has presided over a downturn in relations with three regional countries, Afghanistan, Iran and India.

On Afghanistan, Raheel seems to have been serious and sincere, but appears to have lost the argument with his side. The Ghani opening is gone.

On Iran, Raheel decided to double down on Saudi. Because the relations are old, the bargain settled and the Saudi demands insistent. Forget an opening to Iran.

On India, Raheel kneecapped Nawaz early and has been intent on keeping India at a distance. Modi’s silliness and bluster have helped — it’s easier to scuttle what was never on the cards anyway.

Nawaz’s preference is for a path to regional stability. With China already on board, stabilising relations with Afghanistan, Iran and India would give Pakistan a normal-ish neighbourhood with steady-ish neighbour relations.

So the worse things have got, the more Nawaz has chafed at what he perceives as the original problem: sidelining him in foreign policy.

He wants back in.

Then there’s the core agenda, the economy. The policies may be flawed, but the goal is clear: steady economic growth via fixing electricity, infrastructure spending and, eventually, trade.

But that’s not compatible with a huge jihad enterprise and an Afghanistan, Iran and India that are miffed and interested in stoking trouble domestically.

So militancy has forced itself into the N-League’s core agenda.

Finally, there’s Punjab. With major military operations in Fata winding down, the boys have wanted to amp up the fight against anti-Pakistan militants in Punjab

But Punjab is all Nawaz has. Let the boys into Punjab and it could be like lowering the drawbridge to the N-League’s eventual political demise.

The only answer is to get in on the fight against militancy. Take the fight to the militants yourself, lest not fighting becomes a reason for the boys to force themselves into Punjab on their terms.

If we can guess why, we can also guess why now.

If the big picture was already converging, recent events caused an acceleration. The US, still seeing Pakistan primarily through the Afghan prism, has been annoyed.

The world has tired of jihadis. The risk of conflict with India has caused diplomatic disquiet. And a chief is set to retire in November.

Put all of that together and you have a reason to start the conversation now. The possibility of a drift towards isolation is real — so the conversation is factual.

The chap on his way out can’t push back too hard and the parameters of the conversation can be defined before the new guy comes in.

And the conversation is what the new guy in November will find the lie of land to be as he settles in. By the middle of next year, he’ll be well settled and the government turning to election mode.

Now, to what the response has been.

There hasn’t been just one meeting and one presentation. There have been several meetings and the presentation has been made to the chief too.

Initially, the response was cool and a little dismissive — we’ve got China, Saudi, Turkey, etc.

But Nawaz has been adamant and others, almost certainly at his direction, have spoken up too. Doing nothing is no longer an option, the boys have been told.

That’s triggered a game of cat and mouse. The boys have suggested that perhaps parliament should get involved — why not get a resolution against some of the groups, it has been mooted.

But the N-League has resisted the idea — the groups weren’t created with parliament’s consent, so why involve parliament now has been the answer.

The PML-N is also trying to cover its flanks. The N-League talking point being peddled most furiously: Punjab is not Karachi.

That’s as much a plea as it is an argument. The N-League knows that the conversation can quickly steer towards the party being an impediment to getting the job done.

In getting some action against some groups, the N-League doesn’t want to open the door to Punjab.

Where is it all headed?

Between now and November, there should be some more clues. Nobody thinks there’ll be a policy U-turn or that there’ll be one soon, but Nawaz is pushing for some quick actions.

If he gets them in the next few weeks, we’ll know which way the conversation is headed. If he doesn’t and political pressure suddenly appears again, paranoia may get the better of the government.

The chief too has a final few cards to play: a shuffle of senior commanders, perhaps at the ISI too, and a say in the selection of the next chief.

Interesting days are here again.


New Member
Feb 26, 2010
@Bornubus I agree and that's what I have pointed out in my post. The Hindu has stooped so low that they thought nothing of giving away operational details that would directly benefit the enemy, just because they and their overlords loathed the idea that present GoI may benefit from the 28/09 surgical strikes.

My question is how did they get their hands on such sensitive documents and how many more such documents were they able to access during the UPA regime.
If it's with The Hindu, sure enough, it's been with TSP and PRC for a while.

Regarding the targeting of outposts, TSPA already know this afterall they are the ones whose posts have been obliterated by the badla strikes. If they haven't shored up the strength in these posts so far, then its because either they do not have the money or for them their soldiers are expendable. I believe it's a combination of the two. TSPA cares too hoots for its soldiers-remember Kargil?

The most important thing here is intelligence- evertyime there's a likelihood of s retaliatory strike, TSPA will have to game our response. This is where intelligence collection and gathering comes in. The Hindu report reveals an important operational scheme and TSPA will game some of their responses accordingly.

These m@#$%78 infuriate me.


New Member
Feb 26, 2010

4 times Indian commandos crossed loc during surgical strike

Why publish this? If this was that easy more strikes will be routine in future it will be a new norm
Because these are already in the public domain and have been for a while- Congress spokesperson and leaderaan have been claiming these "surgical strikes" in the past few days.

Also, back in the day, when these strikes were carried out, newspapers and websites did mention them- how so and so were avenged etc. The armed forces chose to stay quiet on this and so did the government.

I also suspect that the then GoI was very concerned with international reaction and diplomatic events that could have probably resulted, so they chose to a.) Wash their hands off the strikes and b.) Lean on the armed forces to keep it quiet.


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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It doesn't matter what Congress claims now or whether it supportes army back then. Modi will get credit. He said it , he did it and he openly , brazenly owned it.
This is the beginning of a New India. Bold , fearless , powerful India . That can stand up to international pressure and turn that into support if need be!!


New Member
Dec 18, 2013
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DFI Pakis who are posting here and trying to save face of Emperor Raheel are either :

  • Madarsa Abduls hired to make pro Paki posts by ISPR/ISI in exchange for some Paki rupees or good looking goats or young boys

  • Pakis living in Western nations who have direct ties to Paki Army. After all, family business is in danger now after fooling the awam for so long!


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
New Member
Oct 13, 2015
My question is how did they get their hands on such sensitive documents and how many more such documents were they able to access during the UPA regime.

May be retd commisioned officer because i know NCO and low ranking troops are too afraid to share such documents. Most of the time they don't even share their pics in Uniform let alone boast about their Raids and how cool they look in SF gear.

He is ex Dogra now Para whenever i ask him about such stuff he always say " kya karega ye sab jankar" even my father are still hesitant to give me his pics from 90s even though he just serve in infantry not SF.

11 (5).jpg


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Piecing various News Reports, Around 15-20 striker have been carried out in last 25 years. But the Magnitude of present strikes is very different.
It is time to start taking more and more territory with each strike.
Make it a goal of holding any territory gained after exterminating
Terrorists, instead of returning back to the LOC start making a
new LOC each time.

