India Launched Surgical Strikes Across LoC: DGMO 29/09/2016


Lestat De Lioncourt
New Member
Dec 18, 2010
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O idiot we have ruled you for hundreds of years also Palestine was in our control we have lost it only in past 60 years and it would be taken back and Israel and soon you would be wiped out from face of the earth until than can we discuss Assault Rifles which suits India the most ????????????
Since when did bending your a$$ to invaders equals ruling.
Islam or no Islam you people will remain bunch of ******s. You can't fight.It's not in your blood.Give it up you sissy ******s.Bend your asses to hindus like you did for those invading arab muzzies.

raheel besharam

New Member
Sep 24, 2016
O idiot we have ruled you for hundreds of years also Palestine was in our control we have lost it only in past 60 years and it would be taken back and Israel and soon you would be wiped out from face of the earth until than can we discuss Assault Rifles which suits India the most ????????????
Look how russia and america is using u people as pawns in middle east ..

just 21 sikhs managed to defeat ur 10,000 jihadis :D :D


Lestat De Lioncourt
New Member
Dec 18, 2010
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I am talking about 95 % Pakistanis. Every Pakistani is pretty well equipped. I mean has lot of weapons and is ready to do or die when time comes. You really don't know us. We can be either way to loving or way to ruthless and brutal. We basically go to extreme in all cases
After the 26/11 my friend and I decided to get fit because we though war with pakistan was imminent and it is our best chance to get into Indian army.
To train for the army physical exam we went to the park. The park was full of youngsters like us and we all knew why we all were there.
You may have your fancy weapons and sh8t but we have the numbers and will to fight. When the time comes we will kill you with our bare hands and Dunalis.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
New Member
Oct 13, 2015
The Surgical strike is a broad term and a recent one in Indian military parlance. The term which is mentioned in 9 para battle honor is "Trans LC Ops" essentially whenever army crossed the border to Punish the Pakis either Military, Jihadis and even civilians such as Porters, it is a surgical strike.

1998 Article from LA Times


Kashmir Border Duels, Rhetoric Heat Up
Pakistan: Villagers fear war as India rattles nuclear saber.

May 27, 1998 |DEXTER FILKINS |

The Indian soldiers are invisible except for the search beams that leap from the trees at night. Some of the lights are a mere 500 yards from the center of Bandala Seri, easily within range of a modern rifle or machine gun.

Under Fire, Pakistanis Just Huddle Together :lol:

Three days ago, Pakistani villagers said, they had to run for their lives when Indian troops opened fire. When the Indians fire into the village at night, the town folk say, residents gather in one hut and huddle together until it ends.

Early Tuesday, the thunder of artillery fire and the crackle of machine guns 30 miles away were clearly audible in Bandala Seri.

Pakistani officials say they do their best to defend villagers but don't have nearly the troops that India does.

Although a few families have fled the border, most have chosen to stay put. "We are Muslims, and we are not afraid of death," said Fazal Karim, who runs a pharmacy in the village. :lol:

Last month, in a widely reported incident, 22 villagers were massacred in Bandala Seri by gunmen believed to be from India. The villagers say the gang of a dozen men, all dressed in black, struck in the middle of the night and dropped leaflets to mark the attack.

"Vengeance Brigade," one leaflet said.

"Evil deeds bear evil fruit," said another.

"Ten eyes for one eye, one jaw for a single tooth," said a third.

Blood still stains the walls of several huts.

Villagers Deny Links to Militant Groups

When the Pakistani government accused the Indian government of sponsoring the attack, New Delhi denied any responsibility. Some, including U.S. officials, believe the attack may have come in retaliation for the killing of 26 Indian civilians a week before in the villages of Parankot and Dhakikot.

The villagers in Bandala Seri deny that they have any connection to militant groups or that they have engaged in any attacks on Indians. Karim, the pharmacist, who lost 11 relatives in the massacre, said he would welcome a war with the Indians up on the hill, whether they are armed with nuclear weapons or not. "All the time," Karim said, "I think about revenge."

Folks here express little hope that relations between India and Pakistan, now fraught by nuclear arms, will improve any time soon.

Nizar Ahmed, whose brother, Zufhkar, was wounded in the attack, said the only solution to the problem in Kashmir is a total Indian withdrawal. If the Indians continue to refuse, he said, he doesn't hold out much hope. "In that case," Nizar said, "only atomic weapons will decide our future."


@Zarvan Beti ye article sirf tere liye

@Just telling Truth


New Member
Sep 24, 2015
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Zarvan brother is saying right, you don’t know us we civilians knows hand to hand combat, we possess weapons and I also have my peculiar sniper rifle and already proficient in weapons, arms and ammo of many types. So, you should be concern about yourself including your army and government. You don’t know world consider us “Pakistan as fortress of Islam”, and I love Islam and my beloved Pakistan and would defend both. And would offense on enemies.

But the thing is we we know this too, aur bihari's, punjabi's, haryanvi and up walla's know all of this, and they alone are 4 times more than you and I haven't even touch other people yet.

Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk


"Shaktimev Jayate" - Strength Alone Triumphs
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Sep 19, 2016
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Zarvan brother is saying right, you don’t know us we civilians knows hand to hand combat, we possess weapons and I also have my peculiar sniper rifle and already proficient in weapons, arms and ammo of many types. So, you should be concern about yourself including your army and government. You don’t know world consider us “Pakistan as fortress of Islam”, and I love Islam and my beloved Pakistan and would defend both. And would offense on enemies.

Take your sniper rifle like a paki hero and get obliterated when we strike.
No one will go to a hand fight with you guys - we don't want to get contaminated. This time we will turn pakistan to kabristan.
And your sentence was incomplete. World considers you as the fortress of terrorist Islam. The world has had enough of you - and will be patting us on the back when we wipe you off the map.

Nicky G

Tihar Jail
Nov 24, 2014
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O idiot we have ruled you for hundreds of years also Palestine was in our control we have lost it only in past 60 years and it would be taken back and Israel and soon you would be wiped out from face of the earth until than can we discuss Assault Rifles which suits India the most ????????????
Just another delusional Paki with laughably inaccurate notions of past glory. :rofl:

Rag tag terrorists will wipe Israel out when six 'great' Arab nations combined couldn't. Retarded Paki. :crazy:

Arabs thrived due to oil, now that the world is moving on, they be left to fu*k their goats.

As for Pakiland, it will be carved up nice and slowly.

Now be a good Paki and go beg some country for money to sustain yourselves or open you legs for some Chini, or perhaps you'd rather prefer bending over.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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Crossing a red line

Para commando
On the night of September 28, close to 100 specially trained operators exhaled gently as they lay in wait at multiple locations across the Line of Control. The moon had waned to a thin, near-invisible crescent. Until H-hour, the cutting edge of the Indian army’s Parachute regiment Special Forces, Para-SF for short, did not exist. They blended into the rugged Pir Panjal because they had reduced their four S-es-shape, shine, silhouette and smell. Their combat fatigues blended into the forest, their faces were streaked with camouflage paint. Their skin was covered in a thin film of mud to suppress body odour. Their weapons had been blackened. They had lain in ambush for over 48 hours.
There was nothing on their minds except the success of their mission. Not the 19 soldiers who had been killed in Uri on September 18, nor their fate if they were captured alive.
Opinion: Indian Army's surgical strikes should make Pakistan think twice before trying another Uri
The operators were the decisive tip of a very long spear that began in the army’s Directorate General of Military Operations (DGMO) on the first floor of South Block. Here, India’s military leadership sat with their political bosses, the prime minister and the defence minister. It passed through the Northern Army Command’s bunker in Udhampur that planned the operation, and, finally, led across the border.
For days now, the SF teams had stalked their targets-launchpads used to infiltrate militants into India.
READ: How Ghatak platoons from units attacked in Uri helped commandos in surgical strike
At H-hour, a coded signal went out to the teams. The operators opened up with the portable artillery they had backpacked across the LoC-Carl Gustaf rocket launchers, thermobaric rockets, under barrel grenade launchers clipped on rifles and ‘Milkor’ multiple grenade launchers that spat out six 40 mm grenades in one pull of the trigger.

Six launch pads at Kel, Lipa, Athmuqam, Tattapani and Bhimber, located within five kilometers of the LoC, were hit near-simultaneously. The explosions were captured on hand-held cameras and by Indian Army drones floating above, relaying the images back to base. At each location, the operation was terminated in minutes.
“It was a destruction mission, they did not engage their targets with small arms fire nor wait to count casualties,” one official says. The weapons were chosen to inflict the maximum structural damage. The Russian Shmel, for instance, is called a flame-thrower by its manufacturer as it ignites a fuel-air mix that collapses structures and has the impact of one 155 mm Bofors shell.
READ: How para commandos used flame throwers to decimate terror camps behind enemy lines
The commandos had accomplished a textbook ‘raid’ after infiltrating enemy-held territory. The US Special Forces Operational Techniques’ field manual FM 31-20, one of the few such documents that is publicly accessible, hails overland infiltration “as the most secure way of getting the Special Forces team into place, especially if time is not crucial. Distance is not necessarily a problem for well-equipped Special Forces personnel, trained to use their skills, wits and resources”.
This is precisely why Indian SF operators eschew helicopters. They lack mission-specific helicopters like the stealthy Ghost Hawks Navy Seals used in the 2011 raid on Abbottabad that killed Osama bin Laden.
Indian SF operators who do 30-km cross-country speed marches with 40 kg backpacks are comfortable with stealthy land borne insertion. They know the swathe of dense virgin temperate forest on the LoC like the back of their hand. They navigate around the ‘nars’ or dry river channels leading into the Kishenganga and know which ridges to take to evade detection.
They are at home in the 2 km no man’s land belt where vision drops to less than a metre in broad daylight and the crackle of twigs could well be a wild bear, a marauding panther, a militant or a Pakistani SSG operator.
READ: Terrorists plotting 'spectacular strike' to avenge surgical strikes, fear intelligence agencies
The commandos maintained their composure throughout the mission. At one camp which they staked out, terrorist sentries randomly hosed the trees around with assault weapon fire. Shredded leaves showered the waiting commandos, making them wonder if the mission had been compromised.
Army officials in the know say the number of casualties on the terrorist side are only guesstimates based on how many terrorists and their supporters are within each camp. There were no casualties on the Indian side. One operator sustained foot injuries when he walked across a mine on the way back. He did not cry even once. A commando attributes it to the adrenaline surge during these missions and say the build-up causes post-action nausea and vomiting.
In what is believed to be a first for such missions, the operators took visual evidence of the strike. One team waited until daybreak, past 6 am, to capture a camp being blown up on video. The infrared bloom in one of the launchpads led the brass to wonder whether the operators had hit a weapons dump. The footage was carefully analyzed by army and intelligence sources and shown to the leadership before India went public with the strike.
READ| Army gives videos of surgical strikes to government, PM Modi to take final call on release
At noon on September 29, while the launchpads were still smoldering, DGMO Lieutenant General Ranbir Singh addressed a press conference in New Delhi announcing that India had carried out ‘surgical strikes’ ‘along’ the border after receiving specific and credible input on terrorists planning to infiltrate into India to carry out attacks.
“During these counter-terrorist operations, significant casualties were caused by terrorists and those providing support to them,” Lt Gen Singh said, the restrained statement coming 11 days after he had vowed to respond to the Uri attacks at “a time and place of the army’s choosing”.
The signal to move in had already been given days after the Uri attack as the government seethed in its aftermath and the mounting public pressure for retaliation. An ‘Eyes Only’ file one officer calls the ‘book of targets’ kept in a secure location within the DGMO, was opened. The targets were identified in consultation with the Northern Army Command. Updated image feeds of the camps were taken from intelligence agencies.
READ|Pak exposed: Eyewitnesses across LoC give graphic details of India's surgical strikes, says report
The first teams of SF operators were infiltrated across the LoC to conduct Close Target Reconnaissance (CTR), a crucial element in the planning process. It identifies targets, verifies they are operational and reverts to the planners who then wargame the operation.
The CTR teams staked out and identified the targets, the infiltration routes and the approximate times for infiltration and exfiltration. They took pains to evade thermal imagers on the Pakistani side. One infiltration route ran through a counter-infiltration minefield laid by the Indian side, littered with buried anti-personnel mines. The team chose to mark a safe route through this lethal obstacle as an alternative route would take time.
Read| Claims denied: How Pakistan media is treating India's surgical strike
The planners kept the operation secret and anonymous. Unlike previous cross-LoC missions, it was not given a name, nor were written orders issued. The infiltration teams were believed to have been sent into the Indian posts on the LoC in disguise before their launch, to keep their arrival secret.
Predictably, Pakistan disputed the Indian army’s version. “The notion of a surgical strike linked to alleged terrorists’ bases is an illusion being deliberately generated by India to create false effects,” the Pakistan army said in a statement.
Indian military commanders have chafed at their inability to strike at militant sanctuaries just across the border. At the height of the Kargil war in 1999, Prime Minister A.B. Vajpayee issued orders to his military commanders that the LoC was sacrosanct. This, when military advice indicated that the war could have been terminated even sooner had India struck Pakistan’s supply routes and bases across the LoC. Vajpayee, however, wanted India to retake the Kargil Heights from a moral high ground.
READ: India strikes back: 6 ways Pakistan could retaliate after surgical strike
War apart, cross-border operations across the LoC have been commonplace for decades, part of establishing ‘moral ascendancy’ over the adversary and conducted at the battalion level. The November 2003 ceasefire between India and Pakistan drastically reduced such operations, but they began a decade ago when both armies began targeting each other in a cycle of violence and counter-violence.
Army officials privately admit to at least two cross-border SF raids in 2008 and 2011. But these were authorised by the Northern Command in retaliation to specific action by Pakistan army Border Action Teams (BATs).
Surgical strikes against Pakistan-based terrorists, including specific operations to target their leadership, were discussed by the Manmohan Singh-led cabinet committee on security in the aftermath of the 26/11 attacks on Mumbai. These were abandoned for lack of precise targeting information and, more importantly, what one participant in the meeting calls, a clear lack of political will.
READ: India kept surgical strikes mission deliberately unnamed
To that extent, the September 29 raid authorised by the topmost political leadership and later broadcast to the world, marks a radical departure in policy. The September 29 operations covered a frontage of over 200 km, both north and south of the Pir Panjal range. In that sense, it was also a step-up from the June 6 raid by Indian SF on NSCN(K)-PLA camp after its guerrillas ambushed and killed 18 Army men in Chandel, Manipur. The raid was carried out with the knowledge of the Myanmar government.
Whether the September 29 strikes mark a permanent change in the government policy of restraint remains to be seen. Army brass believe this operation is a one-off. “There is no change in policy at the formation level,” a senior army official says.
The army is quick to underline that this surgical strike calls for a Special Operations Command (SOCOM) to undertake a range of future clandestine and covert operations. This command was first proposed by the army in 2002 but shelved. The proposal was resurrected by the Naresh Chandra committee in 2011. The SOCOM, reporting to the Permanent Chairman, Chiefs of Staff, would have integrated training facilities, a common pool of equipment and dedicated transport aircraft (the army and navy rely on the IAF to fly them for long-range missions). That the proposal has languished before the CCS since 2013 is inexplicable given that the leadership believes in the changed nature of future wars. This, even as the prime minister told the Combined Commanders’ Conference last December that “full-scale wars may become rare, but force will remain an instrument of deterrence and influencing behaviour”. The next surgery, clearly, has to be on India’s moribund defence reforms.


New Member
Aug 7, 2009
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Ohh man u revealed all the tactics of hanuman army , lol, if all tactics are leacked why not releasing video ?

Rahul Gandhi to Modi... Modi g kea bana rahy ho


Project Dharma

New Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Ohh man u revealed all the tactics of hanuman army , lol, if all tactics are leacked why not releasing video ?

Rahul Gandhi to Modi... Modi g kea bana rahy ho

Coz it won't matter, there are shreds of evidence coming in from everywhere and you guys nitpick the crap out of everything and try to poke holes and deny. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Indian side believes their army and you guys don't matter enough to convince. Comprende?

Project Dharma

New Member
Oct 4, 2016
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You can call the other army names but only a coward doesn't respect their opponents. You are also insulting your fallen soldiers who have died at the hands of a "hanuman army" over time since 1947.

If a mulla dies at the hands of their enemy they get 72 virgins, if they die at the hands of a member of hanuman army, do they get 72 gorillas?

Just telling Truth

New Member
Oct 1, 2016

:rofl::pound::hippo::hehe::lol: Fake " Sir G Kal"

Rahul and Kejriwal = Modi g aab to dekh lou lagta hai dosri baar bhi nahi sudro gey LOL !


New Member
Aug 7, 2009
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Coz it won't matter, there are shreds of evidence coming in from everywhere and you guys nitpick the crap out of everything and try to poke holes and deny. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Indian side believes their army and you guys don't matter enough to convince. Comprende?
You believed the outsiders and u not believing the insiders who revealed that Indian army is busy making fake surgical strike film in IOK.....tum logon ko wahe acha lagta ha Jo tum sunna chahtay

Project Dharma

New Member
Oct 4, 2016
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You believed the outsiders and u not believing the insiders who revealed that Indian army is busy making fake surgical strike film in IOK.....tum logon ko wahe acha lagta ha Jo tum sunna chahtay
Which insiders are you talking about?


New Member
Aug 7, 2009
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You can call the other army names but only a coward doesn't respect their opponents. You are also insulting your fallen soldiers who have died at the hands of a "hanuman army" over time since 1947.

If a mulla dies at the hands of their enemy they get 72 virgins, if they die at the hands of a member of hanuman army, do they get 72 gorillas?
Check the fact I'm not saying hanuman army but one of your own minister maybe..yaa Muslims will get 72 virgins , u wana know what u will get ? Baba g ka ghanta ?lol

Project Dharma

New Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Check the fact I'm not saying hanuman army but one of your own minister maybe..yaa Muslims will get 72 virgins , u wana know what u will get ? Baba g ka ghanta ?lol
There is no after life, your delusional moon God worshipper Mohammad made it up.

