India Launched Surgical Strikes Across LoC: DGMO 29/09/2016

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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Germany supports India on LoC strikes, calls it right to defence against terror
  • Jayanth Jacob, Hindustan Times, New Delhi|
  • Updated: Oct 05, 2016 18:43 IST

Soldiers guard outside the army base which was attacked suspected militants in Uri, Jammu and Kashmir on September 18, 2016.(PTI)
Germany on Wednesday said every country has the right to defend itself against international terrorism, signalling growing support for New Delhi’s September 29 attack on militant camps across the line of control.
The German backing comes a day after a top European Parliament official asked the international community to stand by India in its fight against terror emanating from Pakistan, which if left unchecked would target the West.
“There is a clear international norm that every state has the right to defend its territory from international terrorism,” German ambassador to India Martin Ney said in Hyderabad.
Responding to a question on the “surgical strikes”, Ney said under international law, every country was obliged to ensure that no terrorism emanated from its territory.
“Secondly, there is a clear international law that any state has the right to defend its territory from any form of global terrorism,” Ney said.
Germany was standing side by side with India in its efforts to counter terrorism. “I can assure you standing with India side by side against terrorism are not empty political words but backed with concrete projects,” Ney said.
Germany is the second major world power to back India in as many days.Russia has welcomed the army raid . Its ambassador Alexander M Kadakin said on Monday that the “terrorists” who struck an army base in Uri were Pakistanis and every country had the right to defend itself. Nineteen Indian soldiers were killed in the September 18 attack.


Sanathan Pepe
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Sep 18, 2009
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Below are the actual Paki news which spread the LIES which hit back Pakis themselves and they got HUMILIATED. :lol:asas

Around 40,000 Indian Soldiers Submitted Leave Application

Over 40,000 Indian soldiers have applied for leave
During Dushera-Diwali season it's common for lakhs of posted soldiers to apply for leave. Pakistan should actually worry that the number is as low as ~40,000 this year.

Regardless, when war breaks out, leaves are cancelled and troops are recalled anyway. So this whole "Indians are seeking leaves because they're scared of us" narrative is horseshit thought up by small inbred minds.


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Apr 12, 2010
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Q. Ghulam? How are you? IG Mushtaq speaking.
.Sir, by god’s grace I am well.

Q. What is happening there? There is a lot of heat in your area.
. Yes sir, along the of now there isn’t much happening since the morning.

Q. This surgical surgical they are talking about...
.That you are talking about, the 29th... the surgical strikes you are talking about... in that (only) three... three of ours have died... this is what the local (army authorities) have disclosed so far...

Q. But the other side is claiming 30-40 are dead
. Yes, they are claiming too many... they have said there was major damage in the surgical strike... it is not as bad sir...but they (India) had opened up the border that night (29th sept).

Q. Yes, but no one went up to Athmuqam?
. No sir, no one went to Athmuqam. But in Leepa, there were two (deaths), then in Adhira there were two (deaths) as well…

Q. In your estimate, how many died?
. Sir, overall in the surgical strike, to be on the safer side, overall there were around 12 deaths... We can say 12.

Q. In one camp?
. No sir, overall, not in one camp sir. As such information is very little sir, area is also cordoned off. Here as well as ahead (towards LoC)

Q. This surgical strike that happened...which camps were hit?
. Leepa and Asmani in Bhimber... these were all army posts

Q. So in the army post, they killed 12...
. Yes, sir total 12...

Q. Where have they been buried?
. Sir in their villages... we are evaluating coffin boxes...

Q. So there are 12 coffins...
A. Yes sir... they from different areas... a couple going to one place, a couple to another...

Q. Tell me break-up of the deaths...
. (Can be heard tellinghis office clerk in Punjabi) Get me that list... is coming sir...

Q.Ok Ghulam... All the names are on the list?
. No sir, not all names, some are there

Q. These are from the 29th (the day of the surgical strikes)?
. Yes sir, from the 29th... the surgical strike they are talking about...

Q. Your line is getting cut... what is your land line number?
. I am in the basement... take the landline 92xxxx... and the code is 05822 for Muzaffarabad...

Q. Your voice is clear. Can you please read out the file?
. Sir, he is bringing the entire file, it will have all details of 29th with names...

Q. Have you got the file?
. Yes sir

Q. Ok, tell me
. (Gives the list of 5 Pakistani soldiers killed and the 9 injured in the surgical strikes. CNN-News18 has the full list including names, ranks and the sector/tehsils where they were killed. But our code of standards & practices prevent us from publishing the details)
A mosque has also been damaged. It is near the post in Leepa. These are all details of the 29th... when the surgical strike happened

Q. Tell me, on that day how long did the strike continue?
. Sir, that was night... you can say roughly 3-4 hours... between 2am and 4am or 5am... the attack continued between that time...

Q. How many people did they have?
. There is no confirmation of that sir...

Q. So they attacked one of our posts...
. Sir, there were attacks on separate places... several places were attacked... they also met resistance sir...

Q.So what information do we have? How many of them (Indian forces) entered?
. Sir, there is no one who is allowed to go there and no information is also coming from there on this...even the local authorities are not saying anything...

Q. But in your estimation, more than five are dead? you were saying 12 are dead?
. Sir, these are from different places, not at one post...

Q. But what is local intelligence saying?
. Sir, they are saying that bodies were put in ambulances and taken away... to their homes or wherever...

Q. Did locals die? And jihadis?
. Sir, no locals died. But there is a probability that jihadis have been killed.

Q. So how many jihadis?
. This information we are not getting sir, from anywhere.

Q. The army hides jihadis?
. Sir, that happens...

Q. Do you think the army is not letting information about the jihadis out?
. Yes sir, they do that, we know. This is why the area has been cordoned off...

Q. How many (jihadis) do you think may have died?
. Difficult to say sir...

Q. Still, in your estimation...
. Sir, it could be... on the basis of crossing (the LoC)... from different areas... some 5-6...

Q. Every camp has 5-6?
. Yes sir, that is the number that crosses over (the LoC)... even 4 or 3 or 2.

Q. So if they (Indian forces) attacked in 4-5 places... there could have been up to 20 killed?
. Sir, it is difficult to say... but we can say that these were their launching ways...

Q. Whose launching ways were they?
. These... lashkaris... (jihadis)

Q. So do you also keep the lashkaris (jihadis) with you?
. No sir, no... this is done by them... the army

Q. Who brings them?
. the army brings them sir... it is in their hands...

(At this point, as the conversation wound down, CNN-News18 wanted to once again confirm the name and rank of the official in his own words)
Q. Ok then... can you identify yourself?
. I am sir, special branch...

Q. What is your full name?
. Ghulam Akbar

Q. What is your designation?
. SP, special branch...


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Apr 13, 2013
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Pakistan Army guarding 12 new terror launch pads in PoK, location identified: Report

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday chaired a a high-level meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Security, which was called to discuss the present situation in the aftermath of last week's surgical strikes by the Indian Army across LoC.

During today's CCS meet, National Security Advisor Ajit Doval informed the Prime Minister and others about at least 12 new terror launch pads, which have come up after Army's surgical strikes last week.

Doval, according to India TV, also shared the inputs gathered by various intelligence agencies after Army's daring secret operation along the Line of Control last week. Sources also claimed that the location of those terror camps have been identified by the Indian intelligence agaencies.

Doval's report provided information related to the movement and fresh deployment of Pakistani troops and militants along the border areas.

However, raising an alarm for the security establishment, Doval reportedly claimed that at least 12 terror launch pads have come up within PoK following India’s strikes and that around 100 militants are planning to infiltrate into the Indian side.

NDTV, ABP and other news agencies also quoted top sources, which cited NSA Ajit Doval as saying that Pakistan’s Infantry Division is guarding all these terror launch pads.

Doval, at the CCS meet, reportedly informed that at least 40-50 jawans (the number varies) of Pakistan Army’s Infantry Division are guarding each of these installations.

During today's CCS meet, Home Minister Rajnath Singh also briefed PM Modi about the situation in Kashmir.

The high-level meeting was attended all top ranking NDA ministers and senior government officials, including NSA Doval.

Rajnath Singh had earlier held a meeting with senior ITBP officials and Doval to review the border situation.

Army had on September 28-29 conducted surgical strikes on terror launch pads along the Line of Control (LOC), after which DGMO Lt General Ranbir Singh had told a media briefing that the strikes caused significant casualties to terrorists and those who were shielding them.

Speaking on the operation, Singh said that the motive of this operation was to hit out at the terrorists who were planning to infiltrate into our territory, adding that no Indian casualties during surgical strikes that were carried out in Pakistan territory last night by the Indian Army.

Another Surgical strike in the making..!!!

Darth Malgus

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Aug 24, 2016
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Pakistan Army guarding 12 new terror launch pads in PoK, location identified: Report

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday chaired a a high-level meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Security, which was called to discuss the present situation in the aftermath of last week's surgical strikes by the Indian Army across LoC.

During today's CCS meet, National Security Advisor Ajit Doval informed the Prime Minister and others about at least 12 new terror launch pads, which have come up after Army's surgical strikes last week.

Doval, according to India TV, also shared the inputs gathered by various intelligence agencies after Army's daring secret operation along the Line of Control last week. Sources also claimed that the location of those terror camps have been identified by the Indian intelligence agaencies.

Doval's report provided information related to the movement and fresh deployment of Pakistani troops and militants along the border areas.

However, raising an alarm for the security establishment, Doval reportedly claimed that at least 12 terror launch pads have come up within PoK following India’s strikes and that around 100 militants are planning to infiltrate into the Indian side.

NDTV, ABP and other news agencies also quoted top sources, which cited NSA Ajit Doval as saying that Pakistan’s Infantry Division is guarding all these terror launch pads.

Doval, at the CCS meet, reportedly informed that at least 40-50 jawans (the number varies) of Pakistan Army’s Infantry Division are guarding each of these installations.

During today's CCS meet, Home Minister Rajnath Singh also briefed PM Modi about the situation in Kashmir.

The high-level meeting was attended all top ranking NDA ministers and senior government officials, including NSA Doval.

Rajnath Singh had earlier held a meeting with senior ITBP officials and Doval to review the border situation.

Army had on September 28-29 conducted surgical strikes on terror launch pads along the Line of Control (LOC), after which DGMO Lt General Ranbir Singh had told a media briefing that the strikes caused significant casualties to terrorists and those who were shielding them.

Speaking on the operation, Singh said that the motive of this operation was to hit out at the terrorists who were planning to infiltrate into our territory, adding that no Indian casualties during surgical strikes that were carried out in Pakistan territory last night by the Indian Army.

Another Surgical strike in the making..!!!
Wonder if that is why so many ceasefire violations are happening ........


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Pakistan Army guarding 12 new terror launch pads in PoK, location identified: Report

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday chaired a a high-level meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Security, which was called to discuss the present situation in the aftermath of last week's surgical strikes by the Indian Army across LoC.

During today's CCS meet, National Security Advisor Ajit Doval informed the Prime Minister and others about at least 12 new terror launch pads, which have come up after Army's surgical strikes last week.

Doval, according to India TV, also shared the inputs gathered by various intelligence agencies after Army's daring secret operation along the Line of Control last week. Sources also claimed that the location of those terror camps have been identified by the Indian intelligence agaencies.

Doval's report provided information related to the movement and fresh deployment of Pakistani troops and militants along the border areas.

However, raising an alarm for the security establishment, Doval reportedly claimed that at least 12 terror launch pads have come up within PoK following India’s strikes and that around 100 militants are planning to infiltrate into the Indian side.

NDTV, ABP and other news agencies also quoted top sources, which cited NSA Ajit Doval as saying that Pakistan’s Infantry Division is guarding all these terror launch pads.

Doval, at the CCS meet, reportedly informed that at least 40-50 jawans (the number varies) of Pakistan Army’s Infantry Division are guarding each of these installations.

During today's CCS meet, Home Minister Rajnath Singh also briefed PM Modi about the situation in Kashmir.

The high-level meeting was attended all top ranking NDA ministers and senior government officials, including NSA Doval.

Rajnath Singh had earlier held a meeting with senior ITBP officials and Doval to review the border situation.

Army had on September 28-29 conducted surgical strikes on terror launch pads along the Line of Control (LOC), after which DGMO Lt General Ranbir Singh had told a media briefing that the strikes caused significant casualties to terrorists and those who were shielding them.

Speaking on the operation, Singh said that the motive of this operation was to hit out at the terrorists who were planning to infiltrate into our territory, adding that no Indian casualties during surgical strikes that were carried out in Pakistan territory last night by the Indian Army.

Another Surgical strike in the making..!!!
From now on whenever there is a CCS meeting, media and pakis will be on full alert. And I think one happened this morning.

Project Dharma

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Oct 4, 2016
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Aww i almost feel bad for the SP, India should give him asylum. Hope he is safe.

"6 se 12 log shahid huye hain, ek masjid bhi shahid huyi hai" that made me lol for some reason

