India-China Relations


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Apr 13, 2013
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Joint Statement between the India and China during Prime Minister's visit to China
May 15, 2015

  • H.E. Mr. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of the Republic of India, is currently paying an official visit to China at the invitation of H.E. Mr. Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China. Prime Minister Modi called on H.E. Mr. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China and held talks with H.E. Mr. Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council. He also met with H.E. Mr. Zhang Dejiang, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China. Prime Minister Modi expressed his deep appreciation for the special gestures extended by President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang during the visit and thanked the Chinese people for the warm welcome accorded to him.
  • Leaders of the two countries reviewed the progress of bilateral relations. The two sides shared the view that President Xi’s visit to India in September 2014 was a significant milestone in the development of bilateral relations. The leaders noted that there is a historic imperative for India and China to enrich their bilateral relations, with the agreement on building closer developmental partnership reached during President Xi’s visit to India as a core component.
  • The leaders agreed that simultaneous re-emergence of India and China as two major powers in the region and the world offers a momentous opportunity for realisation of the Asian Century. They noted that India-China bilateral relations are poised to play a defining role in the 21st Century in Asia and indeed, globally. The leaders agreed that the process of the two countries pursuing their respective national developmental goals and security interests must unfold in a mutually supportive manner with both sides showing mutual respect and sensitivity to each other’s concerns, interests and aspirations. This constructive model of relationship between the two largest developing countries, the biggest emerging economies and two major poles in the global architecture provides a new basis for pursuing state-to-state relations to strengthen the international system.

    Strengthening Political Dialogue and Strategic Communication

  • Recognizing the expanding bilateral relationship, the growing international role of India and China and the imperative of forging strategic trust, the leaders agreed to enhance communication through frequent exchanges at the leadership level and by fully utilising the existing dialogue mechanisms.
  • The two sides agreed to regular visits at the level of Heads of State/ Government. Full use will be made of the opportunities provided by the presence of their leaders at various multilateral fora to hold consultations on bilateral relations and issues of regional and global importance.
  • Noting the increasingly important role played by Indian States and Chinese Provinces in advancing the bilateral relationship, the two sides agreed to establish a State/Provincial Leaders’ Forum. The first meeting of the Forum was held in Beijing on 15 May 2015, with the participation of Prime Minister Modi and Premier Li.
  • Acknowledging the contribution of high-level exchanges organised under the aegis of the Ministry of External Affairs of India and the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in fostering cooperation and understanding, the two sides agreed to institutionalise and expand the exchange mechanism.
  • In order to facilitate and promote greater cultural, tourism, economic and people-to-people engagement between the two countries, an additional Consulate General shall be established in each other's country. India shall open a new Consulate General in Chengdu, while China shall open a new Consulate General in Chennai.
  • The two sides believed that enhanced military ties are conducive to building mutual trust and confidence. The Indian side welcomed visit of a Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of China to India this year, and the Chinese side invited Indian Defence Minister and other military leaders to visit China this year. The fifth joint counter-terrorism training between the two armies will be held in China in 2015. The two sides will exchange visits of naval ships and hold PASSEX and SAR exercises.
  • The two sides acknowledged the positive role of the Agreements and Protocols that have been signed so far in maintaining peace and tranquillity in the border areas. Committed to enhance border defence cooperation, the two sides will carry out annual visits and exchanges between the two Military Headquarters and neighbouring military commands, endeavour to operationalize the hotline between the two Military Headquarters, expand the exchanges between the border commanders, and establish border personnel meeting points at all sectors of the India-China border areas.
  • The two sides affirmed that an early settlement of the boundary question serves the basic interests of the two countries and should be pursued as a strategic objective by the two governments. Bearing in mind the overall bilateral relations and the long-term interests of the two peoples, the two sides are determined to actively seek a political settlement of the boundary question. They made a positive assessment of the important progress made through the mechanism of the Special Representatives, and reaffirmed the commitment to abide by the three-stage process for the settlement of the boundary question, and continuously push forward negotiation on the framework for a boundary settlement based on the outcomes and common understanding achieved so far, in an effort to seek a fair, reasonable and mutually acceptable solution as early as possible.
  • The two sides will resolve outstanding differences, including the boundary question, in a proactive manner. Those differences should not be allowed to come in the way of continued development of bilateral relations. Peace and tranquillity on the India-China border was recognized as an important guarantor for the development and continued growth of bilateral relations. Pending a final resolution of the boundary question, the two sides commit to implementing the existing agreements and continue to make efforts to maintain peace and tranquillity in the border areas.

    Next Steps in Closer Developmental Partnership

  • The two sides resolved to work together to further strengthen their closer developmental partnership as it would provide impetus to economic growth and prosperity of the two countries as well as of their respective regions and the world at large.
  • Taking note of the increase in two-way trade and investment flows in the past few years, the two sides acknowledged its positive contribution to strengthening their overall bilateral relationship and to supporting each other’s growth and development processes. In this regard, it was agreed that both sides will take necessary measures to remove impediments to bilateral trade and investment, facilitate greater market access to each other’s economies, and support local governments of the two countries to strengthen trade and investment exchanges, with a view to optimally exploiting the present and potential complementarities in identified sectors in the Five Year Trade and Economic Development Plan signed in September 2014, including Indian pharmaceuticals, Indian IT services, tourism, textiles and agro-products.
  • The two sides resolved to take joint measures to alleviate the skewed bilateral trade so as to realize its sustainability. Such measures will include cooperation on pharmaceutical supervision including registration, speedier phytosanitary negotiations on agro-products for two-way trade, stronger links between Indian IT companies and Chinese enterprises, and increasing services trade in tourism, films, healthcare, IT and logistics. Both sides will make full use of the India-China Joint Economic Group to work on this. The leaders welcomed the decision to expedite discussion and endeavour to favourably address, in the spirit of mutual cooperation and reciprocity, the issues pertaining to tariff reduction in respect of relevant Indian products under the framework of Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement.
  • The two leaders agreed that the Strategic Economic Dialogue is an important mechanism to explore new areas of bilateral economic cooperation. The next meeting of the Strategic Economic Dialogue, co-chaired by Vice Chairman of NITI Aayog of India and Chairman of NDRC of China, will be held in India during the second half of 2015.
  • The leaders noted with appreciation the positive momentum in investment projects as Chinese companies respond to the invitation to ‘Make in India’ and Indian companies expand their presence in China.
  • The two leaders noted with satisfaction the steps taken and the progress achieved in the Railway sector cooperation including the projects on speed raising on the existing Chennai-Bengaluru-Mysore line, the proposed feasibility studies for the Delhi-Nagpur section of high speed rail link, the station redevelopment planning for Bhubaneswar & Baiyappanahalli, heavy haul transportation training and setting up of a railway university. They welcomed the Action Plan outlining the next steps in the partnership in this key infrastructure sector.
  • The leaders welcomed the signing of the MoU to institute a dialogue mechanism between the NITI Aayog of India and the Development Research Centre of the State Council of China.
  • The two sides expressed their readiness to enhance cooperation between the financial regulators and enterprises of the two countries in support of the building of the Closer Developmental Partnership.

    Culture and People-to-people Exchanges
  • Prime Minister Modi and Premier Li attended the Yoga-Taichi demonstration event in Beijing on 15 May 2015. The two sides also agreed to work together to successfully organize events related to the International Yoga Day on 21 June 2015. The leaders welcomed collaboration between the Indian Council for Cultural Relations and Yunnan National University.
  • The leaders noted that enhanced exchanges among education institutions of the two sides will play a positive role in socio-economic development of the two sides. They welcomed the signing of the expanded Educational Exchange Programme.
  • The two sides expressed satisfaction with the progress achieved in the India-China Cultural Exchange Initiative. The two sides will have the annual exchange of 200 youths from each side in the second half of this year.
  • The agreements on establishing a provincial partnership between Karnataka and Sichuan and sister-city relationships between Aurangabad - Dunhuang, Chennai – Chongqing and Hyderabad – Qingdao were welcomed.
  • With a view to foster closer dialogue and mutual understanding, the two sides decided to establish a ‘India-China Think Tanks Forum’, which will meet annually, alternately in India and China. They also agreed to institutionalize the ‘High Level Media Forum’ and tasked the Ministry of External Affairs of India and the State Council Information Office of China to convene it on an annual basis, alternately in India and China. The leaders welcomed the establishment of the Center for Gandhian and Indian Studies at Fudan University, Shanghai.

    New Avenues for Cooperation

  • The leaders welcomed continuous enrichment of India-China Closer Developmental Partnership with its expansion into newer areas of cooperation. The leaders welcomed initiation and expansion of cooperation in the following fields and mandated the relevant agencies to implement the projects in a purposeful manner:

    i. Enhanced cooperation in vocational training and skill development, including through the signing of the Action Plan on the establishment of Mahatma Gandhi National Institute for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship at Gandhinagar/Ahmedabad in Gujarat;

    ii. Initiating cooperation in development of smart cities with identification of GIFT City in India and Shenzhen in China as pilot smart cities for joint demonstration projects;

    iii. In peaceful uses of outer space and the peaceful use of nuclear energy;

    iv. In the sphere of public health, medical education and traditional medicine;

    v. Welcomed the establishment of the Space Cooperation Mechanism between space authorities of India and China and the signing of the 2015-2020 Space Cooperation Outline between the Indian Space Research Organization of the Republic of India and China National Space Administration of the People’s Republic of China. The two sides agreed to reinforce the cooperation in the field of Satellite Remote Sensing, Space-Based meteorology, Space Science, Lunar and Deep Space Exploration, Satellite Navigation, Space Components, Piggy-back Launching Services, and Education and Training.

    vi. Noting the recent visit of the Minister of Justice of China to India, the two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation between the law enforcing agencies of the two sides including on measures to enhance welfare of nationals of either side in the prisons of the other side. The two sides welcomed start of discussions on an agreement for transfer of sentenced persons.

    Trans-border Cooperation

  • The Indian side expressed appreciation to China for providing flood-season hydrological data and the assistance in emergency management. The two sides will further strengthen cooperation through the Expert-Level Mechanism on the provision of flood-season hydrological data and emergency management, and exchange views on other issues of mutual interest.
  • The two sides recognized that enhancing border areas cooperation through border trade, pilgrimage by people of the two countries and other exchanges can effectively promote mutual trust, and agreed to further broaden this cooperation so as to transform the border into a bridge of cooperation and exchanges. The two sides agreed to hold negotiation on augmenting the list of traded commodities, and expand border trade at Nathu La, Qiangla/Lipu-Lekh Pass and Shipki La.
  • The Indian side appreciated the support and cooperation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the local government of Tibet Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China to Indian pilgrims for the Kailash Manasarover Yatra (Gang Renpoche and Mapam Yun Tso Pilgrimage). To further promote religious exchange between the two countries and provide facilitation for Indian pilgrims, the Chinese side would launch the route for the Yatra through Nathu La Pass in 2015.

    Shaping the Regional and Global Agenda

  • As two major powers in the emerging world order, engagement between India and China transcends the bilateral dimension and has a significant bearing on regional, multilateral and global issues. Both Sides agreed to not only step up their consultations on developments affecting international peace, security and development but also coordinate their positions and work together to shape the regional and global agenda and outcomes. They agreed to further strengthen coordination and cooperation in multilateral forums including RIC, BRICS and G20, promote the interests of developing countries and the building of a better world. India will support China in hosting the G20 summit in 2016.
  • The leaders welcomed the decision to launch a bilateral consultative mechanism on WTO-related issues as a positive step for enhancing coordination in the context of global trade talks.
  • Both sides reiterated their strong condemnation of and resolute opposition to terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and committed themselves to cooperate on counter-terrorism. They agreed that there is no justification for terrorism and urged all countries and entities to work sincerely to disrupt terrorist networks and their financing, and stop cross-border movement of terrorists, in accordance with the relevant principles and purposes of the UN Charter and international laws. They called for early conclusion of negotiations on the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism.
  • The two sides support a comprehensive reform of the United Nations, including recognizing the imperative of increased participation of developing countries in UN’s affairs and governance structures, so as to bring more effectiveness to the UN. China attaches great importance to India’s status in international affairs as a large developing country, and understands and supports India’s aspiration to play a greater role in the United Nations including in the Security Council.
  • The two sides are ready to continue cooperation under the framework of Shanghai Cooperation Organization. China welcomed India's application for full membership of Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
  • The two sides agreed to work together with relevant parties to accelerate the preparation for establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank to promote regional infrastructure and economic development.
  • The two sides welcomed the progress made in promoting cooperation under the framework of the BCIM (Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar) Economic Corridor. Both sides recalled the second meeting of the Joint Study Group of BCIM Economic Corridor, and agreed to continue their respective efforts to implement understandings reached at the meeting.
  • The two sides agreed to broaden cooperation in SAARC.
  • Both sides recognized that APEC has a significant role in advancing regional economic integration and in promoting regional economic growth and prosperity, and welcomes the success of the Beijing APEC meeting. China acknowledged India’s important role in driving the global economic growth, supported the openness of APEC, and welcomed India’s desire to strengthen its link with APEC.
  • The two sides welcomed the India-China Dialogue on Arms Control and Non-Proliferation held in Beijing on April 17, 2015. Noting the commonalities in their approach to global arms control and non-proliferation, they agreed to continue their engagement bilaterally and in multilateral fora on arms control and non-proliferation. The Chinese side took note of India’s aspirations to become a member of the NSG, in a bid to strengthen international non-proliferation efforts.
  • The two sides shared the view that the issue of climate change is of vital importance for the sake of today’s world and future generations. They underscored the importance of working together and with other countries to conclude an ambitious, comprehensive, universal, balanced and equitable climate agreement at the forthcoming CoP 21 to UNFCCC to be held in Paris later this year that will also encourage genuine technology transfer, collaboration for adaptation and mitigation and financial support in meeting this common global challenge. The two sides issued Joint Statement on Climate Change between the Government of the Republic of India and the Government of the People’s Republic of China during the visit.
  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi invited Premier Li Keqiang to visit India at a mutually convenient time. Premier Li accepted the invitation with pleasure.
15 May 2015


Senior Member
Dec 30, 2009
awesome one master stroke after other. he should pretty soon starting going to paris fashion show. No word from mr 56 inch about indians killed in Afghanistan.


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Jun 17, 2009
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Chinese performing Yoga and Tai chi in the temple of heaven Beijing !

This below selfie of Modi and Li is forwarded 38000 times in weibo !
self portrait shared on modi's weibo account.

来自我的 HUAWEI P7-L07 上的 Tapatalk


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Jun 17, 2009
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Chinese microbloggers discuss friendship, curry, controversies on Indian PM's Weibo

Ten days after the first entry by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sina Weibo, a popular Chinese microblogging service, his account has attracted more than 65,000 followers.

Modi is on his first visit to China from Thursday to Saturday. Prior to his visit, the Indian prime minister posted his first Weibo entry, which reads "Hello, China! I'm looking forward to interacting with our Chinese friends at Weibo," on May 4.

The post has so far attracted 12,000 comments and was retweeted 8,900 times with messages of welcome pouring in from Chinese Internet users.

"Welcome to China, Mr. Modi. Wish your visit in China a success. This is a sincere greeting from an ordinary citizen in a west China region," wrote Weibo user "JiaqiDdeweibo" on Friday morning.

"Looking forward to your visit, and welcome to Xi'an, where the Chinese monk Xuanzang translated the sacred scriptures of Buddhism he brought from India. This place symbolizes the time-honored friendship between China and India, which dates back to thousands of years ago," said user "Anyuanwanghuan."

Xuanzang, a noted Buddhist monk of the Tang dynasty, started his journey to India in 627 A.D. and stayed there for years to study Buddhism.

"Both China and India are ancient civilizations and the two countries should carry on the friendly exchanges," reads an entry by "fengyujuanchungui."

Some also expressed interest in Indian culture, from traditional clothing like the sari to Bollywood, tourism and curry.

"Why not treat the first 100 followers at your Weibo to some curry?" joked a comment by "Sam-ZZZZ."

Some called on the prime minister to ease the country's visa policy for Chinese travelers.

Others touched on misunderstandings and disputes between the two countries, calling for a proper solution to the problems and peaceful development of China-India ties.

"We are so close, but we know little about each other. Hope you enjoy your visit! And it will definitely bring more communications and understanding between Chinese and Indians," a user wrote in English.

Before Modi started his visit, former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd also used his account at Weibo to express best wishes to Modi for his Chinese tour. Modi replied with thanks.

As of Friday morning, Modi's Weibo has 16 entries, all of which are in Chinese.

India embassy in China confirmed that the account was opened to "promote communication with Chinese brothers and sisters" and that words on his Weibo account have been examined and approved by Modi personally.

Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Modi in Xi'an, capital city of Shaanxi Province and Xi's hometown, on Thursday afternoon.

Premier Li Keqiang and top legislator Zhang Dejiang will also meet him in Beijing on Friday.


Senior Member
Aug 4, 2014
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Modi joined CCP sponsored micro-blogging site where the followers are also CCP sponsored. Don't take Sina Weibo seriously. China will trespass again soon.
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Senior Member
Aug 18, 2009
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Mr modi had a meeting with Chinese entrepreneurs, and talked with Jack Ma privately after the meeting, the founder of alibaba which owns Taobao.

maybe modi was inquiring about selling made in India to China through Taobao, what is your pick?

来自我的 HUAWEI P7-L07 上的 Tapatalk


Co ja kurwa czytam!
Senior Member
Sep 6, 2014

Mr modi had a meeting with Chinese entrepreneurs, and talked with Jack Ma privately after the meeting, the founder of alibaba which owns Taobao.

maybe modi was inquiring about selling made in India to China through Taobao, what is your pick?

来自我的 HUAWEI P7-L07 上的 Tapatalk
Who is that gurl in your Pic bro.


Senior Member
Aug 18, 2009
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Modi joined CCP sponsored micro-blogging site where the followers are also CCP sponsored. Don't take Sina Weibo seriously. China will trespass again soon.
dont be so cynical! CCP is not in a mood to play that kind of psychological game with you guys.

来自我的 HUAWEI P7-L07 上的 Tapatalk


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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The modi-li selfie has more than 750 thousand likes Facebook about an hour back.

I say not bad. Looks like General public in india are in favour of good india China relation ships.

Also it also looks like only us defence fanboys get into d**k measuring competition which spoils our conversation.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Business MoU/ Agreements signed at India- China Business Forum during PM’s visit to Shanghai (May 16, 2015)


MOU to jointly setup Photovoltaic (PV) Industry Park for production of 500 MW of PV Cell and 500MW of PV Solar Modules in India.

Indian Signatory:
Welspun Energy Pvt. Ltd.

Chinese Signatory:
Trina Solar

Tripartite MoU in renewable energy sector

Indian Signatory:
Axis Energy Ventures India Pvt. Ltd.

Chinese Signatory:
Mingyang Wind Power
Global Wind Power Ltd.

Framework Agreement to establish an integrated PV Industrial Park in Mundra SEZ, and to explore investments in gas power generation and natural gas industry.

Indian Signatory:
Adani Group

Chinese Signatory:
Golden Concord Holdings Ltd. (GCL)

MoU to set up a Solar Cell and module manufacturing facility

Indian Signatory:
Essel Infra

Chinese Signatory:
JA Solar Holdings Co. Ltd.

MoU to generate 5,000 MW of solar power in the next five years as well as manufacturing of solar modules.

Indian Signatory:
Sun Group

Chinese Signatory:
Canadian Solar (CSI) Solar Power China Ltd.

Offshore Delivery Centre in Dalian

Indian Signatory:
Wipro Business Process Services (BPS)

Chinese Signatory:
Dalian Municipal People’s Government
Yida China Holdings Ltd.

Financing for purchase of equipment under License approved by TRAI

Indian Signatory:
Bharti Airtel Ltd.

Chinese Signatory:
China Development Bank (CDB)

Financing for purchase of equipment from ZTE and Huawei

Indian Signatory:
Bharti Airtel Ltd.

Chinese Signatory:
China Development Bank (CDB)

Masterplan MoU on 2000 acre Industrial Park in Kakinada SEZ for hi-end Chinese equipment manufacturers

Indian Signatory:
GMR Group

Chinese Signatory:
Guizhou International Investment Corporation (GIIC)

Industrial Park in Gujarat

Indian Signatory:
Industrial Extension Bureau, Industries & Mines Department, Government of Gujarat

Chinese Signatory:
China Association of Small & Medium Enterprise (CASME) Investment Ltd.

Manufacturing of high-tech Capital Goods in India

Indian Signatory:
Autolite India Ltd.

Chinese Signatory:
Jinway Import & Export Co. Ltd.

Financing of APL Mundra Power Plant Phase I, II and III

Indian Signatory:
Adani Power Ltd.

Chinese Signatory:
China Development Bank (CDB)

MoU for project financing

Indian Signatory:
Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services Ltd.

Chinese Signatory:
Industrial & Commercial Bank of China (ICBC)

MoU for credit facility

Indian Signatory:
Bharti Airtel Ltd.

Chinese Signatory:
Industrial & Commercial Bank of China (ICBC)

Nana Layja 4000 MW
Thermal Power Project

Indian Signatory:
IL&FS (Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services) Energy Development Company Ltd.

Chinese Signatory:
China Huaneng Group

MoU on development of potential projects

Indian Signatory:
Jindal Steel and Power Ltd.

Chinese Signatory:
Industrial & Commercial Bank of China (ICBC)

Integrated Steel Project in Gujarat

Indian Signatory:
Welspun Group

Chinese Signatory:
China National Technical Import and Export Corporation (CNTIC)

Hot-rolled Steel Coil Project

Indian Signatory:
Bhushan Power and Steel Ltd.

Chinese Signatory:
China National Technical Import & Export Corporation (CNTIC)

Establish "Sister-Port” Relationship between Mundra Port and Guangzhou Port

Indian Signatory:
Adani ports and SEZ Ltd., India

Chinese Signatory:
Guangzhou Port Authority

Mutual development and exploration in opportunities in Indian and Chinese film market

Indian Signatory:
Eros Group

Chinese Signatory:
Shanghai Film Corporation

Co-Production of Film "Xuan Zang”

Indian Signatory:
Eros Group

Chinese Signatory:
China Film Group

MoU to jointly build "China-India Information Service Industry Corridor”

Indian Signatory:
Infosys Technologies (China) Co., Ltd

Chinese Signatory:
People’s Government of Qiannan Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou

Institutional agreement for promoting Indian IT companies participating in IT projects

Indian Signatory:
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)

Chinese Signatory:
Guizhou Provincial People’s Government

Institutional Agreement to connect Indian and Chinese Private sector companies

Indian Signatory:
CII Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)

Chinese Signatory:

MoU for cooperation in IT Sector

Indian Signatory:
NIIT China

Chinese Signatory:
Gui'an New Administrative Committee, Guizhou Province

Partnership MoU

Indian Signatory:
Aarvee Associates Architects Engineerting & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.

Chinese Signatory:
China Railway Siyuan Survey & Design Group Co. Ltd.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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The modi-li selfie has more than 750 thousand likes Facebook about an hour back.

I say not bad. Looks like General public in india are in favour of good india China relation ships.

Also it also looks like only us defence fanboys get into d**k measuring competition which spoils our conversation.
Now the count is 816 thousand, in couple of hours since last posted. at this rate million likes guaranteed by tomorrow.



Senior Member
Sep 2, 2013
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There are some bloody, warmongers in the west who are dreaming of creating a war between India and China.
Mark my words, they will not be able to succeed in their evil intentions. Now, onwards ,China and India will keep coming closer and closer and within next 10 years ,the bilateral trade will reach the highest between any two nations in the world...somewhere in the range of 500 billion or more. The will of 2.5 billion people to live peacefully can not be shattered by the "warmongers" and "regime changers" They will be deeply disappointed.
Little poor puppets like Phillipines, Taiwan etc will be not be enough to counter formidable Russia-India-China joint forces to keep oil routes open in Indian ocean. Pakistan will join this multi polar new world order and drop its vassal role within 5 to 7 years. Decling G-7 will be balanced by BRICS leading to a fair and balanced world order. West financed propaganda media is being countered by RT, Global times, Press TV, India TV and many others and this trend will cause capacity of western media to mislead Americans and others.
Even today, credibility of CNN, BBC etc are all time low in USA. Nobody trusts these media outlets anymore.


Senior Member
Aug 4, 2014
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dont be so cynical! CCP is not in a mood to play that kind of psychological game with you guys.

来自我的 HUAWEI P7-L07 上的 Tapatalk
Oh, PLA entered Indian territory as State Guest during Li and Xi's visit. Isn't so? Which game was that?


Senior Member
Aug 18, 2009
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Oh, PLA entered Indian territory as State Guest during Li and Xi's visit. Isn't so? Which game was that?
We have different interpretations about the border lines, meaning we dont think that is your territory.

来自我的 HUAWEI P7-L07 上的 Tapatalk


Senior Member
Aug 4, 2014
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We have different interpretations about the border lines, meaning we dont think that is your territory.

来自我的 HUAWEI P7-L07 上的 Tapatalk
And this thought process gets momentum during the visit of Chinese leaders! Don't you think that these kind of psychological games are part of Chinese diplomacy world over? Doesn't it look good if you respect the LAC prior to the settlement of the border disputes?


Senior Member
May 6, 2013
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"Arun Shourie, a hallooed voice from the right, similarly cautioned Prime Minister Modi against being swept by Chinese pomp and economic carrots as fundamental areas of dissonance and persistent Chinese conduct, impinging on national security, need addressing."

(i had read a article - cannot locate it now - where there was example of Nehru going to PRC and seeing large crowds and saying PRC does not need to learn and he has become more learned)

"Chinese tend to separate the negotiable items from their “core issues”. Even in 1972, Mao Zedong in his talks with President R. Nixon put the Taiwan issue aside for subsequent handling without compromising on their claim. "

Case in point: the solo photo with Jack Ma it is like make this peron the sole point person and focal for doing business with business leaders from PRC. Perhaps it is his enthusiasm around Modi. He is not important and more better and smarter people behind him in the photo ... further feel Jack Ma is who he is because of Softbank and Yahoo and especially PRC strategic thinkers behind the scene. if he representing Softbank that would be fine if that was the case ...

there was also a instance where one of the business leaders missed out on the handshake with Modi (might be the only one who did) - it was obviously by mistake and not intentionally (perhaps Jack Ma got in the way). you can see it on his face poor chap is not happy and little sad (give it to him for being mature and taking it on the chin). It would be incredible if this guy who missed out on the handshake gets a call and proper meeting later with Modi along with the proper business leaders to come visit India ... that would be doing business the chinese way ... creating proper connections

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Senior Member
Jan 17, 2010
Airtel receives $2 bn from China Development Bank

NEW DELHI: India’s top telco Bharti Airtel has received financing commitments of up to $2 billion from China Development Bank, which is the single largest bilateral commitment by the bank to any telecom operator globally and the largest bilateral commitment to a private Indian company.

These financing options will allow the company to diversify its global financing pool and access funds to invest in the growth of data networks across its global operations.

The company signed the term sheets for the financing options in the presence of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was on an official visit to China.

China Development Bank has committed financing of up to $2 billion with an average maturity of about nine years. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China has committed $500 million with an average life of about nine years, making it the largest and longest bilateral commitment to an Indian telecom operator, a company statement said.

Subject to final agreements and requisite approvals, Bharti Airtel can draw these funds over a long availability period, depending on its financing requirements, a company release said.

What's the interest rate for the loan?


Senior Member
Aug 18, 2009
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And this thought process gets momentum during the visit of Chinese leaders! Don't you think that these kind of psychological games are part of Chinese diplomacy world over? Doesn't it look good if you respect the LAC prior to the settlement of the border disputes?
penetrating into the other side is best way to keep the dispute alive, indian troops have done same thing frequently. what happens during Xi's visit to India carries no more weight than what happens sometime else.

来自我的 HUAWEI P7-L07 上的 Tapatalk

cobra commando

Tharki regiment
Senior Member
Oct 3, 2009
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BEIJING: Bhagavad Gita, a sacred ancient Indian scripture, has made its debut in China after its Chinese version was released during an international Yoga conference being held in the Communist nation. Translated by Prof Wang Zhu Cheng and Ling Hai of Zhejiang University in Shanghai and published by Sichuan People's Publications, the book was launched at a function attended by eminent Yoga teachers from India who had converged at Dujiangyan in southwestern Sichuan province to attend Yoga Festival. The book was released by Indian Ambassador to China Ashok K Kantha yesterday. The foreword for the book was written by K Nagaraj Naidu who was till recently the Consul General at the Indian Consulate in Guangzhou. Ancient Buddhist scriptures are well known in China as they made their way from the times of Huen Tsang journey to India in the 7th century. This is perhaps the first time a well known Hindu ancient religious text has been published in China. Last year, scholars from India and China published an Encyclopaedia on the age-old cultural contacts between the two countries, tracing back their history to over 2000 years. About 21 eminent yoga teachers are providing training to about 700 yoga enthusiasts from all over China under the first India- China (Chengdu) International Yoga Festival. The five-day Yoga festival will end on June 21, the first UN Yoga Day during which a number events are planned all over China and Hong Kong. Bhagavad Gita Makes Debut in Communist China

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